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José Ángel's Content

There have been 39 items by José Ángel (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#876 Who are behind Netduino?

Posted by José Ángel on 19 August 2010 - 11:20 PM in General Discussion

We are very mysterious, aren't we? I guess that's part of what makes us Secret Labs. We're really, really good at keeping secrets (and as you can see with Netduino, we also like making things very open...kind of a fun paradox.)

Shit! I hate secrets! :P So, I'll wait to have some new news...

p.D: How many people are working on Netduino apart from you?

#1099 Netduino 3D Model Almost Done

Posted by José Ángel on 22 August 2010 - 11:22 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

You don't need to open the post before doing the 3D model, you can open after doing it :D You are doing a great work with Netduino

#1136 Emulator

Posted by José Ángel on 23 August 2010 - 10:36 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi Hari,

I (and everyone else) would be really interested in seeing the code you mention, but I couldn't see it attached to your post?



Hi, you can find it in the Patches page of the Codeplex project -> http://netduinoemula.../PatchList.aspx

Can you try it and tell us if it works as hari's videos or something like the video that is attached?

Attached Files

#1141 Emulator

Posted by José Ángel on 23 August 2010 - 12:57 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Thanks Jose,

Just trying to run this as we speak, but keep getting the following error (Attached!)

I'm using Windows 7 64-bit, so I assumed rebuilding the solution would work, but apparently not.

Any ideas?

(EDIT: Added the error message)

I looked for some info about the error but I only find one post on MSDN about Silverlight: http://social.msdn.m...e5-92ea875f694c

I don't have now a x64 machine to test the code, sorry! :unsure:

#1145 Emulator

Posted by José Ángel on 23 August 2010 - 01:32 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hmmm, I've done a bit of research on the error message myself and it seems it might be related to the version of C# that I'm using - Express 2010.

What version are you running? (I'm guessing not the express version!?)

Not, I'm running an Ultimate version over Windows 7 x86. Have you tried to set the two projects to compile/debug against a "x64" platform instead "Any CPU"?

#1410 Netduino Emulator

Posted by José Ángel on 27 August 2010 - 11:10 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi! hwiguna and me are working on it, if you are interested in developing the emulator, I can add you to the Codeplex Project as a developer. This way, you can use the Team Foundation repository to upload and share the code and work all together. Regards!

#5552 Netduino Book - Getting Started with the Internet of Things

Posted by José Ángel on 30 November 2010 - 10:49 PM in General Discussion

Anyone have a link or details of the book?

+1 :rolleyes:

#11225 Anyone have a Windows Phone already?

Posted by José Ángel on 23 March 2011 - 08:56 PM in General Discussion

The goal is to write a sample project which works in both places using the same C# code. But we could certainly write an iPhone app in C# too (using Mono). That would be cool. [We have WebOS phones, Windows Mobile phones, iPhones, etc. in the labs.]

But mostly, we got new Windows Phones and wanted an excuse to write some code for them :)


What kind of project? I think that is going to be difficult to run a project inside the Windows Phone 7 with the same code that in Arduino because Windows Phone 7 is very restricted :(

#11226 Terminal emulator

Posted by José Ángel on 23 March 2011 - 08:58 PM in General Discussion

I use putty too :rolleyes:

#11405 Anyone have a Windows Phone already?

Posted by José Ángel on 28 March 2011 - 08:57 PM in General Discussion

Hi José,

We're working on a new commercial product line using .NET MF and will be sharing 10,000's of lines of code between the .NET MF hardware and Windows Phone. Right now, we're compiling some of that code against .NET CF 3.5 as well.

Windows Phone won't allow GPIO access or direct sockets (yet), but it can share a ton of support classes...


WoW, I didn't know that kind of compatibility between these two platforms! I'll wait for you project to learn more about that :rolleyes:

#11895 Atmel AVR Studio 5

Posted by José Ángel on 10 April 2011 - 08:07 PM in General Discussion

Wow, I didn´t know that Microsoft gives the opportunity to use a Visual Studio based editor to other companies. I prefer this than the lMPLAB X from Microchip based on Eclipse Incredible! :D

#11963 Atmel AVR Studio 5

Posted by José Ángel on 11 April 2011 - 05:40 PM in General Discussion

Unfortunately, Visual Studio-based shell is intended primarily for hosting programming languages and software development tools, it does not come with any compiler (i.e. Atmel uses it just as front-end GUI for their tools). VS IDE can be used to launch third-party compilers/linkers (*) etc., but personally I would like to have C++/CLI for ARM - Microsoft already has ARM compiler for years, in embedded Windows SKDs (CE, now the newest Embedded Compact 7).

(*) I was developing VS IDE for MCS-51 toolchains (i.e. Keil C51, SDCC etc.), but there was a serious issue with custom linker build command that did not support passing multiple inputs, fixing that would require implementation of the complete custom build system - which is now possible due to the new common project system and because the whole build system is based on MSBuild.

Wow, it's very interesting the Visual Studio based shell. I think that it's not being used a lot due to that only works on Windows OS

#11966 Read Debug.Print() output without Visual Studio

Posted by José Ángel on 11 April 2011 - 08:57 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

No, right now it's not supported. The usb connection is only available to deploy and debug the apps with Visual Studio :(

#12765 .NET Gadgeteer availibility

Posted by José Ángel on 02 May 2011 - 09:36 PM in General Discussion

Uo, another interesting project of MSR released! :D

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