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There have been 46 items by OZ8ET (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#42381 OneWire ALPHA

Posted by OZ8ET on 29 December 2012 - 06:32 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Has OneWire on 4.2 been skiped as a result of the comming of NetduiinoPlus 2???

I still have a bunch of old NetduinoPlus waiting for 4.2 upgrade with OneWire.

What is the status?

#47265 New: Netduino 4.3 SDK and VS2012 support!

Posted by OZ8ET on 16 March 2013 - 10:06 AM in General Discussion

Onewire support is also available on NETMF 4.2 through ToniA's firmware here

There was a problem deploying large software because the watchdog interupted the deploy. ToniA is looking into it and right now I am using the original boot-loader wihich  disables the watchdog.

#45604 New: Netduino 4.3 SDK and VS2012 support!

Posted by OZ8ET on 16 February 2013 - 06:20 AM in General Discussion

Does the 4.3 implementation support OneWire?


Will the Gen.1 implementation of 4.3 support OneWire?


Netduino has been ignoring OneWire allthough it is an essential part of NETMF and should not be negleted.


The argument of saving flash/ram is like removing the wheels from a car beause they take up too much space!


I am a litle (very) frustrated waiting for OneWire on 4.2, Gen.1.


#47010 Hardware watchdog on Netduino Plus

Posted by OZ8ET on 11 March 2013 - 06:24 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Thanks ToniA - there is a logic to that. Writing my post, I realised that the difference was the TinyBoot-thing that was not installed in my first attempt and the Watchdog therefore was not enabled. 

I am about to install the original TinyBoot-thing but right now have problem seeing the COM-port in SAM-BA.

This is however another problem that I hopefully will solve soon.

Thanks for quick reply


#47014 Hardware watchdog on Netduino Plus

Posted by OZ8ET on 11 March 2013 - 08:48 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Having installed the original Secret Lab TinyBoot-thing for fw 4.2, I could upgrade the Firmware to ToniA's version, and I now have another 3 NetduinoPlus version 1 working with Onewire.

Life is good - thanks to ToniA, 

I look forward to a solution to the Watchdog problem, which will be en enhancement.



#47266 Hardware watchdog on Netduino Plus

Posted by OZ8ET on 16 March 2013 - 10:28 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

There is a problem using the MF-Deploy tool to change Network configuration on NP Gen1 with this firmware.

It takes foreveer to get the Configuration window to show. 

If I take power off-on, it shows.

#47347 Hardware watchdog on Netduino Plus

Posted by OZ8ET on 18 March 2013 - 07:59 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Thank you Toni - great job!


#47290 Hardware watchdog on Netduino Plus

Posted by OZ8ET on 17 March 2013 - 11:03 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Sorry - has the download a new bootloader? - if so when did you change it? is there any description on how to use?

Thanks again for your great work.


#47005 Hardware watchdog on Netduino Plus

Posted by OZ8ET on 11 March 2013 - 05:03 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Please explain!


I installed the firmware (thank you ToniA) and my first attempt on an fault (analog-port) NetduinoPlus 1 worked fine.

Next two other boards were upgraded, and they Work with some small sample programs.

Then I took the program that Works on NetduinoPlus 2 (changed reference and using to NetduinoPlus)but whenever I try to deploy, I get the error: "An error has occured: please check your hardware."


Is this a memory problem(Ram or Flash)?

How can I see how much memory is available for my application?

How can I see how much memory my application require to deploy?


Thanks in advance



Additional information:

When I upgraded the first (faulty) device, I did not installed the TinyBootLoader (by mistake). I did have som problems with upgrading the firmware, but managed to do it at last.

When I upgraded the other devices, I had the same problems, but realised I had to opgrade the TinyBootLoader. After doing that, the firmware upgrade was ok.

Now the first (faulty) device kan accept the application, but the others makes an error.


Device Info from the first (faulty) device:


HAL build info:, Netduino Plus (v4.2.0.1) by Secret Labs LLC [CW2 mod]

OEM Product codes (vendor, model, SKU): 34, 177, 4097

Serial Numbers (module, system):



Solution Build Info:, Netduino Plus (v4.2.0.1) by Secret Labs LLC [CW2 mod]


default, id=1



















Device Info from one of the other (not working) devices:



HAL build info:, Netduino Plus (v4.2.0.1) by Secret Labs LLC [CW2 mod]

OEM Product codes (vendor, model, SKU): 34, 177, 4097

Serial Numbers (module, system):



Solution Build Info:, Netduino Plus (v4.2.0.1) by Secret Labs LLC [CW2 mod]


default, id=1














#32373 Is this the end of NetduinoPlus?

Posted by OZ8ET on 20 July 2012 - 05:03 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

I have no doubt about the good realization of CW2, nor in your bona-fide...the problem is exactly what you write: the impedance is not balanced, thus the "reliability" is just a statistical performance of your implementation.
Basically, you have just one (?) resistor as pull-up by the Netduino side (or the other).
First off, when the line is pulled down the impedance is almost zero Ohms, but when the line is left floating the actual impedance is 1.8k.
Secondly, probably your 5mt wiring is short enough to avoid reflections, otherwise an high-impedance (by the device side) would have a mirror-effect for the high frequencies. You know, any edgy wave is composed as very high frequencies.
Thirdly, I suppose your wiring is a shielded cable, or either your wires run along a noiseless environment. If not, your signal would be plenty of undesired noise, spikes, and whatever else.

It's just a clarification, because many users are asking that, but the long wiring is often an hard task to solve.

Sorring - the correcte lenet is 50 meters (150ft). It was an erfor in writing

#32365 Is this the end of NetduinoPlus?

Posted by OZ8ET on 20 July 2012 - 03:52 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

I find CW2's implementation very reliable. I use a digital port directly with a 1K8 resister to +5V - it drives about 5 meter with many drops and no problems. Implementing One-wire devices is not dificult. Erik

#32332 Is this the end of NetduinoPlus?

Posted by OZ8ET on 20 July 2012 - 07:15 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Thanks for quick reply Stefan and Chris

I am now using NetduinoPlus_v4.1.1_beta1_CW.NETMF.OneWire-

I was having problem with I2C because of som problem in firmware but this may have been with 4.1.0-6 - I gave up on I2C because of that.

Now I have probems with StreamWriter.
    #### Exception System.OutOfMemoryException - CLR_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY (4) ####
    #### Message: 
    #### System.IO.StreamWriter::.ctor [IP: 0023] ####
    #### Main.CIni::Save [IP: 0020] ####
    #### Main.Engine::update [IP: 0026] ####
    #### Main.OneWireEngine::onPoll [IP: 01e8] ####
A first chance exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' occurred in System.IO.dll

This is the Code:
		public static void Save()
				if (File.Exists(_FileName)) File.Delete(_FileName);
				using (FileStream outFileStream = new FileStream(_FileName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write))
					using (StreamWriter outStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileStream))
						foreach (object Sections in _Sections.Keys)
							outStreamWriter.WriteLine("[" + Sections.ToString() + "]");
							Hashtable keyvalpair = (Hashtable)_Sections[Sections];
							//foreach (object key in keyvalpair.Keys)	outStreamWriter.WriteLine(key.ToString() + "=" + keyvalpair[key].ToString());
							string s = "";
							foreach (object key in keyvalpair.Keys) s += (key.ToString() + "=" + keyvalpair[key].ToString() + '\r');
					_Dirty = false;
			catch (Exception Ex) { Fail.Create("Init Save: " + Ex.Message, 5); }

ways to (partly) deal with the problem are:
- spreading "Debug.GC(true);" all over the place in rich quanities.
- NOT making small chunks of date to write, but puttin everything in one string!!!

I can make a small program with only read and write of the file, and it will usually work but as soon as I add other code to it, problems begin.


#32379 Is this the end of NetduinoPlus?

Posted by OZ8ET on 20 July 2012 - 06:58 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

One thing is theory - annoter practise. anyway - the issues were onewire support ón 4.2 and OutOfMemoryExeption with streamwriter!

#32371 Is this the end of NetduinoPlus?

Posted by OZ8ET on 20 July 2012 - 04:26 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

I am not sure if the same issue is occurring that I had on my project but I was getting the same error message writing to the SD card.

In my project I have 6 sensors that are being polled up to 3 times a second then that data is written to 6 different log files using the same basic method as you.

I was getting this same error and it was due to trying to write the data too fast (or I assume that was the case). So I put a few Thread.Sleep(1) or Thread.Sleep(10) in certain places to allow for catch up and completion of the file create/close and write/close. This worked and it has never thrown an error again after running hundreds of hours now.

Thanks Dave - I tried this but with no luck.:)


#34582 Is this the end of NetduinoPlus?

Posted by OZ8ET on 03 September 2012 - 05:11 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Your meaning on "watchdog" may be more complicated than mine, but this is how I do it - the simple way:

public static class WatchDog
		const Int32 wdDelay = 1000*60*60*12;
		static Timer wdtimer = new Timer(on_TimerTick, null, wdDelay, 0);

		public static void Reset()
			wdtimer.Change(wdDelay, 0);

		static void on_TimerTick(Object state)
			CLog.LogEvent("Watchdog Rebooting.");
			PowerState.RebootDevice(false, 1000);

The watchdogdelay (wDelay) is her set to 12 hours (100*60*60*12 miliseconds).
The Reset() command sits in a place I want to make sure that I excecute within the 12 hours, and it resets the wDelay counter.
On timeout (_TimerTick) the watchdog write a message to my log, and reboot the device. Simple but effective.


#32325 Is this the end of NetduinoPlus?

Posted by OZ8ET on 20 July 2012 - 06:31 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Sorry to be a bit negative. My previous exitement for NetduinoPlus has slowly turned into a lot of frustrations. I may be stupid, but I based my project on Onewire, and maybe I am the only one left en the world using it. After asking around a lot in the forum, I found CW2's very nice implementation which I still use with Firmware version 4.1.1. 4.1 had other problems (OutOfMemoryExeption in Stremwriter) and I have been looking forward to version 4.2 in the hope that this problem was solved. I was promised that there would be a 'speciaol verion' of 4.2 with onewire support, but after the introduction of NetduinoGo, it looks like no one cares about NetduionoPlus anymore. I am about to give up on this forum. My requests are no more answered and it is not even possible to find them searching my own comments (sometime I can find them by searching specific text). It is not my intention to be destructive, but I think my life with NetduinoPlus is running into a deadend.

#43169 Netduino Plus 2 Native OneWire Temp Sensor

Posted by OZ8ET on 11 January 2013 - 04:14 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

For reference - her is my OneWire Engine using Netduino Plus 2 and native OneWire. (it may not run without modifications as it is part of my home automation controller.).

The engine runs in a loop and maintain 2 tables - one for DS1820 and one for DS2438 as these are the once i use.

All use of the data from the devices, are retrieved from these tables.


I have used a similar module on Netduino Plus (ver.1) but with the use of CW2's implementation of OneWire. This requires the special firmware and is only availalbe on NETMF 4.1.


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Threading;using Config;using Microsoft.SPOT;using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;namespace EPD{	static class owCommands	{		public const byte SkipRom = 0xCC;		public const byte MatchRom = 0x55;		public const byte Convert1820 = 0x44;		public const byte ReadScratchpad = 0xBE;		public const byte CopyScratchpad = 0x48;		public const byte WriteScratchpad = 0x4E;		public const byte RecallMemory = 0xB8;		public const byte ConvertT = 0x44;		public const byte ConvertV = 0xB4;	}	static class OneWireExtension	{		public static bool isOwAddr(string parm)		{			if (parm.Length != 16) return false;			for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)			{				bool ishex = (((parm[i] >= '0') & (parm[i] <= '9')) | ((parm[i] >= 'A') & (parm[i] <= 'F')) | ((parm[i] >= 'a') & (parm[i] <= 'f')));				if (!ishex) return false;			}			return true;		}		const string hexChar = "0123456789ABCDEF";		public static string AddrString(this byte[] buf)	//	{ 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF } converts to 'FECDAB8967452301'		{			string s = string.Empty;			for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++) s += buf[buf.Length - i - 1].toHex();			return s;		}		public static byte[] AddrBytes(this string s)	//	'0123456789ABCDEF' converts to { 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0x89, 0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0x01 }		{			int j = s.Length;			byte[] b = new byte[(j + 1) >> 1];			for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)			{				int ir = b.Length - (i >> 1) - 1;				int x = hexChar.IndexOf(s.ToUpper()[i]);				b[ir] = ((i & 1) == 0) ? (byte)(x << 4) : (byte)(b[ir] | (byte)x);			}			return b;		}		public static int inList(this ArrayList ar, string addr)		{			for (int i = 0 ; i< ar.Count; i++)				{ if ((ar[i] as byte[]).AddrString() == addr) return i;  }			return -1;		}		public static string getLocation(string addr)		{			//string place = HttpClient.webGet("" + addr);			//if (place != "") Ini.setValue(addr, place);			//return place == "" ? Ini.getValue(addr, "(undefined)") : place;			return Ini.getValue(addr, "(undefined)");		}	}	class OneWireEngine : IDisposable	{		static OneWire core;		public static bool Pause = false;		private static bool ready = false;		public OneWireEngine(OutputPort _core)		{			core = new OneWire(_core);;			new Thread(Start).Start();			while (!ready) { Thread.Sleep(200); }			Debug.Print("OneWire Started");		}		public void Dispose() { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); }		public static void Start()		{			while (true)			{				core.TouchReset();				core.TouchByte(owCommands.SkipRom);				core.TouchByte(owCommands.Convert1820);				Thread.Sleep(750);				var devs = core.FindAllDevices();				lock ( foreach (ds1820.Device d in { if (devs.inList(d.Addr) < 0); }				lock ( foreach (ds2438.Device d in { if (devs.inList(d.Addr) < 0); }				foreach (byte[] _Rom in devs)				{					string addr = _Rom.AddrString();					if (addr.Substring(14) == "10")					{						double Temp = get1820(_Rom);						int index = ds1820.inList(addr);						if (index < 0)						{							string Place = OneWireExtension.getLocation(addr); ds1820.Device(addr, Temp, Place));						}						else						{							ds1820.setTemp(index, Temp);						}					}					if (addr.Substring(14) == "26")					{						double Temp = 0.0;						double Current = 0.0;						double Volt = 0.0;						int index = ds2438.inList(addr);						if (index < 0)						{							init2438(_Rom);							get2438(_Rom, ref Temp, ref Current, ref Volt);							string Place = OneWireExtension.getLocation(addr); ds2438.Device(addr, Temp, Current, Volt, Place));						}						else						{							get2438(_Rom, ref Temp, ref Current, ref Volt);							ds2438.setData(index, Temp, Current, Volt);						}					}					ready = true;					Thread.Sleep(2000);				}			}		}		public static void WriteBytes(byte[] data)		{			foreach (byte B in data) { core.TouchByte(B); }		}		public static void ReadBytes(byte[] buf)		{			for (var i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++) buf[i] = (byte)(core.ReadByte());		}		public static void Match(byte[] addr)		{			core.TouchReset();			core.TouchByte(owCommands.MatchRom); //match rom			WriteBytes(addr);		}		private static double get1820(byte[] _Rom)		{			Match(_Rom);			core.WriteByte(owCommands.ReadScratchpad);			byte[] buf = { 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 };			ReadBytes(buf);			return (float)((short)((buf[1] << 8) | buf[0]) >> 1) + (float)(buf[7] - buf[6]) / (float)buf[7] - .25;		}		private static void init2438(byte[] _Rom)		{			const byte IAD = 0x01;			const byte CA = 0x02;			const byte EE = 0x04;			//const byte AD = 0x08;			const byte Page0 = 0x00;			const byte Ctrl = IAD | CA | EE;			var buf = new byte[9];			Match(_Rom);			WriteBytes(new byte[] { owCommands.WriteScratchpad, Page0, Ctrl });			Match(_Rom);			WriteBytes(new byte[] { owCommands.ReadScratchpad, 0x00 });			ReadBytes(buf);			Match(_Rom);			WriteBytes(new byte[] { owCommands.CopyScratchpad, 0x00 });			while (core.ReadByte() != 0xFF) { };		}		private static void get2438(byte[] _Rom, ref double Temp, ref double Current, ref double Volt)		{			var buf = new byte[9];			Match(_Rom);			core.WriteByte(owCommands.ConvertT);			while (core.ReadByte() != 0xFF) { };			Thread.Sleep(10);			Match(_Rom);			core.WriteByte(owCommands.ConvertV);			while (core.ReadByte() != 0xFF) { };			Thread.Sleep(10);			Match(_Rom);			WriteBytes(new byte[] { owCommands.RecallMemory, 0x00 });			Match(_Rom);			WriteBytes(new byte[] { owCommands.ReadScratchpad, 0x00 });			ReadBytes(buf);			Temp = (double)((buf[2] << 8) + (buf[1])) / 256;			Volt = (double)((buf[4] << 8) + (buf[3])) - 224; // / 100;			//Volt = Volt / 1.75672;			Current = (double)((Int16)(buf[6] << 8) | (Int16)buf[5]);		}	}	class ds1820	{		public class Device		{			public string Addr { get; set; }			public string Place { get; set; }			public double Temp { get; set; }			public Device(string addr, double temp, string place = null)			{				Addr = addr;				Temp = temp;				if (place == null) Place = Ini.getValue(Addr, "(undefined)");				else Place = place;			}		}		public static int inList(string addr)		{			for (int i = 0; i< dev.Count; i++) { if ((dev[i] as Device).Addr == addr) return i; }			return -1;		}		public static string Addr(int i) { return (dev[i] as Device).Addr; }		public static string Place(int i) { return (dev[i] as Device).Place; }		public static void Place(int i, string Place) { (dev[i] as Device).Place = Place; }		public static double Temp(int i) { return (dev[i] as Device).Temp; }		public static void setTemp(int index, double Temp) { (dev[index] as Device).Temp = Temp; }		public static ArrayList dev = new ArrayList();		public static int Count { get { return dev.Count; } }		public class InUse		{			static string _InUse;			public static int Index			{				get				{					for (int i = 0; i < dev.Count; i++) { if (Addr(i) == _InUse) return i; }					if (dev.Count > 0) return 0; else return -1;				}			}			public static string Addr			{				get { return Index < 0 ? "" : Addr(Index); }				set				{					_InUse = value.ToUpper();					Ini.setValue("DS1820inUse", _InUse);				}			}		}	}	class ds2438	{		public class Device		{			public string Addr { get; set; }			public string Place { get; set; }			public double Temp { get; set; }			public double Volt { get; set; }			public double Current { get; set; }			public Device(string addr, double temp, double current, double volt, string place = null)			{				Addr = addr;				Temp = temp;				Current = current;				Volt = volt;				if (place == null) Place = Ini.getValue(Addr, "(undefined)");				else Place = place;			}		}		public static int inList(string addr)		{			for (int i = 0; i<dev.Count; i++) { if ((dev[i] as Device).Addr == addr) return i; }			return -1;		}		public static ArrayList dev = new ArrayList();		public static int Count { get { return dev.Count; } }		public static string Addr(int i) { return (dev[i] as Device).Addr; }		public static string Place(int i) { return (dev[i] as Device).Place; }		public static void Place(int i, string Place) { (dev[i] as Device).Place = Place; }		public static double Temp(int i) { return (dev[i] as Device).Temp; }		public static double Current(int i) { return (dev[i] as Device).Current; }		public static double Volt(int i) { return (dev[i] as Device).Volt; }		public static void setData(int index, double Temp, double Current, double Volt) { 			(dev[index] as Device).Temp = Temp; 			(dev[index] as Device).Current = Current; 			(dev[index] as Device).Volt = Volt;		}		public class InUse		{			static string _InUse;			public static int Index			{				get				{					for (int i = 0; i < dev.Count; i++) { if (Addr(i) == _InUse) return i; }					if (dev.Count > 0) return 0; else return -1;				}			}			public static string Addr			{				get { return Index < 0 ? "" : Addr(Index); }				set				{					_InUse = value.ToUpper();					Ini.setValue("DS2438inUse", _InUse);				}			}		}	}}

(this code block display needs to be fixed!!!)


#34740 Announcing: .NET MF 4.2 upgrade for all Netduino hardware

Posted by OZ8ET on 06 September 2012 - 11:47 AM in General Discussion

Thanks Chris. By the way – are you ever sleeping? – You answer prompt at any time :rolleyes: Thank you. Erik

#50474 Expert tip: switching between WinUSB and MFUSB drivers

Posted by OZ8ET on 14 June 2013 - 03:58 AM in General Discussion

So far users seem to be having a really great experience with the new WinUSB drivers.

A handful of users running under VMs have reported a preference for the legacy MFUSB drivers. Here's a quick set of instructions on how to force your 4.2 Netduino or Netduino Plus to use the MFUSB drivers.

To manually switch to MFUSB (SpotUSB) drivers -- for special cases

    [*]Open Device Manager. Under USB controllers, find "Netduino"
    [*]Right-click on the Netduino and click "Update driver software".
    [*]Click the "Browse my computer for driver software" option.
    [*]Click the "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer" option
    [*]If presented with device types, choose "All devices"
    [*]Press the "Have Disk..." button.
    [*]Select the ini file in folder "C:Program Files (x86)Secret LabsNetduino SDKDriversMFUSB"
    [*]Complete the wizard. It may warn you about a mismatch, but accept the mismatch anyway. This is for VID/PID override.
    [*]Your Netduino will now be using the legacy MFUSB (SpotUSB) drivers instead.
    [/list]If you want to switch back to the WinUSB drivers, you can repeat this process...selecting the WINUSB driver folder in step 7 instead.

    NOTE: if you plug your Netduino into a different USB port, you may need to repeat the above steps once for that port.



This driver is not available in the lib for 4.3 ???

#34713 Announcing: .NET MF 4.2 upgrade for all Netduino hardware

Posted by OZ8ET on 06 September 2012 - 04:12 AM in General Discussion

I hate to aske - when will OneWire support be available on 4.2? (CW2's version will be fine!) Regards Erik

#47636 SMTP_Client throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException

Posted by OZ8ET on 27 March 2013 - 02:51 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I have the same problem - is it a v4.2 problem? I cannot get it to accept "IntegratedSocket".


I installed toolbox,

included Toolbox.NETMF.NET.SMTP_Client

using Toolbox.NETMF.NET;


IntegratedSocket integratedSocket = new IntegratedSocket("<smtp-server>", 587);SMTP_Client client = new SMTP_Client(integratedSocket, SMTP_Client.AuthenticationTypes.Login, "<username>", "<password>");client.Send(message, from, receiver);


#51452 Web server problems

Posted by OZ8ET on 15 July 2013 - 01:17 PM in General Discussion

I found his article:

It works quite good.


#51439 Web server problems

Posted by OZ8ET on 15 July 2013 - 05:04 AM in General Discussion

I have tried this, but I still have problems. It gives me however et better control of what happens.

The Socket.Accept falls over when it has more than 3 outstanding messages. It then fires a socket excepton but it is not caught by the try-catch.

Because of this, the thread never dies and the clean-up wil not remove the thread from the array.

I cannot see how I can stop the socket from accepting messages.

This is odd!

#51434 Web server problems

Posted by OZ8ET on 15 July 2013 - 03:37 AM in General Discussion

Thanks again Anthony.I will study the code and do some experiments.

best regards


#51417 Web server problems

Posted by OZ8ET on 14 July 2013 - 11:34 AM in General Discussion

Thanks Anthony.

It sounds like a good solution. Could you share some code please?


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