Netduino 3 Wi-Fi Firmware v4.3.2 (update 2)
Posted 14 May 2015 - 08:10 AM
Download link
Download Netduino v4.3.2.2 firmware now
Updates in this release
1. Fix: Pins.ONBOARD_BTN now disables reset feature properly
Additional updates from recent releases
1. MAC Address now automatically repopulated after upgrade (from OTP flash)
2. Added descriptive exceptions to socket classes
3. Added multicast support (experimental)
4. Domain name resolution is now thread safe
5. Streamlined "Netduino Application" universal template now supported
Pre-requisites for this firmware
1. Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013. Or Visual Studio 2015 (beta).
2. .NET Micro Framework SDK v4.3 QFE2 or newer
3. NETMF plug-in for Visual Studio 2012, NETMF plug-in for Visual Studio 2013 or NETMF plug-in for Visual Studio 2015 (beta).
4. Netduino SDK v4.3.2.1 or newer
How to flash this firmware
1. Detach your Netduino from your computer to turn it off.
2. Press and hold your Netduino's pushbutton while plugging it in via USB; this will put it in bootloader mode.
3. Run the Netduino Update tool (see link above).
a. If your device does not appear, install the STDFU drivers + tools v3.0.3.
b. If your device appears as "STM Device in DFU Mode", click on "Options", select your board type from the Product selection box and close the Options window.
4. Select the checkbox next to your device and press "Upgrade"
5. Wait while the upgrade operation completes. After flashing, your Netduino will reboot and will be removed from the upgrade list.
6. After flashing, set your network settings using MFDeploy. In MFDeploy, select the Target > Configuration > Networking menu. Re-enter your IP address and Wi-Fi settings.
How to find your current version of Netduino firmware
1. Go to the Start Menu > Programs > Microsoft .NET Micro Framework 4.3
2. Run MFDeploy.
3. Plug your Netduino into your PC using a Micro USB cable.
4. In the Device section at top, select USB instead of Serial. Your Netduino should appear in the drop-down; if not, select it.
5. Select the Target menu > Device Capabilities option.
6. In the output box, find the "SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVersion" value. This is your firmware version.
Enjoy, and please let us know if you run into any troubles.
Download link
Download Netduino v4.3.2.2 firmware now
Posted 16 May 2015 - 03:01 AM
I am liking the update frequency.
Unfortunately the N3 is still "on the way".
Are you guys working hard enough!? (That IS a joke!)
Posted 24 June 2015 - 03:20 AM
I'm a newbie! Just got the netduino 3 wifi. This article solved my issue with the "A first chance exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll" error message when deploying the Hello World example for the first time under VS2013 with the MF 4.3 components installed. Might be helpful to include a link to this in the netduino.com/downloads page in the netduino 3 section.
Posted 24 June 2015 - 07:23 PM
All of this works for me up to the point where I try to select the device over USB in MFDeploy, or Visual Studio. The only time I can ever see the device (v3 WIFI) is when its in bootloader mode ("STM Device in DFU Mode"). In that case, I can see it in device manager ("...STM Device.."), etc. I cannot get to it when it is NOT in bootloader mode.
Brand new ND Wifi 3 | Windows 8.1 x64 | VS 2013 | MF SDK 4.3 QFE2 | NetDuino SDK 4.3.2 (May '15)
I tried all 4 USB ports on my laptop. All work, just the same symptom. Tried 3 different USB cables. Always the same.
Dead in the water. Help?
Posted 25 June 2015 - 01:00 AM
All of this works for me up to the point where I try to select the device over USB in MFDeploy, or Visual Studio. The only time I can ever see the device (v3 WIFI) is when its in bootloader mode ("STM Device in DFU Mode"). In that case, I can see it in device manager ("...STM Device.."), etc. I cannot get to it when it is NOT in bootloader mode.
It sounds like the device drivers may be missing on your computer. Can you repair the Netduino SDK installation really quickly (or uninstall/reinstall it)?
Also--what does the board appear as (STDFU device? Netduino 3?) in Netduino Update?
Posted 25 June 2015 - 05:21 AM
Success!! An uninstall and re-install of the Netduino SDK followed by a re-boot worked. My board is now recognized by MFDeploy!
Big Thanks!
Posted 25 June 2015 - 08:24 PM
Hi Chris!
It shows up in NetDuino Update (v1.0.2) as a 'NetDuino 3 Wi-Fi'.
I thought I ran a repair yesterday (SDK), let me uninstall and re-install it.
Thank you, sir!
Posted 25 June 2015 - 09:04 PM
Thank you, Chris. Uninstalling and then re-installing the SDK did the trick!
Next, I will work on trying to get an IP address. I am on my way to getting my new ND3 up and running now.
Warmest regards,
Posted 21 August 2015 - 08:25 PM
I'm only getting "unknown device" in device manager after installing the firmware on my netduino 3 ethernet. Are there new drivers I need to install?
Posted 21 August 2015 - 08:29 PM
Uninstalling and re-installing sdk fixed, but I still get an error when using the SW button
InputPort buttonsw = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)0x15, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
buttonsw.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(button_OnInterrupt); //----errors here
Posted 03 October 2015 - 10:59 PM
I've tried:
Uninstall SDK
Reinstall SDK
Run the updater
I keep seeing the same error each time - the dialog opens and I click Options, then select Netduino 3 WiFi. I change this and the dialog says "Note: These settings, stored in non-erasable storage, may be changed up to 0 more times."
The main Netduino Update window always says "STM Device in DFU Mode."
All I want to do is erase the horribly awry code that's running on it. Help!
Posted 04 October 2015 - 12:49 AM
After trying this willy-nilly a few times, it worked. Was able to flash my bad code from my N3, now I'm cooking up a new robot.
Posted 05 October 2015 - 10:35 PM
Try using (Cpu.Pin)0x3B (or Pins.ONBOARD_BTN) instead. We wired up the SWITCH1 pin twice "for future use"--and if you're hardcoding the pin # you might need to use the other one.Uninstalling and re-installing sdk fixed, but I still get an error when using the SW button
InputPort buttonsw = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)0x15, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
buttonsw.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(button_OnInterrupt); //----errors here
Does that help?
Posted 05 October 2015 - 10:37 PM
Aargh, no fun. That sounds like a flaky USB cable (or a USB port that is liking the Netduino "sometimes" during boot). If the STDFU drivers can't pull the OTP flash data during enumeration, you'll see this.The main Netduino Update window always says "STM Device in DFU Mode."
All I want to do is erase the horribly awry code that's running on it. Help!
It sounds like you're up and running now, building your new bot...but if you ever run into this in the future you can also use the STDFU tools. In particular the STDFU Tester utility will let you erase the first page of "app deployment" flash by page range...which would get you back up and running. Not a pretty workaround, but a backup option just in case.
Posted 27 October 2015 - 09:33 AM
HI Chris,
I have received my new Netduino 3 Wifi & Ethernet units today.
I go through the firmware flash as what recommended here in the first posting.
For Wifi unit, i am not able to get it upgraded done, the unit is being detected as "STM Device in DFU Mode".
But when i click on "Options" and select my board type from the Product selection box and close the Options window. The "Option Box" will hang there... after more than 10 mins..
I have installed all the necessary drivers as recommend in your first posting. Also reinstall the SDK..
In additional, when i run MFDeploy, it can detect the device, poll "Device Capabilities., the firmware version will displayed... as
As for my Ethernet unit.. it has no problem detect the device in the Netduino upgrade program and show the firmware as
Please advise.
Posted 27 October 2015 - 03:14 PM
Hi Chris,
after reinstalling SDK and pluging in and out the unit. The Netduino Upgrade program is able to detect the wifi unit and also extracts the firmware. Very strange. Till then, i will start with my development now.
Posted 26 December 2015 - 08:51 AM
Hey Guys,
When I attempt to check the version in MFDeploy
using Device Capabilities just gives me back "Not Supported"
I have a funny feeling that I've either bricked the duino or the USB drivers are not correctly installed on my Windows 10 Laptop
As when trying to debug a simple application also get a Unable to communicate with device USB:Netduino in Visual Studio 2015
Anyone have any suggestions on what i can try to fix this?
Posted 26 December 2015 - 09:47 AM
Hey Guys,
When I attempt to check the version in MFDeploy
using Device Capabilities just gives me back "Not Supported"
I have a funny feeling that I've either bricked the duino or the USB drivers are not correctly installed on my Windows 10 Laptop
As when trying to debug a simple application also get a Unable to communicate with device USB:Netduino in Visual Studio 2015
Anyone have any suggestions on what i can try to fix this?
I noticed that sometimes it takes 2-3 tries for Device Capabilities to provide data. Did you retry?
Also, is your Netduino listed in Device Manager?
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