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#52379 Home Automation

Posted by mcinnes01 on 26 August 2013 - 10:29 PM in General Discussion

Ok so a little time has passed but there have been some major advances in my home automation project...


Since my last posts I have played a little with mqtt in various flavours including mosquitto and rsmb...


I have also been on a Windows Azure and Web Services course...


And employed an electrician to start work at the end of september...


After reviewing many different technologies for home automation, as well as getting an estimate for the cost of my rewire I have made some key decisions...


Taking a lot of inspiration from super house  I have decided to go for a wired approach, using cat5e to carry pretty much all signals and low voltage around my house. Not only is cat5e relative cheap ~£36 for 305m, it provides shielding, twisted pairs and can carry low voltages happily upto the POE standard of 48v, which covers me for just about every eventuality.


Another key decision is that I have taking a radial wiring approach, otherwise known by "node-zero" or "star" wiring. Basically this means having a central point where all wiring comes back to, or in my case 2 points where all wiring comes back to. As my house is over 4 floors (basement, ground floor, first floor and attic) I am having 2 node-zeros; one in the attic and the other in the basement. What this means is the maximum run is only between 2 floors.


Essentially the idea is that everything has its own circuit which goes back to a distribution board; located in either the attic or basement. The wiring side of things is a little different than a convensional house; other than a standard consumer board with some RCDs etc, there is very little that reprisents a typical wiring system. From the consumer board 2 circuits (an 80amp for the basement and ground floor and 65amp for the first floor and attic) will come out going to 2 distribution boards. Here this supply will be split up in to functional circuits such as light for each floor, sockets for each floor, boiler, shower, cooker, garden from the relvant distribution board.


Each circuit then splits down to granularise the control, so the circuits will all have an RCD, but each component (socket, light etc) will have in most case a relay. And this is where my next decision comes in to play, I have decided to go for a complete home brew approach rather than paying the extortionate prices charged by HAL supplies which invoke some benefits and serveral contstraints each. Not only does price play a key role, but the ability to interface and control things the way I want. One downside to my home brew route is that this technology is untested and has not gurantees or support.


To combat this issue I am building a fallback in; there is a requirement in the UK to have a controlable light in each room, and so I am going to keep controls on the walls that are "dumb" controls. Rather than carrying 240v these will however be cat5e carrying 24v, this will have the ability to override my control boards should any software or electronic issues arrise. Some benefits of my approach include using wired control, this removes issues related to wireless and other signals over power. Also using cat5 provides a nice shielded delivery method. Also having my intelligence centrallised (be it centralised to 2 locations) means that I have 2 points of failure, which may sound bad, but is certainly less invasive when distributed intelligence goes wrong and you have to start ripping up floor board or plaster. I will easily be able to replace and identify any broken hardware and my hardware is cheaper as less intelligence (netduinos) are needed. Also having the manual, logic free, electronic overides will provide a failsafe.


My control boards are going to be din mounted using something like Cambden Boss enclosures and  will use a din mounted 24v supply and cat5e to connect the control boards to a centralise netduino module. See my other post for more details.


I have decided to go for mqtt as my message protocol as inspired by Mike. The Azure and web services course I went on last week gave me some great inspiration for having a service oriented architecture and using queues.


I have also built a low power server that runs flat out at around 36 Watts and is completely solid state with no fans or moving parts. This is running server 2012 datacentre core edition, which I am enjoying a steep learning curve on how to configure my first domain and Hyper-V environment. I plan to run several virtual servers on this to create my own Azure like distributed environment, all be it without the ability to automatically scale out across more VMs.


Over the coming months I plan to share my project exploits and actively welcome anyones input, ideas, opinions and support. Once I get my server up and running I plan to get mqtt running. I am still to find any detailed information on how to host mqtt and would appreciate any guidance on how to do this or configure the Hyper-V role on server 2012 datecentre core edition.


Thanks again,



#54169 Home Automation

Posted by mcinnes01 on 19 November 2013 - 10:10 AM in General Discussion

Yes all the automation will be hardwired back to my 2 main distribution boards. It uses a fair amount more cable than usual but just provides a much more maintainable approach when its all in. Sadly my once nicely plastered walls which I was hoping to not need to do, now all need replastering. That being said I wouldn't recommend this approach unless you are building a house from scratch or are doing a full on refurb.


On top of all the electrical cable I am also running a kilometre of network cable in. Again I have 2 racks, one by each distribution board that will house a 96 bay patch panel each and a 48 port POE switch. The plan is to run CAT5 every where for sensors and any distributed intelligence. For example some of the CAT5 although terminated to the patch panel will then split off to my own control boards to carry signals from sensors like PIRs, temperature sensors and perhaps even carry control voltages for things like actuators. One idea I've had is to either get electronic Radiator valves that I can retro fit or the slightly more invasive approach which is to fit valves inline with each radiator. This way I can use ternperature sensors and motion detectors as well as my own granular time patterns to control my central heating. 


What I am doing is running a lot of CAT5 everywhere, some in the ceilings some in the floors etc, a lot will be unterminated but there for when I want to use it. Also I have 2 gang RJ45 faceplates everywhere as I will be using CAT5 for phones, web connections etc etc.

#52621 Home Automation

Posted by mcinnes01 on 06 September 2013 - 10:47 PM in General Discussion

Cool thanks Mike, I will give it a whirl. Just getting to grips with server 2012 and hyper V.

#52089 Netduino Go Future

Posted by mcinnes01 on 11 August 2013 - 02:41 PM in Netduino Go

Hi Chris,


What needs to happen to get things like SD shields that use SPI and things like serial wifi modules to work with the shield base? Are these planned for the next release?


Are there going to be any interfaces for AGENT to work with GO!?





#52372 Netduino Go Future

Posted by mcinnes01 on 26 August 2013 - 05:22 PM in Netduino Go

Hi Chris,


Thanks for the reply, does that mean we are likely to see perhaps an ethernet module this side of christmas which if I remeber correctly uses the STM32? Is there any update on how your testing is going in terms GoBus 1.5 running happily on the STM32?





#52329 Netduino Go Future

Posted by mcinnes01 on 24 August 2013 - 08:41 PM in Netduino Go

Is there any road map for go! bus 1.5 to be available in some form that will allow things like the ethernet module and multi shield base support, to come out before Christmas this year?


I'm fully automating my house in the next month and it would be great to have Go! as the core, using either ethernet or wifi on a shield base (serial), plus multiple shield bases for extra SPI, Serial etc etc and maybe since the plus 2 has it....the long waited 1-Wire support?



#52106 Netduino Go Future

Posted by mcinnes01 on 12 August 2013 - 09:45 PM in Netduino Go

Maybe a bluetooth module would inject the much needed interest back in to the netduino Go! project, by allowing it to piggyback off the energy that has been put in to Agent? It would drive interest both ways from people who have an Agent watch wanting to control hardware and people who control hardware wanting another interface device by using the Agent smart watch. I understand secret labs are working hard to make sure they deliver their more commercial product, Agent, for Christmas to all of us backers. Does this mean once the watch is up and the production line running, some energy will go back in to the Go! line? I really hope so, I can't wait to do something useful with my Go! :)



#52128 Netduino Go Future

Posted by mcinnes01 on 13 August 2013 - 06:59 PM in Netduino Go

Cheers Mark!


It looks interesting, but sadly this will take the spi up on the shield base which I use for other things and with the lack of multi shield support this doesn't leave much scope ;)


#Subtext# I was also trying to provoke some interest from Chris and maybe a response?


#Off Topic# How was Manchester mini maker faire and where did you hear about it? I missed hearing about it till too late :(



#54127 Raspberry Pi and dot Net MicroFramework

Posted by mcinnes01 on 17 November 2013 - 02:58 PM in General Discussion

I use VS2012 with no issue, you can get the 4.3 SDK from the downloads area.


Multiple versions of VS, .NET and the SDK should run happily together on the same PC. Just remember to target the correct version in your project.





#54136 Shield Base Firmware (beta 7)

Posted by mcinnes01 on 17 November 2013 - 10:27 PM in Netduino Go

Wow I can't believe I've only just found this thread and I'm surprised its so quiet on here :(


Good work Chris! Its nice to see work is happening on Go! Bus still :) 


I have been mad busy rewiring my house for hopefully what will be a netduino controlled system eventually (lots of work to go with what will be about 80 relays to control)


I will definitely have a play when I get a chance.


Can I ask for a little (or fairly detailed if you can) update on Go! Bus 2.0?


In notice there are some alpha features on there now, perhaps you could tell us where things like:


Where the SPI transport is up to

Support for multiple SBs

The generic firmware for STMs and the ability to flash from the N Go!

When the next release is due


Many thanks and keep up the great work



#52600 Call for Secret Labs to Kick Start Go! Bus

Posted by mcinnes01 on 05 September 2013 - 09:43 PM in General Discussion

I would as ever still love to see 1-wire, maybe even a can-bus module? And perhaps a wifi module?


Although I feel a chicken and egg argument coming on....


Which **should** come first Go! Bus 1.5 or new modules?


If you develop a module you would have to write your own firmware which would be a port around Go! bus 1.0. Then what happens when the generic firmware comes out for the STMs with 1.5?


Chris if funding is not a route, but developing modules is, can users have an update on where Go Bus 1.5 is.


It would be helpful to see:

- An up to date feature set

- Current status of the features

- Current issues

- A detailed definition of the architecture and how the various functions that are complete work and how you expect or propose the outstanding features to fit in.


Are SL happy to share this level of detail and perhaps the code for users to contribute/test?


There are a fair few people with STM discovery boards, I guess testing can be done for Go! bus 1.5 with an N Go! + STM discovery right?


Thanks again and I hope we can spark some community interest back in to Go! :)



#52554 Call for Secret Labs to Kick Start Go! Bus

Posted by mcinnes01 on 04 September 2013 - 09:11 PM in General Discussion

Hi Chris,


I completely understand the economics behind open source aren't quite as straight forward as standard commercial products and this is why I believe the community could dig in and help out...


Whilst Go! Bus may equally benefit from community input from some of the more advanced users I thought there may be a way some of us other users could help out. Whilst throwing money at a problem doesn't always fix it, I was interested in both the community's and Secret Labs opinion on how we could inject some help in to realising the Go! Bus dream. As Go! Bus is Secret Labs brain child its very difficult for people to necessarily contribute on a community platform and this is where my thought of the community and possibly potential hardware vendors helping fund this endeavour.


Hardware vendors can benefit from using Go! Bus once it is available to facilitate their own commercial products and ultimately this drives interest back in to the Netduino community. I completely understand that you can't invest more than the returns from sales of the Go! line in to developing it further, but without the new toys like ethernet etc I'm sure you would agree that Go! sales have slumped from the initial level of interest and this catch 22 situation of needing interested to drive sales, to fund development, to create interest, to drive sales.


This is where a possible funding scheme like kick starter could help Go!, Netduino and Open source hardware in general...


Kick Starter could be used to break the the vicious cycle and could enable Secret Labs to get an extra person working on the Go! line.


I guess if you could think in terms of what resources could benefit Go! and what would be required financially or otherwise, the community could work something out?


I would be happy to donate in this way, and you can either take the approach you did with AGENT, offering ethernet modules etc, or simply allow people to donate for Go! Bus 1.5 to become a reality sooner :)



#52555 Call for Secret Labs to Kick Start Go! Bus

Posted by mcinnes01 on 04 September 2013 - 09:20 PM in General Discussion

@Juzzer you seem a pretty smart guy looking at your own STM board and your port of NETMF, I would love to see what you could develop for the Go! Maybe a Wifi Module or 1-Wire module or something all together previously unimagined?


@Chris if people like Juzzer were able to spend a little time how could they get involved with physically developing the Go! bus protocol?



#52509 Call for Secret Labs to Kick Start Go! Bus

Posted by mcinnes01 on 02 September 2013 - 10:46 PM in General Discussion



I have been a happy user of Secret Labs products for many years, I have enjoyed the fantastic, friendly and helpful community and Secret Labs energy and commitment to improve their products.


Now I feel it is the communities chance to help Secret Labs...


I would like to propose that Secret Labs start a Kick Starter campaign to help fund the development of the Go! Bus protocol which is holding back many avid netduino users and the exciting new products Secret Labs have on backlog. The community have all been waiting patiently for ethernet, SD and the Gadgeteer hub for sometime and it seems focus has shifted and the forums have gone a little quiet.


I would like to know the viability to allow the community to "give a little to get a little", by funding Secret Labs so they can employ some additional resources to either work on the Go! Bus protocol, or work on the AGENT smart watch, freeing up other resource to work on Go! Bus.


I would love to start getting some use out of my N Go! and would love to see the netduino forums that bustling hive of community interest they were previously.


What are your thoughts on this?


Many thanks,



#52328 New book: Netduino Home Automation Projects

Posted by mcinnes01 on 24 August 2013 - 08:21 PM in General Discussion

Ordered! Can't wait I am just starting a major home automation project so this could be useful, although my spark is quoting £11K for the infrastructure I want putting in place :o

#54278 Netduino Go! 4.3 firmware

Posted by mcinnes01 on 24 November 2013 - 09:17 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Can we work with Netduino Go! in VS2012 or VS2013 currently?


Could you just go through what is required in terms of install, from the point of view of just having VS2012/13 installed and no NETMF or netduino sdk installed?


Can we still use 4.3 for standard netduino 1 with vs2012/13?


Many thanks,



#54270 Netduino Go! 4.3 firmware

Posted by mcinnes01 on 24 November 2013 - 02:50 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers



Is there any news on the Netduino Go! 4.3 firmware?


Many thanks,



#56914 Gainspan WiFi module

Posted by mcinnes01 on 19 March 2014 - 02:11 PM in General Discussion

Hi Hanz,


I wonder if you have made any progress with your RAK410/411 wifi module class library?


The problem I have with writing drivers is I don't really know where to start, and although I have been through the datasheets and command guides a few times I'm a little unsure as to where to approach it from.


I wonder if you have perhaps started the lib for your module, if I could see the code so far I can try to follow your approach to and see if I can do the same for my module?


Thanks again for all your help,



#56415 Gainspan WiFi module

Posted by mcinnes01 on 25 February 2014 - 11:49 PM in General Discussion



I wonder if anyone can help, I am trying to get my gainspan WiFi module working with a netduino 1. I wonder if anyone has a library or can give me some help getting started in creating a library for it?


Many thanks



#56467 Gainspan WiFi module

Posted by mcinnes01 on 26 February 2014 - 09:54 PM in General Discussion

Yeah I use google search too the forum one isn't great, spent a few hours going through the old posts. There is a forum thread


This was started by nickduino now monewwq1 and there used to be an example youtube video or two and some sample code on there. A while back I did some work TTLing the gainspan, but never got round to wiring it up with the netduino. Sadly nicks sample code has gone now and I'm a little unsure of where to start in terms of communicating with it via the netduino, how to send and receive the commands required to setup the gainspan module and finally how this then works in terms of a network connection.


I guess I also wonder if mIp can work with this as well?

#52601 Complete Home Automation from Multiple Devices

Posted by mcinnes01 on 05 September 2013 - 10:07 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I am on the same quest as yourself currently....


Although I am running about 140 separate runs of cat5e.


Some will have wall plates (phone, ethernet) some go to devices, sensors, valves, switches, etc.


This all goes back to a patch panel so I can route and change the use as and when I want.


Also worth thinking about POE.


As I have recently learnt from Mario, SPI is not good over long distances and I have had flakey experiences with it in the past. Noise is a real issue.


This is true with i2c but to less of an extent and there are ways of reducing noise and its effects.


Something to perhaps ponder, to reduce the effects of resistance you will probably want to step your signal up to say 24v. This in itself creates noise and other complications, but solves the issue of running over long distances.


I will share what I learn from Mario and perhaps you can share your ideas?



#52620 Complete Home Automation from Multiple Devices

Posted by mcinnes01 on 06 September 2013 - 10:45 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I am having 2 central locations, 1 in the loft and 1 in the cellar to avoid having to create a riser and to reduce cable runs. I will have a gigabit link between the 2 and am installing a 96 port patch panel in each to allow me to route things ad-hoc.


Each light will go back to these 2 points where I will have a distribution board. Relays will perform the switching all located centrally on the 2 distribution boards. This makes maintenance easy and reduces the number of points of failure. In house having a single or couple of points of failure is desirable as it means you don't have to start ripping up walls and floor boards.


Although CAT5 is going in, I may in most cases just use it for the the shielded twisted pairs. As there are 4 pairs you can send data and power down the same cable without creating too much noise. Also if you change your mind you can convert them to standard cat5 cables.


Check out some of my active threads for ideas.



#56407 OutputExpander - How to Make a Netduino GO! Module

Posted by mcinnes01 on 25 February 2014 - 08:46 PM in Netduino Go

Hi Mark,


Just a thought, you may have seen the recent library hanzibal made for the MCP23S17. I was wondering if you have looked at the STM8L range?


These chips have 2 SPI buses.


This is a little beyond me, but I would love a dual MCP23S17 GO bus module.


What are your thoughts on the STM8L and is it possible to use both SPI buses, one for GO bus and the other for the MCP23S17s?


Many thanks




#52130 N+2 communication with WebApi

Posted by mcinnes01 on 13 August 2013 - 07:21 PM in Project Showcase

I would love to see your code including the web api? Are you using signalR to update your page?

#53190 N+2 communication with WebApi

Posted by mcinnes01 on 14 October 2013 - 12:47 PM in Project Showcase

Hi the link to the netduino code is broken?

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