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#60611 Production Netduino Plus 2

Posted by Chris Walker on 03 November 2014 - 03:12 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi mhardy511,

For orders of 100+ units, we can flip the headers around (and you also get a 20% discount off MSRP at this volume). We have had a handful of requests for headerless boards over the year, albeit in small quantities for prototyping.

Just let us know what you need and I'll see what we can do :)

And yes, as you surmised: those larger holes on Netduino are mounting holes.


#60604 Production Netduino Plus 2

Posted by Chris Walker on 02 November 2014 - 04:29 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi mhardy511,

For orders of 100+ boards, we could ship you boards without the headers detached (which you could solder on upside down). We could also solder them on upside down for you as a special volume run...although that's not necessarily a standard offering.

I should ask the question: would a lot of people be interested in getting Netduinos with the headers unsoldered?


#63646 Problem:Have WIFI Green light, can't ping or see attached on router

Posted by Chris Walker on 24 July 2015 - 06:34 PM in Netduino 3

Hi Sean,

Yeah, sorry, the WEP key setup in MFDeploy is a bit confusing. If you use WPA/WPA2, it's much simpler.

Plus...with open WEP networks (by spec) you can connect (green LED) without fully authenticating or getting an IPv4 address allocated--which makes things even more confusing.

Glad you're up and running; let us know if you run into any other troubles!


#60747 Problem with Pete Brown's post

Posted by Chris Walker on 18 November 2014 - 07:40 PM in General Discussion

A quick update on this: we've submitted a trouble ticket with Invision Power and have asked them to diagnose the issue.

This happened once or two before over the last four years and when we tried the system's built-in "rebuild" function it didn't work. Actually, it didn't work *and* a lot of the cool profile Avatars were removed. We're going to try to avoid that this time :)

Pete--sorry that the system ate your post. Thanks for posting. We're on it.


#62038 Problem with Analog Input Port 0 and 5

Posted by Chris Walker on 06 April 2015 - 07:34 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi grey,

All 6 AnalogInputs operate through one ADC and are electrically part of one larger system, so while they are independent channels they can cause adjacent channels to "float".

If you open the adjacent analog ports as OutputPort with state set to False (or InputPort with ResistorMode set to PullDown), do you experience the same issue?

If you have other things plugged into the analog pins (which are actually analog+digital pins), make sure you are using them in code so that they are initialized. You can also tie adjacent pins to ground.

One last thing: there are impedance and other issues that can affect analog pins. Double-checking the instructions/datasheet for your component is always a good idea: some analog devices need 5V input vs. 3.3V input, etc. [In any case, be sure to limit the analog input's voltage range to 0-3.3V).

I know that's a lot of info... Does it get you on the right path?


#64068 Problem reactivating my N2P

Posted by Chris Walker on 09 September 2015 - 11:52 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Wernfried,

Do you have another MicroUSB cable that you can test?

Also...when the debugger/driver disconnects, is your app still running on the board? [Blinking an LED or something to let you know that it's alive?]


#64077 Problem reactivating my N2P

Posted by Chris Walker on 10 September 2015 - 09:32 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Wernfried,

I'm struggling a bit here to figure out a way to help diagnose the issue.

Do you happen to have any other Netduinos, to see if you get the same experience with multiple boards?

I use Windows 10 x64 on my main laptop with Netduino (using the standard Netduino drivers) and haven't had any issues--but drivers can be tricky things.

P.S. Are you running Windows 10 on a Mac by any chance?


#60626 Problem Loading Firmware on Netduino Plus 1

Posted by Chris Walker on 05 November 2014 - 12:38 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi korgani,

After you erase your board, power it down and plug it back in via USB: does it appear as "AT91..." in Device Manager?


#63249 Problem attempting Firmware Update

Posted by Chris Walker on 26 June 2015 - 01:24 AM in Netduino 3

Hi Brian,

To eliminate any potential issues with Windows 10 preview, let's switch over to your Windows 8 machine and try reflashing the board. Does that get it back to factory-fresh state?


#63084 Problem attempting Firmware Update

Posted by Chris Walker on 09 June 2015 - 04:33 AM in Netduino 3

Hi keith2ei,

Sorry for the troubles; let's see if we can get you up and running here really quickly...

Can you try something really quickly?

1. Plug the MicroUSB end of your USB cable into your Netduino 3.
2. Hold down the pushbutton on your Netduino. Keep holding.
3. Plug the big end of the USB cable into your computer.
4. Release the pushbutton.
5. Start up Netduino Update.

Does that show your device successfully? If not we can use the backup upgrade method (using STDFU tools), but it's much easier to use the streamlined Netduino Update tool...

Welcome to the Netduino community!


#63039 Powering Netduino using micro USB charger?

Posted by Chris Walker on 03 June 2015 - 09:42 PM in Netduino 3

Hi Frode,

No worries, better safe (asking questions) than sorry (wishing you had later)... :)

USB chargers have to conform to the same USB power specs as computer USB ports. That's one of the beauties about USB. So as long as it's a good USB charger, you're good to go!

You can also power your Netduino using its USB jack from any 5V regulated source that's rated for 500mA.


#62682 Possible i2c issue from shorting something on Netduino

Posted by Chris Walker on 14 May 2015 - 05:59 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi dhensel,

Looking at the other thread... Is the LCD damaged in that photo--or is that the normal readout?
image: https://forums.adafr...le.php?id=25627

On the Netduino... With 3.3V power shorts the MCU will often survive okay...and will instead sacrificing individual pins.

Do you have an LED handy? If you plug an LED into each of the digital pins (and GND), you should be able to toggle it on/off via OutputPort.Write. If the I2C SDA/SCL pins are burnt out, that will help you diagnose that as the result.

BTW, to save you a few dollars if the I2C pins are burnt out: it is possible to use software I2C (using one of the NETMF software I2C classes out there) using other digital pins. This would require some wiring between two other digital pins and the SDA/SCL pins--and maybe moving or cutting off the bottom legs of your shield's I2C pin headers.

Netduinos have quite a bit of protection (reverse voltage, USB ESD, etc.). But in the end they're running Cortex cores and Cortex cores are so dense internally that there is physically not a lot of extra room for extra protection against shorts and such. All that said, it still makes me sad when I see a damaged board.

Let me know how we can help you diagnose this further, provide workarounds or tips to get you back up and running, etc.

Here to help,


#60715 Pin 15 - used?

Posted by Chris Walker on 14 November 2014 - 03:22 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi skyjam,

That pin is unused, in part to protect the board from legacy shields with 5V AREF. It is not connected.


#63406 Overheating?

Posted by Chris Walker on 06 July 2015 - 07:01 PM in Netduino 3

Hi spdygnlz,

Can you please log into Amazon and return it for a replacement? We're happy to take care of you, and engineering will have the opportunity to analyze the replaced board when it comes back.

That should get you a brand new board. Does that take care of your requirements?

Thank you,


#63341 Overheating?

Posted by Chris Walker on 02 July 2015 - 06:41 AM in Netduino 3

Hi spdygnlz,

If your Netduino 3 LEDs both turn on and then turn off, the power subsystem is damaged or otherwise isn't working properly (or there's an electrical short of sorts somewhere).

Is anything plugged into your board other than the USB cable? If not, let's get you a replacement unit immediately and pull that one back for defect analysis.

What reseller did you buy your Netduino 3 through?

Thank you,


#62613 Outdoor project, 70 feet, 5 walls and a shed.

Posted by Chris Walker on 11 May 2015 - 08:45 PM in Netduino 3

HI Dave1374,

I'm looking to do an outdoor project that needs to receive the signal from about 70 feet from the home router. Also, there are multiple walls (5?) between the router and the microcontroller.
Can it work with the Netduino 3 built in wifi or do I need to add an antena ?
The Netduino will be inside a shed.

With RF, for better or worse, results will depend on multiple factors include the signal strength of your access point. That said, 2.4GHz is a faster frequency so it will get blocked more by walls...and five walls and 70 feet may be stretching things a bit at that point. Add to that a possible outer-metal wall on the shed...

If the range is too much, you may consider adding a Wi-Fi repeater inside the outer wall of your home. Or using XBee with repeaters or another technology in conjunction with or as a replacement for Wi-Fi. Lots of options, some better for your application than others...


#60903 Out of memory / timer issues

Posted by Chris Walker on 08 December 2014 - 12:53 AM in Netduino Mini

Hi Andrew,


What function call gives you the OutOfMemoryException?  [And is that the exact Exception you're seeing?]


P.S. The # of bytes returned from Debug.GC(book) is the amount of RAM left for your application.  It may not all be contiguous (i.e. there may be things pinned which restrict you from creating a giant 64KB block of data) and you should leave some RAM for temporary objects, but there is technically that much RAM (83KB) available.



#63502 Noob System.NotSupportedException

Posted by Chris Walker on 13 July 2015 - 11:59 PM in Visual Basic Support

Hi darky8,

Very interesting. If you run MFDeploy, select your device, and press Ctrl+Shift+C (Device Capabilities), what does it show?

Also, critically: what board are you using?


#61498 Non-Voliatile Storage - NVRAM

Posted by Chris Walker on 03 February 2015 - 11:09 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi EagleSparrow,

First of all, yes, the Micro-framework is open source and royalty free for distribution with your product :)

Netduino is also open source (software and hardware).

Enjoy the freedom of open source.

On storage the best option today is MicroSD. We're knee-deep in IP stack code at the moment, but we could look at a potential "storage" block snuck into Netduino's STM32's flash in the future. [It would probably have a class to manage it, rather than metadata.]

There used to be a feature that would sort of do this called ExtendedWeakStorage--but it was incompatible in some ways with the garbage collector. So we decided _not_ to implement it. Better to add "create some on-chip storage for the future" to our feature wish list.


#63866 No WiFi signal

Posted by Chris Walker on 12 August 2015 - 10:14 PM in Netduino 3

Hi hrh1818,

From your screenshot... Is that your SSID and passphrase? [If you change those to your SSID/passphrase, you should be good to go.]

Please note that the Wi-Fi chip will _not_ turn on unless an app is loaded on your board. Is there a NETMF app running your board?


#63842 No WiFi signal

Posted by Chris Walker on 10 August 2015 - 07:49 PM in Netduino 3

Hi hrh1818,

Just open up MFDeploy, switch the deployment method to USB, and then change your Netduino 3 Wi-Fi's network settings (to match your AP). You can find this option in Target > Configuration > Network Configuration.

Beyond that, make sure that you have an app deployed to your Netduino (even a simple blinky app). With power management, the network chip starts up when your app starts you won't see any Wi-Fi activity if there isn't an app installed.

Welcome to the Netduino community,


#62659 Newbie: onboard button in a program

Posted by Chris Walker on 14 May 2015 - 01:06 AM in Netduino 3

Hi volleynerd,

Ack, that's a bug. We physically wired up the button to two MCU pins on Netduino 3 Wi-Fi, but ONBOARD_BTN is pointing to the inactive pin. [The dual-wiring is there for some advanced future scenarios.]

In the meantime, can you please reply your line of code with the physical pin #--and let us know if that fixes the issue for you?
        //static InputPort button = new InputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_BTN, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
        /* replaced by... */
        static InputPort button = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)0x15, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
We'll fix the core mis-assignment in a quick patch by the weekend. Sorry for the glitch, and thank you very much for letting us know.


#62671 Newbie: onboard button in a program

Posted by Chris Walker on 14 May 2015 - 08:12 AM in Netduino 3

Hi volleynerd,

This issue has been fixed in the new firmware:

Thanks again for reporting the bug,


#62540 New: Universal Netduino Application template (in the new 4.3.2 SDK)

Posted by Chris Walker on 09 May 2015 - 06:38 AM in General Discussion

P.S. For reference, here is what the "New Project" dialog looked like with earlier SDKs.


Ugh. Just think of what this would have looked like in a few more years, with more than a dozen options.

So much cleaner now, with one universal template. :)

#62539 New: Universal Netduino Application template (in the new 4.3.2 SDK)

Posted by Chris Walker on 09 May 2015 - 06:05 AM in General Discussion

Let's get rid of some unnecessary complexity.

With earlier SDKs, each Netduino mainboard had its own "New Project" template, its own HardwareProvider DLL, etc. While we had strong code reusability, we can do even better (and simplify things a bit in the process).

New Universal Netduino Applications
In the new Netduino 4.3.2 SDK, there is exactly one project template for Netduino. This single universal template creates a project for any modern Netduino mainboard (Netduino 3, Netduino Plus 2, Netduino 2 or Netduino Go).


Universal Netduino Apps using GoBus modules are completely portable between Netduino Go and Netduino 3 too. Once we add Shield Base virtual I/O support to the Netduino Go 4.3 firmware, you will even be able to seamlessly move an app using "Arduino headers/shields" from a Netduino 3 mainboard to a Netduino Go mainboard (with Shield Base) simply by redeploying.

Backwards-compatibile with existing code
We designed the new universal templates with full backwards compatibility in mind. Existing Netduino applications do not need to be rewritten. We have added intelligence to the firmware so that all modern Netduino mainboards maintain strong backwards compatibility with existing code.

Legacy Netduino Templates (optional SDK add-on, for gen1 boards)
While the new universal Netduino Application template does not support the older gen1 boards, we want to make sure that makers can continue getting use out of their gen1 boards for many years. So we have added a "Legacy Templates" installer on the downloads page directly under the Netduino SDK.

Here is what the "New Project" templates look like with the legacy templates add-on installed.

The Universal Future
At //build/ 2015, Microsoft showed off Netduino 3 Wi-Fi mainboards running new Universal Windows Platform (UWP)-derived APIs. As we move into the NETMF 4.4 timeframe, the new Universal Netduino Application template will be the foundation upon which new UWP-enabled apps are built as well. There is so much more to come as we innovate with Microsoft this year. Stay tuned!

The new universal Netduino Application project template makes it insanely simple for developers to use Netduino Apps on any mainboard. Start with Netduino 2. Switch to Netduino Go. Switch to Netduino 3. Simply redeploy.

Please let us know your experiences with the new universal template,


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