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#62108 Serial Port read data

Posted by baxter on 14 April 2015 - 05:57 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I was using this with an ESP8266 AT command set driver (since abandonded in favor of the Lua firmware). Just instantiate the port without an event handler and then receive serial in a wait loop.

Public Sub New(ByVal ComPort As String, _
                   Optional ByVal baud As Integer = 9600)
        Port = New SerialPort(ComPort, baud, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One)

        With Port 'note no event handler
            .Handshake = Handshake.None
            .WriteTimeout = 200
            .ReadTimeout = 200
        End With
        InputString = String.Empty
        'need to change if not 9600
        If (baud <> _DefaultBaud) Then '9600 is default baud rate of ESP8266 firmware (
            _Baud = baud
        End If
    End Sub


Public Function GetFromESP(Eot As String) As String
        'this is the main reader for ESP responses. It will wait for the expected Eot or
        'a socket exception will be thrown if the response contains, ERROR or Unlink

        Dim n As Integer = 0
        Dim response As String = String.Empty
        InputString = String.Empty
        While (True)
            If (Port.BytesToRead > 0) Then
                Dim buff = New Byte(Port.BytesToRead - 1) {}
                n = Port.Read(buff, 0, Port.BytesToRead)
                InputString &= New String(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(buff))
                'Debug.Print("Inputstring: " & InputString)

                If (Contains(InputString, Eot)) Then 'expected return
                    Exit While
                    'Trap for socket connect to inactive server
                ElseIf (Contains(InputString, "CIPSTART") And _
                       (Contains(InputString, "ERROR") _
                        Or Contains(InputString, "Unlink"))) Then
                    response = InputString
                    InputString = String.Empty
                    Throw (New ESPexception("Socket can't connect: GetFomESP returned ERROR Unlink"))
                End If
                Thread.Sleep(50) 'need this delay (maybe more)
            End If
        End While
        response = InputString
        InputString = String.Empty
        Return response
    End Function

#59740 Servers Ultimate Pro Free Android App from Amazon

Posted by baxter on 16 August 2014 - 07:15 PM in General Discussion

Don't know much about it, but may be useful with a Plus 1 or 2.

#58765 Sound Sensor, Wifi Shield and BreadBoard

Posted by baxter on 18 June 2014 - 05:55 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Google is your friend,

You can buy breadboards anywhere; Mouser, Adafruit ...

#58787 Sound Sensor, Wifi Shield and BreadBoard

Posted by baxter on 19 June 2014 - 06:51 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I don't think there any Netduino specific WiFi shields. Look for an Arduino shield. Here is one,
The problem with these shields is that the drivers are Arduino specific. This is a Netduino project using an Arduino shield with Netduino drivers,
But, expect to be frustrated with these shields because you need to talk to them over SPI. However, You don't need a WiFi shield. The Edimax simply turns your Netduino ethernet port transparently into a wireless connection; thereby avoiding all driver complications. After you configure the Edimax for your network, connect its ethernet port into the Netduino ethernet port, provide power to the Edimax and the Netduino will be connected to your wireless network. Also, another advantage is that you do not tie up any SPI pins.


If you want a stack arrangement,, just get a protoshield and affix the Edimax to it. The Edimax will fit exactly between the headers without any modification.

#58961 Spark Core (TI CC3000) Porting for Super WiFI Mini?

Posted by baxter on 30 June 2014 - 05:34 PM in Netduino Mini

Yes, piwi ...

#58948 Spark Core (TI CC3000) Porting for Super WiFI Mini?

Posted by baxter on 29 June 2014 - 06:11 AM in Netduino Mini

Are you still working on your CC3000 Managed Driver? I noticed Jan 9 was the last commit on CodePlex. The 2nd generation CC3100 looks intersting. Maybe they have some of the CC3000 kinks worked out. I was going to buy a CC3200, but then changed my mind after recalling my experiences with the CC3000 Boost module and LaunchPad.


I purchased a Spark Core and it works pretty much as intended. It's easy to establish a local network connection, serve webpages and so on, but curiously, it won't respond to a ping. However, it will send pings and get responses. They blame this on firmware 1.29 which removed ping responses to fix an an ARP problem. Earlier firmware versions supposedly did have ping  response. In any event, I am reasonably happy with the Spark Core; I just wish it ran MF managed code.

#58584 Starts in boot mode always after flash

Posted by baxter on 06 June 2014 - 03:48 AM in Netduino Mini

I resorted to 4.1 firmware and do not encounter this issue. Both TinyCLR and RESET are working.


After looking through the posts here, I see that the firmware is not available. Does anyone have a copy of it that I can test?

Here is the link for Mini firmware, both RS232 and TTL


#62970 Unique device ID

Posted by baxter on 29 May 2015 - 04:27 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

See post #8,

#60853 Which Micro SD Cards will work

Posted by baxter on 03 December 2014 - 06:42 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I recall that Chris recommended a 2GB kingston from Amazon,

#58882 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by baxter on 25 June 2014 - 01:07 AM in General Discussion

Hi All,


just registered on the windowsondevices web site, replied to their confirming email and some seconds later they replied again:


Quote: "Thank you for signing up for the Windows Developer Program for IoT.  We’ll let you know when your kit has shipped."


So appearantly something has changed ....





Got the same message ...

Interesting that they ask if using Spark IO (Spark Core) as a development board. I bought one and it does WiFi quite well. It has the  same footprint as the Mini; just a bit longer.

#60137 Windows Phone 8 and BLE

Posted by baxter on 18 September 2014 - 06:20 AM in General Discussion

If other people with 8.1 on their phone run into problems with BLE, it's likely because you have the developer version of 8.1 installed.


For now (not sure on long term here), the firmware won't deploy to Nokia devices running the developer version of 8.1. In order to get the firmware (which is required for BLE) you need to revert your device back and install the consumer 8.1.


Super inconvenient, sorry. But I want to make sure you have a workaround.




A bit off topic, but do you suppose that the following problem that I am having could be related to the developer version of 8.1. My 521 is unlocked, no SIM installed with Win 8.1.1 preview developer edition and is connected to my wireless network. If I type a known site such as Google or Yahoo into IE on the 521, the page display is nearly instantaneous so WiFi works just fine.


The problem is I have several devices on my network that are administered by web servers. If I type an IP address such as to access the server it is necessary to login with a user name and a password. I can login from any computer on my network, but not with the Lumia 521. With the 521, the login page comes up and I enter the correct user/password, but it is always rejected.


I bought the Lumia 521 specifically to test login to the device servers from the Internet via DynDns. Port forwarding is setup correctly on my router. However, when I insert a T-Mobile SIm in good standing (wiFi, off) and issue <MyDevice> from IE on the 521, the same thing happens; the login is rejected.

#60140 Windows Phone 8 and BLE

Posted by baxter on 18 September 2014 - 07:00 PM in General Discussion

Thanks Pete, I tried your suggestion, but it didn't work for a simple network login to my router. The problem must be somehow related to the developer preview 8.1 for Windows Phone. I guess I am forced dig out an old DD-WRT router with NAT-loopback enabled to test internet access for devices behind my router.

#60195 Windows Phone 8 and BLE

Posted by baxter on 22 September 2014 - 10:06 PM in General Discussion

 Cyan isn't available for the Lumia 521, but thanks for the link.

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