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#54346 Application Development on the STM8S

Posted by sgraves on 28 November 2013 - 05:11 AM in Netduino Go

Definitely a big thanks for this series on STM8. They've proven to be an invaluable resource to me.

#52977 Netduino 2 and the Adafruit BMP085 Barometer (I2C)

Posted by sgraves on 28 September 2013 - 02:34 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

no i dont own one, and never have.


but i was active a lot and saw a lot of that i2c stuff, but from what i know it got fixed in, well doesent look like :(


I can confirm the exact same behavior using Adafruit i2c OLED. I have to disconnect / reconnect the SDA pin for it to work properly. I've been fighting this for over an hour now until I ran across this post.

#52978 Netduino 2 and the Adafruit BMP085 Barometer (I2C)

Posted by sgraves on 28 September 2013 - 02:38 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I can confirm the exact same behavior using Adafruit i2c OLED. I have to disconnect / reconnect the SDA pin for it to work properly. I've been fighting this for over an hour now until I ran across this post.


Actually, to work around it, I just do the following as the first part of Main():

            OutputPort p = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_SDA, true);            p.Write(false);            p.Dispose( );

#52916 Netduino remote control project

Posted by sgraves on 26 September 2013 - 04:15 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)


Power consumption was also my concern.  Still not sure if I will use AA or AAA batteries or go for the coin cell.  I suppose it depends upon the final direction of the project.  Could end up self contained unit or a unit with Bluetooth LE control from iOS, or both.


You've definitely piqued my interest regarding the STM8 and STM32. I'll have to give them a go in a few more months. Looks like an STM8S discover board is only $7.84. Cool stuff. Thanks!

#52888 Netduino remote control project

Posted by sgraves on 25 September 2013 - 01:33 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Electronics have always been of interest to me, but I just recently decided to take the plunge. Very glad I did and very glad to find such an awesome device like the Netduino.


So my first project will be to create a universal(ish) remote control for some HTPC software that I've been writing. Universal(ish) because I initially only intend to support volume and mute on external IR devices. I decided to start a site in order to track my progress:


The project will encompass most of the features supported by the Netduino (UART, SPI, I2C, etc) as well as a 3D printer tutorial. Thought this may be beneficial for other beginners such as myself. Most of the research I've done on this project has pointed to this forum in one way or another, so I figured this would be a good place to share.




#52894 Netduino remote control project

Posted by sgraves on 25 September 2013 - 04:53 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Here you can find either IR-transmitter and IR-receiver using any Netduino. 

Currently, the library ships with the Lego, Sony-SIRC, RC5 and Samsung codecs, but the library yields you to implement virtually any kind of protocol by setting a few parameters and defining the message shape.



If you want to see some concrete application, just have a look at the Laurent's blog:


The repository for the library is here:


Hope it helps.


I've come across this project several times while searching for examples and plan to incorporate it into the project. Prior to doing so, I will take a stab at solving the same problem myself, just for a more solid understanding of IR.


I'm actually toying around with the idea of moving IR handling into a standalone breakout board, perhaps using a PIC micro (similar to USB IR Toy), and exposing some type of serial API to communicate with it. That's further on down the road, of course, but would make any future project plug-n-play IR-capable.

#52895 Netduino remote control project

Posted by sgraves on 25 September 2013 - 05:04 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

You might find the Linux IR project useful.


Interesting timing, I've been working on an IR remote for my DSLR:


Nikon D70 Remote Control

Nikon D70 with added modulation

Adding a button and EEPROM to the Nikon D70 Remote


I've been using an alternative microcontroller for this project.  My initial aim is to put together an intervalometer for the camera.  I was then wondering about making this more universal (I've started putting some comms in already and can trigger the camera from the PC).


I've got to the point where I've transferred the circuit from breadboard to protoboard.  PCB is next.  If that works I was going down the same route as yourself and looking at 3D printing.  I was working on using an iOS app for the trigger which requires Bluetooth.


My project is definitely going down the STM8S route at the moment though.  I'm interested to see how you get on with the Netduino.


Good luck with the project.,



I'll definitely keep tabs on your progress. I fully expect the 3D printing piece to be quite a challenge, if not the most challenging aspect.


Ideally, the Netduino would be replaced by a more current friendly design, such as yours; however, for my purposes and current level of expertise, it's a great place to begin. I estimate having to charge the remote at least every 1-2 days, but haven't calculated actual current draw quite yet.


I've seen posts regarding eventual power management functionality being incorporated into the firmware. I'm sure this would help quite a bit for mostly idle devices such as this.

#58741 Hardware Projects

Posted by sgraves on 16 June 2014 - 06:57 PM in Project Showcase

Yes, very helpful. Thanks.


I also came across some SPI WizNet Ethernet devices with built-in stack. A bit pricey, but very cool and compact.


And this post:




EDIT: I just realized you're responsible for my favorite blog! Thanks for sharing all your findings. Incredibly helpful and thorough.


There's an example of networking on the STM32 outside of the Netduino/Arduino arena on Andy's Workshop pages.


Hope this is useful,


#58728 Hardware Projects

Posted by sgraves on 15 June 2014 - 06:19 PM in Project Showcase

Not at all. This wouldn't be for commercial use. Purely a hobbyist endeavor. As a secondary benefit, it's nice to be able to develop something that is also cheaper to make than any commercial hardware, but by no means a requirement. Any PCB's offered directly are at cost for what I pay.

#58725 Hardware Projects

Posted by sgraves on 15 June 2014 - 07:20 AM in Project Showcase

By all means. I'm hoping whatever is developed would be cheaper than IR repeater devices that are currently out there.


I've wanted to build it for a while, but also need to wrap up what I've started. I started researching some viable micro's but have had difficulty in finding examples for Ethernet usage outside of Netduino/Arduino. I've yet to look inside any of the support libraries/drivers for the available Ethernet shields / boards.


It would be really nice to see something from Adafruit or Sparkfun for power-line communication, too. Given the low speed of IR signals, I think it would be a great way to handle the task.

#58723 Hardware Projects

Posted by sgraves on 15 June 2014 - 04:02 AM in Project Showcase

Although not specifically related to Netduino, all of my projects have originally been developed using a Netduino for prototyping and I intend to provide more Netduino-specific information in the future. The site is new and I will be adding more information daily.


I am an electronics newb, but wanted to share my project site for explorers like me. Netduino-specific projects are in the pipeline; however, I quickly realized the benefit and ease of incorporating microcontrollers directly to minimize overall design and power requirements.


I hope someone will find these projects useful. They've been fun for me to develop. Any suggestions on improvement or observations of design flaws are more than welcome.

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