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Pete Brown's Content

There have been 24 items by Pete Brown (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#62456 "We are makers" video from Build 2015

Posted by Pete Brown on 05 May 2015 - 07:34 PM in General Discussion

Video I scripted/directed for the Build 2015 keynote. The robot Colin controls with the phone has a Netduino 2 inside.



Top photo of robot:





#62417 Scott Hanselman just flashed a Netduino Wifi at BUILD

Posted by Pete Brown on 04 May 2015 - 01:18 AM in Netduino 3

Hey Pete,
It was great to see the NETMF side of Microsoft IoT represented at //build/--including in the keynote.

We'll "blame" you for the demo app images--in a "let's everyone virtually hug Pete brown" kind of way :)

Thanks for all your enthusiasm and support!





You couldn't see it, but the robot that Colin controlled with his phone in the maker video, runs a Netduino board. I don't recall what version.


The maker video will be up soon (we couldn't upload it yesterday because someone else ripped it from the stream, and YouTube is saying our official one is a duplicate. We'll take care of that tomorrow.). In that video, colin also made some specific statements about where NETMF fits into the bigger picture.


Steve also had NETMF photos in his maker session, including Gadgeteer and Netduino 3.



#62414 Scott Hanselman just flashed a Netduino Wifi at BUILD

Posted by Pete Brown on 04 May 2015 - 12:14 AM in Netduino 3

Sorry to spoil the surprise. I blame Hanselman. I am at BUILD this year.


I supplied the images for the demo app Jon wrote :)

#60718 Problem with Pete Brown's post

Posted by Pete Brown on 15 November 2014 - 05:36 AM in General Discussion

When I saw this in the "recent posts" list, it said "Problem with Pete Brown...".


I was all "Oh crap. What did I do now?" :)


I noticed I can't get to that post either. Same DB error.


It was about AllJoyn, Free VS Community Edition and Open Source NETMF. I don't recall if I had other stuff in that post.



#60706 Some cool announcements from this week

Posted by Pete Brown on 13 November 2014 - 10:19 PM in General Discussion

There have been some great announcements this week.


Visual Studio Community Edition


We announced a free Community edition of Visual Studio. This is our Pro SKU, but usable for open source, education, and teams of 5 or smaller in non-enterprise projects (conditions are defined on the linked page).




This is great news for NETMF developers, among others, because you'll have access to add-ins/extensions, plus all the great tooling that comes with VS Pro. You'll also be able to have cloud/web + NETMF projects in the same solution, in the same IDE, rather than have to open up multiple express IDEs.


Open Source .NET Core


We're open sourcing the server core of .NET, and will be supporting it across a number of different operating systems. When you combine this with the VS Community Edition, it means you can expect to see more .NET developers over time, especially in education and maker communities.




We've announced that AllJoyn will be built into Windows 10. AllJoyn is a protocol and architecture for connected devices. It's exciting because it follows a strongly-typed model that feels a lot like NETMF and WinRT. APIs are discoverable and easy to use. 


It's all open source. I'd love to see some community-driven NETMF activity in this space. If you look at the list of partners in the AllSeen alliance, it looks to be something that will be important in home automation and consumer devices.


Enjoy :)



#60176 Windows Phone 8 and BLE

Posted by Pete Brown on 22 September 2014 - 06:56 AM in General Discussion

Sorry, that's really strange.


Can you email me the router make/model and firmware version to pete dot brown at microsoft dot com so I can report it to the IE team?


Please include your phone make/model and Windows version number as well, if you can.



#60165 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 21 September 2014 - 03:01 AM in General Discussion


that thing about taking us to court (quoting doesn't appear to work in Modern IE on 8.1)


I assume the thing about suing was said in jest, but once something like that goes into a thread, I need to remove myself from the discussion. Feel free to spin up another thread if you are looking for something from me.





#60154 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 19 September 2014 - 07:42 PM in General Discussion

My influence doesn't extend to miraculous creation of new stock, unfortunately :)



#60152 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 19 September 2014 - 06:58 PM in General Discussion

Thanks JoobC


Yeah. We had a LOT more interest than we expected. Intel had a limited number of boards we could be allocated.


On the plus side, the Galileo 2 is out and we'll have support for that as well (it's not yet ready, however).



#60149 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 19 September 2014 - 04:30 PM in General Discussion

The email I received was sent September 4. Check your spam folders?



#60138 Windows Phone 8 and BLE

Posted by Pete Brown on 18 September 2014 - 06:35 AM in General Discussion

@Baxter it's *possible* but I'm not aware of any similar issue.


Sounds like a script on the page might be doing some sort of bad browser detection.


In the browser, click the IE ellipsis at the bottom right corner, click settings, and then change to the desktop version (tells the site to send desktop not mobile pages). See if that fixes it.



#60131 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 16 September 2014 - 08:08 PM in General Discussion

BTW, if folks have NETMF feedback for the product teams, I'm happy to take actionable feedback to them.


Actionable feedback for a product team comes in the form of a scenario rather than a specific feature request. For example "I am building an X. Currently, I'm blocked because I'm trying to accomplish Y and there's no way to do that in NETMF. I was expecting to see <some feature>."
Best way is to get it to me at pete dot brown at microsoft dot com. (put NETMF feedback or similar in the subject line to help me identify it)
Actual bugs should be logged in Connect. I know that system is a bear, but it creates a ticket, and forces the product teams to deal with the issue, even if that means marking it as by design or not to be fixed. It also provides a facility for you to comment on it.
Scratch that. The team has decided that Codeplex bug reporting is best for transparency and to keep everyone involved. So please continue to report there, vote things up, etc.

#60127 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 16 September 2014 - 03:47 PM in General Discussion

Pete, thank you very much for providing some information! We truly appreciate it!


I think that one of the biggest problems of NETMF is the lack of information. The contains so little news that anyone going there is led to believe that the project is dead. And the fact that Sal has had to write a blogpost just to say "we're still here" is worrying as well. Reminds me of all those personal blogs where the last blogpost is "it's been a while since I've blogged, but I'll get better". And that is the last thing you ever see on those kind of blogs.


The community is information-hungry, and we gather as much as we can from any source available. And that usually means the hints given to us from either Chris or the guys over at GHI. The slightest hint they give that something is about to happen gives us a sugarrush, but when nothing happens after that we crash and get grumpy...


I believe that one of the most important abilities any person can have, regardless of the domain, is expectation management. That you know how to control other peoples expectations is sooo important. When my kids ask "are we there yet?", my reply is always "No, we've still got a long way to go". They accept the reponse, and when we arrive at the destination ten minutes later they say "Oh, are we here already?! Yey!". Had I said "Yes, we're almost there" I would have been asked again every two minutes "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?", and they would have felt the last ten minutes took forever. The drive was always the same, but the expectations was managed differently.


That is kinda where we are with the information flow about NETMF. Two months ago there was lots of information about something happening "soon".

Soon to us means days, maximum a week. Here we are two months later. The drive feels forever and we are getting grumpy.



Thanks for the information.


Do understand, though, that you've just completely made the case for the approach of not announcing *anything* until it is built and ready to ship. This is consistent with the feedback on the GHI forums as well. Steve even took a pretty big risk by announcing the investments for NETMF at Build; we usually don't confirm things like that that far in advance.


Product teams miss deadlines for a variety of reasons. They also have a different definition of "soon" compared to what most normal people do :). Typically "soon" in the PM world is "next few months". That's because so many of us have our heads in some time in the next quarter or so, so in our minds, that's actually "soon". It comes even faster for the people who are trying to build the stuff in a limited time. For those on the outside waiting, though, it feels like forever.


Nevertheless, the expected dates were not hit by the team here; they did expect to ship something earlier this summer.


We'll look at other ways to get information to the community without announcing upcoming work.


I'll likely be traveling when the Channel 9 video goes up, and so probably won't announce anything on the boards. As I mentioned earlier, this is a small announcement, just the start of the work. It's my hope that it shows the beginning of the investment.


Sites like


At Microsoft, we tend to spin up too many little satellite sites, IMHO. Quite honestly, I don't think should be out there. It should be part of the dev center on MSDN, or part of the embedded/IoT site. I feel the same way about several other sites we run. We've run across this before where the site is a passion project, and then the person moves to another group or something, and the site just sits there. We need to move that information into a proper dev center, IMHO.



#60103 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 13 September 2014 - 04:44 PM in General Discussion

Hi @Se3ker


Neither I nor Microsoft are "all about" putting Windows on devices. Sorry I didn't make that clear. NETMF is a big part of the strategy.


NETMF is fundamentally different from something like the Wiring language and Arduino. When you write for Arduino, you are basically using an extremely thin layer of abstraction over what the MCU natively provides. If you code using C on an AVR chip, you'll quickly notice that.


NETMF, on the other hand, provides a number of services above that, including CLR garbage collection, memory management, threading, and more. It's also interpreted at runtime, not something that's natively compiled.


For those reasons, it's impossible in its current state, to target 8 bit devices, or low memory devices with NETMF. Maybe we'll find a way to change that in the future, but I don't see a way to do that with .NET and C# as people currently recognize them.


Similarly, you can't get Windows on an 8 bit device like that, because it's a full modern operating system.


It's possible to get NETMF running on smaller 32 bit ARM devices. Chris has done that himself over the years as he's evolved Netduino and related. I'm not sure the cost savings are worth what you give up, though. The vast majority of NETMF is the core runtime and support, not the individual functions.


On the IoT team, our plan is to support, whenever possible, these third-party devices when it comes to connecting with the rest of our ecosystem and services. We're also looking at ways to make NETMF faster and more efficient. Some of that may help here. TBD.



#60095 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 13 September 2014 - 12:08 AM in General Discussion

Steve Teixeira's presentation at Build 2014 covers the hierarchy/pyramid, and reasons for each.



We're working on improving performance on NETMF so Chris and others can take better advantage of the MCU (it's not a CPU, there's a difference in mindset there) power available.


I don't know of anything new coming in time for the Maker Faire in Europe. All of our OS products are on the same shipping train at this point.


Pick the board that works best for you. Some like Arduino. Some like Netduino. Some prefer to work with a full OS like Linux or Windows. Boards that can run full Windows Embedded (like Minnowboard Max) are getting smaller and more powerful as well. At the same time, Pared down versions of Linux can work on MCUs like the one on the Pi, and Intel is doing things to shrink previous CPUs down to MCU SOC form factor and function. No table is going to cover all that, and I'm not going to try to convince you to pick one over the other in any broad way. Go by the requirements of your project and the skills you have or want to build.



#60085 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 12 September 2014 - 05:25 AM in General Discussion

Hi Pete thanks for the updates. I am glad things are happening in NETMF space. 


BTW, I enjoyed listened to you on .NET Rocks episode from last week. 


I waited for my WoD kit but I just ended up buying my own Galileo board and loading Windows on it. The dev experience is pretty nice (compared to Arduino).


Thanks :)


The dev experience isn't *quite* as good as Netduino (hard-coded deployment paths and device names in the config), but it's still really good. I enjoy working with both.


And yes, I love Visual Studio, so happy to use that rather than the Arduino IDE. Personal preference, of course. :)




And what happens to those of us who have registered early? I did so as soon as the location was announced earlier this year. Then not too long ago I get an e-mail that I need to confirm my physical address for something via an appropriate form which was sent to my business e-mail address. Pete I am actually wondering what will happen further along.


The IoT team tried to be as fair as possible, but we simply couldn't cover everyone. We tried to make sure there was decent global coverage, and a number of other factors. I'm sorry you did not get a kit. They really did the best they could.


On the plus side, the level of interest helped us convince Intel to make the UEFI firmware available, which then made it possible to let anyone install Windows on a retail Galileo. Note that we'll also have support for the Galileo 2 in the future -- something you might find appealing.



I am currently configuring my backup work machine to pose as a Windows 8.1 system, with the usual tools for building applications. My other concern is one of doing stuff on Windows 8.1 and Dot Net MF for the Netduino devices.....


Always prudent to test, but I wouldn't anticpate any Windows 8.1-specific problems. The only thing to pay attention to right now is that we don't currently support NETMF development with Visual Studio 2013. That will change soon.



#60081 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 11 September 2014 - 11:56 PM in General Discussion

Oh well I have not seen anything from it since I registered I think in early April and again after the site was changed.


Then I asked my other co-workers to sign up some where in June and until now none of them has received a kit.





We had far more interest than kits. Quite literally, a couple orders of magnitude. We didn't expect that level of interest.


About a week ago or so, we sent out email to everyone who signed up saying that all the kits had been allocated. Anyone who has not yet received a shipping notification or a kit, and who wants to experiment with Windows on the Galileo, will need to pick up one retail and load Windows on it through the WindowsOnDevices site. 




What I was refering to was this blog posts;

The post clearly states "in the next few weeks", and was posted in June. I'm sure that was true from the bloggers perspective, but given a lack of anything else, it is also what I made decisions with.


I think many here have expressed the frustration with being left to believe something is coming soon, then hear nothing more about it for a year or more.


Best of luck to you, I truly hope for your success, I have a lot invested in it at the moment. I'm really hoping that was not a bad decision. 


Thanks. I see that on the blog post now. I know the OSS stuff took quite a bit longer than they had thought it would, but sorry it has been more than a few weeks.


But we've already scheduled the recording for Channel 9, so it really is close for the first updates. As I mentioned before, the updates are small, but the team will be working on more as we go forward.


Let me reiterate: NETMF is in a MUCH better spot now than it was just a year or two ago. The team is larger. Its position in our strategy is solid, and investments are approved all the way up. Personally, I'm excited. :)



#60068 Windows Phone 8 and BLE

Posted by Pete Brown on 11 September 2014 - 05:28 AM in General Discussion

If other people with 8.1 on their phone run into problems with BLE, it's likely because you have the developer version of 8.1 installed.


For now (not sure on long term here), the firmware won't deploy to Nokia devices running the developer version of 8.1. In order to get the firmware (which is required for BLE) you need to revert your device back and install the consumer 8.1.


Super inconvenient, sorry. But I want to make sure you have a workaround.



#60067 Small update from the .net MF team

Posted by Pete Brown on 11 September 2014 - 05:23 AM in General Discussion

We're at the point where we're working on the logistics of the announcement, so it won't be much longer.



#60066 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Pete Brown on 11 September 2014 - 05:21 AM in General Discussion

I am disappointed in all of them at the moment.


How long have we been hearing of new MF support coming real soon?


Either people can not estimate things, or they intentionally underestimate. In either case these are the same management teams doing the work, so I have to assume their product is as solid as their estimates, or best case as over sold.


Or is there intentional under funding? 


Either way, it does anything but inspire confidence.


I'll try to be as transparent as possible here.


It absolutely is coming. I don't think we ever said "soon" in the past. I'm just about positive Steve didn't, especially given he knows when the development is scheduled during the year. But, if we did, that was our mistake.


We moved the MF team back to the right place as part of the early 2014 reorgs. There was a period of time when we were trying to figure out where NETMF sits in our strategy, and who should own it (it was originally part of the .NET team before we moved it into a different support group). We even called Chris and Gus to provide feedback to us, explain their take on it, etc. With their help, we were able to make NETMF a key part of our IoT/Embedded portfolio and bring it into the right group.


The main delay you've seen is we've been working with our MS Open Tech group to fix the OSS approach to make it far easier for the actual community to contribute to NETMF. We didn't want to start announcing investments until we had that in place.


There will be announcements soon. Small at first, but you'll see that start to build over time. Given the number of ports of NETMF, its reach, etc. these may not come as quickly as with some other products, but that is not representative of any lack of commitment or funding. I can absolutely say to you that we are *more* committed to NETMF now than we were even when you saw the 4 ->4.x releases. 


Responding to some other comments I saw:


At Microsoft, we don't think of Windows on Devices and NETMF as competing solutions. They overlap, but each have very distinct sweet spots. Yes, WoD is C++/Win32/Wiring right now. Our intent is to have it be part of our Universal App Platform story (.NET, C++, JS), but we're not there yet. You don't yet see .NET or WinRT on there because we need to create special builds without MMX or SSE optimizations in place. It doesn't make sense for us to do that as a one-off right now when we should focus on the long-term goal.


Knowing this, I challenged Jeremiah Morrill to get Mono working on the Galileo, and for the most part, he has. I hooked him up with another developer in my org so that they can get the GPIO and similar functions working as well. Jeremiah has *zero* device experience. To him, that was just another Windows box. That's the compelling story there. It's Windows.


NETMF, on the other hand, is for people who don't want all the overhead of an operating system, and the chipset support or power requirements to run one. Netduino is to WoD as Arduino is to Raspberry Pi. The Pi didn't make the Arduino inferior or less useful. Similarly, the WoD program doesn't make NETMF or Netduino less useful or somehow inferior. Given that, there's really no need to defend NETMF and disparage WoD, or otherwise form camps -- they're all cool things to build your solutions on.



Windows Compact Embedded is our only certified RTOS, in case you *really* need RTOS in something.


Hope that helps



#59026 Questions for a long term MIDI project.

Posted by Pete Brown on 05 July 2014 - 05:18 PM in Netduino Go

Sounds like a cool idea. I'll work on this project again in the fall, and am happy to collaborate on the software.



#59023 Questions for a long term MIDI project.

Posted by Pete Brown on 05 July 2014 - 03:36 PM in Netduino Go

Feel free to use any of that source code if it's helpful to you. It's all on Codeplex. I'll likely add a branch for Galileo as well.


Routing and filtering really need to be done in native code. When I tested things like MIDI clock (which runs at 24ppqn) netmf wasn't up to the task, so not good for routing or real sequencers.


I built a MIDI thru box some time ago with the intention of adding filtering and monitoring in netmf, but perf was a blocker.


My main MIDI interface now is a MOTU Express 64. It gives you 8 ins and 8 outs. You can also add more than one to a system. I also wouldn't say MIDI is being ignored out here, especially not with the resurgence of analog synthesizers with MIDI added, and with th popularity of stand alone sequencers like Elektron boxes and Akai MPC.


On the plus side: In Steve's IoT session at Build, we committed to improving perf in NETMF. Not sure what that means yet, or if it will help here, but I'm hopeful :)



#59022 MIDI Module for GoBus

Posted by Pete Brown on 05 July 2014 - 03:21 PM in Netduino Go

Netduino GoBus module: ok, thanks. I'll check back in and see where the various firmware options are and go from there. I was blocked on firmware state last time I checked. I've been out of touch on GoBus for a bit :)


The USB part would be interesting. I haven't written code to report as a class device, but it should be reasonable to do.

Windows.devices.midi: Jason and I introduced this at our build session, and released a preview version on NuGet. Since then, we've had both individuals and major software companies testing it out. We'll have the release version rolled into the next version of Windows as a proper WinRT API for both universal apps and for desktop. I'm pretty excited about that and the other audio and video work we're doing :)



#59017 MIDI Module for GoBus

Posted by Pete Brown on 05 July 2014 - 05:14 AM in Netduino Go

I haven't worked on this in quite a while. At the time, the GoBus stuff wasn't ready for the processors I was using (I haven't since checked to see if they're ready).


If there's interest, I may take it back up in the fall.



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