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#64055 Win10 + VS2015 + Netduino -> 'System.NotSupportedException'

Posted by TechnoGuy on 09 September 2015 - 02:05 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Jamie,


I tried the same on a computer with Windows 10 & VS2015 Community.

It has the same additions as you've listed, added in the same order:

  1. .NET Micro Framework SDK 4.3 (QFE2-RTM) [Jan 26 2015]  (4.3.1)
  2. VS2015 Project System Extension (VSIX Plug In) (alpha)  (netmfvs14)
  3. Netduino SDK

I was able to deploy the code to a Netduino Plus 2 without issues.  It ran fine.  Like you I created it using the Netduino Application (Universal) template.


I have compared my Debug Output to yours and have noticed some minor differences.  I've attached mine here as a .txt file.  I notice the following differences:

  • Loading start point (address different)
  • The order in which some of the assemblies load (your GoBus.dll loads much later on than mine does)


Anyway, I'm wondering if you have the latest Netduino firmware installed on your device?


There's a tool called MFDeploy that you can use to examine what you have.  You can find it on the start menu under Microsoft .NET Framework 4.3 and then .NET Micro Framework Deployment Tool.


There are separate instructions in the forum on how to use the tool, but basically do this:

  1. Device = USB (should then show NetduinoPlus2_Netduino)
  2. Target --> Connect
  3. Target --> Device Capabilities

You should see 3 lines that say "Netduino Plus 2" followed by the firmware rev.  I have  What do you have?  If you're back-leveled, you can find the latest firmware on the downloads page.


Regards, Ian

Attached Files

#64875 Web server, socket, reading buffer data?

Posted by TechnoGuy on 11 February 2016 - 12:56 AM in Netduino 3

Hello Brian,


I'm intending this as a quick suggestion - I haven't looked at your code thoroughly.


What stands out to me in your code is your use of the "WebRequest" class rather than the "HttpWebRequest" class.


Would you please have a look at THIS forum posting, and response #8 in particular, which talks about the WebRequest class (which is abstract), and the HttpWebRequest class (which is an implementation of the WebRequest class).  Your solution may lie partially in switching from the abstract class to the derived one.  I believe that - when you look at the properties of the derived class, you'll see one or 2 extra items that need to be setup in order for the request to work.


That forum posting again, is:


Also please take a look at Cuno Pfister's code (referenced in an earlier reply to the same forum posting) for a good programming example.


If this doesn't help you, please post again & I'll try to take a closer look at things.




#64305 TimeService.SetTimeZoneOffset now throwing NotSupportedException

Posted by TechnoGuy on 14 October 2015 - 11:54 PM in Netduino 3

Paolo Patierno has some interesting comments on this as well.  Please see his January 2015 article:

TimeService and .Net Micro Framework : the importance of date/time in the IoT



Chris - I am hoping you could please take a look at this problem & let us know what's up.  Thank you.

#64286 TimeService.SetTimeZoneOffset now throwing NotSupportedException

Posted by TechnoGuy on 12 October 2015 - 01:00 PM in Netduino 3

I too have code that I wrote for a Netduino Plus 2 that uses the TimeService class from the Microsoft.SPOT.Time assembly.  It goes out to an NTP time server and sets my Netduino's time automatically.


It works perfectly on my Netduino Plus 2.  When I run the same exact code on my Netduino 3 WiFi, I get a System.NotSupportedException, just like the original poster.


In my case it's when I load new TimeService settings (before the call to SetTimeZoneOffset), basically like this:

        TimeServiceSettings settings = new TimeServiceSettings();

        settings.ForceSyncAtWakeUp = true;
        settings.RefreshTime = 1800;    // Seconds
        settings.PrimaryServer = GetTimeServerAddress();

        TimeService.Settings = settings;            // EXCEPTION THROWN HERE
        TimeService.SetTimeZoneOffset(-360);        // Mountain Time

I am wondering if this has something to do with the implementation of the new IP stack on the Netduino 3?

I still have the old IP stack on my Netduino Plus 2 (I have NOT installed Netduino.IP).


Chris - this is a deal breaker for me.

#64084 Support for Micro SD Card > 2 GB

Posted by TechnoGuy on 10 September 2015 - 04:16 PM in General Discussion

Hi Chris,


The Netduino 3 family of development boards has recently been released.  I note from the Netduino 3 hardware specifications page that, under "Storage" (Micro SD Cards) the limitation continues to be 

"up to 2 GB"


(i.e. it is the same as for Netduino Plus 2).


This is a bit of a problem for me as I'm finding it more & more difficult to find Micro SD cards at this size given the progression of technology.  I'm finding that you can still get these low capacity cards but there is a price inversion and they are becoming more costly than 4 GB cards, given that scarcity has come into the equation.


I have seen a few other postings in the Netduino forums that at least mention this problem:

In one of your responses (March 2013) you talked about the potential for upgrading capacity to > 2 GB in a future release.


I'd like to ask where things are with this?


My understanding is that there are (currently) 3 different SD family standards:

  • (Original) SD Standard:  up to 2 GB using FAT12 & FAT16 filesystems
  • SDHC Standard:  > 2 GB - 32 GB using FAT32 filesystem
  • SDXC Standard:  > 32 GB - 2 TB using exFAT filesystem

So I guess what I'm really asking is "What is the potential for Netduino to support SDHC in the near future?"  Is this a hardware limitation or (I'm hoping) is it just Netduino firmware &/or the current NETMF implementation?


By the way - for my intended use (the irony of the situation), my data storage requirements are actually far less than any of the capacities mentioned.



#64904 Support for Micro SD Card > 2 GB

Posted by TechnoGuy on 19 February 2016 - 09:07 PM in General Discussion

I wound up purchasing some no name (lesser name "Aura") 2 GB Micro SD cards on eBay back in September 2015.  I bought 3 of them for a total of $8.16 USD and I think that actually included the shipping as well.  They all work but I suspect they've undergone less testing than / may not be as reliable as the brand name alternatives.


With regard to support for modern Micro SD cards (i.e. SDHC / SDXC - those having capacities greater than 2 GB) on the Netduino, I do not at this point expect that to happen anytime soon.  From what I've read, it was limitations in the early implementations of the .NET Micro Framework (i.e. software, not hardware).  I don't know if perhaps they've addressed it in NETMF 4.4 but it's unclear whether NETMF 4.4 will ever be made available on the Netduino.

#64131 Stops writing to database

Posted by TechnoGuy on 16 September 2015 - 07:19 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Al,


You're talking about objects based on these classes (I've included links to the NETMF documentation):

in the following code segments:

using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream())
{ do stuff... }

using (var request = CreateRequest(ftemp))
{ do stuff... }

using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
{ do stuff... }

You'll see in the documentation that Stream implements the IDisposable Interface.


You'll see also that HttpWebRequest is an implementation of the WebRequest abstract class and that HttpWebResponse is an implementation of the WebResponse abstract class.  Both of these abstract classes implement the IDisposable Interface also.


Because you're creating objects based on these classes inside using ( object ) { do something ... } code blocks, they DO get properly disposed of when you exit the code segment.  Please see:  using Statement (C# Reference).  It's very elegant...


I am disappointed to hear that making this change did not resolve the problem.  I still think that Pfister's code is the way to go for this portion of what you're trying to implement (I hope you can see how elegant it is...)  Anyway, if you give me a day or so I'll work through the rest of your code and see if I can duplicate the problem / figure out what's really wrong...




#64089 Stops writing to database

Posted by TechnoGuy on 11 September 2015 - 02:16 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Al,


I've taken a look at your code.  Your webrequest class looks a bit shaky to me.  I didn't notice major issues with your other classes.


I would like to recommend that you take a look at the way Cuno Pfister does things.  This is the website that accompanies his book (mentioned in my previous post):


In the section entitled GSIoT Sample Code for NETMF 4.3.1 you will find a ZIP file entitled "Device samples for Netduino Plus 2".

Inside that file you'll find a folder called Gsiot.XivelyClient.Netmf, and inside that folder you'll find a C# code file containing a class called XivelyClient.


I think it should be a fairly simple matter for you to clone that class and then adapt it for your requirements (i.e. use it in place of your webrequest class).  I think the implementation is much cleaner than what you're doing, in that you don't have to fool around with stray instances (e.g. setting things to null before/after using them).  You'll see 3 places in his code where he's utilizing the 

using ( this ) { do that }

 construct.  It handles dispositions for you...



#64056 Stops writing to database

Posted by TechnoGuy on 09 September 2015 - 02:26 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)


I'm doing something similar yet different:

  • I have a Netduino Plus 2 connected to a DS18B20 temperature sensor (interfaced using OneWire)
  • I created a program (based on Cuno Pfister's "Getting Started with the Internet of Things" book to upload the temperature to Xively every 15 minutes

My program has been running for 3 weeks continuously and has not been affected by my having taken my LAN down several times for maintenance over that same time period.  It just keeps running & it seems very robust.


If yours runs and then stops after a while, I suspect you may have some kind of a memory leak (i.e. your program consumes resources & does not free them up).  It's a bit of a stretch for me to say that without actually seeing your code, but the behaviour is consistent.


Try adding the following to your code (I would put in just 1 place - i.e. after the spot where you send your data up to the server):

            Debug.Print("time: " + DateTime.Now);
            Debug.Print("memory available: " + Debug.GC(true));

If you DON'T have a memory leak, the number should stay fairly constant (it may vary slightly).  If you DO have a leak, the available memory will decrease over time.


I would love to see your code, if you'd care to post it...  What sensor are you using?



#64402 SD card not working on N+ 4.2 RC3

Posted by TechnoGuy on 29 October 2015 - 06:16 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Hi - You're resurrecting a 3-year old thread.  I think it would be better to start a NEW one and just refer to this thread.


In addition, I'd like to suggest that you post it in the section that corresponds to the board that you're using rather than in the Beta firmware section.


When you do that could you please post EXACTLY the model of the Netduino that you're using and the exact level of the firmware that you're running on, including whether or not you have the Netduino.IP assembly added in.


Further, I'd like to suggest that you place the card in your PC's card reader & do a reformat.  I did have one card that I had previously used with my GPS that was in a weird format after I took it out of the GPS.  After reformatting the card, the problems I had using it (with an Arduino, at the time) went away.


FYI - I have 3 Netduino Plus 2 boards and I have been successful in using FAT32 formatted SanDisk MicroSD cards in them.

Lastly, do you think you could boil your code down to a 10-line "snippet" and post it here also?  Happy to look at that for you.

#64146 Reading the Digital Input Ports

Posted by TechnoGuy on 19 September 2015 - 09:10 AM in Netduino 3

Hi.  I found documentation on that sensor here:  http://simplytronics...?title=ST-00081


It just says that the OUT pin goes HIGH when motion is detected and that it remains LOW when there is no motion.  I really don't think there's much more to it than that - so I don't follow what you're asking (i.e. "read the variable input values").


The documentation includes some demo Arduino code which just implements a wait loop & checks the pin every 200 ms.


On the Netduino you can do better than that by implementing code that's event-driven (i.e. InterruptPort).  A fellow named Dave Vanderwekke has a nice tutorial / code sample (which I think you could adapt to your purposes) here:




Just substitute your sensor for the button (in his example).  You may have to make a few tweaks.



Now, if you're looking to get distance information, that's probably NOT the right sensor to be using...  There are other PIR sensors out there that return distance information as well as detecting motion/obstacles.  Check out a company called MaxBotix.  Their distance-measuring sensors have several more pins and report distance using either serial or PWM.  Here's a datasheet for one of their modules:



If I've totally missed the point of your request, I apologize.  In that case, please clarify...

#64293 POST request to Twitter with Netduino Plus 2

Posted by TechnoGuy on 13 October 2015 - 12:02 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I came across this article, which seems relevant to what you're trying to do:  http://mattisenhower...6/microtweet-2/

  • In the article he talks about how Twitter disabled their v1.0 API and started enforcing the use of SSL connections

See also comments he makes here:  http://mattisenhower...tduino-3-wi-fi/

  • He talks about how the Netduino 3 WiFi is "the first Netduino to support SSL out of the box"

I don't know what one would have to do to retrofit SSL to a Netduino Plus 2 or even if it's possible.  Perhaps other people can comment on that...


#64255 Passing Data Between X-Duinos

Posted by TechnoGuy on 06 October 2015 - 11:37 AM in General Discussion

Just wondering if you came across this earlier post in the Neduino forums with regard to connecting one of those 433 MHz modules to a Netduino:


433MHz / 2.4GHz communications with Netduino/Netduino Plus



Disclaimer:  I know nothing about the modules you're trying to use.  But it seems like you CAN connect directly to the Netduino rather than having to use an Arduino as an intermediary.



Arduino as Intermediary:  Physical Connections


I did a Google search and found this diagram which should be useful to you in connecting your Netduino to your Arduino.  Just substitute your Netduino for one of the Arduinos in the diagram & make the same connections.


Arduino to Arduino Serial Interconnect at TTL Level 


OBSERVE that the RX & TX wires are CROSSED (i.e. you connect them as follows):

  • Arduino RX - Netduino TX
  • Arduino TX - Netduino RX
  • Arduino GND - Netduino GND




Using serial, you would do something like this on the Arduino (you have many choices and don't have to do it in this particular way)




Serial.print("  Humidity=");




This would send a line of text that shows like this

Temperature=23.7  Humidity=39.1


Things are a bit more complicated on the Netduino side.  You'd create an instance of the SerialPort class and then open it.  Then you'd receive the data using event-driven I/O.  There is no line-oriented serial I/O in NETMF.


Assuming you're able to accumulate a whole line of data, then you'd have to parse it out (extract the different values that you sent).


You can find tons of SerialPort code snippets in the Netduino forums (search on "SerialPort").  Another good place to look is on sites like Stack Overflow and Code Project.  Here's a piece of code that somebody posted on Stack Overflow that you can examine:




I hope this makes it a little clearer for you.

#64519 netduino Servo controller

Posted by TechnoGuy on 15 November 2015 - 07:42 PM in Netduino 3

Try this:

using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;

September 28, 2015:

    I found this code at this URL:

    All the servo examples (the ones I examined) on the Netduino forums & even on the GHI codeshare space are written for the pre NETMF 4.2/4.3 PWM implementation.
    There's a guy named Chris Seto who wrote something & posted it to GHI & Netduino.  It's OLD.  He's not back with a revised version.

namespace Tryout_Servo
    public class Program
        private const uint TILT_SERVO_STRAIGHT = 1500;
        private const uint TILT_SERVO_MAX_UP = 2000;
        private const uint TILT_SERVO_MAX_DOWN = 1000;

        private const uint PAN_SERVO_STRAIGHT = 1500;
        private const uint PAN_SERVO_MAX_LEFT = 750;
        private const uint PAN_SERVO_MAX_RIGHT = 2250;

        private static PWM _tiltServo;
        private static PWM _panServo;
        private static uint _tiltServoCurrentPosition = 0;
        private static uint _panServoCurrentPosition = 0;

        public static void Main()
            InputPort button = new InputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_BTN, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);

            while (true)
                if (button.Read())

        private static void SetupServos()
            uint period = 20000;
            _tiltServoCurrentPosition = TILT_SERVO_STRAIGHT;
            _panServoCurrentPosition = PAN_SERVO_STRAIGHT;

            _panServo = new PWM(PWMChannels.PWM_PIN_D5, period, _panServoCurrentPosition, PWM.ScaleFactor.Microseconds, false);

        private static void MoveServo()
            _panServo.Duration = PAN_SERVO_MAX_LEFT;

            _panServo.Duration = PAN_SERVO_MAX_RIGHT;

            _panServo.Duration = PAN_SERVO_STRAIGHT;


#64063 Netduino Scheduler

Posted by TechnoGuy on 09 September 2015 - 04:39 PM in Project Showcase

Chris - Regarding (the version of the Amazon website that's localized for Canada):


Here is a list that shows all of the Secret Labs products that are currently available through Labs


None of your Netduino 3 products are currently available through Amazon Canada.



All three versions of Netduino 3 are available on but they're not available for shipping to Canada.


Just FYI.



#64666 Netduino Projects on Hackster

Posted by TechnoGuy on 26 December 2015 - 03:49 PM in General Discussion

Great idea!  Thanks for doing this.  I will definitely check out what's going on there & see if I have something to contribute...

#64311 Netduino Plus 2 Firmware v4.2.2 (update 2)

Posted by TechnoGuy on 15 October 2015 - 07:57 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)



I've noticed an interesting issue with the latest version of the firmware. I upgraded my Netduino Plus 2 to run and the following fails on this version of the firmware.


public DateTime GetNetworkTime(string hostName = "")


            var hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName);




Rolling back to of the firmware and the same code executes fine with no changes.


I'm pretty sure there is a firmware issue as I received my Netduino 3 (Ethernet) board today and deployed my application to the new board (it is running out of the box). It fails on the same line of code.


An unhandled exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.AX88796C


Any suggestions?






You've posted comments about version 4.3.2.x of the Netduino Plus 2 firmware in a 2-year old thread which is concerned with an earlier version of the firmware (4.2.2.x).


I think it would be better for you to start a new thread.


What I will tell you here is that, although there is a downloadable file called Netduino Firmware (September 2015) currently posted as being available, it actually contains multiple individual firmware updates that are targeted at 6 different Netduino variants.  The firmware version for the Netduino Plus 2 is only at within that file.


If you'd care to start a new thread I'd be happy to continue the discussion with you there about what I think the problem is.

#64121 Netduino Pin Guide

Posted by TechnoGuy on 14 September 2015 - 10:01 AM in General Discussion

Correction:  I have working code for DS18B20, MCP9808 & HTU21D / HTU21D-F.  I don't have a TMP36.

#64103 Netduino Pin Guide

Posted by TechnoGuy on 12 September 2015 - 07:30 AM in General Discussion

See this post:

Netduino Plus 2 Pinout Reference Sheet




There is a nice diagram attached.  I refer to it all the time & it prints out nicely.


#64120 Netduino Pin Guide

Posted by TechnoGuy on 14 September 2015 - 09:54 AM in General Discussion

First, a disclaimer:  I'm still learning as well ... I do NOT claim to be a guru.


Before going on, I will let you know that some of what you're asking is actually covered off in Chris Walker's book, "Getting Started with Netduino".  He does discuss the differences between the digital pins and the analog pins and how to use them.


Digital vs Analog Pins

Basically, the digital pins are meant for doing discrete logic (i.e. on/off or "black & white") whereas the analog pins are meant for dealing with ranges of values.  Each analog pin can discern between 4096 possible values.  If you think of the digital pins as handling black & white situations (i.e. on/off or yes/no), the analog pins handle the grey area in between.

  • You can connect on/off switches to the digital pins & turn things (e.g. LEDs) on/off with them.
  • You can connect things like analog sensors & potentiometers to the analog pins.

Overloaded Usage of the Digital Pins

You will see in the referenced diagram that all of the digital pins can be used for MORE than just turning things ON/OFF (or reading when things have switched states).  You will find that the certain subsets of the pins can be used in tandem to implement certain communication protocols.  In particular, the board supports these communication protocols:

I have included in the above list links to the corresponding Wikipedia articles.


Your choice of which pin(s) you use will generally be governed by the requirements of whatever sort of device you wish to connect to the Netduino.  For example, I have purchased a variety of temperature &/or humidity sensors from an outfit called Adafruit (they have good stuff).  I've purchased other things from a company called SparkFun Electronics (good stuff also).

  • My HTU21D-F temperature & humidity sensor communicates using I2C, so I have to use the 3V3, GND, SCL & SDA pins on Netduino to communicate with it
  • My DS18B20 temperature sensor communicates using OneWire, so I have to use 3V3, GND and then ANY available Digital I/O pin
  • I just got something called a BME280 (temperature, humidity & pressure) which can connect using either SPI or I2C, so this gives me options...
  • There's a fellow on the Netduino Forums who's using a TMP36 (Analog Temperature Sensor) to read temperature & upload it to a database - he has to interface it using 3V3, GND & one of the analog pins.

You basically need to read the product descriptions when you're buying these things.  Both of the companies mentioned above offer sample code (but it's written for the Arduino) and tutorials on making the connections.  You will benefit from going and reading the datasheets as well...  (I get my kicks from reading the Arduino code samples & translating them into equivalent code that runs under NETMF).


About the differences between the different communications protocols (I'm sure other people will have more to say about this or correct anything here that's not quite on the money):

  • I2C is considered to be a low speed communications protocol - it's used when the amount of data to be transferred is generally small (I have found that sensors usually use I2C versus SPI).  Usually you send a 1 or 2 byte command and get back a 2-4 byte response.
  • SPI is a high speed communications protocol (I have found that things like high resolution LCD & OLED displays are frequently implemented using SPI).
  • I2C & SPI are bus-oriented (i.e. you can connect multiple things to the bus / share communication lines).  With I2C, devices are distinguished from one another by means of a hard-coded bus address.  With SPI, an extra wire (one per device) is used to distinguish between devices.
  • OneWire is also a bus-oriented communications protocol.
  • I2C & SPI communicate using synchronous I/O (there is a separate clock signal)
  • UART-based devices communicate using asynchronous I/O (there is NO separate clock signal)
  • (I believe) that I2C & SPI peripheral devices need to be in fairly close proximity to the controller (i.e. the Netduino)
  • UART & OneWire devices can actually be more distant from the controller (with UART you'd use a TTL to RS-232 converter for this purpose...)

I'll leave it here for now.  My recommendation would be for you to buy a couple of temperature sensors and to read the various tutorials on how to use them / read the datasheets.  As mentioned above, the code samples are almost invariably oriented around the Arduino.  There's lots of benefit to be gained from "porting" the code over to NETMF (translating it).


If you want some particular recommendations, I'd suggest getting the following:

  • DS18B20 (OneWire):  $3.95 @ Adafruit
  • TMP36 (Analog):  $1.50 @ Adafruit
  • MCP9808 (I2C):  $4.95 @ Adafruit

That's 3 sensors for less than $11.00 US.  (Not including the shipping costs).


I have working code for all of these; I can share it with you.  There is working code for the DS18B20 posted in the forums also.

#63823 Netduino Application (Universal) Template: Shows up in VS2013 Express but no...

Posted by TechnoGuy on 08 August 2015 - 04:49 AM in Visual Studio

Hi All,
This is probably a goof up on my part. Wondering if others are seeing it also...
I have BOTH of these Visual Studio versions installed on my Windows 7 PC:
  • Visual Studio Community 2013 
  • Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
In addition to the Microsoft development environments, I have the following .NET Micro Framework packages installed as well (installed as per the instructions found on the Netduino downloads page.
  • .NET Micro Framework SDK 4.3 
  • .NET Micro Framework Plugin for VS2013 
  • Netduino SDK [shows up as Netduino SDK 4.3.2 (May 2015)]

I am seeing differences between Visual Studio Express & Visual Studio Community when I go to create a New Project using the Micro Framework templates.

In Visual Studio Express 2013, I see 5 different templates:

  • Class Library
  • Console Application
  • Device Emulator
  • Netduino Application (Universal)    <= This one is missing in Visual Studio Community
  • Window Application

However, in Visual Studio Community 2013, I only see 4 templates:

  • Class Library
  • Console Application
  • Device Emulator
  • Window Application

The Netduino Application (Universal) template is missing from the list.  Please see attached screen captures.

Can anybody tell me what I goofed up here?

Thanks in advance...

Attached Thumbnails

  • Community.png
  • Express.png

#63980 Netduino Application (Universal) Template: Shows up in VS2013 Express but no...

Posted by TechnoGuy on 26 August 2015 - 01:31 AM in Visual Studio

Hi.  This appears to have been a "goof up" on my part.  I think it stemmed from a glitch that occurred on my computer when I installed Visual Studio 2013 Community and wound up reinstalling it in place (as opposed to an uninstall/reinstall).


Anyway, I wound up doing a serious cleanup - purging several old versions of Visual Studio and in fact ditching Visual Studio 2013 and moving to Visual Studio 2015.


I'd just like to report that all is well now.


Chris - with regard to your response, I'd like to acknowledge that a "Repair" option IS available for the Netduino SDK.  However it appears (for me) only after I choose Uninstall from Programs & Features.  I was confused by this initially, as I find that many other programs expose "Change", "Repair" & "Uninstall" right from the programs list.


Finally, I see no reason for this topic to remain on the Netduino forums.  Maybe it could be purged?  Don't want to "clutter up" the Internet...

#63825 Netduino Application (Universal) Template: Shows up in VS2013 Express but no...

Posted by TechnoGuy on 08 August 2015 - 08:07 AM in Visual Studio

Hi Chris,


I only see an "Uninstall" option for the Netduino SDK in Programs & Features (Control Panel).  There's no "Repair" showing (for me).


I see "Netduino SDK v4.3.2 (May 2015)" in Programs & Features, by the way...


In contrast, I DO see Repair as an option for the Microsoft .NET Micro Framework SDKs that I have installed.  Change & Uninstall show up also...


I checked this on a Windows 7 machine and on one running Windows 10.


- Ian

#64785 Netduino 3 Wifi - Not seen in MFDeploy after Update to

Posted by TechnoGuy on 21 January 2016 - 04:59 PM in Netduino 3

To answer your questions:


Netduino 3 WiFi firmware version:

As of the current date, the latest version of the firmware for this device is


MFDeploy - where do I get it?

There are instructions on the Netduino downloads page on how to setup your development environment.  It says to install 4 things, in a specific order:

  1. MS Visual Studio
  2. .NET Micro Framework SDK
  3. .NET MF plug-in
  4. Netduino SDK

If you've done all of the above, then you'll find MFDeploy by choosing the following from your Start menu (assumes Windows 7) doing either of the following:

  • Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft .NET Micro Framework 4.3 -> .NET Micro Framework Deploy Tool (MFDeploy)
  • Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft .NET Micro Framework 4.3 -> Tools
Yes, that's what you will see...


Setting Up WiFi Credentials on the Netduino 3 WiFi

In MFDeploy do the following:

  1. Change device type to USB & make sure your Netduino shows up (mine shows Netduino3_Netduino)
  2. Do a ping just to make sure it's responding; you should see the ack discussed above.
  3. Select Target -> Connect from the menu (you should see a message "Connecting to Netduino3_Netduino...   Connected"
  4. Select Target -> Configuration -> Network from the menu

At this point you should have a dialog box with the heading "Network Configuration" and there will be enterable fields for numerous items.  You'll see a Wireless Configuration group box and all the stuff you need to setup (Authentication, Encryption, Radio, Pass phrase, SSID).


Before doing anything, make sure your MAC address hasn't reverted to a default value.  Consult the MAC address label on the underside of your Netduino & re-enter it if necessary.


Please see if this all works for you...

#65307 Netduino 3 Ethernet Static IP Issues

Posted by TechnoGuy on 06 July 2016 - 01:45 AM in Netduino 3

Please see these issues I logged against the Netduino.IP repository on Github back in November 2015.


  • Problems with EnableStaticDns() & EnableDynamicDns() methods in NetworkInterface class
  • EnableDhcp() not implemented in NetworkInterface class
  • EnableStaticIP() not implemented in NetworkInterface class

With Netduino 3 there was a move towards the implementation of lwIP (i.e. "Lightweight Internet Protocol").  I believe this was done in anticipation of what would be coming out in NETMF 4.4.  Anyway, the above methods DO work on Netduino Plus 2 and DON'T work on Netduino 3.  I'm not sure if they're things that should have been implemented by the board developer or if they're part of NETMF 4.4.


Anyway, if they're things that are important to you, please visit the issue list on Github and add your comments / reaction (vote up) the issues.


See also this topic thread on the Netduino Forums:

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