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#61737 Question comparing Netduino vs Arduino

Posted by Spiked on 27 February 2015 - 02:32 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

At Microsoft's current pace it shouldn't take any longer than another 25 years or so to resolve them. I too switched to Arduino a while back, after real life experience. It wasn't the IDE though. I still use Visual Studio.

#61603 raspberry pi 2

Posted by Spiked on 13 February 2015 - 12:59 AM in General Discussion

The netduino is more like an arduino. To compare it to pi is silly to begin with, other than price. The former is a prototype platform, the latter is an end user computer.


I see the PI 2 has sold out for the second time in a matter of minutes. It must have something good about it; if nothing else a good reputation. Reputation is important in making business decisions, not so important for playing.

#61436 raspberry pi 2

Posted by Spiked on 02 February 2015 - 07:22 AM in General Discussion

RPi is a proven device, also available in an embedded format (compute board).  They probably sold more today in 11 seconds than all others combined forever. It's barely second all time to Arduino, which IS a prototype platform like the Netduino.   If the hype to open source .Net to linux et al ever happens, it's just 1 more thing on a successful product regardless, but certainly not a dependency.

#61431 raspberry pi 2

Posted by Spiked on 02 February 2015 - 12:28 AM in General Discussion

I'm happy to see the news as well. But I have to see an org chart before I even think of committing to a Software choice.  As much as I am a fan of windows development and .Net, I will start with linux for sure.


I've also just announced product, aimed at the Pi B++, the timing could not be better.


#61173 Non-Voliatile Storage - NVRAM

Posted by Spiked on 05 January 2015 - 08:22 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

CW2, thanks for that. I believe you are in the true spirit of open source.  


I had looked at, ran into the 'it wont work because of ...' problems, asked on this forum, and received no replies a while back (maybe before March because I do remember searching the wiki). What is published there is certainly enough for a someone brave to attempt - although I'd bet it is more like a weeks effort, than a few hours, unless you do it every other day.  Just tracking down all the 'updates' is more than several hours. How much reading must someone do to understand the Cortex-M Thumb code linker switches?  


My point remains about the process being more sophisticated than the average consumer could probably accomplish. But, I do recognize 99.999% of open source users could not modify any code, but are all hyped up about Open Source anyhow, that's what marketing departments are depending on.


edit: I just went and looked at the wiki again, and I still can not find anything other than the 4.2.2 yargo stuff, with a bunch of "it wont work because of" comments, and nothing updated since 20113.  Perhaps it is displaying incorrectly in my browser.

#61167 First project advice for hardware: Temperature, humidity and wifi

Posted by Spiked on 05 January 2015 - 05:10 PM in General Discussion

Yes.  If you think you are going to stick with it, invest in good crimpers, and get some female ends, and just make a few as you need them.


The thing is, from a practical point of view, you can make a female male by adding a pin, not so much the other way around. But a male will have a more solid connection, so I dont know if I would get all females.  I ended up with a bunch of both.  Last project needed male to female :|

#61166 Non-Voliatile Storage - NVRAM

Posted by Spiked on 05 January 2015 - 04:54 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Well, it is possible to build the firmware with GCC, I have been doing that for years, and so were others. 


Yeah, that's the thing. I did it once for a quad flight controller. Step1 reformat your computer and install old Windows XP stuff. Step 2 track down old out of date products, if you can find them.


The fact that you can do it, is not the same as saying it is easy. In fact it is somewhat intentionally misleading.


In your case you are saying something new allows it happen. That is far more preferable. Can I assume it runs with the current version of the OS that has nearly 90% of the market?


Still waiting on detailed notes .......


The spirit of open source is to allow people to make changes and re-share them.  Many are capitalizing on the open source momentum by claiming open source, when using in this way is impractical.  There is a Visual Studio plugin for the Arduino which talks about how great it is to be open source. What they don't tell you is the useful part of the project is not open (Visual Micro). My other favourites are the ones that sell current versions, only the older buggy broken versions are free (XCeed).  I know, its easy to make money on gullible people, but I am going to call them out when I see it.  Open source has a place. It is helpful to many people. It is in spirit a good idea. It is the marketing vultures that are ruining it.


And now that I am soapbox mode: What the heck do you think will happen when a company who only sells software starts giving it away? How serious do you think they can be? Indeed Open Source MF COULD drive OEMs, and commercial licenses would be the business model. But for consumers - no way.

#61159 Just discover Netduino!

Posted by Spiked on 05 January 2015 - 09:05 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Don't forget to remind everyone they have been shipping soon for 4 years now. Sorry, but reality has to sink in at some point.


Sorry Chris, I hate to go negative. I personally have had pretty good luck with the Netduino, as I have said, But watching others experience, and Microsofts ridiculous pace, I have got to move on.  The netduino/gadgeteer/MF remain a great prototyping platform as far as I am concerned. As a hobbyist maker tool, not so much.


And frankly nothing unique about your situation, this is what happens to most open source projects, and why I avoid them when I can. That was what I was trying to do when I went with MF over Arduino in the first place. Now that they are both open source, all advantages are lost.

#61144 Shield Module speed and HC-SR04

Posted by Spiked on 04 January 2015 - 03:31 PM in Netduino Go


#61133 Just discover Netduino!

Posted by Spiked on 03 January 2015 - 06:58 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

The Plus does have the advantage of ethernet, but it is not a full working stack, and has some long outstanding bugs. Many have been able to get quite a bit working with it though e.g. web servers. I use it all the time for MQTT to a host PC, but I am starting to look into moving away from that. I will stick with MQTT, but find a way to do it over serial (and no not MQTT-SN, that is geared for wireless as far as I can tell).


To be honest, I remain very disappointed in MF as a long term strategy.  I waited years for anything, then what I heard was "big announcements are coming", then what I got was an announcement for 'we are going open source' - which to me is very bad thing. And still no significant updates (like ethernet bug fixes). Now that it is open source, what I expect to finally get is a NON QA'd product, with a ton of bugs. And no end user usable toolchain to be able to even fix them myself. I'm looking elsewhere (and probably going back to Arduino).


As far as sensors, It all boils down to electricity - any and all sensors could work, if there is not some physical restriction. However you may not be able to get the timing resolution on a managed framework (.Net) that you would get from raw code on an Arduino. In most cases you can get close enough, but there are a few (e.g.frequency measurement) where you will not, but this is rare case.

#61064 N+2: Remote debugging over TCP/IP?

Posted by Spiked on 25 December 2014 - 08:40 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I have never seen any mention of it. Nor is there any indication for support from within vs I can see.

#61051 Netduino+2 PWM for high resolution timing

Posted by Spiked on 23 December 2014 - 10:24 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

The biggest difference is one is the time now, the other is the time when the interrupt occurred (or closer to it), and the two are not related.

#61047 Netduino+2 PWM for high resolution timing

Posted by Spiked on 23 December 2014 - 12:03 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

For starters, an interrupt in a managed framework is not the same as an interrupt on a raw device.


Rather than look at MachineTime Ticks, look at the value of the DateTime timestamp argument passed to you.


But that is for future reference, it is not causing the errors you see.


I suspect you are just driving interrupts faster than the framework can handle.  As far as I know, the Netduino is NOT a good device for reading high speed signals, unless there was something added that I missed.


Even if your code is not doing anything for the interrupt, again, it is NOT like interrupts on an Arduino. It IS doing a lot of stuff under the covers. For one, it is passing you a timestamp. You can be sure that has to go through memory allocation at a minimum. Memory fragmented? Maybe the garbage collector HAD to run.  Then it gets placed in an event Queue, that might need to be expanded .... more memory management. Then it calls your code, that does nothing ... but the stack needs to be cleaned up, and unreferenced objects garbage collected.


Managed code is a different way of doing things. It has many advantages, and a few disadvantages.

#61046 New user: using VS2013 problems

Posted by Spiked on 22 December 2014 - 11:51 PM in General Discussion

Looks like it was developed against 4.1 and trying to deploy to a 4.2 loaded device.


Make sure you are referencing 4.2 in your visual studio project.


Which is really bad if you thought you were using 4.3.  Might want to take another go at it, un-install all of the PC stuff and start again.

#61039 Socket error #10055 (WSAENOBUFS)

Posted by Spiked on 21 December 2014 - 06:22 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Its open source now, just fix it yourself :)  isnt that what open source is all about? broken by default™ is what I always say.


But otherwise, it is a tiny processor. You can not keep it 100% busy and expect it to also handle hardware level tasks, like interrupts from an ethernet port.  I do remember seeing something like 21 bytes being the difference between trying to immediately send vs buffering data. Actually I think I remember 21 being discussed as a mistake, it was suppose to be 20 but the code was off by 1. Then again that may have been something similar but entirely elsewhere. But the more important, code that choses immediate vs delayed, especially in small embedded systems, is quite common.

#61038 Bit Torrent with the Plus

Posted by Spiked on 21 December 2014 - 06:03 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I know of no software that does this, so the short answer is no.


The long answer depends on what you mean by 'handle bit torrenting files'  

Can it copy the files and leave them encrypted? yes.

Can it decrypt the files from a stream?  probably, if you write the code.

Can it coordinate multiple port connections to optimize bit torrent throughput? probably not.

Can it generate keys and encrypt outgoing files on the fly? Maybe (but see previous restriction), how is your STM32 Assembly language and ability to generate your own firmware (do you have access to an expensive toolchain, I have not seen anything about building the current firmware any other way)? The chip can do it, can you?


Bottom line; not something the device is likely to do well, if at all.

#61032 Cant get an IP address

Posted by Spiked on 20 December 2014 - 04:32 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I'd agree on using the hardware mac address first.


But if that is something you can not do, try setting it before you ask for a dhcp address.  Otherwisee mac '1234' ask for an IP address, then changed itself to '5678'  - it will never receive a reply.

#61031 Unable to deply project, device not found or cannot be opened

Posted by Spiked on 20 December 2014 - 04:19 PM in General Discussion

I had one just quit working, right around the time the driver was released that bricked clone chips.


I thought they replaced that driver now, but in any case, I otherwise destroyed that one (power incident) so I just go another one and it is still fine.  If it used to work, and no longer does, keep this in mind as a possibility.


Otherwise, the normal troubleshooting routines; hold down the reset while attaching to USB, should show up as something else (not netduino) in device manager.  Use mf deploy to update the firmware, should now show as 'netduino' in device manager.  I find every once and while the firmware goes MIA, and I have to reflash occasionally. 

#60968 Communicating to dac through netduino

Posted by Spiked on 13 December 2014 - 09:16 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

His registerValues  is exactly the same as data , since they are both created the same way. I suspect it is left over unused testing code.


The main function, does not loop. It simply Sleeps 1/2 second and ends, I guess to give time for the i2c transaction to complete?. I am unsure what the device you are using does when the i2c line closes.


I have always had to use an i2c kickstart in my code;

            // required i2c kick
            OutputPort p = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_SDA, true); p.Write(false); p.Dispose();
Don't you have to tell it what register you are writing to?
My code looks like this, but it has been a while since I've needed to use i2c
     I2CDevice.Configuration c = new I2CDevice.Configuration(0x53, 400);
     Byte[] POWER_CTL = new Byte[] {0x2D, 0x08};
     I2CDevice a = new I2CDevice(c);
     a.Execute(new I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] { I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(POWER_CTL) }, 100);

#60967 DTMF with netduino plus 2

Posted by Spiked on 13 December 2014 - 08:56 PM in Project Showcase

My 'I have never done it' guess would be you need to use a FFT to get the frequency of the tones.




has 11 pages explaining how to do it on an Arduino. I don't even know if the Managed Netduino is capable.


Give it a quick look, then go get a chip previously mentioned :)

#60933 Non-Voliatile Storage - NVRAM

Posted by Spiked on 10 December 2014 - 01:32 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

You sure have my curiosity peaked. I want see easy peeking and poking of memory in a managed application and/or I want to see anyone build the firmware without a $6000 tool chain.  Be sure to take notes and share.

#60813 Serial Exception

Posted by Spiked on 29 November 2014 - 08:39 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I have never been real clear on the serial port thing with the Netduino. I had some discussion earlier, that probably explained it, but I was a total newb at the time, so I jumped to ethernet since it was the quickest way to get what I wanted working (MQTT type messaging).


I am led to believe that the USB serial port is used for deploying and debugging, and therefore you can not mix your serial traffic on that port if it is in use by visual studio.  The proposed solution I believe was to use an FTDI serial cable attached to com2 on the Netduino, and tell visual studio to use that. Then USB com1 is freed up for your serial traffic.


Is this also your understanding, and how you went about it?  I need to come back to this someday. As it is, when I need to demo something I usually just use an arduino because of this. http://www.spiked3.com/?p=1731

#60759 DateTime in NativeEventHandler()

Posted by Spiked on 19 November 2014 - 04:53 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I remember finding it somewhere and it was 3µs . I don't remember where, or I could be remembering it completely wrong, so take it with a grain of salt.

#60641 Controlling 2WD Chassis using Motor Driver 1A Dual TB6612FNG

Posted by Spiked on 05 November 2014 - 02:42 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

That will get you going, but down the road keep in mind there is a reason logic voltage and motor voltage are usually kept apart. There are several ways to accomplish isolation, one the easiest/best being 2 different batteries.


The problem is, in some configurations the motor pull can drop the voltage below what the logic can tolerate, even if just for a microsecond the results can be bad. Also motors, being mechanically/electrically connected (brushes sparking) tend to introduce 'noise' on the circuit and cause all  kinds of hard to find problems.


Again, hook it up as you described, see if it works, then think a more permanent solution.

#60630 Beta: Visual Studio 2013 support

Posted by Spiked on 05 November 2014 - 05:42 AM in Visual Studio

That's why I said not 100% sure. I am 100% sure it was a command line argument to devenv, just not 100% which one. But yeah, I did spend 4-5 hours on it.


Note that I believe that requires Admin elevation, which may not happen during your install?  But I also had your templates after your(and MF) install, they just disappeared later. From what I've read, this latest addition of 'portable library' stuff has created many new issues (hard coded links to v2.05 of System.Core), of which I am guessing this is just 1 more.

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