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Frederik Prijck's Content

There have been 17 items by Frederik Prijck (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#39478 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 16 November 2012 - 08:20 PM in General Discussion

I'm sorry to keep posting questions, but creating a new topic would be wrong I guess. Which jumping wires should I take to connect the netduino with breadbord ?? This might not be Netduindo related... M/M, F/M or F/F? And what extra parts are required to buy extra? Some power adapter? Breadbord? Some leds ? Or can I just focus on the parts of this starter kit/ http://www.pieterflo...?id_product=534

#39371 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 14 November 2012 - 07:23 PM in General Discussion

Ok, then maybe one more question since I am still not sure for which one to go. Will I be able to use the WiFly shield or ethernet connection when going for the GO? Or will this have to wait until a software update?

#39587 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 18 November 2012 - 01:24 PM in General Discussion

Thanks Carb, What I am also wondering... (sorry to keep asking questions in here, but I doubt creating a new topic would be better) When applying shields, you lose some I/O pins... - Can you still use a breadboard to prototype some things using the pins not used by the shield? - Can we combine shields? I guess this is hard to do, since it might be possible that both shields will use the same I/O ports... Thats not working then right ? - Are there any good lcd displays to prototype on a breadboard ? Since if I attach a wifi shield, I can not attach a LCD shield, or am I wrong here? Thanks

#39751 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 20 November 2012 - 07:11 PM in General Discussion

Just ordered the Netduino Plus 2! Should be arriving in 3days! Thanks for all the info guys

#39914 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 21 November 2012 - 09:01 PM in General Discussion

Ye it will be cool, we both enjoy coding but never did something together! Will be cool to help each other out :-) And ye, it's kinda cool when you both enjoy that kind of things :D

#39789 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 21 November 2012 - 07:08 AM in General Discussion

Yep it's gonna be a hell of a party! The first adventure is already known. My girlfriend also bought a arduino. (sorry guys, she's not into .net :P) And for school she has 5 weeks to create a project. I guess prototyping will do. She's going to try to get a furby say all her tweets using a specific hashtag. Particular hashtags will make e.g. the ears move etc. It sounds incredible interesting but not sure if it is going to work, since it is hard to find some text-to-speech components in europe... We're hoping we can reuse some furby components! Since this looks pretty hard, I'll be helping her from the netduino side. So it will be: who'll be the first to finish it ? But offcourse we help eachother since at the end it's her school project :D

#38992 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 11 November 2012 - 11:27 AM in General Discussion

Hi all, First of all, sorry if this question is asked multiple times already. I've done some searching but did not manage to find an answer to my question. Ive been doing c# development for the past 6 years. Three years ago I did some microchip programming in school. This has been my coolest course ever, so I have always been interested in exploring those microchip programming things. First I have been focussing on my daytime job, since I'm only working for the last 3years now. So now I would like to buy myself a microship... Since I am a c# developer, I think it is a good choice to go for the netduino. But my big question is, which one is better to go for? Go or plus 2 ? I do not realy get the difference... If any of you could explain me in which cases i'd go for which netduino ? Thanks

#39329 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 14 November 2012 - 09:32 AM in General Discussion

So UAM still has a view available after they have received the next shipment. Tho, They are still waiting the date on which they will receive the goods. Do you have any idea whether this will be days, weeks or months ? Btw, If I am correct the GO version is still "beta" where as the Plus 2 version is not, correct ? Coz else, if they are both BETA I'd go for the GO version... If not i'd prefer to go for the non-beta one to start with.

#39017 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 11 November 2012 - 06:38 PM in General Discussion

Alright, so atm the GO will not let you communicate using ethernet modules, but we can using the shields ? As an addition to trying to understand the netduino GO: Is the following setup possible using the GO? http://g33k.blogspot...-this-post.html This setup describes perfectly the way I used to do back in college. (using the breadbord and jumper wires, are these availble when working with the GO?)

#39013 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 11 November 2012 - 06:30 PM in General Discussion

So basicly, (almost) everything you can do with the plus can be done with the GO?

#39008 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 11 November 2012 - 06:16 PM in General Discussion

Hi Chris, First of all, thanks for replying. I am not comfortable with a soldering iron yet, but I am wondering if I go for the Netduino GO, am I limited to the netduino plug and play components ? Let's say on a day I want to control a little car using netduino (like I know is possible with arduino) can we still get this done using the GO version? I'm mostly scared for the GO version because I have the idea that you are limited to the modules from netduino... Or am I completely wrong here ? I think I will prefer the GO version in the beginning anyway, to make it easier to find my way around inside the Netduino. But looking more to the future, could you explain me more about my questions mentioned above? Thanks

#39203 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 12 November 2012 - 07:56 PM in General Discussion

Btw what's the best place to buy the Plus 2 ? Since here I do not seem to find anything about whether it is plus 2 or not... http://www.pieterflo...?id_product=271 And I'm not fully convinced about

#39021 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 11 November 2012 - 06:57 PM in General Discussion

The Arduino Ethernet shield is also several times slower than the native Ethernet solution.

What do you mean with the native Ethernet solution?

And I'm pretty convinced in buying the GO one, but I am wondering what I need extra to be able to use a breadboard, since I realy like toying around with those boards. or is that shield included when buying the GO?


#39042 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 11 November 2012 - 09:36 PM in General Discussion

That was abit the feeling I had, that the GO realy is a great thing but it might be a little to soon...

#39039 What's the best Netduino go go for atm ?

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 11 November 2012 - 09:18 PM in General Discussion

Ok, then 2 more things... Development wise, is it the same thing calling the digital outputs of the Go module compared to e.g. the digital outputs directly located on the Netduino plus ? Or is it different since we are calling a specific Digital Out in a specific GO bus... Is it adviced to already buy the GO? Since I can see there is alot "comming soon"? Or is the Netduini GO itself 100% final and is it just the modules which are coming soon? Sorry for all those (maybe stupid) questions and thanks again for helping me out!

#40337 Analog Output signal with Netduino

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 27 November 2012 - 10:09 PM in Visual Studio

Hi guys, I'm not sure if code questions belong here... I recently started toying around with my netduino plus 2! Cool stuff, but I'm trying to find my way around the basics. Now, my girlfriend is using her arduino for some kind of school project and I was trying to control a DC motor the same way she is doing... Basicly what she is doing is writing values from 0 to 255 and back to 0... (she is not 100% sure whether that is the way it is supposed to be done... But that does not change my question) With NetDuino I know we can write true or false using digital output, but for sending the values mentioned above I do not see any kind of way... I tried googling around for PWM but I can't seem to understand whether PWM is the right direction... If it is, how would I achieve this? This may be a very basic question, I'm sorry :(

#39548 Netduino + Furby

Posted by Frederik Prijck on 17 November 2012 - 11:17 AM in Project Showcase

I had no clue where to put this ... But it can be considered as a Project to become... For her final college project, My girlfriend has to combine some technologies which they have been working with in the last year. A few of that are: Netduino & Kinect. (Well at school they use arduino, but i'll be helping her with netduino as soon as I got mine) Now she came with the idea to include a furby ( http://www.personal....T110H/Furby.jpg ) in the project somewhere. She would love to be able to make the furby say things... Also the new Furby's have a build in LCD in there eyes and a light sensor in their head. Now we are not sure if this is even possible... I doubt that there are alot of people with this knowlegde, but atleast I could try... - Is it even possible to let a furby say things which we provide them through the netduino? - Can we connect a furby to a netduino to communicate with the LCD, Light sensor or if possibke make it speak? If this was not the place to put this, i'm sorry... Thanks,

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