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There have been 62 items by Frank (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#4766 Basic Analog Input Circuit and Program

Posted by Frank on 09 November 2010 - 08:53 PM in General Discussion

Thank you. I should have looked better before asking !

#4735 Basic Analog Input Circuit and Program

Posted by Frank on 09 November 2010 - 02:58 PM in General Discussion

WOuld really appreciate you showing the Netduino to Windows Form code !

#5561 Netduino Plus home automation

Posted by Frank on 01 December 2010 - 01:38 AM in Project Showcase

Fred, Are you going to release any of your code so others can see how you did this ?

#4861 FPGA shield alpha

Posted by Frank on 12 November 2010 - 03:12 PM in Project Showcase

It would help to see an example in real life, some sort of small project to demo it! This is a real diverse crowd, and just the Arduino/Netduino direction for projects is sometimes confusing. Course, having said that, I now have to go Google FPGA and start reading !

#6973 Pinout Cards

Posted by Frank on 04 January 2011 - 11:49 AM in General Discussion

Nicely done. Thanks

#5709 Netduino Book - Getting Started with the Internet of Things

Posted by Frank on 03 December 2010 - 09:20 PM in General Discussion

Haven't been over to Safari since I retired ! The rough cuts is a good idea, and it certainly is a quick access, low price way of getting it out to the public ! Took me under three minutes to pay for it, download the pdf, and get reading. Ain't technology nice, eh !

#4989 Netduino RS232

Posted by Frank on 16 November 2010 - 10:45 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Awesome; thanks for posting about this. That's a great option as well.

And yes, you'll want to get a 3.3V version if you can. The Netduino's microcontroller can accept 5V signals--but it sends 3.3V signals. Many "5V TTL" converters can understand 3.3V signals, but some need higher voltage signals.


Thanks to AlfredBr and Chris for good answers. My order for the cable is on the way from Adafruit!.
Nothing against Sparkfun, but I've used them twice and I thought I'd pass the wealth around to more of the

#4980 Netduino RS232

Posted by Frank on 16 November 2010 - 08:00 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

While the following works for the mini, am I correct that this DOES NOT work for the Netduino and the Plus ?

#4983 Netduino RS232

Posted by Frank on 16 November 2010 - 08:15 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

From what I've read, the Mini can handle RS-232 levels (+12/-12) on one set of serial pins and TTL levels on the other. The Classic and the Plus take TTL only on all serial pins.

Yep, believe that is correct !

It's the Netduino and the Plus that I am not certain about.

Nicest Fall in Maine in years, and I'm sitting down cellar banging a keyboard. Ah, retired life !

#5082 Netduino RS232

Posted by Frank on 20 November 2010 - 01:25 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Got it working fine, using a CD4050 . Never misses a beat! Note: If you tie down the unused inputs, it never misses a beat. Took me a while to remember that one ! Now I can sit in Hyperterminal , send ASCII codes to get what I want , then duplicate it in code. Thanks for all the advice.

#8001 Wild idea for a group project

Posted by Frank on 20 January 2011 - 04:00 PM in General Discussion

Although it is nice that we think of all these complex things to do (send certain data), we still need to figure out how to actually get them to talk to each other, so if this is something that we are seriously doing (i want to!) we first need to decide on a method for the actual communication. Then we can all have a vote on what to send or whatnot.

I'd love to get it simpler than that. I'd dearly love my Netduino, after reading temp from a DS18B20 to simply send my website

This may seem simple to a lot, but it's stumped me for days. I finally got my website to acccept, and parse and refresh the temp box on the mainpage with that line, but I can't get it sent.

I don't want complexity, and great options. I want just that line. Isn't it possible to have a method for ANY Netduino Plus, that when fed a URL , will send it?

Probably just whining, but after chasing one of my own stupid errors for two days, I'm beat !

#8039 Wild idea for a group project

Posted by Frank on 21 January 2011 - 02:39 AM in General Discussion


Have you looked at the SocketSample sample app which comes with the .NET MF 4.1 SDK? If you pass it that line as a URL, it should "request" that page--and you can just throw away the response. Make sure that you disable the proxy server in that sample.


Never knew they were there ! Thanks, that should help, AND the new update to the Getting Started with the Internet of Things was just released at Safari and it looks like another great source of stuff I never knew !

Thanks Chris.

#2629 Stay close to your computer (or come to MakerFaire)...

Posted by Frank on 22 September 2010 - 09:57 PM in General Discussion

Oz-solutions, I am convince these guys do go in every morning and laugh. Laugh about enjoying the day and suppying more creative ideas and products. They are plainly having too much fun ! Having retired from a large corporation, I am green with envy for them.

#9171 Help required with Update firmware to 4.1.1

Posted by Frank on 08 February 2011 - 05:37 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I also get this.

#3436 Arduino and Netduino pros and cons

Posted by Frank on 04 October 2010 - 02:54 AM in General Discussion

just get the raw MCU and program it like a "real man" hehe.

Oh, that made me laugh ! I've done my duty, 8080, 6502, 6800, 6809, and it took me ages
to 'trust' 'C' code and libraries written by someone else. My Visicalc floppy is hanging on the
wall next to the battery powered paper tape rewinder, and right underneath the Windows 1.0

If you need a sweet deal on a stockpile of Tandy Color Computer ICs I can help you there. That was
enough to make a 'real man' out of many people. LOL I keep looking for my ASM disks, and assembly
books, but I just can't seem to find them.

Thanks though for the reply. I'm pretty new to both the Arduino and the Netduino, but that was the
way I was looking at them also. Aduinos around the house and garage, feeding data back to the Netduino, and then
local storage, or net. After 8 years of retirement it's feeling good to beat a keyboard again, and I always
loved the smell of solder.

I am using original 7400 A series a lot. They're probably collector items now, eh ?

#3420 Arduino and Netduino pros and cons

Posted by Frank on 03 October 2010 - 06:10 PM in General Discussion

I've used the Arduino, had some fun times. I was delighted when I saw I could use the breakpoints and Visual Studio Express with the Netduino. But it doesn't seem to be a matter of transitioning FROM the Arduino TO the Netduino. Don't they serve two different markets and two different application pools? Since they are both low end and relatively inexpensive, and certainly BOTH are great for learning electronics AND programming, what are the practical guidelines for each? Speed and memory are different. I see folks talking about using video, or making MP3 players: are these rational targets? I'm not trying to rain on the parade, but I don't think one replaces the other. Where do folks see them going in the near future?

#2683 Netduino Speedometer?

Posted by Frank on 23 September 2010 - 04:12 PM in General Discussion

My idea is to make a digital speedometer for a vehicle by tapping into the vehicle speed sensor (VSS) feed from the powertrain control module (PCM) to the instrument cluster. The VSS on the transmission sends a digital signal to the PCM. Most applications vary, but the vehicle I'll be working with has a VSS that sends out 4000 pulses per mile.

Everything since 1993 ? has an ODBII connector, usually under the dash above the driver's right knee. Monitors general Obd-2 data: Fuel system (open/closed loop status), Engine load, Coolant temperature, Manifold Pressure, Engine Rpm, Vehicle speed, Timing advance, Intake air temperature, Intake air flow rate, Throttle position, Secondary air status.

Google OBDII , and you'll find a gaggle of articles and projects about interfacing.

#2927 Anyone interested in an eagle version of the Netduino files?

Posted by Frank on 26 September 2010 - 04:00 PM in General Discussion

Great idea, thanks to work on it ... Very interested for Netduino Plus ...


Put my name on the list !

#8102 1-WIRE

Posted by Frank on 22 January 2011 - 03:01 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I have had very good luck with this unit:

I agree ! Mine works well, and the price is hard to beat.

#9298 1-WIRE

Posted by Frank on 11 February 2011 - 02:20 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Having received my NP+ today, I've now got the IP connectivity working for starters. Tomorrow's job will be to get 1 wire working. I've had lots of success in the past with the HA7S adapter ( http://www.embeddedd...r-SIP_p_23.html ) so that's what I'll be working with. I'm only going to be working with DS18B20 temperature sensors so that's all my code's going to support but I'll post it as soon as I've got it working.


How'd this work out for you ?

#6486 A project suggestion - for Netduino, Plus, or mini.

Posted by Frank on 24 December 2010 - 05:54 PM in General Discussion

From what I've been reading, OneWire is actually really hard. The timings are very precise. Even the Adruino playground references Dr. Anderson's chip as an alternative that "reduces the workload inside the Arduino". Some sort of interrupt or other delay in the middle of it and you're sunk.

Although I might just be trying to justify my purchases to myself. :o

I've been bouncing around on my thoughts on this one. Part of me started to be a purist, and stay with the Netduino. Then I ordered the package from PhAnderson, for a couple reasons: one, it's under $10 bucks, and two, I was curious. Go read his site, and you can't help but be intrigued!

A week later, I received a small envelope with a sheet of paper, and a plastic envelop inside. I'm at that stage now. You can service 6 DS18B20s with it. As soon as I get my focus back on the hardware end, I'll give it a spin. Upside says it's cheaper than buying an Arduino, and doesn't seem that it will use more I/O pins on the Netduino.

When you say the OneWire is actually really hard, I chuckled. All the more reason to get it running! But, it made me think , is it really hard, or is it a matter of reliablity and stability ? I'd love for some input from others. I tend to build stuff and forget about it. Is OneWire going to be more, or less. stable with different methods?

It does require soldering. And that apparently stops some folks. It shouldn't but I understand the apprehension.

#6404 A project suggestion - for Netduino, Plus, or mini.

Posted by Frank on 22 December 2010 - 09:52 PM in General Discussion

:D I was looking at the early membership dates, in July, and then when I joined in September, and noticed Chris said the Forum has had the 1000th member. Then I keep reading about the Netduino, the Plus,and the Mini being 'sold out" frequently. Sorta means there must be more than a few reading, playing, and either getting stuff built, or maybe getting bogged down in the hardware/software swamp. Lots of writers talking abut how they did this and that with the Arduino, but can't do the 'same thing' with the Netduino. Sorta means there are a lot of Netduino owners we don't hear from ! I'm sure all the more experienced members can agree, it all starts to be easier once you get through the 'mechanics', once you do the "Hello world" example, and have a little solid footing. Now, I'll be the first to admit, my solid footing isn't the best. But, I'm retired, and get off focus real easy. (Can you hear the gales of laughter from my wife?). What I would like to do is suggest some practical projects, that will be doable by almost all, and that should help people get started and keep smiling. ANd some of this thinking comes after reading , and enjoying, the book that got released a short while ago, "The Internet of Things". Project suggestion # 1: Read a DS18B20 sensor, and pass the data to a running program on the PC. No Internet, no extras, nothing fancy. But, it would make for a solid beginning. ANd it seems to me that between four or five folks on here, it would be quick and simple. Have I done it? Nope, I've done parts and pieces, and gotten side tracked trying to pass data to my .NET website ! And nothing exotic, or complicated. But it would give people, especially beginners, a place to hang their experience hat, and go forward. I would also suggest commented, detailed commented, code. Sooned or later, we're going to get a Netduino Wiki spot, and this type of project is a good place to build out from. My thoughts, for what they're worth!

#6413 A project suggestion - for Netduino, Plus, or mini.

Posted by Frank on 23 December 2010 - 01:24 AM in General Discussion

OK, I asked for this ! First of all, CLosedEyeSeeing, I didn't even know there was a Sandbox brewing, so thanks. I have my application in now ! And being new to this, hopefully you can help me explain, and ask, the dumb questions. CW2 & Bill.French are two that I really hoped would pop up. Both of you are at ease with the C# side, and apparently comfortable with the hardware. My initial reaction to CW2's posting was to back up. I know what you're saying, and I can follow most of the code, but if I'm not comfortable doing that, many others are not going to be either. If I start some questions based on your initial answer, would you help me with some explanations ? I want to keep in mind there are some.many on here that say they can't solder. And I suspect more than a few that have no idea what you mean by managed code, native drivers, and a sample application. I think it is possible to breakdown this thread so that anyone, with a Netduino, Plus, or Mini could put together some blocks, hook up a few wires, and see information appear on the PC screen. But, I'd like to back up from even graphing, maybe just a text block, and the numbers appearing. Remember, I'm thinking the "Hello World" side of things at first. Bill French, of course, I'm really angling to be invited to drive a couple miles over to Alfred from Waterboro for some of that sous vide steak, just to get that out in the open ! < smile > On the serious side, I bought the kit from Anderson, and started playing with it. Then I started using the Arduino talking to the Netduino , so I didn't need the Anderson solution. Of course, then I got completely sidetracked and am trying to relearn how to pass data to my own site, so I don't need to rely on Pachube ! I understand that the Netduino, which uses slower managed code, ie C#, doesn't have the response time to support a DS18B20. And I understand that native code to support OneWire is in the plans, and will eventually be 'part of?" the Netduino firmware, and then more easily utilized. So, what to do in the interim. I liked the solution of the Anderson RS232/Onewire converter, but you know, how is that really different or much cheaper, than just buying a Arduino to use with the Netduino? But look at the beginner out there, the first thing he reads is he needs to go out and buy an Arduino, after he's made the choice to go with a Netduino !! So, maybe we can stall a bit, and back up. And yep, Bill, not even a network, just passing data back on ? maybe a USB/TTl adapter to a Windows form with a text box. WHat can it pass back for data? Since this is initially just a step above the Blinky Light example, how about, I don't know, the ref voltage, input from a light sensor, etc? You would have your PC communicating with the Netduino, regardless of version, and updating a textbox on the Windows form. Sure beats up the problems with starting new with Visual Studio Express, the Netduino Family, and a couple wires. And leaves the whole thing open to some great explanations of code, hardware, etc. From there it could go anywhere, adding the Ethernet with the Plus, TTL RS-232 from one part of the house to another, what can you measure in a house with the mini that's useful and easy to do ? Enough from me. Beat me up!

#6750 A project suggestion - for Netduino, Plus, or mini.

Posted by Frank on 31 December 2010 - 02:14 PM in General Discussion

Yep, working fine. I received a piece of paper with the schematic on one side, and the other side filled with different sensors and how to hook them up. Plus the information on the PHAnderson site contains a lot of info. I had more problems with the code than anything else, but that's just me. I forgot each Netduino, Plus,Mini has its own set of references. Currently I'm working on a WIndows form that receives the data. All the projects make the Netduino do something, but getting the data back out, NOT using the USB seems to be more difficult. I can see why using the USB when debugging is a problem, but what the code is running without debuging, why can't we use the USB back to a WIndows program? Next on my list is getting that data back to a website. Why can't I have my own website recieve temp data, and post it in a text box? Probably pretty easy on a Plus, but beyond me so far !

#2630 $10 GPS receiver?!

Posted by Frank on 22 September 2010 - 10:00 PM in General Discussion

If it has an internal cable going from serial to a USB-TTL chip, you can simply attach there.

Since it's a high volume product, they may have integrated the USB/serial very tightly (which would be significantly tougher)...not sure.

Either way, sounds like a fun experiment.


Dsrn, I've got one of those tucked away somewhere I got for free on Freecycle. Now I've got to go find it, and I'll probably miss the upcoming exciting news! LOL

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