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#13984 .NET Micro Framework Distribution Fee

Posted by Dixon on 06 June 2011 - 06:14 AM in General Discussion

It turns out that the white paper I was reading is from 2007. Thanks for your clarification. Now call me ingenuous, but why Microsoft did it so? What they earn with this, as the tool chain is also free (express ed). Why they freed such a marvelous platform? And why is Secret Labs maintaining it?

#13931 Netduino size. Where do I find this in Visual Studio?

Posted by Dixon on 03 June 2011 - 08:13 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

There is SolutionWizard application in the .NET Micro Framework Porting Kit to select modules/features you want to be included in the firmware. Regarding the firmware size and memory organization, please refer to "Laying Out Memory on .NET Micro Framework Devices" topic in the Porting Kit documentation, which describes it in great detail.

Hi CW2,

Thanks a lot for your answer, everything is clearer now.

#13930 .NET Micro Framework Distribution Fee

Posted by Dixon on 03 June 2011 - 08:00 AM in General Discussion

I read that .NET Micro Framework requires a distribution agreement and per-device licensing fee, which varies by exptected volume. Do you know roughly how much is this fee? If we use netduino mini boards for a comertial project, is this fee already paid by Secret Labs? or are we supposed to contact Microsoft to arrange for a distribution agreement?

#13847 Netduino size. Where do I find this in Visual Studio?

Posted by Dixon on 01 June 2011 - 06:30 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi Chris

Removing USB is pretty easy (and in fact, you can just copy most of the changes from the Netduino Mini BSP to the Netduino BSP and recompile).

But how? how do you control what parts of .NET MF are included and what parts not, and how do you know how big is the .NET MF being loaded (i.e. total size - fre size - our app size)

In theory .NET Framework requires 256MB of RAM, what is much more than the actual Netduino RAM size. It seems it's because the loaded .NET MF is stripped down, removing WPF support among other things. How can we know what it is included and what not?

#13815 .NET Micro Framework minimun requirements

Posted by Dixon on 31 May 2011 - 11:47 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

WPF is available on .NET MF? Wow!!! I'm impressed. I don't find too much documentation on .NET MF but seems to be very interesting. I did a HelloWorld for Netduino in just 10 mins, able to comunicate trough the serial port, responding to interrupts, and using multiple threads. It's very very easy! I'm curious how do you configure/know what parts of .NET MF are included in the build for Netduino and what doesn't. Where can I find more documentation/info?

#13802 .NET Micro Framework minimun requirements

Posted by Dixon on 31 May 2011 - 06:25 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi Chris, Thank you, I'm very excited with the Netduino, even though I'm looking forward to have a Netduino Plus ;) Yesterday I was looking for more documentation on the .NET MF arquitecture and Netduino SDK, and found the page I posted the link that says the minimun specs for .NET MF is 256KB of RAM, where it seems the Netduino is only requiring 68KB of RAM for operating. Is it because it only load a part of the .NET MF? or am I missing something? Regards, Dixon

#13786 .NET Micro Framework minimun requirements

Posted by Dixon on 30 May 2011 - 09:12 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi, Netduino specs says it has: Code Storage: 128 KB ● RAM: 60 KB but the minimun specs for .net micro framework are Minimum of 256KB RAM and 512K Flash/ROM (http://msdn.microsof...mework/bb278106). How is it possible it to work?

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