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Christopher Clark's Content

There have been 18 items by Christopher Clark (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#36424 The GoBus Upgrade

Posted by Christopher Clark on 02 October 2012 - 07:56 PM in Netduino Go

The secondary Netduino Go will be receiving hub profile commands, just like a physically-connected hub. That profile will wrap other gobus packets so that they make it to their destination (which can be directly connected to the hub or can be downstream even farther).

How much of this is based in C# serial code vs. using Zigbee source / destination configuration?
Is this approach XBee specific?
Are there any other Zigbee compatible devices frequently used in the Arduino/Netduino community which are not XBee?
Could another serial connection other than XBee be used with the code?
Could two Netduino Go boards be wired up over TX/RX for example and use this code?

#36331 The GoBus Upgrade

Posted by Christopher Clark on 01 October 2012 - 12:25 AM in Netduino Go

Along with the 8-port hub, we'll also be enabling Netduino Go itself to be a wireless hub using an XBee link. Simply plug XBee Adapter GoModules into two Netduino Go mainboards and you can make one the extension of the other. It's pretty awesome. We'll be sharing video of that feature in action in the near future.

Will this work the same way as the Netduino Go and Shield Base proxy example?
Where the primary transmits it's functions async over serial via byte arrays to the secondary?

#35026 Sparkfun PIR motion sensor

Posted by Christopher Clark on 12 September 2012 - 01:26 AM in Project Showcase

how are you wiring it? what does your program look like?

#36143 Shield Base and GoBus 1.5 beta source

Posted by Christopher Clark on 28 September 2012 - 10:55 AM in Netduino Go

Chris Walker

Thank you for everything that you do. Your passion for this product and community really is awesome. Some folks can fake it and go through the motions, but it shows that you are truly passionate about the product and people. I am a complete newb to this hardware stuff, but I have learned so much reading this forum and posts you have made. I generally skip over all the love posts where people say thanks, but this is my one time where I want to say, Thank You.

#36112 Shield Base and GoBus 1.5 beta source

Posted by Christopher Clark on 28 September 2012 - 03:31 AM in Netduino Go

The C# implementation is not performance optimized. We'll want to move to native code for that.

The UART transport is really useful for external IO...but the SPI transport (packet switching) will be the solution for fast virtual i/o.

We'll be doing a lot of performance tuning around packing/unpacking frames. It shouldn't be too much overhead, in the grand scheme of things...especially when considering that transfer will take place in the background using DMA.


So it's obvious by the code that the shield base can function as it's own Netduino and run micro framework code. Is this an intended use of the shield base? Is there more information about how to use the shield base as it's own Netduino?

#36042 Shield Base and GoBus 1.5 beta source

Posted by Christopher Clark on 27 September 2012 - 02:08 AM in Netduino Go

Interesting code. I can read C#, but a newbie at this hardware stuff. Any concerns about the speed? With operations traveling over that serial connection? The overhead of encode/decode of the byte array data for all the calls?

#35715 SeeedStudio SD card shield

Posted by Christopher Clark on 21 September 2012 - 04:27 PM in Netduino Go

Newbie Alert!!! I am aware Secret Labs has a SD module coming out for Netduino Go, but I am an impatient guy :) I was in radio shack today, and was just about to buy the SeeedStudio SD card shield for Arduino. But I couldn't find a SD card 2GB in the store. Figured I would ask the forum to make sure it was compatible with my Netduino Go Shield Base, and how I would access it with software. SeeedStudio SD card shield http://www.seeedstud....html?cPath=109 My questions: Will this shield work with my Netduino Go using the Shield Base plugged into Socket 5, with nothing else on sockets 6-8? Would I be able to use the built in SD support in Netduino via System.IO classes to access this SD card? Is it still true I would be limited to 2GB SD cards? What's the maximum size SDHC card I could use? What's the maximum size micro SD card I could use, also 2GB? The SeeedStudio SD shield has 2 Grove ports, will I be able to use Grove modules if I add this card? Is there existing C# classes for doing this in the wild? If you have other SD card access recommendations via Gadgeteer modules, shields, etc... I would be interested in hearing about them. Thanks in advance.

#35725 SeeedStudio SD card shield

Posted by Christopher Clark on 21 September 2012 - 09:27 PM in Netduino Go

However, at this time the methods needed to interface with the SD card via the shield base are not yet available, as you'd be unable to use the shield.

Thank you very much for the explanation. Good information to know.

#36662 Running Arduino Sketches on the Netduino

Posted by Christopher Clark on 07 October 2012 - 02:49 AM in Netduino Go

This may sound crazy. But my understanding is the pins on the Arduino and Netduino are the same. From the Arduino code I have seen, it seems pretty straight forward. It should be possible to build a Arduino compatible PC application that takes Arduino sketches and turns them into similar .NET code, correct? Maybe something like a visual studio plugin? Wouldn't this expose Netduino to a larger audience? Or is this just a silly idea?

#35483 Read Debug.Print() output without Visual Studio

Posted by Christopher Clark on 18 September 2012 - 04:23 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

You can also hook into the MFDeployEngine (the same thing that MFDeploy does) and tap into the Netduino's Debug.Print USB output stream.


Suggest looking at this http://msdn.microsof...ce_members.aspx

There is an event you can capture Debug Text.

Update: Ah, too late, already a program above :)

#34984 New module: Piezo Buzzer

Posted by Christopher Clark on 11 September 2012 - 12:55 AM in Netduino Go

I received my piezo buzzer module today, and when I went to use it, I found something interesting. If I try to use it in Socket 6, I get System Exception. If I try to use it in Socket 2, it works. My setup: Socket 1: Button Socket 3: Pot Socket 4: rgbLed Any reason I needed to use it in the first set of sockets?

#34862 NetduinoGo deployment issue

Posted by Christopher Clark on 08 September 2012 - 12:03 PM in Netduino Go

Instructions to completely erase a Netduino Go mainboard:

  • Install ST's DFUSE app if you haven't already done so
  • Unplug your Netduino Go from the PC
  • Hold down the pushbutton on your Netduino Go and plug its USB connection into your PC
  • Run the "STDFU Tester" app
  • Click the "Protocol" tab up top
  • Select the "Erase" option in the "Operation" box on left
  • Press the "Create from Map" button
  • Press Go

Hi, I am completely new to NetDuino Go. After experiencing the issue several others have, where Visual Studio deploy crashes NetDuino Go, by installing code that makes it unresponsive. I was struggling last night, I searched the forums, Found ST DFUSE, did the erase several times, and installed the firmware several times to no success. What I was not doing correctly, was the step "Press the Create from Map button", even though I was using Erase, and to the novice like me, it appeared to work, since it went through the progress bar and said it was successful. It evidently didn't work. Pressing that Create from Map, made it work. Now I can see my NetDuino Go in MFDeploy and ping it. Where as before it would show up but not ping, I would get communication errors to the device.

It's all a learning experience for me, and even if I bricked it, I would keep going. My background is software for 15 years, so this new hardware stuff is very interesting. Lots to learn.


#35181 Netduino Go Socket Pins as GPIO

Posted by Christopher Clark on 14 September 2012 - 02:27 PM in Netduino Go

Thank you. Your information allowed me to get the GHI Electronics LEDR7 working on Netduino Go Socket 4.
A few more questions if you could.

These pins worked for Socket 4.

Pin 3 GPIO_SOCKET4 which is (Cpu.Pin) 0x23
Pin 4 USART2_TX which is PA2 = (Cpu.Pin)2
Pin 5 USART2_RX which is PA3 = (Cpu.Pin)3
Pin 6 SPI_CS_SOCKET4 which is (Cpu.Pin) 0x08
Pin 7 SPI1_MOSI which is PA7 = (Cpu.Pin)7
Pin 8 SPI1_MISO which is PA6 = (Cpu.Pin)6
Pin 9 SPI1_SCK which is PA5 = (Cpu.Pin)5

When I look at the Netduino Go Schematic for Socket 3, pins 4,5,7,8,9 have the same names as socket 4.

When I compare this to the GoHub.cs file:
  • The same pins are used for SPI.SPI_module.SPI1 in the sockets 1-4.
  • The same pins are used for SPI.SPI_module.SPI2 in the sockets 5-8.

Only the names for Pins 3 and 6 change.

Based on this GoHub.cs code within GetSocketPhysicalResources
case 3: // Socket 3
gpio = (Cpu.Pin)0x22; //Pins.GPIO_PIN_C_2;
spi_mod = SPI.SPI_module.SPI1;
spi_cs = (Cpu.Pin)0x04; //Pins.GPIO_PIN_A_4;
led = (Cpu.Pin)0x18; //Pins.GPIO_PIN_B_8;

Would this be the correct pins for Socket 3?

Pin 3 GPIO_SOCKET3 which is (Cpu.Pin) 0x22
Pin 4 USART2_TX which is PA2 = (Cpu.Pin)2
Pin 5 USART2_RX which is PA3 = (Cpu.Pin)3
Pin 6 SPI_CS_SOCKET3 which is (Cpu.Pin) 0x04
Pin 7 SPI1_MOSI which is PA7 = (Cpu.Pin)7
Pin 8 SPI1_MISO which is PA6 = (Cpu.Pin)6
Pin 9 SPI1_SCK which is PA5 = (Cpu.Pin)5

Will I get into trouble using multiple of these LEDR7 modules within the sockets 1-4, and sockets 5-8?

You are mixing logical GPIO port pin numbers represented by the Pins enumeration and physical package pin numbers, which are completely independent (and in fact vary for different packages). Pins number is sequential for GPIO ports, so for port PA the first pin PA0 = 0, PA1 = 1, ... PA15 = 15, then PB0 = 16, PB1 = 17, ..., PB15 = 31, PC0 = 32, PC1 = 33, PC2 = 34, PC3 = 35 = 0x23.

When I read this, I think that PA0-15 = Socket 1, PB0-15 = Socket 2, PC0-15 = Socket 3, PD0-15 = Socket 4, etc...
I don't think this correct? Could you explain what I am missing here?

#35177 Netduino Go Socket Pins as GPIO

Posted by Christopher Clark on 14 September 2012 - 12:34 PM in Netduino Go

Newbie Question

So I purchased a LED7R from GHI to try with my NetDuino Go, and I have had some success, but some issues.

I found this other post on the forums for using Netduino Go socket pins for IO pins, which is what I think I need to do. But I don't understand the answer given.

Regarding references to pins...if you take a look at the Netduino Go schematic, you can see which MCU pins go to which socket pins. PA0-PA15 can be referenced as (Cpu.Pin)0x00 through (Cpu.Pin)0x0F. PB0-PB15 can be referenced as (Cpu.Pin)0x10 through (Cpu.Pin)0x1F, and the pattern continues through the PC## pins, PD## pins, etc. (i.e. each port letter takes up 16 pin #s and they're all sequential).

If I read this correctly, I should be able to access all pins on the sockets. But I can't figure out the pin numbers, using the hex values doesn't compute to what I see working below.

I am using my LED7R on Netduino Go Socket 4.

I am able to turn on and off a couple of the LEDs, but I cannot figure out the other pins for the socket.

Based on the code in GoHub.cs method GetSocketPhysicalResources

case 4: // socket 4
gpio = (Cpu.Pin)0x23; //Pins.GPIO_PIN_C_3;
spi_mod = SPI.SPI_module.SPI1;
spi_cs = (Cpu.Pin)0x08; //Pins.GPIO_PIN_A_8;
led = (Cpu.Pin)0x19; //Pins.GPIO_PIN_B_9;

gpio (Cpu.Pin)0x23 maps to pin 3 so I am able to turn on D1 on the LED7R
spi_cs (Cpu.Pin)0x08 maps to pin 6 so I am able to turn on D4 on the LED7R

My first question, is that I can't understand the NetDuino Go Schematic pins. If I look at the schematic, I see that socket 4, pin 3, is GPIO_SOCKET4. Looking at the chip in the middle, GPI_SOCKET4 goes to PC3 pin 11. Well that is obviously not correct, as I am able to use (Cpu.Pin) 0x23 for GPIO on socket 4, and 0x23 is not 11. Can someone help me to understand how to read the pins from the schematic?

My question is, how do I directly address the other pins on socket 4?

Socket 4
Pin 3 GPIO_SOCKET4 which is (Cpu.Pin) 0x23
Pin 4 USART2_TX which is ???
Pin 5 USART2_RX which is ???
Pin 6 SPI_CS_SOCKET4 which is (Cpu.Pin) 0x08
Pin 7 SPI1_MOSI which is ???
Pin 8 SPI1_MISO which is ???
Pin 9 SPI1_SCK which is ???

#36092 Netduino Compatable LCD

Posted by Christopher Clark on 28 September 2012 - 12:37 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I really like this screen here Any idea how hard it would be to use?

Try this

I found a couple good links via google netduino

#35390 My Netduino project : a boat computer with GPS

Posted by Christopher Clark on 16 September 2012 - 10:05 PM in General Discussion


I had similar problem, where I could not deploy code to the Netduino or ping the device.

Why does it happen? I read posts saying that say sometimes it's the code loaded to the board, leaves in in a bad state when restarting, where restart can't complete. I have since found that sometimes the code doesn't change, but it just happens when deploying. So my current belief is that "it just happens"

Anyways, here is what I did to fix it, so now it's a non issue and I can fix it when it happens.

I have the Netduino Go, but I think the process would be similar for all, although the steps might be different.

1. Erase your board
2. Reflash the firmware to the device

Here is what I do for the NetDuino Go

1. I disconnect the board from my computer's USB port
2. I press and hold the reset button on the board, while I connect the USB to my computer
3. I use DFUSE's app to erase my board. You can find a link for DFUSE application here, and the specific step I was missing which caused it not to erase here in reply #4.
4. I reflash my Netduino as described here

Netduino Firmware links


NetDuino Plus

NetDunio Go

#36094 Ethernet Module Update

Posted by Christopher Clark on 28 September 2012 - 12:54 AM in Netduino Go

Man, these new chips are nice. And the simplified ACT LED is really responsive. I even tested with mIP...

Will this new ethernet module work with regular System.Net classes?

I went the Gadgeteer ENC28J60 socket S with mIP route on my Netduino Go. I think mIP is cool, and I have hacked it for my purposes. But, I would prefer not to debug packets. I would prefer to get something more standard out of the box with Micro Framework support built in.

#36787 Control 4 10-segment bar graphs with one netduino

Posted by Christopher Clark on 08 October 2012 - 06:24 PM in General Discussion

Check out http://forums.netdui...h-the-netduino/

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