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Bendage's Content

There have been 149 items by Bendage (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#34348 Introducing Netduino Go

Posted by Bendage on 28 August 2012 - 10:46 PM in Netduino Go

In the next few weeks, the GoBus ecosystem will have shipped at least a dozen modules and be working on the second dozen. Secret Labs has completed hardware designs for three new modules (SD Card, Ethernet, and a mystery module) which should be shipping soon.

LOL Chris.. Mystery module!

I guess you don't call it secret Labs for nothin!

Please consider a 9 Degrees Of Freedom module. Guaranteed to sell the heck out of N-Gos with that one.

#34313 Introducing Netduino Go

Posted by Bendage on 28 August 2012 - 06:55 AM in Netduino Go

Motor controller and accelerometer modules would be epic! The reason I asked because I was curious if delays were based on lack of interest from the industry.

#34248 Introducing Netduino Go

Posted by Bendage on 26 August 2012 - 08:32 PM in Netduino Go

Next up are Piezo Buzzer, Ethernet, and SD Card modules--coming soon. Several dozen modules will ship this year...and we welcome you to build your own as well

This makes me very very very happy!

Can you even hint at what some of these might be?

Sensors? (Ping? Light? Tilt? Sound? Temperature? Humidity? Flex? Infrared?)
Voice recognition?
Bluetooth? Wifi?
Some sort of Robotics platform?

Several dozen is a lot!

Are you still on par for releasing 'several dozen modules' this year?

#42286 NeonMika.Webserver

Posted by Bendage on 27 December 2012 - 09:00 PM in Project Showcase

I've started with a clean version of NeonMika Webserver. I've made the appropriate changes to run on the Netduino Plus 2 and have deployed and tested it on the Netduino Plus 2.

You can download the modified project from this DropBox Link (sorry was too big to post here).


Hey Dave,


If you remove the 2 unneeded 72mb dat files it will compress to about a meg and a half.




Why did you remove references to SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus and replace with SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino?

#42288 NeonMika.Webserver

Posted by Bendage on 27 December 2012 - 09:13 PM in Project Showcase

See what I get for assuming??? Thus the Netduino PLUS 2...


Thanks. No wonder my damn board wasn't functioning right.


Saved the day dude!

#42305 NeonMika.Webserver

Posted by Bendage on 27 December 2012 - 10:51 PM in Project Showcase

Ok, I have successfully got this running on N+2 but there is a bug in the socket code that causes the web server to drop the client about 3 out of 5 requests.Here is where the bug is under the server.cs...


The problem is that when the socket connects there are not bytes yet in the buffer. If the byte count is 0 he breaks out which causes the client browser to receive a dropped connection. This can be fixed by inserting a thread.sleep(100) up a few lines. Once this sleep is placed initially before the first byte check, the buffer has enough time to start populating. I have commented where the thread.sleep needs to be Fix that and this thing purrs.


Very nice web server. TONS of functionality.

private void WaitingForRequest( )        {            while ( true )            {                try                {                    using ( Socket clientSocket = _ListeningSocket.Accept( ) )                    {                        // Add the Thread.Sleep(100) Here                         int availableBytes = 0;                        int newAvBytes;                        //if not all incoming bytes were received by the socket                        do                        {                                                       newAvBytes = clientSocket.Available - availableBytes;                            if ( newAvBytes == 0 )                                break;                            availableBytes += newAvBytes;                            newAvBytes = 0;                            Thread.Sleep(1);                        } while ( true );                        if ( availableBytes > 0 )                        {                            byte[] buffer = new byte[availableBytes > Settings.MAX_REQUESTSIZE ? Settings.MAX_REQUESTSIZE : availableBytes];                            byte[] header = new byte[0];                            int readByteCount = clientSocket.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None);                            for ( int headerend = 0; headerend < buffer.Length - 3; headerend++ )                            {                                if ( buffer[headerend] == 'r' && buffer[headerend + 1] == 'n' && buffer[headerend + 2] == 'r' && buffer[headerend + 3] == 'n' )                                {                                    header = new byte[headerend + 4];                                    Array.Copy(buffer, 0, header, 0, headerend + 4);                                    break;                                }                            }                            //reqeust created, checking the response possibilities                            using ( Request tempRequest = new Request(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(header), clientSocket) )                            {                                Debug.Print("... Client connected ... URL: " + tempRequest.URL + " ... Final byte count: " + availableBytes);                                if ( tempRequest.Method == "POST" )                                {                                    //POST was incoming, it will be saved to SD card at Settings.POST_TEMP_PATH                                    PostToSdWriter post = new PostToSdWriter(tempRequest, buffer, header.Length);                                    post.Receive( );                                }                                //Let's check if we have to take some action or if it is a file-response                                 HandleGETResponses(tempRequest);                            }                            Debug.Print("Client loop finished");                            try                            {                                //Close client, otherwise the browser / client won't work properly                                clientSocket.Close( );                            }                            catch ( Exception ex )                            {                                Debug.Print(ex.ToString( ));                            }                        }                    }                }                catch ( Exception ex )                {                    Debug.Print(ex.Message);                }            }        }

#42309 NeonMika.Webserver

Posted by Bendage on 27 December 2012 - 11:02 PM in Project Showcase

FYI I had the same mercer problem explained here Blue screen.
I first suspected was my pc, but I tried at least 5 times and had always the same result using this web server project. After reflashing the board, I tested may other
project with no problem, as soon as I start this web server everything hangs.
Moreover, trying to detach the USB cable during VS hang, blue screen appears, while terminating VS first and then detach the board no blue screen appear, and I only have to
reflash the board.

Hope this could help you

Hey Gerardo,


Never unplug the USB cable while VS is deploying. The BSOD is sure to follow. There is an option to cancel deployment under View/Toolbars/Build


Always use this and DO NOT unplug the board. I realize this does not fix the issue that the 3 of us cannot reproduce but there is definitely an issue I can vouch for. Since I just got my N+2 today it will take me a bit of time to figure out whats going on.

#42314 NeonMika.Webserver

Posted by Bendage on 27 December 2012 - 11:15 PM in Project Showcase

Here is another non trivial fix. There are two threads fighting to flash the onboard LED.


In the static main remove the entire while loop with Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite)

#42308 NeonMika.Webserver

Posted by Bendage on 27 December 2012 - 10:56 PM in Project Showcase

Chris, it's difficult to share the code, because VS hangs, the board hangs, the result in th debug window exactly the same of Mercer one. I'm using N2+ with Today i was testing even the netmftoolbox-20443 basic speaker sample, and i had the same result: VS and the board hang. VS must be terminated, and the board must be reflashed. Thank you, and I want to thank you for N2+, absolutely a great project! Gerardo


I had the same problem. Flashed my board twice! Daves build works plus the bug fix I posted. Runs fine.

#34188 How to install (or upgrade to) .NET Micro Framework v4.2 SDK

Posted by Bendage on 25 August 2012 - 07:05 AM in General Discussion

Just reformatted my drive with Win 7 (64) AND vs 2012. This won't install on 2012. Any hacks to make it work? I was hoping to move on from 2010.

#23255 Netduino Serial Port Code Review

Posted by Bendage on 24 January 2012 - 10:16 PM in Project Showcase

So, without this extra component Netduino cannot communicate with built in serial like the Arduino? Disappointed :( I have a Sparkfun Xbee Explorer shield. This should do the trick right?

#23313 Netduino Serial Port Code Review

Posted by Bendage on 25 January 2012 - 06:14 PM in Project Showcase

Thank you for the clarification Chris. Do you have a link to what you are referring to? USB + HID does not return anything specific enough. Is there online docs maybe in the Arduino format or MSDN format for the Netduino?

#23266 Netduino Serial Port Code Review

Posted by Bendage on 25 January 2012 - 03:12 AM in Project Showcase

I just tested and confirmed that YES the Sparkfun Xbee shield does in fact work in place of the FTDI shield he is using. Still kind of blows that serial is not built into the Netduino like it is in the Arduino. I've just never tried since we have debug writing to the console. By the way, Hari... you rock man. I love your contribution and detailed videos to this community. Thank you!

#33284 GY-85 9 DOF IMU Sensor

Posted by Bendage on 08 August 2012 - 04:25 PM in General Discussion

Chuck, Thanks for the reply. I bought it a year ago, but I have contacted 8 vendors currently selling it. We shall see what happens. Someone sent me specs on GY-80 but it uses 2 of 3 diff chipsets. Keep you posted... Brian

#33231 GY-85 9 DOF IMU Sensor

Posted by Bendage on 07 August 2012 - 04:44 PM in General Discussion

Hey Everyone,

Anybody have any experience with this board? Bought one from Ebay without realizing it uses I2C, and for the life of me I can't find a PDF on the specs which would include addresses for each of the 3 chipsets.


Posted Image

#35599 Early "Getting Started with Netduino Go" software and instructions

Posted by Bendage on 20 September 2012 - 03:56 PM in Netduino Go

The Shield Base is currently in beta, and temporarily requires use of an entire go!bus channel. You can plug it into any socket--but you'll need to keep all other modules on that channel free for the moment (first channel = sockets 1-4; second channel = sockets 5-8). Once we get feedback that the current featureset is working well, we'll remove this restriction.

To blink an LED attached to pin A5 on the Shield Base:

// NOTE: be sure to add Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll as a reference to your project.

// use the Shield Base on socket 5 (nothing else plugged into sockets 6-8 for the moment)

Hi Chris,

Has the restriction been removed yet?

#26948 What's in the magical, mysterious, box of crappy surplus?

Posted by Bendage on 11 April 2012 - 05:31 PM in General Discussion

I have the BOC. I am the last on the list. If there is anyone who wants it reply here else I will mail it back to Dan today, which seems like a waste of money since he has to mail it out.

I took an old CPU, a small dc motor and a 1/2 screw shield.

I added 2 new xbox 360 controller batteries with chargers, 2 new iphone 4 batteries, 5 potentiometers, a new WII SD Card, and some blank PC boards.

Posted Image

#23640 Library for HC_SR04 Ultrasonic Rangefinder

Posted by Bendage on 01 February 2012 - 10:33 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Someone might find this code useful. I found these HC SR04 ultrasonic rangefinders on amazon for $15 but they had no code. I found some Arduino code, but was pretty useless for Netduino because it used blocking for the timing. So I wrote my own that uses interrupts for the timing.

We used this successfully on a mobile robot for detecting obstacles. Accurate to sub-inch against hard surfaces. It is calibrated for my altitude and climate, you may need to adjust the InchConversionFactor and LatencyTicks for your environment. If you want it to read centimeters, just add your own TicksToCentimeters function.

Enjoy and feel free to improve it.

I did!

Thanks for sharing!

#36522 SD Card Module Update

Posted by Bendage on 04 October 2012 - 02:08 PM in Netduino Go

Fabien, I think I speak for many that would rather preorder the SD and wait another month for a late release than have you refund the money. Can you please put the module back on your site and let us preorder? Because now we have to keep checking back . I know you sent us refunds but I would rather have you hold my money and be first in line rather than miss the release and you be sold out AKA Raspberry Pi. :) Thanks buddy

#24864 Creating Enum instances using Reflection

Posted by Bendage on 29 February 2012 - 05:14 PM in General Discussion

Very nice! Thank you!

#24815 Creating Enum instances using Reflection

Posted by Bendage on 28 February 2012 - 05:28 PM in General Discussion

What namespace is the Parse command under for (MyEnum)Parse(typeof(MyEnum), "Due");

There is an Enum.Parse under the full framework but it does not exist under MF.

Trying to figure out how to parse an enum myself.

#24831 Creating Enum instances using Reflection

Posted by Bendage on 28 February 2012 - 09:33 PM in General Discussion

I guess case statements have their place :P

#26066 Serial communication with FTDI Breakout Reloaded V1.1

Posted by Bendage on 28 March 2012 - 10:21 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

A little off topic but... the following line of code was posted in the example... string line = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); This method does not exist under NMF 4.2. Did they pull it?

#25153 HMC5883L Magnetometer Netduino Code

Posted by Bendage on 06 March 2012 - 04:06 PM in Project Showcase

I'm not using it... yet. But because of your code I ordered one. :P Thanks for the update. I found a board on ebay with all 3 of the chips you mentioned for 35 bucks. Hopefully the quality is as good as Sparkfun's. I just have to wait 2 weeks for it to get here.

#25115 HMC5883L Magnetometer Netduino Code

Posted by Bendage on 05 March 2012 - 06:59 PM in Project Showcase

Zakie, Thank you for publishing this code! Exactly what I was looking for. Does your hardware embed all three on a 9 degrees of freedom type board? If so are you using pullup resistors?

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