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Michel Trahan's Content

There have been 155 items by Michel Trahan (Search limited from 24-June 23)

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#12516 Slightly off topic - HID device to Windows

Posted by Michel Trahan on 26 April 2011 - 11:59 PM in General Discussion

Early USB HID support is built into the v4.1.1 beta firmware. We posted a sample for a driverless HID communication channel.

But I will need to have a RS232 Shield to be able to deploy using RS232 (and then remove the RS232 Shield ?). Then I can connect to a pc using usb and communicate with the pc using the usb ? (do I need to give the netduino power with an external source?)

You could certainly do these sorts of things natively on Netduino. The benefit of using an external component, I suppose, is that a lot of the software work may already be done for you.

Was not thinking of using an external one. Was looking at the echo code which would be perfect for me ... except for the RS232, my portable does not have one ... but simple enough for transfering sensor data to a full graphical application !

#12981 Sleep In Microseconds

Posted by Michel Trahan on 09 May 2011 - 12:42 AM in General Discussion

Welcome to the community :) Yes try this Thread.Sleep(500); for 500ms or Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite); for a tad longer :) And the main problem is with the garbage collector that kicks in ... I don't remember how long it can take in some instance.

#12986 Sleep In Microseconds

Posted by Michel Trahan on 09 May 2011 - 01:19 AM in General Discussion

my problem is trying to get it to microsecond accuracy

Sorry, I missread it ...

#12746 Simple multi-threaded web server

Posted by Michel Trahan on 02 May 2011 - 01:11 PM in Project Showcase

I was asking about how do you discriminate which action to take in your main function on the netduino ... I know that the worker has the code to do the actions ... but how do we test which command was asked to the webserver ? If you only send one command, why do all that structure lol

#12660 Simple multi-threaded web server

Posted by Michel Trahan on 30 April 2011 - 03:41 AM in Project Showcase

I don't know if you want to use this, but as your project grows, you might find it easier. Good luck!

How do we discriminate the request received ? Where is the command string ? Where are the arguments ... needed ...

I find the other one easier to use ... you declare actions, you switch between the ones you defined ... How do you know which command to call ? Or I missed the whole point

#11786 Simple multi-threaded web server

Posted by Michel Trahan on 08 April 2011 - 01:19 AM in Project Showcase

For instance, if you would program your Netduino to be a thermostat, you would call
to set the temperature in the living room to 21 degrees.

Imagine a series of netduino mini (as thermostat) using XBee to communicate with a router, then imagine a base station (or multiple with touch screens) that can send command to all the other "sensors" through the router ... you could have all the thermostats in the house connected to a router and a series of control panels also connected to the router and have the computer send preprogrammed sequence to all ... you could even change settings from the office using the internet :)

Very good work Jasper ! Thanks !

#11632 Selected Sensors for a Quadcopter project

Posted by Michel Trahan on 04 April 2011 - 01:46 PM in General Discussion

Hi Everyone, I want to post here all the sensors that I will select for my quadcopter project. I want suggestions for the following : - 3D Gyros : ITG-3200 - Accelerometer (tripple axis) : ADXL345 or BMA180 - Compass (tripple axis) : HMC5843 - GPS : LS20031 or Skytraq or ??? - Altimeter - Battery Monitor - Barometric Pressure : BMP085 - Temperature (oups, it looks like the Gyro has it included ...) : LM335A - Range finders (for autonomous flight, anti collision) Anything missing ? Mike.

#11642 Selected Sensors for a Quadcopter project

Posted by Michel Trahan on 04 April 2011 - 04:22 PM in General Discussion

- 3D Gyro : ITG-3200
- Accelerometer (tripple axis):ADXL345 or BMA180
- Compass (tripple axis) : HMC5843
- Temperature Sensor : LM335A

Thinking of using this for GPS : LS20031

#11660 Selected Sensors for a Quadcopter project

Posted by Michel Trahan on 04 April 2011 - 09:19 PM in General Discussion

LOL Well if you want to make it really special add a Kinect like these guys at MIT:

I have to find the link again but I saw something using laser doing the same lol I like the Kinect idea but first lets make it fly :) (read hover) then we'll add mode (follow path, return home, land from here, etc...)

#12165 SecretLabs Namespace Documentation

Posted by Michel Trahan on 17 April 2011 - 07:06 AM in General Discussion

Hi everyone, Here is the zip file containing all the HTML files generated by the sandcastle tool for the SecretLabs namespace. I will build on that, hope it helps. Mike. p.s.: darn I have to split the files ... bigger than 2 megs ... put them back into one directory before using them ! The start pages of the namespace documentation starts with the letter N p.p.s.: can anyone tell me why the chm file was not created ? I am on windows 7 64bits ...

Attached Files

#12166 SecretLabs Namespace Documentation

Posted by Michel Trahan on 17 April 2011 - 07:11 AM in General Discussion

And the XML files generated

Attached Files

#12686 save config on netduino

Posted by Michel Trahan on 30 April 2011 - 12:27 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

However, in case you don't want any SD, you may use an external memory via SPI or I2C.

Can you point towards an exemple of SPI or I2C external memory ? I'd like to see how that works :)

#12732 RFID Reader

Posted by Michel Trahan on 01 May 2011 - 03:44 PM in Project Showcase

At this point we should change the song to "Nothing gonna stop Stefan now"!...

He's the best :)

#12148 Resetting on /Reset pin

Posted by Michel Trahan on 16 April 2011 - 02:18 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Do I need to connect it to +5V to reset

I don't know how to reset it but the netduino is 3.3V not 5V !

#11521 Recommend a scope or PC card for working with Netduino?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 31 March 2011 - 01:11 PM in General Discussion

Hesitating between these two : Saleae or DSO 2090 USB PC USB Oscilloscope 40MHz 100MSa/s 2CH Picoscope are way out of my budget (which is between 150 and 250, tax and shipping included)

#12012 Read Debug.Print() output without Visual Studio

Posted by Michel Trahan on 12 April 2011 - 01:28 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

You can also hook into the MFDeployEngine (the same thing that MFDeploy does) and tap into the Netduino's Debug.Print USB output stream.

Chris, I want to know how to do that ...

I want to start playing with Accel/Magneto/Gyro sensors and display on screen the resulting position/velocity ... (saw it many times but still wonder how to do it) ... graphically at that too ... any suggestions ?

#13264 Quadcopter Early Flight

Posted by Michel Trahan on 14 May 2011 - 02:36 AM in Project Showcase

I know lol and that is why i have a 200MHz .Net MF waiting for me to get up to speed with coding sensors to try it out :) I'm a slow learner ... not as agile as I used to be lol mentally that is !

#13252 Quadcopter Early Flight

Posted by Michel Trahan on 13 May 2011 - 08:40 PM in Project Showcase

Man, Great Job ! And that was in December ! Do you have plans to show the code ? or we can only drool ? Has Chris Seto seen this ? He was saying impossible ! So good job !

#13279 Quadcopter Early Flight

Posted by Michel Trahan on 14 May 2011 - 12:52 PM in Project Showcase

Yes you need it when you don't know C or C++ and only know Visual Studio as a compiler :) lol I come from VB6 ... therefore, netmf is my best bet ! And I don't want a professional quality flight control, I just want mine :) By the way, my main goal is to learn .net and I decided to start with .netmf ! This community rocks ! Mike. p.s.: You should see my smile lol

#11527 Quad.Net Quadrocopter for .NETMF

Posted by Michel Trahan on 31 March 2011 - 05:20 PM in Project Showcase

Where is the code ? How do we get access to it ? I like the plug and play framework philosophy and want to build a netduino quadcopter with kalman filters for stability ... I want to contribute too but you guys are way ahead of me ... I just started !

So how can I get the code ?

#12350 Proposal for the Netduino community (and others)

Posted by Michel Trahan on 21 April 2011 - 12:35 PM in General Discussion

Not too general, meaning, applicable to our needs ... pull-up resistors, what to watch for, etc ... This is why I want every tutorial to have its own Fritzing diagram, to help learn, and documentation to say why it was done with this or that resistor/capacitor ... Wow, what a great community we have here :)

#12371 Proposal for the Netduino community (and others)

Posted by Michel Trahan on 21 April 2011 - 08:45 PM in General Discussion

Would you really want to Fritzing a quadrocoptor project?

That I'll have to try LOL

And I thought that by using Fritzing and doing the wiring diagram, the schematics would have been done automatically no ?

As for forcing people to use one tool over the other one ... not for here but on my web site I will. Everey project will have the same look and feel, consistent. And it will be for newbies mostly ... I even want to do a Solid Works of my future quadcopter to find the center of mass and put the sensors there :)

#12358 Proposal for the Netduino community (and others)

Posted by Michel Trahan on 21 April 2011 - 04:38 PM in General Discussion

We agree to each other, unless there's a langual problem I haven't noticed ;)
I love the community too! :D

There is no language problem that I see either LOL

I agree with the fact that schematic are good, but newbies like me like to see the real things and use the mouse to see what the piece of equipment is (what is the value of that resistor connected there) ... a schematic is very good when you know what to look at ... with the fritzing diagram I can understand the schematics :) I can relate things easier :)

By the way, I want everything in the wiki but I want to put more structure on the whole thing with documentation for the tutorials ... that is why I am creating my own site for my tutorials, and the fact that many friends of mine (french) want to see the tutorials in french ... I'll oblige them with pleasure ! I'll link them in the wiki once done too :)

#12101 Plan for training and education

Posted by Michel Trahan on 14 April 2011 - 12:11 PM in General Discussion

Hi Everybody,

I am thinking of buying a .com domain for netduino tutorials and call it ... ? (should it be .org ?)

I want to document every project/tutorial with Fritzing diagrams ( (Thanks to Stefan for this link), Visual Studio C# solutions, and a lot of explanation ... about many things.

I would also like to include a coding style (make many things static since we are in a very small footprint (does that make sense for an explanation ?)

I would like to invite many (like omar) to donate their project to this tutorial effort. I would like it to be open source with editing to enforce coding style (would that be too much to ask ?)

This project will take time since I want every project to be defined into Fritzing (read defining the parts graphics and specs).

Anyone interesting about that ?


#12596 Parking Sensor

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 04:03 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Add a yellow for the right position you want (hardcoded since no interface) and a red when you go beyond the right position. That would be a perfect solution. (human factor specialist in me had to comment) Besides that good work and Welcome to the community :)

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