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Eric Burdo's Content

There have been 130 items by Eric Burdo (Search limited from 25-June 23)

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#3193 Netduino Plus Unable to connect to from MFDeploy or Visual Studio after loadi...

Posted by Eric Burdo on 29 September 2010 - 02:17 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

In the meantime, you may want to reflash with the regular Netduino firmware

Have you tried the re-flashing bit? I had this error happen a few times... reflashed (technically, I upgraded to the newest "approved" firmware, and the errors went away. Been working fine since then.

#5885 Netduino + SQL client (maybe System.Data.SqlClient)??

Posted by Eric Burdo on 07 December 2010 - 09:49 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Looks like GHI has a NETMF implementation for SQLite? http://www.ghielectr...19dd0f5c0ee.htm

#1864 Seeeduino LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 08:10 PM in Project Showcase

Took me awhile, but I finally found the right combination to make the Netduino control the Seeeduino 16x2 LCD panel..

Full details are here:

Brick Labs - Netduino and a 16x2 LCD

Posted Image

#1766 Sparkfun LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 September 2010 - 09:21 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I have the same LCD as mentioned by Derek... anyone had any luck getting this to work yet?

If I connect to the 2nd bus on the shield, and use the following code... I get the LCD to blank... but that's it.

//Setup the ports
      OutputPort LCD_RS = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10, false);
      OutputPort LCD_RW = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D11, false);
      OutputPort LCD_E = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D12, false);    //enable

      OutputPort LCD_D4 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D13, false);
      OutputPort LCD_D5 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A0, false);
      OutputPort LCD_D6 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A1, false);
      OutputPort LCD_D7 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A2, false);

      //Send 0x28, function set: 4 bits, 1 line, 5x8 dots
      LCD_D7.Write(false); // 0
      LCD_D6.Write(false); // 0
      LCD_D5.Write(true); // 1
      LCD_D4.Write(false); // 0


      LCD_D7.Write(true); // 1
      LCD_D6.Write(false); // 0
      LCD_D5.Write(false); // 0
      LCD_D4.Write(false); // 0


      //Send 0x0C 0000 1100// display control: turn display on, cursor off, no blinking
      LCD_D7.Write(false); //0
      LCD_D6.Write(false); //0
      LCD_D5.Write(false); //0
      LCD_D4.Write(false); //0


      LCD_D7.Write(true); //1
      LCD_D6.Write(true); //1
      LCD_D5.Write(false); //0
      LCD_D4.Write(false); //0


#1767 Sparkfun LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 September 2010 - 09:26 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Derek, in that code you posted... What do you declare LCD as?

#1865 Sparkfun LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 08:11 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

You may want to post a link to this in the "Project Showcase" forum, Eric (and including it in the "compatible shields and accessories" sticky post. Congrats on getting it up and running!


Thanks Chris... I posted it in the Project Showcase. I think it's already in the Compatible Shield thread... if not, I'll post it there...

#1849 Sparkfun LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 05:57 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

So I purchased the Electronic Brick Start Kit (http://www.seeedstud...tml?cPath=48_69 ) along with my netduino.

Manual here: http://www.seeedstud...icks Vol1.1.pdf

There seems to be a library for controlling this display for the arduino, is there an equivalent for the netduino?

HURRAH! I finally got a version working.

First, go here, and download the file. You can find it at the bottom of this post (from a forum member here... Thanks!)


Then, load up your project. Use the GpioLiquidCrystalTransferProvider as your provider.

Finally, setup your provider code as follows:

GpioLiquidCrystalTransferProvider lcdProvider = new GpioLiquidCrystalTransferProvider(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10,

      LiquidCrystal lcd = new LiquidCrystal(lcdProvider);

And, you'll end up with a screen like this...

Posted Image


#1844 Where to buy?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 12:53 PM in General Discussion


I'm trying to buy at leaste one Netduino from Germany. Is it currently out of stock?


Hi... I live in the US, so I bought mine from MakerShed... but, I stumbled across this site while looking.


It's UK based, and seems to have a fair price.

#2693 Netduino Speedometer?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 23 September 2010 - 05:49 PM in General Discussion

Google OBDII , and you'll find a gaggle of articles and projects about interfacing.

There is actually a new gadget coming out soon that lets you interface a LEGO NXT Robotics kit with the ODBII port...

#2947 Anyone interested in an eagle version of the Netduino files?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 26 September 2010 - 07:07 PM in General Discussion

i might have to do a tutorial on how to solder it.

I'd love to see a tutorial on surface mount soldering...

#13585 Introducing the Netduino Wiki...

Posted by Eric Burdo on 24 May 2011 - 10:56 AM in General Discussion

I know exactly what you mean! I have loads of notes and concepts but due to the lack of time no concrete finished article yet. But now the wiki is live, I have some more spare time ;)

Excellent work everyone!

I'll try to contribute some findings as I expand my Netduino skills... :)

#3398 Seven Segment Display with the MC14489 Chip

Posted by Eric Burdo on 03 October 2010 - 12:56 AM in Project Showcase

Thanks Chris, going to be working on a 20X4 LCD display and an ultrasonic range finder from an old Polaroid kit. SensComp sells them now. SensComp


Those US range finders from old polaroid cameras are popular hacks... I'm going to have to try it some day too... (I'll put it on my "Netduino ToDo list", which seems to be growing every day.)

#13814 C# Coding standards

Posted by Eric Burdo on 31 May 2011 - 11:05 AM in General Discussion

I'm with Johny here... Read Joel's post on Hungarian notation. However, getting into Standards discussion, is like discussion politics. Everyone has their own opinion, and they never truly line-up with anyone else. Coding guidelines are one thing (don't declare things as generic objects unless you truly need them, which is rare), use the tightest scope as possible, etc. But trying to standardize on some other things... is just a nasty hornets nest.

#5276 Charlieplexing: Now uses the TristatePort class

Posted by Eric Burdo on 25 November 2010 - 12:33 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)


I've never seen that... I'll have to look into it.

#6151 Netduino Plus - First impressions from a beginner

Posted by Eric Burdo on 16 December 2010 - 12:43 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I use one of these to connect a 9V battery. Works fine.

I have the same adapter as AlfredBr... works great!

#2469 What is need to get started with Netduino?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 19 September 2010 - 11:22 AM in General Discussion

a 10K potentiometer (you may have to buy a soldering iron for this one because I've never seen a breadboard pluggable potentiometer)

I have one... came in this kit here from HiTechnic: http://www.hitechnic...ion&key=NPA1058

That kit is designed to give you solderless breadboard capabilities on the LEGO NXT. Has a nice collection of projects, and I'm replicating them on the Netduino.

#5636 Netduino(AT91SAM7x512 or AT91SAM7XC512)

Posted by Eric Burdo on 02 December 2010 - 01:38 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Slightly off-topic: Guess what microcontroller is used in Lego Mindstorms NXT brick. And there is AT91SAM7S512 with more RAM and Flash; NXT firmware has been released as open source... so little time...

BINGO! That's exactly why I'm asking.

I'll have to look into it when I have some time...

Here is some of the hardware specs for the NXT.

It has minimal ports (3 output, 4 input, special LCD, BlueTooth and USB).

#5618 Netduino(AT91SAM7x512 or AT91SAM7XC512)

Posted by Eric Burdo on 02 December 2010 - 02:13 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Since it the NETMF will work on the AT91SAM7x512 Anyone know if it will work on the AT91SAM7S256? It has less ram, so I think it's below the minimum... It would only need to be a smaller subset of what's in the netmf. specialized LCD, no http, minimal USB...

#5397 Anyone have a Windows Phone already?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 27 November 2010 - 12:50 PM in General Discussion

No... I do know a few folks who have them though... our local developers group ( is doing a presentation in Jan/Feb about the w7 Phone.

#2149 I need some enlightment - AREF = ???

Posted by Eric Burdo on 12 September 2010 - 02:42 AM in General Discussion

Thanks everyone! That gets me going in the right direction. I'm a software guy... so I'm learning all the hardware as I go. :)

#2108 I need some enlightment - AREF = ???

Posted by Eric Burdo on 10 September 2010 - 08:50 PM in General Discussion

I'm playing with some breadboarding projects.

(some history of them for fun)

I bought a Experimenters Kit from HiTechnic awhile ago. It lets you connect a LEGO NXT to a breadboard.

So, now I'm redoing those same projects, but using the Netduino instead. Rather fun, since I have my circuits and components all laid out... I just need to learn the Netduino side.

So... one of the projects has a potentiometer that you use to control a bank of LEDs. Depending the value, one of 6 LED's turn on.

At first, the pot reading was all over the place. When turned all the way down, it read from 0 to 1023. In the loop, it kept bouncing. When you turn it up the slightest bit, it reads 1023 all the time.

So I came to the forum to figure out what I was doing wrong. First thing I did, was a search on "analog"... and I found a post talking about the AREF needing to be connected to 3.3v

Ahhh... thanks so much. Wiring the 3.3V header to the AREF header works. I still have so much to learn about hardware. Thanks for the lesson!

I did that, and now it works fine.

My question is... what is AREF, and why does it need to be connected to 3.3v. And in what cases do I need to connect that?

#5642 Out of stock??

Posted by Eric Burdo on 02 December 2010 - 04:11 PM in General Discussion

proto-advantage is accepting backorders till 3rd December check it out


I bought my Netduino Plus earlier from Proto Advantage. Fast shipment (once it came off backorder) and good prices for the US (where I live).

#5464 Out of stock??

Posted by Eric Burdo on 28 November 2010 - 07:11 PM in General Discussion

I think Chris said the Netduino Plus becomes available on the 30th of Nov?

#3047 Powering the NetDuino Plus

Posted by Eric Burdo on 27 September 2010 - 07:01 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Yep, no chance of damage. It may or may not power it for too long, though. 9V batteries don't have much capacity.

Right... and it would also depend on if you are powering anything else with that too... like LED's or such.

#2885 Buying or Acquiring Parts

Posted by Eric Burdo on 25 September 2010 - 04:18 PM in General Discussion

Figured this would be useful to everyone... just post a link (or explanation) of places to get parts.


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