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#29409 Is there a 3.3V pin on Mini?

Posted by monewwq1 on 19 May 2012 - 06:01 PM in Netduino Mini

I am converting a project from Netduino to Netduino Mini, and I have a device that requires 3.3V power. Is there a 3.3V pin on Netduino Mini so I can power this device with the Mini? Thank you

#26001 Shift Registers

Posted by monewwq1 on 27 March 2012 - 02:29 AM in General Discussion


#20433 IBM's "internet of things" protocol - PAHO

Posted by monewwq1 on 09 November 2011 - 11:06 PM in General Discussion


#20338 Wifi Temperature/Humidity Help?

Posted by monewwq1 on 08 November 2011 - 01:55 AM in General Discussion

1x Netduino
1x Wifi component from Weburban - http://store.weburba...urban/wifi.html

Hi Omnomnomsies,

My brief review of the datasheet for the Weburban WiFi component indicates that it is designed for PIC microcontrollers, and that it requires a TCP/IP stack loaded onto the PIC. I am skeptical that this WiFi component can interface directly with Netduino, since Netduino is based on an ARM MCU core. Sure, physically it might be able to connect, but in terms of the software, I am unaware of any C# TCP/IP stack written to specifically connect Netduino with this WiFi module. I see that there are Arduino libraries for this module, so maybe it is a simple matter of porting the Arduino libraries to Netduino; however, that might not be so simple.

For Wi-Fi on Netduino, I use a Gainspan GS1011MIP module. The link there is to a forum post I made a while ago. There is sample code there to get you started. The Gainspan is the same price as the Weburban module if you get it from

Edit: just to clarify- the Gainspan module operates at 3.3v on a UART connection, not SPI like the Weburban one, in case that matters to you.

Edit 2: I just noticed you're looking for 802.11n. The Gainspan operates on 802.11b, so this might not be a good solution for you...

Why do you need 802.11n for your project? I have found most 802.11n Wi-Fi devices are backwards compatible with 802.11b/g. I am able to run a Wi-Fi web server directly from the Gainspan and my laptop has no problem connecting. I use a Netduino Plus for the built-in SD card, to store the web pages that I serve from the module. Works great.

#20282 Circuit wiring help

Posted by monewwq1 on 05 November 2011 - 10:24 PM in General Discussion

It's got going to work, it's missing the cold fusion reactor and the warp field coils!
Hmn I see it's missing the flux regulator and the sid chip!

:( I was having trouble finding scarab beetles, and my electric eel won't stay still, but this information throws another wrench into the works. Or maybe I just need to throw a real wrench and another solder blob in there somewhere as replacement for the other items? Hmmm... any other suggestions?

#20255 Circuit wiring help

Posted by monewwq1 on 04 November 2011 - 11:20 PM in General Discussion

Euh... LOL!

"Not a resistor; wire just does this"

LOL :lol:

#20250 Circuit wiring help

Posted by monewwq1 on 04 November 2011 - 09:53 PM in General Discussion


Can someone please assist me with wiring this circuit? Thanks!

#20121 Power LED

Posted by monewwq1 on 02 November 2011 - 11:16 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Do you have black electrical tape?

If you do remove it, you'll want to use a soldering iron and tweezers (very carefully). Heat up the solder on both sides of the LED (switching every half second or so between the two) and then carefully remove the power LED using tweezers. Please note that this completely voids your warranty, for obvious reasons :)

I'd still recommend a small piece of electrical tape's simple, non-destructive, and should blend right in.


I have electrical tape coming out my ears. Lol. :blink: But, e-tape gets sticky and is noticeable, and it can fall off. And I wanted something permanent.

I found that you can do exactly what you said to remove the LED, except to make it easier you only have to heat up one side and carefully wiggle the tweezers until the LED pops off of one solder point. Then just wiggle it off of the other solder point.

My Netduino has now entered the Dark Side. Oh, and it still works fine too. :) Thanks.

#20083 Power LED

Posted by monewwq1 on 02 November 2011 - 03:35 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

How can you actually remove the power LED from the board safely? I have an application I am doing with light sensors and the power LED is distracting the sensors. I would like to remove the LED but it is small. Should I just crack it off with a pair of pliers or is there a more "scientific" method? :)

#20079 CPU Fan Control

Posted by monewwq1 on 02 November 2011 - 02:25 AM in General Discussion

Thank you for the diagram, do you by any chance have a schematic?

No sorry, that drawing is all I have.

#20073 CPU Fan Control

Posted by monewwq1 on 02 November 2011 - 01:29 AM in General Discussion

See the attached file. I use this for reference all the time. While it is an Arduino, the same wiring for the motor (or in your case the CPU brushless motor), battery/power supply, and FET applies for the Netduino. For the FET in the diagram, I use a TIP120 Darlington transistor. I usually add a ~1K resistor in line with the PWM port as well. I've controlled small 12VDC motors and CPU fans with this wiring scheme.

#20072 CPU Fan Control

Posted by monewwq1 on 02 November 2011 - 01:28 AM in General Discussion

File did not attach. See below reply.

#20021 CPU Fan Control

Posted by monewwq1 on 31 October 2011 - 11:56 PM in General Discussion

I've controlled 12VDC CPU fans using an NPN transistor and a PWM port on the Netduino. It works fine. Edit: I am trying to find a nice diagram for you. I will upload it here once I do.

#20009 Network problem

Posted by monewwq1 on 30 October 2011 - 05:58 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I tried using DHCP (forcing DHCP with the above istruction), in that case the IP address of my PC is and the IP address of N+ is, netmask, and with a fixed IP; I tried with different netmasks,

When I have seen the ping error message, I also had the same idea, a netmask mismatch, but now I think that my N+ has a problem.

Could be and interrupt management issue? The ethernet board seems to works fine but the IP stack doesn't receive anything.


What is the N+ Default Gateway IP address?

Try this:


Is the N+ Gateway Address the same as the IP address of your router? Or is it different? It should be the same.

Also, try running a traceroute for the N+ IP address and see where it's failing.

#20004 Network problem

Posted by monewwq1 on 30 October 2011 - 02:53 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Ping response (after few seconds): "Destination host unreachable"

It is very strange because N+ dhcp works, I see its MAC address correctly assigned among DHCP server leases..

I tried new FW 4.2 and firmware v4.2.0.0 RC3 but I have same problems.

Ok, that is the message I thought you were getting. Can you let us know the IP address of your computer and the IP address of your N+? I bet the N+ IP address is not on the same subnet as your router and computer.

Edit: try adding this to your code:


#19991 Network problem

Posted by monewwq1 on 30 October 2011 - 03:07 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Although N+ successfully acquires the address (with DHCP enabled) I cannot see it in the network (I cannot ping it).


What is the actual response you are getting when you try to ping it?

#19989 Monitor & Control your Garage Door with Android App

Posted by monewwq1 on 30 October 2011 - 02:52 AM in Project Showcase

I exclude a problem in my LAN because if I browse the ip of the router ( from android, I have no problem. The strange thing is that from any other pc on my lan, all works fine... the problem is only from my android smartphone. Any suggest?

Just because you can browse the ip of the router does not mean that there is not a router configuration problem. Perhaps the router is blocking requests to port 80 or whatever TCP port you have configured for your web server. So if you go to, all is fine because the Android phone is connected to the same router connection as your other computers ( is probably the Default Gateway IP address) and the router is configured to allow local connections to its configuration pages. But if you go to, the router is internally blocking that request. I would check the port forwarding and firewall configuration of the router and make sure it is not blocking certain port requests from your Android phone. Some routers have internal log files that you can view to see if that is happening.

#19986 Inexpensive WIFI device

Posted by monewwq1 on 30 October 2011 - 12:05 AM in General Discussion

Thanks Nick F. for the quick response. I will take a look at the breakout board version as soldering is not my specialty.

In general how was your experience working with this device? Are there any other components that you used for your implementation? thanks again.


I've had great success with it. My Gainspan post should help. There is example C# code which has helped others get up and running quickly and I also put up a video example of ad-hoc Wi-Fi communications between two Netduino's with Gainspan modules.

Just a word of caution: if you want to update the firmware to the current version, you will need to sign a non-disclosure agreement with Gainspan in order to get the current firmware files. However, the device works fine out of the box without a firmware update. I updated my firmware to take advantage of the ad-hoc DHCP server functionality.

Besides wires, there are no other components required, unless you want to update the firmware, which requires a USB-to-UART 3.3V adapter. Check out my post for all the details.

You'll still need to do some soldering to get wires connected to the breakout board holes, but it is not difficult.


#19983 TSL2561 lux sensor

Posted by monewwq1 on 29 October 2011 - 11:08 PM in General Discussion

Coincidentally, I just finished reading the "High resolution light measurement" thread. Glad you decided to go with the i2c lux sensor. Netduino + i2c has kept me pretty happy and I always lean toward i2c options when shopping. The MinM is another example of super-convenient micro-controller/i2c overkill. :) It combines LEDs and an ATtiny85 micro-controller on one little board. I bought three for a project and it was ridiculously easy to interface and control them via i2c. Sure, my silly little project ended up with a total of 4 microprocessors, but it was orders of magnitude easier than trying to do everything directly with the Netduino.

Anyway, that thread was a good read. I think I might actually try out TI's "MSP430 LaunchPad Value Line Development Kit" mentioned in one of the posts. There is at least one thing I've wanted to build on top of Netduino that would benefit from offloading some of the high frequency work onto an auxiliary controller.

One other thing... You might want to check out the I2CBus classes by FusionWare and Phantom Typist -- they're in other threads in these forums. If you write your TSL2561 code as a "driver" for one of these bus classes, it might save you a little bit of time and also help if you ever want to hook up another i2c device at the same time as the TSL2561. Others have posted I2CBus compatible code back to the forums for others to benefit from, which was a huge help for me when I was starting with Netduino and i2c.

Good luck with the project.

I am still on a quest to build an accurate lux/foot-candle meter using off-the-shelf components. While it was frustrating at times, the high frequency light measurement project was a great learning experience for me, and now I understand that it is not bad practice to use additional chips in my projects. I have that TSL235R sensor working fine now. To get it working, I ended up writing a frequency counter for a PIC18F252 and then sending the measurements from the PIC18 to the Netduino via UART. I compared the PIC18 frequency readings against measurements right from the sensor using a high-quality o'scope, and my frequency counts prove correct.

The current problem is that the TSL235 sensors measure outside the visible light spectrum and there is no simple way to calculate the intensity of only the visible spectrum. The TSL2561 presumably solves this by providing a way to "subtract" the non-visible spectrum so that I am only looking at the intensity of the visible spectrum.

My intro to microcontrollers began with an Arduino and BlinkM i2c RGB LEDs. You're right, not to mention being really expensive, those LEDs are i2c overkill, but for me they served as a great intro to i2c communications.

I'll be checking the forums for those I2CBus classes.

#19981 Inexpensive WIFI device

Posted by monewwq1 on 29 October 2011 - 10:43 PM in General Discussion

The Gainspan GS1011MIP is $69.99, for the breakout board. I use this module with the Netduino.

If you're good at soldering and figuring out schematics, you can get the GS1011MIP module itself for $33.95.

#19977 TSL2561 lux sensor

Posted by monewwq1 on 29 October 2011 - 07:28 PM in General Discussion

The wiring diagram looks good to me, for Netduino. Note that the two small black surface mount devices labeled "103" are 10K resistors. These seem common as pull up resistors on i2c breakouts. The schematics for the product are available, but you'll need Eagle to view them. I've included a screenshot, below. Note that the 10K resistors are being used as pullups for SDA and SCL.

Thanks Spork. I figured the pull-ups might be in there already, but didn't notice that there were Eagle schematics available.

Now I just need to convert the C++ code to C# :blink: :D

#19974 TSL2561 lux sensor

Posted by monewwq1 on 29 October 2011 - 06:12 PM in General Discussion


I am working on connecting a TSL2561 lux sensor to a Netduino. It is an i2c device.

Can you please take a look at the Arduino wiring diagram and let me know if I can do the same wiring to a Netduino?

Do I need to add any pull-up resistors or can I wire as shown and expect it to work?

#19651 Netduino - WiFi

Posted by monewwq1 on 23 October 2011 - 06:43 PM in Project Showcase

I did try different baud rates. No luck. I also thought I saw in either the datasheet or the manual that you can use a PC to talk to it. I'm going straight from the serial port of my laptop to the module. I don't know what the voltage is, I will double check that. Tx and Rx are connected properly. What program to you use to transfer your AT commands?

Oops. You cannot connect directly from a PC serial port to the module. You will need to get 3.3V logic levels, and a standard serial port on a computer is not 3.3V. See how serial ports work. A USB-to-3.3V TTL converter works fine, and that is what I use.

#19643 Netduino - WiFi

Posted by monewwq1 on 23 October 2011 - 04:05 PM in Project Showcase

Thanks, but I have tried sending the AT command several times. I even took the time to ohm out the pinouts from the breakout board back to the module and everything seems to be good. I think it's a baud rate issue, but since it's out of the box it should have the default settings. Do you know of a way to reset to factory defaults without using AT commands?


Have you tried different baud rates to see if you can match with the module?
Are you using 3.3v levels?
Do you have tx on the module going to rx on the computer and rx on the computer going to tx on the module?

I apologize if these questions seem real basic, but just wanted to make sure.

I will check if there is a way to reset to factory default without the uart and will let you know shortly.


#19639 Grounding/ungrounding a single wire

Posted by monewwq1 on 23 October 2011 - 01:58 PM in General Discussion

Nice job, that's awesome!

Next thing I'd try would be a SSR (Solid state relay), something like this: https://www.jameco.c...ductId=1583068

Thanks again Darrin! My local shop doesn't carry SSR's, but they do have 5V Reed Relays, so while I'm waiting for the SSR's, I'll give them a try.

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