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There have been 8 items by escallanio (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#58113 Writing Temperature Sensor Readings to a file

Posted by escallanio on 13 May 2014 - 10:15 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I am extracting temperature reading from temperature sensor DS18B20 built application. I am obtaining values from temperature sensor build on NetDuino plus2. Whenever temperature of room changes, temperature server notify the client. I want to write the observed values from temperature sensor to a file (preferably to excel file) so that i can plot my simulation results. The debug command in the code below print temperature values whenever they are updated. Can anyone help me with code to write the values to an excel spreadsheet or another file.
void OnCoAPRequestReceived(CoAPRequest coapReq)
            if (coapReq.MessageType.Value == CoAPMessageType.CON)
                //Extract the temperature..but first, check if the notification is fresh
                //The server sends a 4-digit sequence number
                int newObsSeq = AbstractByteUtils.ToUInt16(coapReq.Options.GetOption(CoAPHeaderOption.OBSERVE).Value);
                if ((lastObsSeq < newObsSeq && ((newObsSeq - lastObsSeq) < (System.Math.Pow(2, 23)))) ||
                    (lastObsSeq > newObsSeq && ((lastObsSeq - newObsSeq) > (System.Math.Pow(2, 23)))) ||
                    DateTime.Now > lastObsRx.AddSeconds(128))
                    //The value received from server is the new temperature
                    //We got the will be in payload in JSON
                    string payload = AbstractByteUtils.ByteToStringUTF8(coapReq.Payload.Value);
                    Hashtable keyVal = JSONResult.FromJSON(payload);
                     //int temp = Convert.ToInt32(keyVal["temp"].ToString());
                     //float temp = 10.1f;
                     float temp = (float)Double.Parse(keyVal["temp"].ToString());
                    Debug.Print("Temperature of Room is " + temp);

#58767 Tutorials about the SetUp, Configuration and Communication!

Posted by escallanio on 18 June 2014 - 07:08 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hey Guys!


Been in the community for a while now. Sometimes, i think it wont be nice if there are some good tutorials available? Though, i am in the community for couple of months now, but still i am not been able to communicate NetDuino wirelessly, use of Micro SD card, connectly multiple NetDuinos. All i know about NetDuinos is how to make Client/server configuration using DS1820 sensors  :(


It would highly be appreciated if someone from the community come up with some  nice tutorials about


1.  Wireless connection among Netduinos (Many Clients/Server)----- Step by Step configuration of which equipments are required and HOW they will be connected. 


2. Use of MicroSD card-----Step by Step procedure about using MicroSD card. How to read and write to it


3. How a bunch of NetDuinos will communicate with each other Wirelessly. 



For any newcomer to the community, its a challenging issue to get started with NetDuino boards.  It would be very nice if we can come up with all tutorials in one place. I know there is a very nice book "Getting started with Internet of Things ". But it does not have any practical setup of netduinos in terms of above issues. 




#59747 NetDuino Plus 2 Boards in Venezuala

Posted by escallanio on 17 August 2014 - 06:41 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Dears


I would like to purchase two Netduino Plus 2 boards. I would like to know if secretlabs deliver them to Venezuela or there are any stores here which sell them in Venezuela?



#57835 1-Wire DS18B20 Programming Errors

Posted by escallanio on 29 April 2014 - 01:06 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)



Been able to solve the first error (Error 1). I was missing 

private OneWire _oneWire = null;


However, still i am getting error 2. :(

#57833 1-Wire DS18B20 Programming Errors

Posted by escallanio on 29 April 2014 - 12:49 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)



I am work on constrained protocol having NetDuino platform (v4.2.2). I added OneWireBus.cs and DS18B20.CS to my server for temperature monitoring of the room. However, i am getting errors




'Observe_Server_Netduino.Program' does not contain a definition for '_oneWire' and no extension method '_oneWire' accepting a first argument of type 'Observe_Server_Netduino.Program' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) E:\CoAP Implementation\Observing Resources\Observe-Server-Netduino\Observe-Server-Netduino\Program.cs 169 26 Observe-Server-Netduino

 Error 2:

The type or namespace name 'DS18B20' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) E:\CoAP Implementation\Observing Resources\Observe-Server-Netduino\Observe-Server-Netduino\Program.cs 170 17 Observe-Server-Netduino
I am using drivers from  
Funny thing is they work perfectly fine as standalone. but when i integrate them into my server program, i am getting the above errors. Any Idea?

#56448 Netduino Plus 2 board always appear in TinyBooter Mode!

Posted by escallanio on 26 February 2014 - 11:58 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi! I am new to NetDuino community and also to the device!


I bought two NetDuino Plus 2 boards this week. Since i am new to them, so playing with them to understand how they work.  One of the board has an issue now.

When i plug it in, and  ping it, it says



Bootloader build inof: Netudino Plus 2(V4.2.2.2.) by Secret Labs LLC


Even without pressing the pushbutton at plug in, it appear in bootloader mode. When i press pushbutton, and select USB in .NETMF, it is blank. 


 Target->Device Capabilities show " No Supported"


I cannot enter TinyClr mode


I tried to re-install firmware using the link below



but DFUTester does not show the device  (whether i press the pushbutton or not ).When i try to install the firmware using Dfuse Demonstration and try to chose firmware, Upgrade button get disabled. 


In short, i cannot configure it as a server or client for my project. One of the device is working properly as server, when i try to send request to the server from client (this very same device which i mentioned above). it cannot send request and in .NET only "assemblies deploy " option appear. 


I dont know what to do to tackle this situation. 



#56543 Netduino Plus 2 board always appear in TinyBooter Mode!

Posted by escallanio on 01 March 2014 - 12:06 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi escallanio, Can you try to upgrade your board to the new 4.3.1 firmware using "Netduino Update"? http://forums.netdui...-firmware-v431/ You may need to push the button firmly when you power it up (i.e. when you plug it into your PC via USB). Also...make sure that nothing else is attached to the Netduino when you reflash it. Welcome to the Netduino community, Chris

Hi Chris
Thank you for your reply. I tried to upgrade to the new 4.3.1 firmware, but was not successful. The reason is that, it is not booting in DFU Tester in order to erase the existing firmware. I tried many times by pushing the button firmly when i power it up but still it does not appear in DFU. Alternatively, I tried to upgrade it (without erasing existing firmware) to the latest firmware 4.3.1 via Dfuse Demo, however when i attach the latest firmware in the "Upgrade or verify Action" section, the firmware is attached, but upgrade option get disabled.
In .NETMF, when i ping it, it is automatically in bootloader form. When i firmly push the button while plugging it via USB, then the device does not appear in USB section of .NETMF.  Irrespective of pressing the pushbutton while plugging to laptop, it always appear in Tinybooter mode and never goes to Tinyclr. (I tried to upgrade my second board, it was successfully upgrade to the latest 4.3.1 as it gives Tinyclr when i ping it.). Perhaps there might be problem with the board?



#56954 New Netduino Plus 2 can not Erase or Deploy

Posted by escallanio on 20 March 2014 - 08:08 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)



I google through for NetDuinoUpdate. I have been able to locate Chris post (below). but i couldnt locate NetDuinoUpdate.exe on this link.




Though, in the mean time i was able to address "Error:No Response  from device" . by hit and trial  :). However, not been able to locate NetDuinoUpdate.exe :( 




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