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Stanislav Husár

Member Since 05 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active May 10 2018 09:48 AM

#55052 Support understanding I2C comms

Posted by Stanislav Husár on 31 December 2013 - 06:05 PM




Reading values from I2C sensor´s memory is simple.

At first, you need I2CConfiguration object. But this object is just a configuration.

So, you need I2CDevice object.


Then you create an array of type I2CTransaction with two elements.

As first element you use I2CWriteTransaction. You write address, from which you want to read, to the device.

Second element would be I2CReadTranscation. With this transaction, you read data from selected address.


Finally, you call I2CDevice.Execute().


Hope this helps.

#47930 Stuck with blue light on

Posted by Stanislav Husár on 02 April 2013 - 02:35 PM

I dug up one of my Netduinos again after several months of absense (we've been moving, and therefore quite busy). I wanted to measure "weatness", so I started by writing a very simple app, just reading input 0, debug.print it, sleep(100) and repeat.


However, it didn't run. The last time I used Netduino I upgraded the firmware on the other one, so I figured I had forgotten to flash this one. A quick check using MFdeploy confirmed that (this one was using RC3).



So I followed the description, and touched the erase-plate and power cycled the netduino. But now the blue light stays on, and my computer does not recognize it anymore. I feel like I've tried everything, but it still won't happen.



What can I do?

After you erase Netduino with erase-plate, you have to flash TinyBooterDecompressor to it using SAM-BA( here is how to do that http://wiki.netduino...ep-by-step.ashx ), and power-cycle the Netduino. Only after that will MFDeploy tool be able to recognize Netduino. It will recognize it as "TinyBooter". Then you should deploy .NET MF to Netduino using MFDeploy, again power-cycle, and then you may be able to deploy program to Netduino.

Hope that helps:)

#38614 Something new is brewing in the Secret Labs

Posted by Stanislav Husár on 06 November 2012 - 04:16 PM

V2lsbCB0aGUgU2hpZWxkIEJhc2Ugc3VwcG9ydCBJMkMgdW50aWwgRmViIDIwMTM/IEluIHByZXNl bnQgc2l0dWF0aW9uLCBJIG5lZWQgdG8gY2hvb3NlIGJldHdlZW4gc3BlZWQgYW5kIHN1cHBvcnRl ZCBpbnRlcmZhY2VzIDotKA==

#25548 How to burn my program inside neduino?

Posted by Stanislav Husár on 15 March 2012 - 02:27 PM

After deploying program to Netduino with Visual Studio, the program remains in Netduino´s flash memory, even after disconnecting Netduino from pc and powering it again. However, you can erase it by deploying another program. So, if you think, that your program is in its final version and ready to use, just remove code used to debug the program, and deploy it from Visual Studio in normal way. Then, if you power Netduino from any power source, it will run program, that was deployed recently.

#15489 Another LED "Hello world!" program

Posted by Stanislav Husár on 14 July 2011 - 08:38 PM


Just for my knowledge (not a critisism or anything) but could you of done this without the need for all of the transistors and resistors or was this just so you could create a circuit with an example of how a transistor could be used?

Also, if the transisors were not used, could you have 1 resistor going to ground with and have that resistor as a common "gate" to ground for all of your LED's?

Like i said this is not a critisism, i think your creation is an awesome little bit of electronics, im just trying to better my understanding of things (i am more of a code junkie than an electronics kinda guy).


Hi Stuart,

Transistors are there because GPIO pins on Netduino have 8mA limit, which is not enough to power a LED.
But it is enough to close NPN transistor.Transistors allow higher current to flow between Collector and Emittor, enough to drive LEDs.

Anyway, whether you use transistors or not, you may not use one resistor near more LEDs.
Resistor limits the current that flows in the circuit.But resistor near the LED does not need to limit current, that flows through one LED.
Using suggested circuitry, it will limit current flowing through all LEDs together and then through it.
This will change current, that flows through the LEDs, and also the current will vary depending on count of LEDs turned on.

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