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There have been 17 items by WannaFly (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#10214 New Project idea questions - Word Clock

Posted by WannaFly on 25 February 2011 - 09:39 PM in General Discussion

ItsDan: I have a starter kit that I bought off of ebay, and have started messing around with it. Thanks for the recommendation though. Chris: Because I was hoping it would be an easier project just lighting LEDS, it took me about 2 hours last night to get a piezo speaker to make a sound, I can't imagine output to a LCD/LED yet. It's also more of an "artistic" project that I think would look good in my office temporarily.

#10206 New Project idea questions - Word Clock

Posted by WannaFly on 25 February 2011 - 07:08 PM in General Discussion

The Projects page ( has a tutorial on blinking an LED but conceptually you define an OutputPort for each pin (so you'd have 20, likely in an array), and can simply call obj.Write(true) or obj.Write(false) to switch the pin to HI or LO respectively.

Driving a handful of LEDs off the board itself I don't think is a major problem but I'm assuming for something like the project you've linked even a single pin might control a dozen or more LEDs, so you need to make sure you're remaining aware of the current limits of the pins. I think normal practice would be to use transistors to use the signal from the Netduino to control the larger load needed by the project.

Thanks for the info, I did get the onboard switch to light an LED and it was pretty simple.

I kind of understand what you mean about driving a lot of LEDS, I believe the most on at a time would be close to 100, one for each letter. Unfortunately I haven't used transistors yet so i'll have to pick them up and mess around with them a bit.

#10099 New Project idea questions - Word Clock

Posted by WannaFly on 24 February 2011 - 08:49 PM in General Discussion

I saw this and thought it might be a "simple" project for a beginner like my self: Since it's mainly turning a set of LED's on/off. The hardest part I think will be designing it to look good. I haven't used my netduino in a while and want to start again, but I've never used the digital ports, only the analog. I've read the forums a little and haven't found any answers to my main question, which seems like it shouldn't be too hard: How can I turn LEDs on/off with the digital ports? I believe I can do this without the complexity of a shift register/etc because I can tie one word to one port: ten half quarter twenty five minutes past to one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve is 20 words, "it is" and "o'clock" will always be on. I'd like to set up a simple mock up with 2 or 3 single leds and turning them on/off through the digital pins and once I know for sure how to do it i'll plan on making the enclosure and LED grid. Any advice would be great, Thanks in advance!

#6944 Netduino Plus home automation

Posted by WannaFly on 04 January 2011 - 01:31 AM in Project Showcase

WOW. Fred, thanks for the pictures and descriptions - they are great. As a beginner I've often searched for more complete/finished looking projects wondering if i'll ever do something like this with mine. Yours is definitely a good example! I only have more "temporary" projects planned for my netduino yet :) Good job and keep up the good work!

#6573 Analog input varying too much on temp sensor (LM335A)

Posted by WannaFly on 27 December 2010 - 03:06 PM in General Discussion

Chris: Yes it was connected directly to the headers. 3V3 -> ARef; GND -> A0. I do not have an oscilloscope. Valkyrie-MT: I am using the rubber feet and always have it sitting on top of the black anti static bag it came in. I think I might've found the source of the problem. If I unplug my network cable, i get VERY consistent 0's and 1023's. Chris: Can you try that? With or without a network cable plugged in? So, I rebuilt the temperature circuit, without a network cabled plugged in i get very consistent readings. This is good news! Also, Might be a separate issue: If I plug in a network cable to the device while debugging visual studio seems to lock up.

#6561 Analog input varying too much on temp sensor (LM335A)

Posted by WannaFly on 27 December 2010 - 05:06 AM in General Discussion

Do you have a "Rev A" or "Rev B" board? Netduino or Netduino Plus? When did you buy it?

Rev A Netduino plus, bought it from amazon a couple weeks ago. The ones in this thread http://forums.netdui...pluses-on-sale/

If you connect A0 directly to GND, do you get a consistent reading of "0"?

Mostly zeros, but some 1's and 7's are in the data also.

Have you plugged AREF into any voltage higher than 3.3V? Or any of the analog references into a voltage higher than 3.3V?

I do not believe so.

Please note that the analog-digital converter on the Netduino is 10-bit, but it is not uncommon to lose 1- or 2-bits of accuracy with integrated microcontroller ADCs (for a variance of 2-4 on the 0-1023 scale).


Thanks for the information, that variance wont be that big of a problem, this is mostly an exercise for learning. But, it sounds like this should not be happening?

#6558 Analog input varying too much on temp sensor (LM335A)

Posted by WannaFly on 27 December 2010 - 02:32 AM in General Discussion

I'm not sure how much current is is driving, and I'm not sure exactly how to tell. I used my MM and put it between the ground and ground pin and came up with 51mA but that seems like too much. On sparkfun it says it uses from 400ua to 5mA. As a test i've taken everything out of my breadboard. I've connected aref, 3.3V and A0 in the same line, and here is the output of A0. I tried this on all 5 analog ports and the output was about the same. 1023 1016 1016 1023 1016 1023 1019 1019 1019 1022 1016 1023 1022 1023 1023 1023 1023 1023 1016 1023 1016 1023 1023 1016 1023 1020 1019 Maybe this is the root cause? Shouldn't it always read 1023 (or 1024?) it its connected to 3.3V? my MM reads 3.29 most of the time and sometimes blips to 3.3 (its a VERY cheap MM though).

#6542 Netduino Plus - First impressions from a beginner

Posted by WannaFly on 26 December 2010 - 09:58 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Eivind: I purchased this from ebay: It's a little riskier then from sparkfun/etc but the price difference was worth it and it comes with more "stuff". I have not gotten it yet though, it says it takes 3-4 weeks. As for compensating for the difference, hopefully it is not a big problem and I'll work with those problems as I run into them.

#6541 Analog input varying too much on temp sensor (LM335A)

Posted by WannaFly on 26 December 2010 - 09:55 PM in General Discussion

Bill: I had seen your thread about a similar problem, I might have to switch to the digital / one wire but was trying to use this as a "simple" example. GDServer: I'd probably do that in a real application but since it is varying so much i'm afraid the sample will be off also. It gets worse (obviously) when I use ainput.SetRange(0, 3300) to mimic the actual voltage output. Chris: Yes, they are - I've left it running for 5 minutes and the output looks about the same. I was not using any other analog inputs but tried your suggestion and the output seems to be the same. It's important to note that when I measure the voltage with my MM it is right on - about 2.96V and doesn't change except when the temp changes. I've also done the same with a photocell and the output seems to vary. Looks like I might have to try a digital sensor, but this was an easier first step.

#6418 A few messages to the community as the year comes to an end.

Posted by WannaFly on 23 December 2010 - 03:23 AM in General Discussion

I'm a _VERY_ new member of this community but I agree with you about everything you said in your post. Everyone here is very helpful and friendly. I'm such a beginner at this it's sad, but there is a TON on information to be found and shared here and I'm very thankful for it. You might not know it, but many MANY of your threads, projects and videos have helped me gain the little bit I know so far. Thank you for that. Same with many others. I was just thinking it might be nice if we had more of an "informal" messageboard (IRC?) to post really quick questions or to help each other with things that might not be neccesary to keep in the forum settings. I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a wonderful new year next year. I look forward to discussing many things on this forum with everyone here.

#6417 Analog input varying too much on temp sensor (LM335A)

Posted by WannaFly on 23 December 2010 - 03:18 AM in General Discussion

After a couple hours I finally got a good reading from my photocell, so I moved on to the temperature sensor. Never thought it would be this difficult! I'm trying to get a temperature reading from an LM335A sensor ( One of the problems is that it requires 5 V, but I don't think thats a problem because it OUTPUTS 10mA/Kelvin, so as long as it doesn't get about 140 degrees, it wont go over 3.3V. Is there a problem with this? thread. http://forums.netdui...ch__1#entry3556 On to the real problem...reading the value in, it seems to fluctuate a lot. Similar to this These are 1 second samples: 916 912 940 939 927 928 924 936 911 920 933 936 934 936 937 I'm not exactly sure how to "describe" circuits yet, but here is my try of what I have: Ground -> Left pin Center pin -> A0, 1k resistor ->5V I'm powering via USB on a netduino plus. I currently dont have any other way to power it. Any suggests, or am I not providing enough information? Thanks for the help.

#6354 7 Color LED

Posted by WannaFly on 22 December 2010 - 03:28 AM in General Discussion

Chris: Thanks, I'm reading about that now. Is this correct then? You should use about a 110Ohm resistor to supply about 35mA if the LED is connected to 3.3V? I = R / V I = 110 / 3.3 I = 33.3mA Is that the correct thinking? If so where does the 8mA from the pin come in?

#6351 7 Color LED

Posted by WannaFly on 22 December 2010 - 03:03 AM in General Discussion

I'm curious: This LED has a FW current of 35mA but the pins can only output 8 or 16 max it looks like, so how would this need to be wired? I bought one of the LEDs but I don't have a breadboard yet, it's coming tomorrow - so I can mess with it then. Sorry if it's a bad question, I'm still learning the basics.

#6334 Netduino Plus - First impressions from a beginner

Posted by WannaFly on 21 December 2010 - 08:38 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Thanks for the recommendation about the 9V adapter. I've ordered a beginners kit that includes one. bill: My first thought about the Microsoft tag was "why not a QR-code?" but then my brain slapped itself since it comes with the NETduino, which runs .net, which is a Microsoft product :) I've never seen a Microsoft tag before, but have seen and used a TON of QR codes. I'm not sure about that wind sensor now, it'd be great for my first project but then I was thinking of maybe making an outdoor wind sensor with it but I have no Idea how I'd weatherproof a board like that and have it still work. I'm thinking of using a temperature sensor to monitor if the A/C comes on and if the temp changes a lot over a short period (2-5 secs?) I might be able to assume the A/C came on. The sensor will be VERY close to the Air outlet. any thoughts?

#6332 7 Color LED

Posted by WannaFly on 21 December 2010 - 08:34 PM in General Discussion

I wish I could help but you're a step ahead of me. I'm planning on trying to hook up just a regular LED tonight after I get some resistors from radioshack. I'll pick up a 7 color LED and if I have time I'll mess with it also. So, If anyone else has suggestions, specifically on how to wire one up, I'd like to hear it also :) I'm trying to learn the basics of AC/DC circuits again, I took classes in college and they were great but it was 10 years ago - I don't remember much. I know it will definitely help.

#6140 Netduino Plus - First impressions from a beginner

Posted by WannaFly on 16 December 2010 - 01:56 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I received my netduino plus today and couldn't wait to break it open and mess around with it. I've never done anything with this stuff before, but I have full desktop .Net development experience - which lead me down this path to the micro framework. My first thought opening the box: WOW this this is TINY. There is a ton of things packed onto the board. I've seen tons of pictures and it makes sense that it would be small but it's impressive. The quality is top notch, everything looks very well done and of high quality. I did receive a micro USB cable, thankfully - because I do not have one otherwise. I still don't understand what the multi color barcode paper is for. I had previously installs VS and the SDK, so I plugged it in, walked through the blinking light demo. I called my girlfriend in explaining in excitement what I had just done and she gave me the blank "really?" stare -haha. Here I am 2 hours later I've done button press, event handler, gotten the time from the internet and blinked the LED to output it, and downloaded one of the webserver examples (But I don't have an SD card..yet). I'm addicted. This is a really great item. So, if anyone has any suggestions for things I can do with just the board I'm up for it. I've ordered a few sensors but they wont be here for a week or so. My first project I think might be to get this http://shop.modernde...cts/wind-sensor so that I can monitor when my heater/air conditioner turns on and off easily, log it to the SD card and make some charts from it. From there it will be something simliar to Is there any posts or suggestions on making the netduino run off perhaps AA or a 9V battery? Thanks all for the advice I am glad to be a part of this community and am looking forward to helping where I can and learning from everyone else.

#6072 Special Netduino Pluses on sale.

Posted by WannaFly on 14 December 2010 - 03:54 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I've ordered one of these also. My first dive into micro controllers also - been reading about it for a year+. I do full .net development, so it'll be interesting to be able to use the same tools to program this. I'm such a beginner, I'd love to see more tutorials/walkthroughs/etc on this for complete beginners. Any suggestions for first projects? I'd like to eventually make a garden monitor to monitor soil moisture, light levels, temp, etc. Will most of the audrino tutorials (besides programming, more hardware) work about the same for this?

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