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#2865 Default behaviour

Posted by pascal06 on 25 September 2010 - 09:37 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I've just found out that by default the netduino plus is responding to icmp(ping) requests..

Is this the only default behaviour of the network stack? or are there more services that run?
And.. can I disable this behaviour?

This is the default of all ip stack without firewall. This is true for any kind of network product.
Why you want to disable it ?


#1280 Debug Firmware

Posted by pascal06 on 25 August 2010 - 11:32 AM in General Discussion

Hello, What kind of hardware/software do we need to be able to debug firmware using VS like this: Pascal

#1180 Communication between 2 or more duino's

Posted by pascal06 on 23 August 2010 - 09:41 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

3 or more you've got a couple choices - you can use I2C to do it and give each a different address or you can use ethernet.

Personally, as a network engineer I'd say ethernet but there aren't any ethernet drivers for the netduino (yet!).

+1 for Ethernet.
It's seems that I2C .net MF implementation (like SPI) is always master. So, we cannot use I2C to cummunicate between 2 Netduino(s). Or we need to write another driver.
And I2C is very slow for that distance.


#1184 Communication between 2 or more duino's

Posted by pascal06 on 23 August 2010 - 09:59 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

From the AT91SAM7X512 datasheet:
One Two-wire Interface (TWI)
– Master Mode Support Only, All Two-wire Atmel EEPROMs and I2C Compatible Devices Supported

A driver for SPI slave mode could be written, but I2C slave would require a "bit banged driver."


Thanks for that clarification :unsure: ...


#1182 Communication between 2 or more duino's

Posted by pascal06 on 23 August 2010 - 09:49 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

The I2C on the ARM7X chip is master-only. We'll see what we can do on speeding up Ethernet support...


I2C master-only is a limitation of ARM7X or .NET micro framework ?
Perhaps I'm wrong, but when I read the datasheet, it's seems that the ATMEL used on netduino support both mode, no ?


#906 Circuit Simulator!

Posted by pascal06 on 20 August 2010 - 02:13 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I found this circuit simulator and thought some of you might be able to prototype with it....

Tell me if you like it :)

Definitly userful to learn electronic ... Yes, I like it ...

A dream can be a netduino emulator with this circuit simulator :)

#4073 Camera Shutter Release Timer

Posted by pascal06 on 21 October 2010 - 09:20 PM in Project Showcase

Excellent, thanks for sharing, Here is a idea for a futur version: http://www.glacialwa...robotics/?p=325 ;) /pascal

#2926 build from Scratch

Posted by pascal06 on 26 September 2010 - 01:26 PM in General Discussion

I´m planning build Netduino from scratch (board, solder)
I have a question.
How to burn firmware in processor?

If you realy want to start from strach (good luck to solder the MCU :) ), you need to use SAM-BA tools from ATMEL to burn the TinyBooterDecompressor.bin first :

After, you can use MFDeploy to burn the firmware,

Good luck,

#91 Board layout file

Posted by pascal06 on 06 August 2010 - 09:16 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Thanks for your answer, Have a nice day, Pascal

#85 Board layout file

Posted by pascal06 on 05 August 2010 - 09:27 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hello, I'm waiting for my Netduino :D Congratulation for this incredible product !!! I try to load the board layout file from the latest eagle program without success -> invalid file. Perhaps I'm wrong, it's not a eagle file ? Thanks again for this product, Kind regards, Pascal (France)

#2915 Anyone interested in an eagle version of the Netduino files?

Posted by pascal06 on 26 September 2010 - 10:28 AM in General Discussion

Great idea, thanks to work on it ... Very interested for Netduino Plus ... Pascal

#1245 Another Analog Input Question

Posted by pascal06 on 24 August 2010 - 08:40 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi, I have wired up a sparkfun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout ADXL335 to the netduino as follows:

x - PIN_A0
y - PIN_A1
z - PIN_A2
VCC - 3V3 && Aref
GND - Gnd

All works ok when I only try to read a single port, however if I try to read all 3 as detailed below the netduino drops out during the while statement and then I have to do a manual erase of the program via MFDeploy before I can successfully deploy to the device again.

My program is as follows:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;

namespace accelerometer
public class Program
// Define our accelerometer inputs
static AnalogInput accX;
static AnalogInput accY;
static AnalogInput accZ;

public static void Main()
// Create the Inputs
accX = new AnalogInput(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A0);
accY = new AnalogInput(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A1);
accZ = new AnalogInput(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A2);

// Output the values ???
while (true)
// When alone works fine
Debug.Print("accX: " + accX.Read().ToString());

// This (multiple) doesn't
// Debug.Print("accX: " + accX.Read().ToString());
// Debug.Print("accY: " + accY.Read().ToString());
// Debug.Print("accZ: " + accZ.Read().ToString());

I have tested the accelerometer via just running the single input code and swapping in the respective wire for x,y,z. The likelihood is that I am missing something obvious due to inexperience etc so with that in mind a few questions:

I have assumed that I can wire in multiple analog inputs which can be read concurrently. Is this correct?
Drawing upon peoples vaster pools of knowledge do I seem to have I wired up the system correctly?

Does the Aref only cater for a single input?

Cheers dyadica

Did you have update the firmware with patch 2, which include a fix regarding multiple analog use ?


#267 5v vs 3.3v

Posted by pascal06 on 11 August 2010 - 09:37 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

The Netduino's digital pins output 3.3V signals, but inputs from shields can be up to 5V. Analog pins in analog mode need to stay at <=3.3V.

Pretty much all of the Arduino shields should work electrically, with the following two exceptions:
1. If the shield provides 5V analog inputs, you'd need to modify it to provide 3.3V analog inputs instead.
2. If the shield requires 5V data signals, you'd need to put a level converter in between the Netduino and the shield.
3. Netduino has 4 hardware PWM (vs. 6 PWM on the Arduino's AVR chip). We may have "software PWM" in the future, but for now you might lose a small bit of functionality on certain motor control shields.

That's it. Netduino provides 5.0V and 3.3V power just like Arduino. Many/most shields should work. We're compiling a list and will put it on an upcoming Netduino "accessories" page.

Does that help?


Many thanks Chris,

In conclusion, only analog input is risky. But is it realy dangerous for netduino or not ?


#261 5v vs 3.3v

Posted by pascal06 on 11 August 2010 - 09:03 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hello, I use multiple shield with my Arduino, and before trying to plug any shield on my netduino, I would like to be sure that's not dangerous regarding TTL level : http://www.nuelectro...&products_id=20 http://www.nuelectro...&products_id=12 http://www.nuelectro...1&products_id=2 http://www.nuelectro...1&products_id=4 In general, what's happen if I plug a shield designed for Arduino (TTL 5v) to netduino ? Is it dangerous or it simply doesn't work ? Sorry for this basic electronic question, but I'm a software guy, need to stay humble with electronic, /pascal

#1240 .NET micro Framework device

Posted by pascal06 on 24 August 2010 - 07:32 PM in General Discussion

On the topic of EEPROM--are you wanting actual EEPROM (read/write tons of times) or just a few KB of on-board storage for ocassional use?


Chris, when you say that, do you plan to use other feature than ExtendedWeakReference ?

#1328 .NET micro Framework device

Posted by pascal06 on 26 August 2010 - 02:25 PM in General Discussion

A faster processor would be nice. After reading CW2's writeup about how it's currently not quite fast enough to really do all the one-wire stuff (among others) even in C++ native code. Come on, you guys can beat the FEZ can't you? :)

For my point of view, OneWire issue is not related to processor speed. It's more related to C# latency inducted. So, the solution, like other vendors, is to provide a OneWire feature in native code and a library in C# to use it.

I use onewire with a AVR 328p at 8 Mhz !!!

My 0.2cents,

#1233 .NET micro Framework device

Posted by pascal06 on 24 August 2010 - 06:15 PM in General Discussion

I will admit I'd love to see a small EEPROM. The rest I don't think are really necessary (I mean the netduino already has a crapload of memory and flash compared to the arduino) not that I'd say "no" if there's more - more is (almost) always better! Onboard ethernet I think is unnecessary as long as its supported in the firmware - there are too many projects that won't use ethernet to warrant having it on the board. As long as its in firmware it can be "aftermarket".

However, if you are seriously considering an "ultra" style board I wouldn't say no to more GPIO pins. :)

Considering Ethernet feature is already avalaible on the ship ... Why not to have the possibily to use it ? Perhaps, to be open, just make the pins available to connect a magjack in case of you want to use it and the corresponding firmware.


#1237 .NET micro Framework device

Posted by pascal06 on 24 August 2010 - 06:58 PM in General Discussion

On the topic of EEPROM--are you wanting actual EEPROM (read/write tons of times) or just a few KB of on-board storage for ocassional use?


In my case, currently, it's just to have persistant information like IP address ... So just a few KB of on-board storage would be suffisant.


#1217 .NET micro Framework device

Posted by pascal06 on 24 August 2010 - 12:26 PM in General Discussion

Hello Netduino community, I search for a more powered device needed for a new project (IPv6 network project), I would like to use multiple netduino (when it will be ethernet ready), and one of that device, Here is the needed features : - .NET micro framework ready - 1MB of flash or more, same for RAM - Firmware open source, because I need to write some native code for performance and low level network features. - Ethernet, enc28j60 prefered, because of lwIP compatibility I found a lot of devices, but I don't know if the firmware are open source or not :blink: Thanks in advance, Pascal

#1227 .NET micro Framework device

Posted by pascal06 on 24 August 2010 - 05:31 PM in General Discussion

Perhaps we should build a Netduino "Ultra" with MBs of on-board RAM/FLASH and on-board Ethernet?


It would be perfect !!!! + EEPROM :rolleyes:

Escpecialy if the Ethernet is compatible with lwIP,


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