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#2718 Community GPS driver (MFGPS)

Posted by Mark H on 24 September 2010 - 07:27 AM in General Discussion

At the moment we only have GLL and RMC packets implemented and no way to change the baud rate or update rate on the devices yet. There is still a lot to be done and it would be good to get some more experienced developers on the team.

#2722 netduino installation

Posted by Mark H on 24 September 2010 - 07:38 AM in Visual Studio

Visual studio needs to run as an Administrator . Technet and MSDN have a number of articles explaining the ins and outs of this.

#2729 Wait...what's this?

Posted by Mark H on 24 September 2010 - 07:55 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Very interesting, looking forward to seeing more information on this device!

#2754 Community GPS driver (MFGPS)

Posted by Mark H on 24 September 2010 - 01:26 PM in General Discussion

We're working on it, slowly.

After this we're building SKYNET. ;-)

Ah good idea Greg, don't tell them we've finished it. Just let them think we're still working on it.

btw, i'm Issus on codeplex.

#2756 A Most Perplexing Analog Input Problem

Posted by Mark H on 24 September 2010 - 01:32 PM in General Discussion

Set your analogue input voltage scale as 0, 3300. This will then read out mV rather than the raw ADC value. I don't have the SDK installed on this PC so i can't give you the exact code, however when i was looking through the netduino libraries earlier it was there. If you're getting about 70mv, this is about right for a device that isn't hooked up correctly, check your ground, make sure the maxbotix is powered, and make sure you have the avref connected as above.

#2834 Double prescision math lib?

Posted by Mark H on 25 September 2010 - 01:23 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I too would like a native solution for this :) Like Chris S, i don't have the tool chain for compiling for Atmel ARM :(

#2835 4WD Body for the Netduino?

Posted by Mark H on 25 September 2010 - 01:29 AM in General Discussion

Btw Chris, i bought a book on SolidWorks for that other 4wd thing we were talking about :)

#2836 Stay close to your computer (or come to MakerFaire)...

Posted by Mark H on 25 September 2010 - 01:36 AM in General Discussion


A bit of both. But mostly a software limitation. If there's interest, we can start a community project to expand this to 4GB or beyond (for MicroSD cards that support SPI).


Any chance of going native on the uSD rather than using SPI so as to get the higher speed read/write?

#2840 What's feasible and what's not

Posted by Mark H on 25 September 2010 - 03:00 AM in General Discussion

Unfortunately, Netduino doesn't appear to support 1 Wire, so you'd want to look for an i2c, spi or analogue output temperature sensor. Something like a LM60 from National or a TMP36 from Analog are examples of analogue output sensors.

#2864 What's feasible and what's not

Posted by Mark H on 25 September 2010 - 09:22 AM in General Discussion

Wikipedia can be a really great resource for understanding what different protocols mean, usually the articles are high level enough that most people with basic electronics knowledge can understand them and if you need more information you'd be able to go to google to look for specifics. 1 wire is just a protocol for systems to communicate, like i2c, CAN, SPI, TTL and RS232 among others are. 

#2880 Friends I need to get some basic knowledge

Posted by Mark H on 25 September 2010 - 02:46 PM in General Discussion


Hardware for software people!

Well said :)

#2907 Buying or Acquiring Parts

Posted by Mark H on 26 September 2010 - 04:25 AM in General Discussion

also, consider prefer over mouser 90% of the time) and farnell is great for international people without access to a decent electronics store. In most countries it's free overnight delivery - however they can be considerably more expensive.

Be wary of dealextreme, some of their stuff is absolute rubbish (get what you pay for).

#2908 Netduino IR Distance Sensor

Posted by Mark H on 26 September 2010 - 04:46 AM in Project Showcase

I have drivers for the FEZ to run all the sharp distance sensors accurate to within a few mm, if anyone's interested i can port them over to Netduino, however i don't have one to test on (yet).

#2913 Anyone interested in an eagle version of the Netduino files?

Posted by Mark H on 26 September 2010 - 09:20 AM in General Discussion

I've seen a couple of threads about the board and schematic files and people wanting them in Eagle, is anyone interested? I'll port them over if there is enough interest - i have an Eagle Pro license so the 4 layer restriction is no problem to me. I have a feeling i'd have to do a redraw from scratch, so the routing will be different however components should mostly be in the same place (all the important stuff anyway) - it would be enough for using to generate your own netduino based devices in any case.

#2929 Anyone interested in an eagle version of the Netduino files?

Posted by Mark H on 26 September 2010 - 04:40 PM in General Discussion

Ok well i'll look at it this week, it shouldnt take more than a few hours if i have all the footprints and it decides to route nicely.

#2939 KS0108 Driver

Posted by Mark H on 26 September 2010 - 06:06 PM in Project Showcase

Very nice! Writing code for one of these was about 3rd on my todo list, so i guess i dont need to worry about that any more! Thanks!

#2941 Colin Miller explains the Gadgeteer hardware system

Posted by Mark H on 26 September 2010 - 06:42 PM in General Discussion

It's using GHI's EM module on the back, so i wouldn't be surprised. Is it just me, or did just about everything he tried to show working... not?

#2943 Netduino programming

Posted by Mark H on 26 September 2010 - 06:58 PM in Visual Studio

You might want to take a look at the new Netduino Plus which has ethernet support. Other than that, just use a serial port, or a TTL to USB Serial Port cable to talk to your PC. With a USB serial port you can just write stuff out on the netduino to the serial port and read it in on your pc. Both NetMF and .Net Full have the SerialPort class and the code is the same between them.

#2946 Anyone interested in an eagle version of the Netduino files?

Posted by Mark H on 26 September 2010 - 07:05 PM in General Discussion

Hari, with 100 pins there is no way you'd get that in anything other than LQFP/TFBGA/LQFN packages. Those IC's are really easy to hand solder once you know a few tricks. I have a FEZ Domino on it's way to me with a dead NXP ARM7 on it, and a replacement ARM chip, i might have to do a tutorial on how to solder it. 0603's and above are easy with a pair of surface mount tweasers. If you're really worried about the board, get one made at, then head over to and get a stencil made. Buy some solder paste, stencil on the solder paste, place your parts with surface mount (self closing) tweasers and then heat with a hot air gun slowly until the solder goes all liquid. Surface mount isn't something to be afraid of, i only first got PTH parts after getting a FEZ Domino and a Sparkfun Inventors Kit... I've been doing surface mount only boards for 4 years - it's what i learnt on.

#2948 Anyone interested in an eagle version of the Netduino files?

Posted by Mark H on 26 September 2010 - 07:09 PM in General Discussion

I'd love to see a tutorial on surface mount soldering...

There are heaps of them on YouTube, but i'll see what i can do once i get the domino and usbizi chip in ;) Failing that, i can just put some FT232RL's on boards, they have the same pin pitch.

#2985 4WD Body for the Netduino?

Posted by Mark H on 27 September 2010 - 03:50 AM in General Discussion

Lol, more it was just a convenient place to chat lol

#2987 Anyone interested in an eagle version of the Netduino files?

Posted by Mark H on 27 September 2010 - 04:23 AM in General Discussion

I just hand solder chips like that. Unless you have a stencil for a whole board i dont see much point in hot air. Just position the mcu on the board and hold it down with something (self closing tweasers) and then tack opposite corners, checking alignment before doing each one. Then just run solder along the pins - using surface tension to keep the blob from creating bridges and then remove the bridge from the last two pins if you made one with the remains of the blob.

#2996 LPC18xx

Posted by Mark H on 27 September 2010 - 07:47 AM in General Discussion

LPC185x series could be *very* interesting. I started listing the specs but the post was going to go on forever. This chip supports it all.

#3028 LPC18xx

Posted by Mark H on 27 September 2010 - 02:56 PM in General Discussion

Unfortunately Atmel don't really seem to offer anything worthwhile in the more powerful series of ARM processors :( It would have been nice if they did offer something that didnt need external ram and/or flash :( NXP really have their act together with ARM chips

#3121 Back to the dump # 3

Posted by Mark H on 28 September 2010 - 03:11 PM in General Discussion

I never thought i'd thought reading the exploits of someone digging through trash so enthralling haha. Keep up the great work Frank. Btw, Printers are great! Take them apart for stepper motors, ball screws, belts, etc. They are basically ultra cheap CNC machines that are incredibly accurate. If you've ever wanted to do anything CNC grab some old printers - i never seem to be able to find any around here. Next time there is a verge collection i'm going on the hunt for the biggest oldest printers i can find (preferrably huge dot matrix printers).

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