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Michel Trahan's Content

There have been 155 items by Michel Trahan (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#11952 Why 'breadboard'?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 11 April 2011 - 01:36 PM in General Discussion

http://wiki.answers....name_breadboard CW2 You beat me to it :)

#12685 I2C Help - Data not appearing in the output

Posted by Michel Trahan on 30 April 2011 - 12:23 PM in General Discussion

Would that solve our Math library problem ? LOL

#12052 Curious Cloud - Netduino strikes again!

Posted by Michel Trahan on 13 April 2011 - 03:32 AM in General Discussion

... I don't quite get the sensor fascination everybody else seem to share - probably just me missing out on something...

I think it goes with the feeling green imperative :)

Using heating when people are coming home/waking up and mostly turning it off when leaving home for a while (that needs to be defined) things like that ... my thoughts !

#12038 Curious Cloud - Netduino strikes again!

Posted by Michel Trahan on 12 April 2011 - 08:27 PM in General Discussion

Fostering interest in the cloud and azure I'd say ! But first time I see it ! Too late anyway !

#12152 Looking for hardware specific resources

Posted by Michel Trahan on 16 April 2011 - 03:26 PM in General Discussion

Netduino-specific libraries (SecretLabs.NETMF.*) do not currently have any documentation available online

It is needed by people like me ... so I'll be working on it for sure

#12146 Looking for hardware specific resources

Posted by Michel Trahan on 16 April 2011 - 01:57 PM in General Discussion

I ordered my Netduino Plus

Welcome to the community :)

Is there a reference document or any other resource that has the complete list of these types of functions and there parameters?

Working on it !

There is a bunch of code samples all over the place (and some in the but I am working on a series of formal Tutorials (with Fritzing diagrams, documentation and code sample) and, I am also planning to get this list of functions/types available to us in the SecretLabs namespace (Chris I'll need your input for that).

It should be organized and easy to find :)

In the meantime, search the forums using keywords like SPI or I2C, you should find something that helps :)


#13203 Fancy a challenge - X Prize Tricorder

Posted by Michel Trahan on 12 May 2011 - 08:47 PM in General Discussion

Are you a doctor or something ? lol

#12684 Code Contracts

Posted by Michel Trahan on 30 April 2011 - 12:19 PM in General Discussion

We might consider to study a special "good-practice" guidance for tiny boards like Netduino.

That would be perfect for a tutorial :) Perfect for newbies like me that want to learn the best practice on MF :)

#12687 Website

Posted by Michel Trahan on 30 April 2011 - 12:45 PM in General Discussion

  • Featured project link on the front page takes you to the projects page, but the featured project is not listed.
  • Hardware link only shows the original netduino not the mini or plus

Welcome to the community :)

LOL, I use the specs page often and yes it is missing the mini and the PLUS specs (how many IO pins, which one are they, etc.) And the Projects page is a missnomer ... I agree that the Projects page should have a series of official projects with a link to the rest of the project showcase (and wiki).

But that goes to show that they are very busy with their HOT PRODUCTS !

You make a good point ! That is why some of us are working hard at doing more structured tutorials for newbies like me :)

Try to type keywords in the Forum search, you might get many things you are looking for.

#13125 MFDeploy Hangs

Posted by Michel Trahan on 11 May 2011 - 02:29 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

NVM, used the hold button down + erase technique eventually worked.

Timing is the key :)

#13471 More Documentation, Please ...

Posted by Michel Trahan on 20 May 2011 - 02:19 AM in General Discussion

Still working on some, but got diverted by difficulties learning DotNetNuke and WordPress menus ...

#11971 Which I2CBus implementation to use ?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 11 April 2011 - 10:55 PM in General Discussion

Hi There, I found many I2CBus implementation to use ... which one should I use ? Any reason why ? Is it planned to include such a class into the SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware name space ? Should it be ? Here are some links to the implementation I found : http://forums.netdui...ndpost__p__4156 http://forums.netdui...ndpost__p__6090 Mike perplexed by all this :(

#12000 Which I2CBus implementation to use ?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 12 April 2011 - 12:46 PM in General Discussion

My wrapper implements the singleton pattern which allows for thread safe interaction with multiple devices on the bus.

Your implementation it is then ! Thanks for sharing !

#12430 Where to find information

Posted by Michel Trahan on 23 April 2011 - 12:40 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

perhaps we should create a larger "getting started" guide for the hardware itself?

That too :)

#12114 Getting Started Hardware

Posted by Michel Trahan on 14 April 2011 - 09:57 PM in General Discussion

Taking notes ... cross post

a scope is a definite must ... It help me found out I was using the wrong item (mine has voltage so I discovered that I was sending peaks of +- 2V and I was using something needing 20V lol

Needless to say that I am a newbie and I want to build such a structured tutorial site. The sandbox is good but structure is missing for the right push ! The sandbox should be ready sooner than my site but I'll start asap !

#12516 Slightly off topic - HID device to Windows

Posted by Michel Trahan on 26 April 2011 - 11:59 PM in General Discussion

Early USB HID support is built into the v4.1.1 beta firmware. We posted a sample for a driverless HID communication channel.

But I will need to have a RS232 Shield to be able to deploy using RS232 (and then remove the RS232 Shield ?). Then I can connect to a pc using usb and communicate with the pc using the usb ? (do I need to give the netduino power with an external source?)

You could certainly do these sorts of things natively on Netduino. The benefit of using an external component, I suppose, is that a lot of the software work may already be done for you.

Was not thinking of using an external one. Was looking at the echo code which would be perfect for me ... except for the RS232, my portable does not have one ... but simple enough for transfering sensor data to a full graphical application !

#12508 Slightly off topic - HID device to Windows

Posted by Michel Trahan on 26 April 2011 - 07:00 PM in General Discussion

Do I understand this correctly, it would allow a PC Software to communicate with sensors connected to the netduino using the usb cable ? Like showing the results of the accel, gyro, compas on the computer screen ? Is something missing on the netduino to do what I just described ? This would be a great tool to work with :)

#13313 Time conversion between MF and Full .Net

Posted by Michel Trahan on 15 May 2011 - 05:42 PM in General Discussion

Are the 2 ticks per second the same ? I think not ... just a thought !

#12148 Resetting on /Reset pin

Posted by Michel Trahan on 16 April 2011 - 02:18 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Do I need to connect it to +5V to reset

I don't know how to reset it but the netduino is 3.3V not 5V !

#13312 Solution deploy failures for VM users

Posted by Michel Trahan on 15 May 2011 - 05:41 PM in General Discussion

Have you tried this technique to reset ?

#12358 Proposal for the Netduino community (and others)

Posted by Michel Trahan on 21 April 2011 - 04:38 PM in General Discussion

We agree to each other, unless there's a langual problem I haven't noticed ;)
I love the community too! :D

There is no language problem that I see either LOL

I agree with the fact that schematic are good, but newbies like me like to see the real things and use the mouse to see what the piece of equipment is (what is the value of that resistor connected there) ... a schematic is very good when you know what to look at ... with the fritzing diagram I can understand the schematics :) I can relate things easier :)

By the way, I want everything in the wiki but I want to put more structure on the whole thing with documentation for the tutorials ... that is why I am creating my own site for my tutorials, and the fact that many friends of mine (french) want to see the tutorials in french ... I'll oblige them with pleasure ! I'll link them in the wiki once done too :)

#12350 Proposal for the Netduino community (and others)

Posted by Michel Trahan on 21 April 2011 - 12:35 PM in General Discussion

Not too general, meaning, applicable to our needs ... pull-up resistors, what to watch for, etc ... This is why I want every tutorial to have its own Fritzing diagram, to help learn, and documentation to say why it was done with this or that resistor/capacitor ... Wow, what a great community we have here :)

#12371 Proposal for the Netduino community (and others)

Posted by Michel Trahan on 21 April 2011 - 08:45 PM in General Discussion

Would you really want to Fritzing a quadrocoptor project?

That I'll have to try LOL

And I thought that by using Fritzing and doing the wiring diagram, the schematics would have been done automatically no ?

As for forcing people to use one tool over the other one ... not for here but on my web site I will. Everey project will have the same look and feel, consistent. And it will be for newbies mostly ... I even want to do a Solid Works of my future quadcopter to find the center of mass and put the sensors there :)

#12686 save config on netduino

Posted by Michel Trahan on 30 April 2011 - 12:27 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

However, in case you don't want any SD, you may use an external memory via SPI or I2C.

Can you point towards an exemple of SPI or I2C external memory ? I'd like to see how that works :)

#12688 can I just bootload NET MF clr onto an ARM7 chip?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 30 April 2011 - 12:49 PM in General Discussion

Have you looked into using the Netduino Mini?

When did this link appear ? Where is it on the main page ? LOL

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