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#48426 New here - feasable project?

Posted by Jon Henry on 16 April 2013 - 04:22 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

If you really wanted to get creative, you could throw in a remote temp sensor somewhere in the room and implement a sort of quasi-temperature control of the room using the blind.

#48425 I2C works under the debugger, but not standalone?

Posted by Jon Henry on 16 April 2013 - 03:59 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Alex. I use the MinIMU-V2 from Polulu which uses the LSM303DLHC chip as well as a L3Gd20 Gyro. I run this board along with a Lassen LS20031 GPS and BMP085 with no issues. I run my I2C bus at 100kHz. You shouldnt have to sleep for anything on the LSM303 board.


I had what I thought were I2C issues when I switched to the N+2 but it turned out to be buffer overrun issues with the UART. Once I handled that, my I2C ran flawlessly on I also switched from the I2C code you are using to the toolbox.NETMF multiI2C class and have found much fewer hiccups.


As far as pullups go, I did have to add 880 Ohm pullups to get under 300ns even with both my MinIMU-V2 and BMP085 boards having onboard pullups. I was at about 340ns, which worked but did hiccup now and then. Ive had the board spitting out data continuously for three days now with no hiccups with the extra pullups.

#48057 NP2 not responding

Posted by Jon Henry on 05 April 2013 - 03:52 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Same thing happening for me, Im having to reflash the board anytime I hit an unhandled exception.

#47956 Does I2C actually work on the N+2?

Posted by Jon Henry on 03 April 2013 - 04:34 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

So i used the new program with the one sensor and slowly started copying code and libraries over and running the program after each transfer. I also connected the rest of the I2C sensors. They all work perfectly.


Naturally, the very last piece of code I copied over is where I found the problem.

static void spComm_TransmitTelemetry()        {            led.Write(true);            UTF8Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding();            navData = enc.GetBytes("$TELEM," + nmea[0] + "," + nmea[1] + "," + nmea[2] + "," + nmea[3] + "," + nmea[4]                + "," + nmea[5] + "," + nmea[6] + "," + nmea[7] + "," + nmea[8] + "," + nmea[9] + "," + nmea[10] + ","                + nmea[11] + "," + nmea[12] + "," + nmea[13] + "rn");            //nmea[0] = UTC                       nmea[10] = Target Bearing            //nmea[1] = Latitude                  nmea[11] = Temperature            //nmea[2] = N/S                       nmea[12] = Pressure Altitude            //nmea[3] = Longitude                 nmea[13] = Fuel Gauge            //nmea[4] = E/W                       nmea[14] =             //nmea[5] = Altitude                  nmea[15] =             //nmea[6] = Ground Speed              nmea[16] =             //nmea[7] = Course                    nmea[17] =             //nmea[8] = Date                      nmea[18] =             //nmea[9] = Target Distance           nmea[19] =             //spComm.Write(navData, 0, navData.Length);            Debug.Print(sensor.GetHeading().ToString());            led.Write(false);        }

It seems the N+2 doesnt like my line navdata = enc.GetBytes..................

Commenting this out lets my original program run fine. Uncommenting locks it up and forces a firmware reprogramming of the N+2.

With the Netduino 1, this ran fine uncommented.

Should this be?



UPDATE (3/3/13):  Its not the UTF8 encoding itself, its my data it doesnt like.

Adding this and the program runs fine. Just have to add the rest of my payload in somehow.

UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("$TELEM", 0, 6, navData, 0);

#47953 Does I2C actually work on the N+2?

Posted by Jon Henry on 03 April 2013 - 02:47 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Yeah I had caught that after taking the pic. Its actually only the right one. I had pulled it out just to measure it and post the right value in that post and put it back in the wrong place. In that pic, both resistors are actually connected to the clock line with the other ends positive and negative respectively. It was only wrong for the pic and as soon as i hooked the netduino 1 back up and had a problem i caught it and fixed it. It isnt the cause of my N+2 problem.


I did get the N+2 working with only the MINIMU-9 V2. Here is the clock line on the scope.

Attached File  ADS00001.BMP   329.12KB   14 downloads


And exploded

Attached File  ADS00002.BMP   329.12KB   8 downloads


Should the clock be intermittent like it is in the first pic? It only shows one burst in the pic, but it is consistent...burst.high.high.high.burst.high.high.high.


Im gonna put the N+2 back on my main board and connect to the i2c bus I have setup there with all the sensors connected but only run the software which initializes and uses the MinIMU-9. This should at least verify if I have a physical bus problem or not.

Attached Files

#47927 Does I2C actually work on the N+2?

Posted by Jon Henry on 02 April 2013 - 01:02 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Ill try to work something up tonight.

#47913 Does I2C actually work on the N+2?

Posted by Jon Henry on 02 April 2013 - 02:00 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Yeah, went back and removed it again after re-reading the post. Still nothing.


I tried a new program with just a 500mS blinking led and all connects and works fine. Then added one I2C sensor and kaboom, no connection again.




This make sense?


#47912 Does I2C actually work on the N+2?

Posted by Jon Henry on 02 April 2013 - 01:58 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

And has become usual with this board, Ive lost the firmware again. Kept getting unable to connect over and over again. Ran MFDeploy and got the Not Supported message multiple times in a row.




Reprogrammed with firmware and same thing, 'Unable to communicate with device USB:Netduino'.


Im doing a one for one swapping the N1 with the N+2. What else is supposed to change between them?

#47908 Does I2C actually work on the N+2?

Posted by Jon Henry on 02 April 2013 - 01:16 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

They do have pullups built in, but there is a bit of capacitance inside that breadboard hence the need for more resistance. Its still a little high on the time rise at about 310 nS, but the I2C communication is solid on the netduino 1. Once I make a board, the extra capacitance will be taken care of.


I am using the secretlabs.netmf.hardware.netduino DLL in the project. I didnt think this would be an issue. When creating a new project in VS2012, you select which board you are using. I chose the netduino plus two and it loaded the secretlabs.netmf.hardware.netduino DLL automatically instead of the secretlabs.netmf.hardware.netduinoplus DLL. I assume that would e a netduino SDK issue?


Ill try with the secretlabs.netmf.hardware.netduinoplus DLL and see what I get.

#47905 Does I2C actually work on the N+2?

Posted by Jon Henry on 02 April 2013 - 12:56 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Dave.


Current Setup: firmware

Netduino SDK 4.3

.NetMF 4.3


N+2 Board

MinIMU-9 V2 from Polulu   1 - LSM303DLHC and 1 - L3GD20 onboard

Lipo Fuel Gauge from Sparkfun 1 - MAX17043G+U

Barometric Sensor from Sparkfun   1 - BMP085 onboard

Lassen LS20031 GPS




Pullups are 800 Ohm. Scoped the clock line to verify them under 300 nS.


All work perfectly on my netduino 1.

#47891 Does I2C actually work on the N+2?

Posted by Jon Henry on 01 April 2013 - 08:54 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Ive been trying for the life of me to get I2C to work on the N+2. This is my second board. The first I more or less had to reprogram the firmware every time I tried programming with VS2012. Sent it back and gt this one. Its  a little better, but I have to constantly disconnect and reconnect to program it.


I cant however get I2C to work for me. Do these new SDA and SCL pins actually work? Is there something that were supposed to do differently with this board aside from firmware? I have  a netduino 1 with 3 i2c devices and two uarts working perfectly.

#47576 Netduino Plus 2 Firmware v4.2.2 (update 2)

Posted by Jon Henry on 25 March 2013 - 10:50 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

So, I tried again before sending it back. I flashed to 4.3, didnt work. Flashed back to 4.2.2 and still doesnt work.

DfuSe demonstrator says the 4.2.2.dfu firmware is onboard, confirmed with MFDeploy.


Heres the problem.

I disconnect and reconnect the cable and try writing my program to the N+2. Correct framework and target device selected. NetduinoPlus2_Netduino is showing. Get an error, unable to communicate with device USB:Netduino. Disconnecting and reconnecting doesnt work.

I have a N1 which works perfectly, same program runs on it solid.

After trying to write from VS2012, I go back to MFDeploy, NetduinoPlus2_Netduino shows up but when i go Target>Device Capabilities I just get a Not Supported in the memo box.


Any insight?

#47434 turned my N+2 into a 'microsoft serial ball'

Posted by Jon Henry on 21 March 2013 - 02:15 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

I moved to Now, everytime I write  a program to the N+2 from VS2012, after rebooting the N+2, it reinstalls its driver as a 'Microsoft serial ballpoint'. And yes, the cursor then starts doing random things on my screen.


Anyone else experiece this?


UPDATE: And now Ive gone back to and am unable to communicate with my device. It shows up i the build properties as it should. Disconnecting and reconnecting 10 times per programming attempt (as was normal with my previous boards) doesnt seem to do the job either. All my references are correctly back to 4.2.


LAST UPDATE: I successfully went back to and still havent been able to connect. I run MFDeploy, select USB and the netduino shows up as it should. Go to Target>Device Capabilities and all I get is 'Not Supported' in the text window. Boxing up and shipping back tomorrow.

#47308 How does one do a serach on this new forum?

Posted by Jon Henry on 17 March 2013 - 10:27 PM in General Discussion

IM looking for info on i2c, but when i search for i2c I get nothing. Ive also tried "i2c" as the advanced search suggested.

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