Paul Newton
Member Since 13 Nov 2011Offline Last Active Aug 12 2016 04:20 PM
About Me
I work in embedded electronics and software, and sometimes get time to play at robotics at home.
I grew up with the ZX81 and BBC micro when computers came with a programming language for free. Previously I have tried making home projects using 8051 and PIC processors, but have always been held back by not having (free) tools that include a high level language. 20 years on, and the nice tools are all free!
I currently have a Netduino plus v1 connected to an Ardumoto shield for driving two pairs of motors on a DFROBOT ROB0003 buggy. The buggy is fitted with Sharp analogue and digital range sensors, and a pair of bumper switches. It uses a pair of opto-isolators on the PWM outputs between the Netduino and Ardumoto shield; this prevents the motors running at power on and separates the Netduino and motor power supplies. I have used my "fix it" shield to breakout connections on the Netduino. On top of the buggy I have a set of LEDs driven by a 74HC595 via SPI; the LEDs indicate current direction.
Random facts:
[*]My first computer was a ZX81 - but my first program was on a ZX80.
[*]I write code in assembler, C & C++, perl, C# and am just starting out with Python.
[*]I used to ride a 250Watt 36Volt electric bike, but gave up when we got a second car and Britain got rainy for a whole year.
[*]I am a schools ambassador for "STEM" Science Technology Engineering & Maths.
[*]I have an Android Tablet but prefer to use my Palm with 20th Century technology as it works.
[*]I got a Raspberry Pi for Christmas 2012 - going to try and link it to my Netduino Plus.
If you are going to buy an Android tablet - make sure you have a padded room so it doesn't break when you throw it at the wall.
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Berkshire, UK
Electronics, software.