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#41953 BitBanger firmware support

Posted by Nicky on 20 December 2012 - 04:12 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Just to mention: DPWS is possible by including the classes in your project.. I did it on a Netduino Go some months ago. I might have changed something in the source, but I can't remember. When thats said, I won't use it. A simple REST service is far more efficient... and if it's the discovery-thing you wan't, you can easily locate your devices on your network by doing a simple broadcast.

#41952 How to do Ethernet communication in netduino in c#

Posted by Nicky on 20 December 2012 - 04:07 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I don't think that you can do what you wan't without changing the firmware - or use another ethernet adapter, which uses an other driver, and then, if that driver allows it, you can do what you want.

#41931 Shield Base Firmware (beta 4)

Posted by Nicky on 20 December 2012 - 11:59 AM in Netduino Go

Oh ffs... so that means, that I always will have to multiply the returned value with the voltage? Sigh, these electronics are killing me! :D Thanks mate. ;)

#41925 Shield Base Firmware (beta 4)

Posted by Nicky on 20 December 2012 - 10:29 AM in Netduino Go

Has anyone experienced, that their analog readings are wrong? Measured directly on the sensor, i get a value of 0.47v but Shieldbase reads 0.14v... it seems to be dividing the actual value with the voltage...

#41885 Newbie - Issue with Shieldbase

Posted by Nicky on 19 December 2012 - 05:38 PM in Netduino Go

You can get the GoBus and GoBusSerialTransport DLL's from the attachment here

#41671 Interenet conectivity

Posted by Nicky on 17 December 2012 - 02:44 PM in General Discussion

Netduino Plus 2 has Ethernet and Ethernet only. There are some Wiznet shields that should be compatible with Netduino (and Plus 2 ofc) that can be used to connect the Netduino to Wifi.

#41628 Multithreading

Posted by Nicky on 16 December 2012 - 03:59 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Are you sure its just the threading? I'm running 4 - 5 threads at the same time, UDP listener, webserver, serial server, main thread and sometimes a background worker to store data, I notice no (big) performance disadvantages on a standard ND+.
You know you can set priorities on your thread? I assume you have something going on in your main thread (the starting one) that keeps the other from executing.

Sounds like me and Noom are experiencing the same, so I can tell:

- Main-thread: Idle
- Every second, an event raises, refreshing sensors + screen and saves data (writes 100 bytes of json (automatic parsing)) if enough time has passed.
- When ever theres data to be sent, an uploader worker sends the file with a lightweight http request (1 request line, 3 line header, 100 bytes payload).

That is basicly whats killing my NGo ... singlethreaded, it can refresh, save and send data in less than a second. Multithreaded, it kills it self.

#41623 Multithreading

Posted by Nicky on 16 December 2012 - 02:14 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I have switched to single threaded programming on my Netduino Go, because when theres 4-5 concurrent threads running, one or two of them never gets CPU cycles after a minute of operation. Then if I reboot, it might work for two minutes, next time maybe five, next time maybe not at all. Everything shared is thread safe, minimal writing/reading to SD/ethernet due to buffers. And also... with 4-5 threads, it can take up to almost 14 seconds write 100 bytes to a SD card... the exact same code, when only 1 thread runs, it takes only a few milliseconds to write 1-2 kb. When that said, thats when my uploader should be working constantly, and saving every few second. But compared to single threaded mode, those few threads has an insane impact on performance... Sometimes a it can also take a few seconds, or maybe a minute, before the Netduio changes to a specific thread. They all have the same thread priority, but some threads get skipped when cycling!

#41594 Netduino +GUI

Posted by Nicky on 15 December 2012 - 03:08 PM in General Discussion

The nwazet] display module for Netduino Go can be used on the Netduino Plus... it has a library for making a UI. If you wan't a more sophisticated UI, i would do like Lunddahl says. Or maby host a webpage on the Netduino it self. You can make a very nice UI with HTML and jQuery (or just regular JS), and then use AJAX calls to read/set values.

#41593 Netduino Go Ethernet

Posted by Nicky on 15 December 2012 - 02:52 PM in Netduino Go

I would be happy to look at the Wireshark file to see if I can figure out what's going wrong.

That would be great. Althrough I really don't have time to work with this anymore the 7 days. Have to focus on the other stuff, but after Dec. 21st could be cool. I don't know what Wireshark is through? Guessing that it's some network monitoring. I've used a tool from Microsoft, but can't tell if Wireshark is better :)

Great question. It's Apache 2.0. I started with a driver ported from C written by hanzibal in C# which was GNU (with permission). Then I tried to get permission from the authors myself to go Apache. I got no response, but I soon found out that the C version was actually based on the Microchip sample code with little modification. So I wrote my own driver based on that and not based on any GNU code and licensed that as Apache 2.0. That is the driver used in the Beta of mip and the original GNU driver is no longer included. So everything is Apache. This allows it to be used commercially.

Yeah, that was kind a like I understood it. I've tried making my own driver based on the datasheet, and got some functions working, but discarded it, when I saw your version was the only one included in the download. Eventhrough the problem i had on local network, I still think it's a impressive library. I know most of it's is just protocols, but the amount of time spendt on this ain't small.

So, you are thinking of wrapping mIP with a new class that implements System.Net methods and classes? Definitely possible. And I think a lot of people would appreciate that. But, one of my goals is to simplify networking and save some overhead by not implementing all the typical layers. Although with the new ST chips, it's really becoming less of an issue because of all the extra memory. But, still, mIP can run out of memory under heavy traffic.

Yes, something like that. But instead of making a new class that implements System.Net, I was thinking about modifying the System.Net namespace to use mIP instead of the NativeSocket. Althrough the assembly has to be named something else, or it would require a custom firmware, it can still expose the System.Net classes.

Regarding the memory, maybe that could be handled by dropping/rejecting packets in a sophisticated way. I don't know if the receivefilters could be changed during operations, but then the ENC28 could check the port on TCP packets before passing it through. So if a HTTP server is listening on port 80, then all other packets are dropped (unless they are in the in the ephmeral range (or what ever it's called)).

Anyways, that was just a quick thought, I'm not completely into all aspects of the library, or the ENC28 capabilities.

#41539 Netduino Go Ethernet

Posted by Nicky on 14 December 2012 - 08:48 AM in Netduino Go

Ah, you've tried mIP? Have you tried the newly released Beta? Do you have any feedback?


Yeah, it's quite impressive, but I've had problems accessing server on our local network. ARP works fine, TCP sends SYN, but never receives SYN/ACK - my development machine sends SYN/ACK 3 times before sending the RST.

I also can't figure out if the driver included in the download is under GNU license or Apache?

Anyways, I would love to see a more framework like version of the library. Why? To make it easier to reuse the code, on multiple devices.

I'm currently using a modified System.Net library, to have Networking on the Go using a Netduino Plus (not the version on codeplex in my signature, thats an old, bad, implementation) - it should be possible to implement mIP this way. I just don't have the time right now. Have to hand in my exam in 7 days. Are you, or the community interrested in the this, I could continue working on it during the holidays/beginning of january.

#41459 Network Question

Posted by Nicky on 13 December 2012 - 07:39 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

1st question: No and yes. Netbios naming is not supported by default, but it can be implemented somehow. I know that Netbios naming is a part of mIP-library, but it won't run side by side with the LwIP-stack without modifications. mIP can be found at 2nd question: I know that .NET Micro Framework Toolbox ( has some WiFly, but if thats what you need I wouldn't know - nor if it works.

#41422 Netduino Go Ethernet

Posted by Nicky on 12 December 2012 - 09:47 AM in Netduino Go

As somebody who bought into the Netduino Go's vision based on what was posted by your company on this forum, I honestly feel like I've been mislead and bought into a technology that isn't ready for my needs. (I'm also waiting for a one-wire library and a shield base that doesn't require four sockets to use.) I don't mean to be an *ss, but honestly, lots of promises have been made to your customers that aren't being fulfilled. When can we expect real dates for these products/features?

I must agree. I've been working on my finals the last few months, based on Netduino Go because there would be a module ready.

Instead of working on the project it self, I've spent countless hours getting Ethernet running on the Go... both with and without mIP.

#40846 Basic Question - Can I use Netdudino to build something and Isolate

Posted by Nicky on 03 December 2012 - 02:38 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)


Netduino is production hardware, as well as it is good for prototyping.

If you wan't to make an independent board, you can take the *.brd files, change the layout to what you need, and then send it to production.

There is a Netduino Mini, which is a way more compact board than the regular Netduino.

However, if you manage to design your own board from scratch, ie using a STM32F mcu as on the Netduino Plus 2 and Netduino Go, you should be able to use a modified firmware and get .NET MF running on the board.

To sum up, it is possible, but you have to know your datasheets, electronics and requires a chip that is beeing supported by the .NET MF.


#40845 Deploying to micro-controllers

Posted by Nicky on 03 December 2012 - 02:32 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi. Without being anymore than a n00b my self, I would say, that if you wan't your project to live on, while working on a new one, you'll have to buy a new Netduino. As far as Netduino is good for prototyping, the hardware is production quality. One option, is to replace a regular Netduino with a Netduino Mini, but otherwise, it's one piece of hardware, for one running solution. You cannot replace a Netduino Plus, Netduino Plus 2 or a Netduino Go with the current minis. A cheap solution, on how to switch components, while switing code, is to use a breadboard for the components. But yet again, you'll still have to unplug/insert the stuff. To be honest, I think your question is more related to electronics, than Netduino or .NET MF in general. If you wan't a quick and easy way to document your projects before disassembly them, you could use some software like Fritzing to make sketches. //Nicky

#40518 How To Calculate Seconds Since Date/Time?

Posted by Nicky on 30 November 2012 - 04:24 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Good you solved it ;) You could also have done like this: return ts.Ticks / 10000000;

#40413 FTP Server

Posted by Nicky on 29 November 2012 - 10:52 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I've written one, which can be found on It's not yet completed, but anonymous users can sign in, and do basic operations such as listing, downloading, uploading, deleting etc.

#40412 Use SPOT.Presentation with the Netduino Plus 2

Posted by Nicky on 29 November 2012 - 10:49 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Without being 100% sure, I think you will have to recompile the Netduino firmware, so that it includes Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation... The reason is, that I think the SPOT classes calls native code in the firmware. If you haven't bought a display yet, Fabien has made a guide on how to conncect a nwazet] Display Module to a Netduino.

#40243 Replacing texst in strings

Posted by Nicky on 26 November 2012 - 05:38 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I usually make an extension:

public static class Extensions 
        public static string Replace(this string str, string what, string with)
            int index = -1;

            while ((index = str.IndexOf(what)) != -1)
                if (index > 0)
                    str = str.Substring(0, index) + with + str.Substring(index + what.Length);

            return str;

And then uses it by:

string str = "something";
str.Replace("\r", "");

#40181 Can't find System.Net.Sockets.dll on v4.1

Posted by Nicky on 25 November 2012 - 08:24 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

System.Net and System.Net.Sockets is located in System.dll :)

#40160 Can you IP connect through microusb cable?

Posted by Nicky on 25 November 2012 - 01:15 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Enable IIS on Windows and change project settings to use local IIS server. Then connect to that instead.

#39418 hosting a web page on a netduino webserver

Posted by Nicky on 15 November 2012 - 05:14 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

You'll need to have a socket which listens to http request. There is a complete webserver here: http://forums.netdui...nmikawebserver/ Otherwise, if you wan't to learn a little while setting it up, you could look at the TcpListener on and extend it with the HTTP protocol. I haven't had time to do it yet.

#39402 Send data to remote php server

Posted by Nicky on 15 November 2012 - 08:32 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Take a look at this: http://forums.netdui...dpost__p__36674

#39358 4.2.1 with Nwazet DAQ and Touch Screen

Posted by Nicky on 14 November 2012 - 06:07 PM in Netduino Go

Thank you for your answers. In this case, it would mean to the Netduino is rendering a bitmap, and then sends it to the module, which updates it immediately? For research purpose only: If need, would it be possible to order a batch of screens with custom logos?

#39350 4.2.1 with Nwazet DAQ and Touch Screen

Posted by Nicky on 14 November 2012 - 05:19 PM in Netduino Go

a. Yes, it can be replaced with the same touchscreen model. If you look at the display carefully, it's held in a metal cradle from which it can be extracted to swap a new one. It's also possible to replace the touchscreen with a regular display (same model but no touchscreen)

Ah that wasn't exactly what I meant.. it's the yellow screen when it initializes i was referring to ;)

b. Yes, it's normal for two reasons: there's SPI latency between the Netduino Go and the Touch Display module, then the set of commands send to the display is interpreted and bit-banged onto the IC display driver bus (the STM32F205 does not have an FSMC peripheral, so bit-banging is the only option). This results in some flickering when refreshing the screen. I hope this makes sense :)

Ah I see.. and this is the case for all Go Modules, right?

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