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Paolo Patierno's Content

There have been 17 items by Paolo Patierno (Search limited from 03-June 23)

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#64366 Access to IoT Hub from .Net Micro Framework using AMQP

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 24 October 2015 - 04:57 PM in General Discussion

Hi all,


as you know there isn't an official IoT Hub SDK for .Net Micro Framework and the C# implementation uses Task and async/await programming model heavily but it's not supported on .Net MF.


Even if it's true, there is the AMQP .Net Lite to use directly the AMQP protocol.


For this reason I have just blogged about using AMQP .Net Lite to connect to the IoT Hub for sending data and receiving commands.




I also wrote a sample using Netduino 3 WiFi :


I hope you'll enjoy them !



#64349 SSL not working?

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 21 October 2015 - 12:14 PM in Netduino 3

There is an update from team on this problem :

#64348 Azure Certified for IoT?

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 21 October 2015 - 12:00 PM in General Discussion

I already wrote about this lack on my following blog post ...




Today there isn't an official IoT Hub client for .Net Micro Framework and the current C# based can't work as is because it uses Task and async/await programming model a lot. Other reason is that the current client uses a closed source AMQP library that can't work on .Net MF instead of the AMQP .Net Lite.


For the above reasons a board can't be certified if they don't have a client for testing.


My intention is to develop a new library or porting the current C# based that uses the AMQP .Net Lite for the underlying protocol. I'm already able to access IoT Hub using it but it's useful to have a client with same APIs as official one.


However, there is a pull request for an HTTP based client on GitHub :

#64346 .Net Micro Framework 4.4 released !

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 21 October 2015 - 04:29 AM in General Discussion

Hi all,
today is a great day because the official 4.4 version was released.

Now ... as Netduino addicted ... when it will be available on the board (at least Netduino 3 WiFi) ?


#64017 SSL not working?

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 01 September 2015 - 01:01 PM in Netduino 3

Hi guys !


As @KiwiDev already know, how the SSL handshake works fine in the AMQP .Net Lite library on .Net Micro Framework seems to be a mistery ...

I have already opened an issue on the official GitHub project but until today no replies.


@pdii, following the link if you are interested in.


I hope to have a reply very soon but until that day it seems that the SSL/TLS connection works fine even if the client doesn't check the server certificate validity ! Yeeeee :-)



#63745 TLS Crypto algorithm support questions

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 02 August 2015 - 02:18 PM in Netduino 3

I don't know if the problem is related to the crypto suites supported by CC3100 but there is a very strange behaviour in SSL handshake using .Net Micro Framework.


You HTTP based methods as last step use a Socket and SSL handshake on it. It's the same in the applications I developed that use Socket directly. On my side, as I described as an issue on Net MF interpreter repository on GitHub it seems that no validation happens.

On your side (with HTTP) it seems that a bit of validation happens and now you have the problem.


Very strange ...



#63623 TLS Crypto algorithm support questions

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 23 July 2015 - 08:37 AM in Netduino 3

Hi KiwiDev,


I'm big fan of AMQP instead of HTTP and today I'm able to use service bus without problems.

However, I opened the following question on CodePlex related to SSL access from .Net MF without any replies from team :




What do you think about that ? It's strictly related to certificate verification and how it works on .Net MF.




#63435 Introducing Llilum, the native-compiled (NETMF) proof of concept

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 09 July 2015 - 05:10 AM in General Discussion

However bit banging and high frequency gpio are good but the best could be to have a real time and deterministic system (on the interrupts side) that you can program in managed code as C# but with performance of a system developed in C


#63433 Introducing Llilum, the native-compiled (NETMF) proof of concept

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 09 July 2015 - 04:47 AM in General Discussion

Chris this is a great new ... net mf can be definitely a platform for competing with other native.
You talk about gpio bit banging and it's ok as we can see from performance but what about the real time feature strictly related to determinism and interrupts system ?


#63328 NETMF "Native", Colin's retirement and more news!

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 01 July 2015 - 10:14 AM in General Discussion

Of course I joun you Chris !


I was honoured to meet Colin at last Microsoft MVP summit but I think that thanks to the open source nature of the .Net MF project, Colin will continue to help the team. He loves so much his son :-)


However, I'm sure that Lorenzo will do a great work !



#62799 IoT gateway concept : BLE to Azure

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 22 May 2015 - 06:39 PM in Netduino 3

Hi all,

I have uploaded a new project on GitHub that shows a concept of an IoT gateway frkm BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices to Microsoft Azure (Event Hubs) using a Netduino 3 WiFi board.

Ble2Azure :

It's a demo code I developed for a session for an IoT event in Naples.

I hope you'll enjoy it !


#62611 Azure SB Lite : access Azure Service Bus using AMQP on .Net Micro Framework

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 11 May 2015 - 08:20 PM in Netduino 3

Hi all !!


I created a new project on GitHub with usage examples for Azure SB Lite library :-)



#62571 Azure SB Lite : access Azure Service Bus using AMQP on .Net Micro Framework

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 10 May 2015 - 12:42 PM in Netduino 3

Sure Chris !


I'll update documentation page on CodePlex ;-)



#62546 Azure SB Lite : access Azure Service Bus using AMQP on .Net Micro Framework

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 09 May 2015 - 02:36 PM in Netduino 3

Hi all,


I have just released a new project on CodePlex : Azure SB Lite (


Every day, we use the Service Bus package from Nuget to access Azure Service Bus from out application based on .Net Framework. The package exposes very simple APIs !


To access Service Bus from .Net Micro Framework device, we need to use HTTP(S) or we can use AMQP(S).


On CodePlex there is the great AMQP .Net Lite library from Microsoft ( to access Service Bus using AMQP but you need to know all the main concepts of AMQP protocol like connection, session, link and so on.


To avoid this, I wrote a wrapper around above library to expose same APIs as Service Bus package for .Net Framework but from ... .Net Micro Framework !


You can now port your code in a very simple manner !


Of course, it works on Netduino 3 Wi-Fi thanks to its SSL/TLS support ! :-)




#61280 Introducing Netduino.IP, the shiny new TCP/IP stack for NETMF

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 15 January 2015 - 09:12 AM in Netduino.IP Technical Preview

Hi Mario,


regarding point 2, you can read an interesting discussion here : https://netmf.codepl...m/workitem/2368


As we know, the .Net MF team is working on improving TCP/IP stack integration and fixing bug on lwIP.



#61037 Socket error #10055 (WSAENOBUFS)

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 21 December 2014 - 04:19 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Today...working on my M2Mqtt library I saw the same bug ... it's bad to see that after two years it isn't solved :-(

#60838 uNFC - NFC library

Posted by Paolo Patierno on 02 December 2014 - 10:03 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi all,

excuse but I'm very busy with my other open source projects...for example M2Mqtt :-)

However ...


Hi vz10 can you share more details about "unknown name in this namespace" errors you have ?




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