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#59019 NETMF SerialPort and "BreakState"

Posted by sfx on 05 July 2014 - 08:15 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)



Thanks for examining my diagram. I appreciate it.


I've swapped the 1A and 1B wires and moved the RX wire from the sensor to 1Y  on the IC instead. Attached is an image based off your recommendations.


If you notice anything else amiss, please let me know.


Once my header wires have arrived, I'll construct the prototype and see if I can finally catch a break (pun intended)!



#59100 NETMF SerialPort and "BreakState"

Posted by sfx on 08 July 2014 - 01:19 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Baxter,
This stuff is going to haunt me, I know it... But thanks again for your help.
I managed to pick up a 2N3904 NPN transistor as well as a BAT 48 Shottky diode (they didn't have an 85 so it's on order).
I'll start with the diode attempt as per your suggestion from the spec page for the Atmega32. I have attached an image with the setup that I have created, but I'm not sure if it is accurate. I was hoping that you might be able to offer me some suggestions here.
At any rate, I know that this configuration will not allow me to reference serial COM1 on the Netduino if I'm also attempting to use either pin D0 or D1 to furnish the "break" command - an InvalidOperationException will be thrown due to a conflict on the pins. Consequently, I'm not sure how using just the diode solution will work with the Netduino. I think I understand how it would work on the Arduino or Atmega32 given that RX and TX can be referenced on the same pin, but such doesn't appear to be the case on the Netduino.
And so I'm back to where I started... Confused, bemused and abused.

Attached Thumbnails

  • post-151462-0-35758800-1404.jpg

#59011 NETMF SerialPort and "BreakState"

Posted by sfx on 04 July 2014 - 11:20 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)



Thanks for the excellent description! I'm going to purchase an AND gate now and see if I can get this thing working.


Is there any reason why you mentioned the 4 gate AND in your reply? Would this be for connecting multiple devices or for using multiple devices to generate the "break" state?



#59071 NETMF SerialPort and "BreakState"

Posted by sfx on 07 July 2014 - 11:26 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Ok, here goes nothing...


My header wires arrived today so I was able to set up my Netduino Plus 2, range-finder (SRF01), and logical AND Gate exactly as my last diagram describes (with the help of Baxter). After nearly two hours of frustration the results are in:


1. Range-finder flashes on power up.
2. Debugging session begins ok.
3. Break command is sent to the sensor.
4. Two commands follow (the sensor address and the status command).
5. All bytes appear to be written.
6. No bytes are available to be read back (that's right, zero bytes).


According to the documentation, I should be receiving bytes back as representing a return value from the previously sent command. I get nothing. It's as if the break command isn't being sent at all and so the sensor isn't even aware that anything has happened.


I'm lost.



#59036 NETMF SerialPort and "BreakState"

Posted by sfx on 06 July 2014 - 07:12 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Baxter,


Thanks for the reference. Actually, I saw this a few days ago but I didn't understand it until you explained the configuration in a couple of your previous posts.


I'm still waiting on my header wires to arrive, but hopefully I'll get to test the setup within the next few days.



#59014 NETMF SerialPort and "BreakState"

Posted by sfx on 05 July 2014 - 03:59 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Baxter,
I picked up a Texas Instruments Quad DIP14 74HC08 from my local electronics shop.An example can be seen here:
Following your previous instructions, I have attached a diagram of what I think the circuit might look like. When you get some time, could you review the image and see if you think the setup I have created is correct?
Here is the datasheet for the IC that I purchased:


Thanks again,

Attached Thumbnails

  • post-151462-0-43423600-1404.jpg

#59087 NETMF SerialPort and "BreakState"

Posted by sfx on 07 July 2014 - 10:08 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Baxter,


I haven't picked an easy part to start my hardware adventures, you say? Well, you can say that again!!


I noticed the diagram that you attached a week or so ago but for some reason thought that it only applied to serial connections to a PC. I also noticed that some of the code I was attemping to translate from Arduino was referencing the RX/TX line together - as if it was one physical wire that could be engaged as either Receive or Transmit based upon a flag. This is obviously not the way Netduino works.


The Arduino code is linked to here: http://www.robot-ele...duino_srf01.ino

Looks like I need to get a BAT85 schottky diode. However, there are still a couple of questions that I'm not sure about:


a ) Does one leg of the diode need to connect to D0 and the other to D1 (i.e. RX/TX)?
b ) How does the RX line of the sensor connect to the diode if both legs are already plugged in?


I'm learning a lot while making all these mistakes, so I've appreciated your help immensely. If I can get this sucker working finally, I'm going to shout you a round of beer!



#58323 Netduino with inbuilt Wi-Fi?

Posted by sfx on 21 May 2014 - 01:10 PM in General Discussion

Hi Folks,


Are there any plans to create a Netduino with inbuilt Wi-Fi? I noticed that Arduino has the Yun and it seems to me that a Netduino with similar functionality would be a tremendous boon for the product.


Best regards,



#58335 Netduino with inbuilt Wi-Fi?

Posted by sfx on 21 May 2014 - 09:25 PM in General Discussion

Hi Chris,


Thanks for the update. I was almost certain that this was something that you guys had considered already, so it is great to hear that it is on your radar.


I look forward to hearing about any updates concerning this in the future.


Best regards,



#59010 Netduino Plus 2 slow response (debugging)

Posted by sfx on 04 July 2014 - 11:14 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Fred007,


I have the same issues as you when using the 4.3 firmware and VS 2013. Sometimes the debugger drops just before starting a new session and when it does start it seems to be unusually slow while stepping through code.



#59958 Netduino Analog Ports

Posted by sfx on 31 August 2014 - 12:28 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi All,


The Netduino has 6 analog ports (A0-A5). Can anyone tell me an easy way to extend the number of analog ports so that more can be addressed?


Take care,



#58167 Multiple Sensors To Single Serial Port

Posted by sfx on 16 May 2014 - 10:43 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Chris,


I just received a reply from the manufacturer who had this to say in relation to my inquiry concerning the range finder in question:


"The SRF01’s are just connected in parallel. But before you do that you need to change the addresses to give each one a unique address." (underline mine)


Unfortunately, this doesn't help me much. Do you know of any resources that you could point me toward that show how to connect multiple serial I/O pins in parallel on a Netduino?


Thanks again,



#58135 Multiple Sensors To Single Serial Port

Posted by sfx on 14 May 2014 - 05:41 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Chris,


Thanks so much for your swift reply - and thanks for the welcome! It's good to be here.


The sensor that I'm looking at is the SRF01, the details of which are here:




The site mentions that the sensor supports a standard TTL level UART format, however there is a table outlining I2C actions as commands as well. Now I'm even more confused. Do you know of any resources that might help clarify these questions?


Thanks again.



#58193 Multiple Sensors To Single Serial Port

Posted by sfx on 17 May 2014 - 08:58 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)


Wow! I’m blown away. Thanks so much for taking your own time to diagram that for me. It definitely helped me to understand the connections much better than when I was simply reading about them using the vendor’s documentation.


Thank you also for explaining how these types of connections can work. I’m still a little puzzled, however. The documentation for the range finder has this to say:

Communication with the SRF01 is with both serial input and serial output on a single pin. The SRF01 will be listening at all times except when it is actually sending data, and will go back to listening as soon as its finished. To communicate with the SRF01, you simply need to send a "break", followed by two bytes, the address of the SRF01 (factory default is 1) and the command.


What I find confusing is the statement above that specifies that serial input and output is on a single pin. Additionally, the device appears to be listening for commands as opposed to continuously attempting to stream data. Have I got this wrong? If so, does this mean that I would need to connect the range finder up to a second pin in order to receive data?

Thanks guys. All of you have been extremely helpful.

Take care,


#58171 Multiple Sensors To Single Serial Port

Posted by sfx on 16 May 2014 - 11:21 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi CW2,


Thank you for the clarification and the diagram. I definitely appreciate it. I'm guessing that a breadboard would be the best option for prototyping then. If it's not too much trouble, would you be able to draw a diagram (similar to your first) that demonstrates this process on a breadboard instead? Otherwise, might you know of a resource that could visually show such a parallel configuration?


I'm sorry for sounding like such a novice, but it is because I am; and I'm not sure where else I should go to get help with Netduino questions. :(


Take care,



#58147 Multiple Sensors To Single Serial Port

Posted by sfx on 14 May 2014 - 10:09 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Chris,

This is fantastic! Especially for a newbie like me, this type of explanation really helps me to understand what connections go where and why. Very much appreciated!

If I may, can I trouble you for one more explanation? I’d like to know how I might go about wiring up multiple of the aforementioned sensors to pin D1 (COM1 TX) on the Netduino? Would this need to be done through some type of extender module, bread board, soldering, or something else? I’m just not sure how “many” serial I/O pins on a sensor should fit into a “single” Netduino serial port.

Best regards,


#58132 Multiple Sensors To Single Serial Port

Posted by sfx on 14 May 2014 - 04:19 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)


In reading the fact sheets for certain sensors, I’ve found that some of them claim to be able to link multiple sensors through a single serial port as long as each sensor has a different address. This raises some confusing questions for me and so I am wondering if I may pose the following further questions to people here who are more experienced and knowledgeable than I am:

  1. If the sensor has a 3 or 4 Pin JST connection, how do I link multiple cables to a Netduino Plus 2 serial port?
  2. Is there some type of intermediary shield that can be used to join multiple cables to a single serial port?
  3. How do I go about assigning different addresses to multiple sensors if they are all connected to a single serial port?

I’m sorry if these questions appear to be annoyingly trivial, but I’m only new at all of this and was hoping that someone could either assist me in answering these questions or point me to relevant resources that do or both.

Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.



#60126 Mayhew Labs Mux Shield II

Posted by sfx on 16 September 2014 - 12:12 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Hi All,


I’ve been wanting to expand the number of analog inputs in my N2+ so I purchased a Mux Shield II (Mayhew Labs), but have been unable to get the thing working. All I’ve had to go on is the Arduino user guide and code samples which I’ve attempted to port to NETMF, unsuccessfully it seems. Has anyone else had any experience using this multiplexing shield? I noticed that a forum member, Eric Falsken, created a code sample for the previous Mux Shield but I’m unable to get that working with the new board. His post can be found here:



I would definitely appreciate some help on this since accessing more analog inputs without having to design my own circuit was something I was really hoping for with this shield.


The user guide for the shield can be found here:



Along with Arduino code samples:



Take care,



#59038 Is Netduino (or Gadgeteer) still viable?

Posted by sfx on 06 July 2014 - 08:13 AM in General Discussion

Hi Thomas,


I'm an experienced software developer on the Microsoft stack, but am only relatively new to the devices scene. Having said that, however, I have poured a great deal of my time recently (and a little money) into learning about the IoT, as well as some of those devices that will likely comprise the movement. Of course, no one can be sure how the IoT will mature, but the .NET Micro Framework appears to have developed a renewed focus in recent times - both by folks inside Microsoft as well as by the broader open source community. In my opinion, provided that SecretLabs can continue to innovate, Netduino seems to be well positioned to capitalise on the momentum that is moving the IoT forward.


As developers, what we care about most are the languages and frameworks that will be used to engage the hardware that supports our vision. The nascent IoT reminds me of how Cloud technology nearly a decade ago was being positioned to envelop everything. Indeed, it seems to be still touted as a software panacea of sorts. Whether you have bought into the Cloud punch-line or not, there is one thing that is undeniable; the improvements in tooling support to make Cloud technology a viable offering have been astounding.


If IoT is anything like the early days of Cloud computing, then you're likely not even going to be able to keep up with all the improvements that will start to occur within the devices you use, as well as the ones that you haven't even thought of yet.


Take care,



#59102 InterruptPort/Events slow the first time

Posted by sfx on 08 July 2014 - 01:23 PM in General Discussion

Hi Frode,


Yes, that's right. I just tested it again and found that the initial press after deploy was trapped by the debugger almost immediately.



#59099 InterruptPort/Events slow the first time

Posted by sfx on 08 July 2014 - 01:14 PM in General Discussion

Hi Frode,


I'm running VS 2013 with NETMF 4.3 QFE1, but I didn't find the interrupt port to respond slowly during debugging. I ran your code a handful of times and each time found the actuating latency to be largely uninhibited.


Hope that helps.



#60231 enc28j60_lwip_recv: input alloc packet failed

Posted by sfx on 25 September 2014 - 09:31 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi Wendo,


Can you show us how your code is being called from a timer? The more context we have the better we will be able to troubleshoot the problem. For instance, in the past, I have had problems with application "halts" when using timers in the conventional way.



#58921 convert data types to byte[] and back for streaming

Posted by sfx on 27 June 2014 - 02:35 AM in General Discussion

Hi nb63,
The .NET Micro Framework is only a subset of its much larger parent (a highly abridged version, if you will). As such, much of the BCL is not included in order to keep the on-device memory footprint appreciably smaller.
I have had a similar issue to you when dealing with custom objects, but have managed to cross process boundaries by using interfaces along with my own Xml messaging/command transport. In essence, this meant that I had to devolve my objects into a meaningful string representation (e.g. an Xml or JSON payload containing state, type and command data) that could then be later restored via a shared parser with interfaces. The NETMF has the facility to convert UTF8 strings to and from byte arrays, so making something similar to old-school .NET Remoting is one way of handling your problem, albeit without the same degree of flexibility.
Of course, all of this depends on whether you're using NETMF on each of your edge devices. If you're not, then these other devices will need a way to parse the content and then instantiate the state of your message within the context of its own environment.
I can understand that this would be a real bugbear for you, but hang in there. Given the electric (pun intended) pace of the IoT, I'm sure something like this would be on the NETMF team's radar.
Take care,

#60213 .NET Micro Framework V4.3 SDK-R2-Beta

Posted by sfx on 24 September 2014 - 11:30 PM in General Discussion

Hi Chris,


Thanks for the instructions.


I've followed your points -> Uninstall NETMF SDK -> Uninstall Netduino SDK -> Install NETMF SDK -> Install Netduino SDK.


Unfortunately, however, I can no longer see any Netduino project templates when creating a new project. I've tried rebooting a couple of times, but to no avail. Do you know what tooling I might be missing from SecretLabs?


Take care,



#60202 .NET Micro Framework V4.3 SDK-R2-Beta

Posted by sfx on 24 September 2014 - 07:43 AM in General Discussion

Thanks for the heads-up CW2!


For those of us who have already installed the experimental VS2013 tooling from SecretLabs, do we now need to uninstall it or can these distributions exist side by side?


Take care,



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