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#7507 Wild idea for a group project

Posted by bill.french on 12 January 2011 - 11:12 AM in General Discussion

I have'mentioned in the my previous reply, we can get the led params from the link. So why do we even need the firewall stuff??
I am realy busy this week so I guess I'll have to wait couple of days more to get hands on..


My concern with your link is that it involves using an extra server to store and pass data that is not an netduino -- i think we should keep it as purely about the netduino plus as possible.

#7383 Wild idea for a group project

Posted by bill.french on 10 January 2011 - 12:57 AM in General Discussion

This is an interesting idea! Even if all we did was turn on an LED, and pass it around (Jonny sends a signal to my ND+ which turns on an LED, and I send a signal to Omar's which turns on his LED, etc), and captured it on video, it would be VERY interesting.

This is simple and doable. Sign me up. Pick a date!

#7512 Wild idea for a group project

Posted by bill.french on 12 January 2011 - 02:19 PM in General Discussion

my point is that I think an ND+ could (should?) play the role of the server. I do agree that most of the ND+ should be as bare bones as possible, so blinking an LED is a great starting point.

#7462 Wild idea for a group project

Posted by bill.french on 11 January 2011 - 04:06 PM in General Discussion

@bill.french: To access a Netduino behind a firewall check out

That is cool -- i think for this project, that might be cheating -- I think we'd need to get an ND+ playing the role of Yaler.

#7388 Wild idea for a group project

Posted by bill.french on 10 January 2011 - 01:54 AM in General Discussion

time zones too...

I'm more concerned about firewalls.

#4393 Where to find these connectors?

Posted by bill.french on 31 October 2010 - 11:36 AM in General Discussion

This is probably not exactly what you're looking for, but maybe? They are Ampmodu connectors, you'll commonly see them as the internal audio connection for a cdrom drive:

Posted Image

-- but they come in lots of different sizes, are keyed, and available from mouser:

mouser catalog page

One disadvantage, possibly, compared to what you posted is the jacks are usually 90 degree to the pcb. Here's an arduino shield with a bunch of the connectors as an example:

Posted Image

#5615 What's the status of Onewire?

Posted by bill.french on 02 December 2010 - 01:48 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Thank you, that is very good information, and I understand you perfectly. I ordered one of these: It seems similar to your suggestions. I will let you know how it goes!

#5963 What's the status of Onewire?

Posted by bill.french on 10 December 2010 - 03:17 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Got it working! http://forums.netdui...-using-onewire/

#5504 What's the status of Onewire?

Posted by bill.french on 29 November 2010 - 11:23 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hello! I ordered some DS18B20 temperature sensors, before I realized I had no idea how to interface them with the netduino -- what's the status of onewire? What do i need to do to support onewire and interface with the DS18B20? Thanks!

#6080 What's the status of Onewire?

Posted by bill.french on 14 December 2010 - 01:02 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

It is difficult/impossible to get the precise timing needed for onewire running in managed c# code. Someone wrote a low level onewire driver, but it's not integrated into the netduino firmware yet, and since I'm not ready to compile my own firmware, I needed another solution. Some might look at this as some sort of disadvantage of the netduino, but I think it illustrates the power of the device, since I have been able to create and debug my "business logic" and "network logic" very easily in c# on the netduino, with the precise timing stuff offloaded to dedicated devices. This is a paradigm that works well for me.

#5508 What's the status of Onewire?

Posted by bill.french on 30 November 2010 - 01:20 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Any suggestions on a chip? I'm having trouble finding anything. Closest I could find was this: DS2480B but DIP would be much easier for me. Thanks!

#5664 What's the status of Onewire?

Posted by bill.french on 02 December 2010 - 08:18 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

My chips should come today, my sensor is due tomorrow, so i should have some news soon. I bet if you email him directly and ask him to just mail them, it should be much cheaper... otherwise, I can mail you one of mine once I get it going.

#4080 We have a little Netduino surprise to share...

Posted by bill.french on 21 October 2010 - 11:44 PM in General Discussion

F5 F5 F5 F5 ... GRRR!

#8806 Was: Netduino Firmware v4.1.0 (update 6) RC 1

Posted by bill.french on 01 February 2011 - 01:26 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

can you expand on this a bit: 6. Bugfixes: SerialPort.Read() timeout now implemented properly

#4748 want little help

Posted by bill.french on 09 November 2010 - 06:08 PM in General Discussion

You could use something like this with the netduino:


to sense the motion, which could then alert something to start recording, or raises some other sort of alert.

#6572 Visual Studio dies after deploy

Posted by bill.french on 27 December 2010 - 02:21 PM in Visual Studio

I had this issue, but it seemed to only be for certain projects. Strangely, simpler ones seemed to die more consistently. The issue for me has gone away, but i'm not sure if it's because my projects have gotten more complex, or the firmware updates. Are you up-to-date on your firmware?

#7216 Use of Static Keyword

Posted by bill.french on 07 January 2011 - 03:53 PM in General Discussion

"static" functions are mostly meant for "helper" functions and functions without side effects.
This is *the* .NET way

What are you basing these statements off of? The first doesn't sound quite right to me, but I really don't know and really would like to learn the right (.net) way.

#7453 Use of Static Keyword

Posted by bill.french on 11 January 2011 - 02:07 PM in General Discussion

Very cool, thank you all -- sorry to hijack. I wish this were a separate thread!

#7411 Use of Static Keyword

Posted by bill.french on 10 January 2011 - 12:59 PM in General Discussion

Ever since the beginning of time ... or at least since version 0.9 of .NET, all Microsoft Templates has started out GUI projects with creating an "instance" of your main class.
The statement about "static" functions beeing stateless and without side effects, is a general rule of proper coding style.

I understand what static is. I'm looking more for literature that supports what sounds a lot like your opinion. Based on what you say, if I have a function that I want only ever want one instance of, unless it's a helper function or without side effects, I should not make it static -- that doesn't quite sit well with my gut, but I really don't know.

Concerning your gui / java example, I (think I) know the templates were that way because they *had* to be, since main has to be static (there can be only one) and you can't call non-static functions or whatever.

"rules of proper coding style" -- where are these rules? I've used static classes to specifically deal with certain state issues.

As I'm writing this, it seems combative, but I really want to understand.

#7461 Use of Static Keyword

Posted by bill.french on 11 January 2011 - 04:03 PM in General Discussion

Cool, thanks, Chris. This is somewhat related: is there a "cheat sheet" anyone likes on styling code? Stuff like when to use camel case, lower case, etc, for methods, properties, classes, etc? ... and also, what's the current philosophy on namespaces?

#5145 Ultrasonic Transducer

Posted by bill.french on 21 November 2010 - 09:05 PM in General Discussion

What are you trying to do? This thread I'm sure has lots of good info: http://forums.netdui...ch__1#entry4555 I would guess for motion detection, it's going to be hard to beat something like this for simplicity: http://www.parallax....83/Default.aspx

#11580 Trenton Computer Festival this weekend!!!

Posted by bill.french on 02 April 2011 - 01:47 AM in General Discussion

Hi there, I haven't been hanging around the forum as much, but have been busy, busy, busy! With Netduino projects and other things.

Anyway, this weekend is the Trenton Computer Festival! (in Trenton, NJ) There's going to be an all-day "Arduino Workshop", which could be of particular interest, including an open hack time, which I'm hoping to bring my Netduino+ to.

Also, the flea market has traditionally had a wider variety of computer stuff, some older stuff, junk, etc. -- as compared to most computer flea markets.

Either way, everyone enjoy your weekend!

#8692 Switching AC

Posted by bill.french on 30 January 2011 - 02:33 PM in General Discussion

I'm using this for my sous vide controller: (i use a transistor to control it from the netduino)

I had a 16hr steak and eggs for breakfast! :) What are you working on?

Posted Image

#7097 Suggested socket for a neduino mini?

Posted by bill.french on 05 January 2011 - 10:55 PM in Netduino Mini

Can someone suggest a socket for the netduino mini? Thanks!

#7100 Suggested socket for a neduino mini?

Posted by bill.french on 05 January 2011 - 11:06 PM in Netduino Mini

Perfect, thank you!

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