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#40561 Netduino Plus 2 - I2C not working

Posted by carb on 30 November 2012 - 10:23 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Dave,


Here is the code (I'm really sure it isn't the code because it work on the NP+1 and I'm not doing anything fancy and I'm 100% sure I'm reading from the correct register on the device and the address of the device is correct)

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus;

namespace NetduinoPlusApplication_I2C_Example
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            Byte[] _data = new byte[1] { 0 };

            I2CDevice adxl345 = new I2CDevice(new I2CDevice.Configuration(0x53, 100));
            I2CDevice.I2CWriteTransaction write = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(new Byte[] { 0x00 });
            I2CDevice.I2CReadTransaction read = I2CDevice.CreateReadTransaction(_data);
            I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] actions = new I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] { write, read };
            adxl345.Execute(actions, 1000);



SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus needs to be replaced with just SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino. This is a change with the new firmware.

A few quick notes (known issues, temporary workarounds, etc.):

In the meantime, if you are upgrading your Netduino Plus 1 projects to Netduino Plus 2:

  • Remove the SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus.dll reference from your project.
  • Add the SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino.dll reference to your project
  • Change the deployment target in Project Properties > .NET Micro Framework.

Firmware Update Look at second post.

I tried your code on my NP2, at the first deploy it didn't work but I had no done this step "Change the deployment target in Project Properties > .NET Micro Framework." chnge to .NET Micro Framework 3.0 then back to 4.2 and the program deployed to the NP2. The output is shown in the picture

Attached Thumbnails

  • 11-30-12 17-34-09.jpg

#42893 4X20 LCD display with I2C Interface

Posted by carb on 06 January 2013 - 11:26 PM in Project Showcase



We can always use good code samples.


I don't know if you looked at the datasheet for the chip (MCP23008) used on the I2C/SPI backpack, but it can do so much more than drive a LCD display.


It can be used as:

  • a general purpose i2c expander,
  • it has a power-on-reset circuit that holds the output until the chip is fully powered,
  • 8 digital I/O's,
  • I/O's can be configured for interrupt on change,
  • I/O's can be configured for a 100k pullup resistor,
  • Low current but can be used to control a relay board,
  • 8 backpacks can be used on one I2C line.

And the price is right!



#42235 Service note: updates to forums

Posted by carb on 26 December 2012 - 11:23 PM in General Discussion

Paul,The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 4.0.4 seems to work ok. Standard browser

#42169 Service note: updates to forums

Posted by carb on 26 December 2012 - 10:32 AM in General Discussion

Looks like Santa made a stop here!

#36802 Netduino Go Firmware v4.2.0 (Update 1)

Posted by carb on 08 October 2012 - 07:42 PM in Netduino Go

It seems to happen to some users _after_ deploying a >128KB app. Such as the Shield Base updater.

Most users' apps are well under 128KB so it doesn't happen to many users...but those upgrading their Shield Bases will probably see it at some point.

We're digging into it. Will have an update for it this month for sure.



The app that I am deploying is the time.cs for the DAQ moduke samples. It assembly size shows 32484 bytes.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoGo;
using Nwazet.Go.DAQ;
namespace Tutorials {
    public class Time {
        public static NwazetDAQ daq = new NwazetDAQ();
        public static void Main() {
            var state = daq.GetClockState();
            if (state == NwazetDAQ.ClockState.Invalid) 
                daq.SetDateTime(new DateTime(2012, 09, 12, 17, 57, 00));
						Debug.Print("Time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
						while (true)
							var dt = daq.GetDateTime();
							Debug.Print("Time: " + dt.ToString() );


It seems to be with anything that I have tried so far.


#36700 Netduino Go Firmware v4.2.0 (Update 1)

Posted by carb on 08 October 2012 - 12:22 AM in Netduino Go

Hi indimini,

Really quickly...can you please try erasing your Netduino Go before re-flashing it?

The text version of the firmware will appear as still, although the solutionVersion will be

If erasing and re-flashing your board doesn't solve this particular issue as well, then it may be best to have you upload a zipped copy of your solution. Or remove and re-add the GoBus.dll assembly. Visual Studio seems to be missing something.



I am getting the same error with a Go and just the DAQ module plugged in. It works the first try then Error:A3000000 message. The Only way I can get the program to deploy a second time is to unplug the Go board, press the deploy, wait about 5 seconds, then plug the Go back in and the programs runs.

I also got it to work by opening MFDeploy, erase, then deply from Visual Studio.


#36277 Netduino Go Firmware v4.2.0 (Update 1)

Posted by carb on 29 September 2012 - 10:57 PM in Netduino Go


Last night I watched Steve helping a member update his Netduino Go. Most of the problems were associated either with getting the wrong file or missed steps.

I discussed with Steve the need for a procedure to follow (Yes, I work in nuclear power plants and we don't do anything without a procedure).

Today I updated both of my Netduino Go's and ShiedBases and wrote a procedure / checklist that I hope will be a help to others. If you see anything else that should be added please let me know.

I will add the Checklist to Wiki. Checklist PDF Wiki Page

Don't Drink any 32 oz. soft drinks :lol: ,


#45186 Dead USB, can't deploy, connect or reset...

Posted by carb on 08 February 2013 - 11:07 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)



The Netduino Plus 2 uses a different processor and method to erase and load firmware.


Go to the top of the NP2 page and follow the instructions for erasing the board and reload the desired firmware.


MFDeploy works for the Netduino, but the Netduino Plus 2 requires DFUSE Tester to erase.



#45219 Dead USB, can't deploy, connect or reset...

Posted by carb on 09 February 2013 - 10:40 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Thanks for your response Chuck, but I'm a bit lost, can you provide me the link of the NP2 page, I only know about this http://www.netduino....plus2/specs.htm and I don't see any útil docs.




#35740 Early "Getting Started with Netduino Go" software and instructions

Posted by carb on 22 September 2012 - 12:42 AM in Netduino Go

:D :D :D

We are sending your update via USPS, should be there by the end of the year (2013) :lol: :P

Sometimes called snail mail for a good reason. :angry:

#42362 Driving large LED-Matrix-Displays

Posted by carb on 29 December 2012 - 12:00 AM in General Discussion



The Wiki link is

#44257 My Paranormal Investigation Tool(s) Project

Posted by carb on 26 January 2013 - 07:13 PM in Project Showcase



The breakouts look great, it will be interesting to see them working. Do you plan to sell any of them? The charger is of interest particularly.


While I haven't done much in the paranormal area, my 1 experience was on a Christmas eve 10 to 15 years ago. In the Dry Tortugas at Fort Jefferson (maybe 11:00pm), while I didn't see anything, there I could definately feel a presence.


I would love to go back with one of your boxes.



#41927 Shield Base Firmware (beta 4)

Posted by carb on 20 December 2012 - 10:59 AM in Netduino Go

Has anyone experienced, that their analog readings are wrong?

Measured directly on the sensor, i get a value of 0.47v but Shieldbase reads 0.14v... it seems to be dividing the actual value with the voltage...

Nicky which method are you using .Read or .ReadRaw? The .Read gives you a float value 0 to 1.0 the .ReadRaw gives you an integer that reads 0 to 4095.


#39588 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by carb on 18 November 2012 - 02:01 PM in General Discussion

Thanks Carb,

What I am also wondering... (sorry to keep asking questions in here, but I doubt creating a new topic would be better)

When applying shields, you lose some I/O pins...

- Can you still use a breadboard to prototype some things using the pins not used by the shield?
- Can we combine shields? I guess this is hard to do, since it might be possible that both shields will use the same I/O ports... Thats not working then right ?
- Are there any good lcd displays to prototype on a breadboard ? Since if I attach a wifi shield, I can not attach a LCD shield, or am I wrong here?



You will lose some of the IOs depending on the shields being used. Outputs can be shared if they are needed by more than one shield for the same purpose i.e. an on/off signal. Inputs normally are not shared because each shield would provide signals back to the Netduino. Power and grounds can be shared assuming you don't overload the power supply. Pins used for communications can sometimes be shared i.e. I2C uses an Id code for each item that is on the channel.

IOs that are not being used can be used by a bread board.

Some shield can be stacked as long as the IOs and shield functions are compatable which each other.

Depending on the shields being used many allow configuration of the IOs to avoid conlict with the other shields that are being used. For example you may be able to select Com1 or Com2 for serial communications, this is often done with jumpers on the shield.

There are good LCD that can be breadboarded, But I would consider using an LCD shield with I2C or SPI control (uses fewer pins) or a LCD with SPI backpack. This macks the connections easier and there is code that will minimize your work. Check for some ideas of what is available LCD shield or Serial LCD display

Adafruit has a lot of options and ideas, unfortunately most of the code is for Arduinos but that can be coded for C# or visual basic and has often already been done by others. They normally have good tutorials on how to use the products.

Also take a look at Stefan's Netmf Toolbox, he provides code in C# and Visual Basic, gives you sample codes, components needed and normally a circuit diagram on how to connect the items. Like this one Motor Control

I think I got most of the questions,

#39230 Netduino Plus 2 Problems

Posted by carb on 13 November 2012 - 12:42 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Thanks Chuck. We're investigating this and working on an I2C update this week.

In the meantime, is everyone working alright with DHCP (or some other method)? Other than getting the wrong IP the networking working alright for you?



Seems to be working okay. I was just testing with a simple program. I will only need the fixed IP when accessing remotely on the internet (works fine on loacl network) through the router.


P.S. I like it! :rolleyes:

#39207 Netduino Plus 2 Problems

Posted by carb on 12 November 2012 - 08:54 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Okay, back on the test list for this week :)

It sounds like if it has a works properly. But if it doesn't have a reservation on your network, it has an identity crisis ;)


I am having similiar problems with my NP2, I set the IP Address in MFDeploy to

I then load my program and it says that the IP Address is

The program works as it should only with the IP not 122 which is setup in my router with port forwarding.

MFDeploy still show the IP as

Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.SPOT
Imports Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware
Imports SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware
Imports SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino

Namespace Connect_to_Web_2
  Public Class Program
    Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' write your code here
      ' setup the LED and turn it off by default
      Dim led As New OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, False)

      ' configure the port # (the standard web server port is 80)
      Dim port As Integer = 80

      ' wait a few seconds for the Netduino Plus to get a network address.

      ' display the IP address
      Dim networkInterface As Microsoft.SPOT.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface = Microsoft.SPOT.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()(0)
      Debug.Print("my ip address: " + networkInterface.IPAddress.ToString())

      ' create a socket to listen for incoming connections
      Dim listenerSocket As New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
      Dim listenerEndPoint As New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port)

      ' bind to the listening socket

      ' and start listening for incoming connections

      ' listen for and process incoming requests
      While True
        ' wait for a client to connect
        Dim clientSocket As Socket = listenerSocket.Accept()

        ' wait for data to arrive
        Dim dataReady As Boolean = clientSocket.Poll(5000000, SelectMode.SelectRead)

        ' if dataReady is true and there are bytes available to read,
        ' then you have a good connection.
        If dataReady AndAlso clientSocket.Available > 0 Then
          Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(clientSocket.Available - 1) {}
          Dim bytesRead As Integer = clientSocket.Receive(buffer)
          Dim request As New String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(buffer))
          Debug.Print("Command: " + request)
          ' request = up(request)
          If request.IndexOf("ON") >= 0 Then
          ElseIf request.IndexOf("OFF") >= 0 Then
          End If

          Dim statusText As String = "LED is " + (If(led.Read(), "ON", "OFF")) + "."

          ' return a message to the client letting it
          ' know if the LED is now on or off.
          Dim response As String = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" & vbCr & vbLf + "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf + "<html><head><title>Netduino Plus LED Sample</title></head>" + "<body>" + statusText + "</body></html>"
        End If
        ' important: close the client socket
      End While
    End Sub

  End Class
End Namespace


Attached Thumbnails

  • 11-12-12 15-47-25.jpg
  • 11-12-12 15-42-04.jpg

#39054 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by carb on 11 November 2012 - 10:41 PM in General Discussion


I think the new Netduino Plus 2, will give you more freedom, and if your goal is to learn more about basic digital electronics, this is IMHO the one to get. You don't really have to use a soldering iron if you can make things on a breadboard.

I agree that the N+2 would be a good starting point, it has the essentials on the board. And the price is right.

I have a Netduino Go Starter Kit, and i find it quite limiting, as the shieldbase has been in Beta for quite some time, and there has been a lot of small things that is not working.

As to the Go, Yes and No, it depends on the applications that you have in mind. If you are prototyping a project or need to build a module to do exactly what you want the Go is a great platform.

As for the time in Beta for the shieldbase, there are a lot of things that influence that, change in parts, availability of parts, change in visual studios, changes in NETMF, hurricanes and upgrades to existing products (N+2). Also if I remember correctly the release date of the Go was 4/8/12. It has come a long way. The number of existing module and the pending addition of GHI modules amazes me. I have tryed to buy all of the product line and I think that I have all of the available modules and consider them all a good investment.


#39479 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by carb on 16 November 2012 - 08:22 PM in General Discussion

I'm sorry to keep posting questions, but creating a new topic would be wrong I guess.

Which jumping wires should I take to connect the netduino with breadbord ?? This might not be Netduindo related...

M/M, F/M or F/F?


Male / Male.

As to the second question, the kit seems to have most of the parts, I did not see a power supply, the USB will provde 5vdc to the Netduino. If you want to use more power than the USB can provide then a 9vdc power supply (wall wart) can be added. Just make sure that the center of the barrel connector is positive.


#39209 Netduino Plus 2 Problems

Posted by carb on 12 November 2012 - 09:00 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

An additional problem that I have run into is when I write a new program or update an old program is a loss of communication with the NP2 (device not found). Communications can be restored by changing deploy to serial then back to USB. Chuck

#39222 Netduino Plus 2 Problems

Posted by carb on 12 November 2012 - 11:11 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)


You might try clearing the arp cache. Open a command window and execute: arp -a . Look for your MAC address in the table output.
If it is associated with, then delete it with the command arp -d Then ping to populate the arp cache. If the ping fails
then you have a problem similar to mine, e.g. MFDeploy will simply not update the network configuration of the Plus 2. Hopefully, Chris will get this fixed.



I think that I have the same problem as you, the ARP -d didn't help. I couldn't ping, but could ping

I am sure that Chris will get it fixed, but wanted to let him know the others were having similiar problems.


#36628 LED Matrix

Posted by carb on 06 October 2012 - 12:48 PM in Netduino Go

It took me a lot of time the description of the circuit, but finally I've finished it.

Please, feel free to ask whatever you need.

Nice job Mario,

Very Detailed.


#41182 Wifi timeout

Posted by carb on 07 December 2012 - 08:44 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)


Have you looked at Arron's Power Management Class. Power Management

It allows you to cycle the 3.3 & 5.0vdc headers (and other things). This would allow you to remove power temporarily from the shield to reset it, as needed.


#36097 Sparkfun PIR motion sensor

Posted by carb on 28 September 2012 - 01:41 AM in Project Showcase

After hours of pulling my hair (luckily I have tons of it) can't get the SEN-08630 to work. When measuring with Multi-Meter, there is only 0.1V and no fluctuation at all. I am currently using a 10K Ohms Pull-up resistor. Do you think I am using the wrong Pull-up Resistor, should I use a 47 instead?


This shouldn't be this hard to do. I didn't find any pictures of you setup and unfortunately I don't have one of the PIR sensors, but I can wire it with a switch maybe tommorrow.

A couple of things:
1. I would stick with the 10k ohm resistor, in a previous post you said that you were considering trying a 47 ohm (hope you meant 47k ohm). This resistor limits the current through the sensors and restore a positive voltage (logic level 1) on the input pin.

2. I would use a digital IO for input, they are 5vdc tolerant, plus less coding to make it work, ie. either true or false.

3. On the Sparkfun datasheet it says that the input voltage for the sensor is 12vdc. The Bildr article shows it using 5vdc. But without ordering a sensor I can't try it. If it does need 12vdc then there are several ways of connecting it to the Netduino (do not apply 12vdc to the Netduino).

4. Make sure that you do not expose the sensor directly towards the sun if using outdoors, PIRs don't like that much IR radiation.


#36222 Sparkfun PIR motion sensor

Posted by carb on 29 September 2012 - 01:47 AM in Project Showcase

Hi Chuck,

No, I didn't get a chance to take a picture of my wiring, also Yes, I was talking about a 47K but didn't get a chance to try it and will stick to the 10K. I am using a digital IO for input. I will try with 12V as suggested and see but first I will try Dave's suggestion to wait at least 1-2 minutes before reading any values and see.

Thank you so much for your input.

Use a voltmeter before connecting to the DIO just to make sure that we don't send to much voltage to it.


#35206 Sparkfun PIR motion sensor

Posted by carb on 14 September 2012 - 11:51 PM in Project Showcase

That's what I did. I unplugged the sensor and I read no power at all, well .0L which I think means open or infinite.


Most multi meters that I have use 0L would mean overload or over ranged, does your meter have auto scaling? If not check that the meter is not in a milli volt range.

Most meters would indicate a voltage (in milli volt range) when not connected just from RF radiation.

Check your meter against a none source such as a AA battery, make sure you use a DC scale not AC. It should read about 1.5 vdc.

As far as the netduino you can hook a wire from the 3.3 volt header to the input pin that would be connected to the alarm. Then move the wire from the 3.3 volt header to ground. If program senses the change the netduino should be good.

Good luck,

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