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#20861 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 22 November 2011 - 04:01 PM in General Discussion

Would it help to upgrade firmware? How can I find out what firmware I have and an update is needed? I tried other things e.g. changing physical wires, changing sensor, closing and re-opening the IDE, etc but the issue of Device ID still stands.

#20859 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 22 November 2011 - 03:52 PM in General Discussion

Correct. It compiles fine.

Actually it should be:


#20862 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 22 November 2011 - 04:07 PM in General Discussion

Also changed configuration to use falling-edge (instead of rising edge) in case I have mistaken, the same with idle on high CLCK, lowering frequency to 400KHz, adding delays 0 -> 1 in config. I see sample code that people use SPI without using any GPIO to do Chip Select (with Shift Register not Sensors). Any suggestion is welcome...

Would it help to upgrade firmware? How can I find out what firmware I have and an update is needed?

I tried other things e.g. changing physical wires, changing sensor, closing and re-opening the IDE, etc but the issue of Device ID still stands.

#20866 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 22 November 2011 - 04:32 PM in General Discussion

Hi Chris,

The only hint I have is that without changing anything (code or wiring), I compile once and it fails to give Device ID (gives zero) then next time I compile it give exact correct number 0xE5. It happens after 10+ times testing. There is no lose wire that can make it exactly odd/even times correct incorrect. This is when using a Digital output for Chip Select.

Unfortunately no logic analyzer. So issue is software. I double checked with the documentation and settings are correct for idle high and falling edge. Chip Select is clearly inverted so all boolean configuration parameters are correct.

SCLK should idle high during a period of no transmission. SDI and SDO are the serial data input and output, respectively. Data is updated on the falling edge of SCLK and should be sampled on the rising edge of SCLK.

Hi orange,

Do you have a logic analyzer by any chance? That's usually how I debug these things. It's almost always an issue of SPI configuration (or wiring up the signals or power wrong). I've done it wrong a few ways :)


#20987 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 26 November 2011 - 03:01 AM in General Discussion

I managed to make it work. Information on undocumented and strange behavior of API from this page was useful: http://wiki.netduino...-WriteRead.ashx

#20858 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 22 November 2011 - 03:46 PM in General Discussion

Thanks for looking into this. Below was a typo.

NO, the original wiring is correct and it matches all documents (two above) and what you say below.

When reading http://www.sparkfun....ter/ADXL345.pdf page 8 Figure 4. 4, I see:

/CS (pin 7 on the ADXL345, which must to a random GPIO for Netduino indeed)
SDI (also known as SDA/SDIO, pin 13 on the ADXL345, which must go to netduino MOSI; Netduino pin D11)
SDO (also known as ALT ADDRESS, pin 12 on the ADXL345, which must go to netduino MISO; Netduino pin D12)
SCLK (also known as SCL, pin 14 on the ADXL345, which must go to netduino SPCK; Netduino pin D13)

So you switched pins 11 and 12.

#20873 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 22 November 2011 - 06:17 PM in General Discussion

When I read register zero two times in the beginning of the program:

- The second time read always gives correct Device ID now!

- The first time read returns a value which I wrote to DATA_FORMAT register last time in previous compilation (before reboot) !

While this helps passing this point, afterwards I get non-sense numbers. So issue still stands.

I'm doing exact same steps as Arduino. The only difference is that in Arduino code, we manually set Chip Select to HIGH and LOW:

I assumed that in Netduino case this is managed by the framework (SPI API) after each read/write. However, this may not be the case since Netduino has no idea if I'm doing two writes with the first write being register number and the second write being value unless it internally keeps a state and knows odd write are register number and even writes are values. Which kinda hints to above odd/even issue.

At this point the code is so simple that I suspect a bug in the firmware. There shouldn't be a bug in wiring as suggested before since double read always gives correct device ID.

This is Arduino code for reference:

//  char registerAddress - The register to write a value to
//  char value - The value to be written to the specified register.
void writeRegister(char registerAddress, char value){
  //Set Chip Select pin low to signal the beginning of an SPI packet.
  digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
  //Transfer the register address over SPI.
  //Transfer the desired register value over SPI.
  //Set the Chip Select pin high to signal the end of an SPI packet.
  digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);

Is there a simple way to bypass .NET framework and simply use Arduino code on Netduino? I'm spending a long time on simply a few lines of code without a way to debug in more details or a way to isolate the problem more.

#20849 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 22 November 2011 - 01:31 PM in General Discussion

I'm trying to use SPI and talk to ADXL345. I can do that with I2C with no problem so I know the sensor is working properly.

There is an article for Arduino and I'm trying to the the same with Netduino (Plus).

Issue 1) Unfortunately, the SPI.Configuration doesn't work as intended.

The first issue I have is that when I read Device ID it's incorrect but if I manually VCC then GND the Chip Select (inverted) actually works to this point and I can read correct Device ID ! GPIO_Pin0 didn't work neither GPIO_Pin1..GPIO_Pin10 in below configuration as GPIO.

Here is a simple code:
            SPI.Configuration config = new SPI.Configuration(
                        Cpu.Pin.GPIO_Pin0, // I have Chip Select of Sensor connected but it didn't work. See below tests
                        false, // CS is inverted to it's active on low
                        0, // tried both 0 and 1 
                        0, // tried both 0 and 1
                        true, // High on Idle. See figure 37 and 38 in here:, also see
                        true, // Seems to be stable on rising edge. See figure 37 and 38 in here:, also see
                        500, // 500 KhZ, it can be upto 2MHz

            SPI accel = new SPI(config);

            Byte[] wBuff = new Byte[1];
            Byte[] rBuff = new Byte[1];

            wBuff[0] = 0x00;
            accel.WriteRead(wBuff, rBuff);

            Debug.Print("Reading device id from register: " + wBuff[0]);
            Debug.Print("Received device id: " + rBuff[0]);

2) Second issue is after passing this point by VCC/Gnd hack is that data read for X/Y/Z Axis doesn't make sense (changes randomly, stays at zero or has specific numbers) so there is something I'm missing but several tries didn't help. Again, the sensor works well in I2C mode and change of sensor didn't help, wiring is simply so issue should be software, register settings etc.

Here is the code:

            //Put the ADXL345 into full resolution(+/- 2g) mode with the DATA_FORMAT register.
            wBuff[0] = DataFormat;

            // 0x08 for full resolution (+/- 2g)
            wBuff[0] = 0x08;

            //Put the ADXL345 into Measurement Mode by writing 0x08 to the POWER_CTL register.
            wBuff[0] = PowerControl;

            wBuff[0] = 0x08;

            // Setting FIFO to stream 0x80 also tried no FIFO 0x00 (commenting out following)
            wBuff[0] = FifoStatus;
            wBuff[0] = 0x80;


            double yAxisGs, xAxisGs, zAxisGs;

                    yAxisGs = 0.0; 
                    xAxisGs = 0.0; 
                    zAxisGs = 0.0; 

                    Byte[] rBuff6 = new Byte[6];
                    Byte[] wBuff6 = new Byte[6];

                    //wBuff6[0] = 0xFF;
                    //wBuff6[1] = 0xFF;
                    //wBuff6[2] = 0xFF;
                    //wBuff6[3] = 0xFF;
                    //wBuff6[4] = 0xFF;
                    //wBuff6[5] = 0xFF;

                    wBuff[0] = DataX_0 | 0x80 | 0x40; // Also tried without 0x80 (read mode) or (0x40) multiple-byte read mode

                    const double scale = 0.0039d; // Scale for 2G, full scale

                    xAxisGs = (rBuff6[0] | rBuff6[1] << 8) * scale; // I tried  (rBuff6[0] + rBuff6[1] *256) * scale to make sure it's not a logic, data type issue between byte, uint and double.
                    yAxisGs = (rBuff6[2] | rBuff6[3] << 8) * scale;
                    zAxisGs = (rBuff6[4] | rBuff6[5] << 8) * scale;

                    Debug.Print("x received data is " + xAxisGs);
                    Debug.Print("y received data is " + yAxisGs);
                    Debug.Print("z received data is " + zAxisGs);

#20853 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 22 November 2011 - 02:59 PM in General Discussion


Connections are similar in Netduino and Arduino (as demonstrated in above article).

To be more specific:

ND 13 SCL, ND 12 SDA, ND 11 SD0, ND Digital 0 (GPIO 0, also tried 1,2 and 10 and matched the SPI.config) to CS, ND 3V3 to VS, ND 3V3 to VIO, ND Gnd to Gnd

It's probably not an issue with physical connections. It randomly changes on multiple compiles and also hack of connecting CS to VCC then Gnd works for passing the initial Device ID check. Not helpful for X/Y/Z reads.

Hi Orange,

When using SPI mode, can you tell us how you've got it connected? To which pins on the netduino?

#20854 SPI (with ADXL345)

Posted by orange on 22 November 2011 - 03:05 PM in General Discussion

Thanks for the reply. Both seem to be acting the same. Both compile and both are available in auto complete. Both randomly fail Device ID between each compile.

I changed it to suggested
since it matches documentation to be on safe side.

but the same issues exist.

It's safer to use your suggestion due to my original reference to Wiki page: http://wiki.netduino...figuration.ashx and http://wiki.netduino...SPI.ashx?HL=spi

Orange, to solve one problem, just change:

Basically, the Pins enumeration is a Netduino remapping of the abstract Cpu.Pin set exposed by the Micro Frameowrk.

I know, it's confusing...

#24958 Delay or getting stuck at deployment "Preparing to deploy assemblies to t...

Posted by orange on 02 March 2012 - 10:23 AM in Visual Studio

I find it a bit tedious too, if it really doesn't want to cooperate
I pull out the usb
Tell VS to Deploy app
Wait 5 seconds
plug in the usb

Exactly ! :)) I found out that's the best path after doing it 200,300 times. Very interesting that you found the same thing.

However, sometimes I have to do fail, cancel, retry. Yet other times even this gets %100 stuck and doesn't go forward after a minute.

Perhaps timing should be kinda accurately 5 seconds...

#24951 Delay or getting stuck at deployment "Preparing to deploy assemblies to t...

Posted by orange on 02 March 2012 - 08:49 AM in Visual Studio

Hello, I frequently run into cases where MS Visual C# gets stuck or delays deployment where the message is: "Preparing to deploy assemblies to the device." My solution is to disconnect USB and reconnect. Sometimes it fails and I redo, sometimes it simply works and reboots netduino and we are done. Overall this process is very slow and gets on people's nerves. I don't see this in forums being addressed. Is there a solution for this? My firmware and Visual C# are the latest stable versions. Thanks

#29636 Experimental Wifi support for Netduino Go!

Posted by orange on 24 May 2012 - 08:37 AM in Netduino Go

Looking great. How does this compare to adding a WiFi shield to Shield Base? In general of course not using Shield Base should help preserve a socket, yes? First using your own solution: A) http://forums.netdui...-module-driver/ $34.95 http://forums.netdui...-module-driver/ $19.95 " This module is in simple terms, a serial-to-tcp-bridge. It can handle one tcp socket at the same time, but for many applications this is exactly enough! " is fine with me it's just lower performance. Second: B) http://littlebirdele...uino-802-11-g-n $90 $90 $51 Thanks

#29641 Experimental Wifi support for Netduino Go!

Posted by orange on 24 May 2012 - 08:47 AM in Netduino Go

Here is another thing I found that works for Fez Spider: http://www.ghielectr...log/product/282 Is there a chance this works with Netuidino Go with small changes? http://www.ghielectr...log/product/282 It's pricy: $99

#29646 Experimental Wifi support for Netduino Go!

Posted by orange on 24 May 2012 - 08:56 AM in Netduino Go

What about: $15: http://www.ghielectr...log/product/314 It seems to be exact same thing as "Sytech Designs ZigBee Module". I see $ price instead of UK Pound

#29647 Experimental Wifi support for Netduino Go!

Posted by orange on 24 May 2012 - 08:59 AM in Netduino Go

I wouldn't bet on it. The problem with most networking solutions is that they require specific firmware as well.
Even GHI is experiencing that. Thus the note: Currently, this module works only with FEZ Spider Main board.. It doesn't work with other gadgeteer mainboards.

Sounds like that.

Upside is that this is real WiFi not a Wifi-Serial bridge.

It's crazy, I bought an external WiFi-Ethernet Bridge with extra 4 ethernet ports and it has webpage for setup, antennas, WEP etc. for ~$50 so in practice it may be better to have an ethernet convertor and lose one SPI then use an external box like this. Only downside is that it takes more space...

#29632 GPS & WiFi Module Progress

Posted by orange on 24 May 2012 - 08:17 AM in Netduino Go

Fantastic ! What's the board that you had "RN-VX WiFi" on top? What type Socket Type/Protocol does it use to talk to Go? Thanks

#29634 GPS & WiFi Module Progress

Posted by orange on 24 May 2012 - 08:19 AM in Netduino Go

Also, does RN-VX WiFi let you have a WEP/... encryption (user/pass)?

#20986 Sample code for ADXL345 and SPI?

Posted by orange on 26 November 2011 - 02:59 AM in General Discussion

Thanks Charles, I ended up writing the code (with a lot of trial and error) from scratch. This page was quite helpful on explaining undocumented (and strange) behavior of API: http://wiki.netduino...-WriteRead.ashx

The link Stefan provided uses I2C (and works very well, I have implemented it), I understand Orange wants to use SPI instead for communication with the accelerometers. I searched a bit further, and found some references, but they are generally questions from people struggling with it. I did find libraries for the mbed, both an I2C and SPI version at, maybe that helps.

#20734 Sample code for ADXL345 and SPI?

Posted by orange on 17 November 2011 - 02:47 PM in General Discussion

Does anybody have a good implementation for ADXL345 and SPI for netduino?

#20768 Sample code for ADXL345 and SPI?

Posted by orange on 19 November 2011 - 04:36 AM in General Discussion


Thanks for the reply however it's not SPI hence does not answer the question.

Hi Orange and welcome to the Netduino forums!

A quick search on Google dragged me to here: Accelerometers: ADXL345 Library and Netduino Tutorial
Does that help?

#20769 Sample code for BMA180 Accelerometer?

Posted by orange on 19 November 2011 - 04:38 AM in General Discussion


Yes, both of the questions are standing. I'm looking for SPI code for BMA180 and ADXL345. BMA180 I2C code is still useful.

Hi Orange,

I seen you opening another topic for the ADXL345 Triple Axis Accelerometer. Is this thread still relevant?
If so, I've seen someone else on this forum working on a libary for the BMA180: http://forums.netdui...ndpost__p__5839
I don't see a success post there yet though. But perhaps it can help you into the right direction.

#20735 Sample code for BMA180 Accelerometer?

Posted by orange on 17 November 2011 - 02:48 PM in General Discussion

Does anybody have a sample code for BMA180 Accelerometer and Netduino?

#29653 Best Etherent for Netduino Go?

Posted by orange on 24 May 2012 - 09:15 AM in Netduino Go

So what's the best way to get Ethernet assuming direct socket to NGO is not available now and Shield is the way to go? I'm sure many have used a solution to make a Netduino Plus out of a Netdiuno and there is a rather standard answer for this now. Also correction: Looking close in MCU datasheet I see there are three SPIs: SPI1 can communicate at up to 37.5 Mbits/s, SPI2 and SPI3 can communicate at up to 21 Mbit/s. T Now I wonder if solution (1) above messes up with SPI1? If that's the case I lose the faster one :(

#29638 Best Etherent for Netduino Go?

Posted by orange on 24 May 2012 - 08:41 AM in Netduino Go

Hello, 1) What is the best Ethernet solution for Netduino Go? I could find this socket solution: http://www.ghielectr...log/product/333 Downside is that one SPI is used now. Go has two SPIs, correct? I heard from Chris that speed is different so I need to reserve the faster SPI for my own use (not this ethernet)! 2) I could think of adding Arduino Ethernet Shields on top of Netduino Go Shield Base. 2.A) Do these work out of the box? 2.B) How does this solution compare to above (1) without using the shield base? Seems like this way I still get two SPI but I needed extra Shield Base. A) What about this ethernet shield + PoE?

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