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Eric Burdo's Content

There have been 130 items by Eric Burdo (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#3059 Another forum thread?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 27 September 2010 - 07:47 PM in General Discussion

How about just asking people to tag their projects with Netduino or Netduino Plus? Many of the projects can be built with either, as long as it doesn't use the built-in Ethernet or MicroSD.

#5849 How many is too many?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 07 December 2010 - 01:34 PM in General Discussion

Just the two for me... a Netduino and a Plus. Neither are in a "permanent project" right now. Just using them for learning and fun. I have a couple of project ideas in my head, to work on over the winter. If they work out, I'll likely be getting about 10 mini's for a spring/summer project.

#1869 First light for native Mac tools

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 09:08 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

We successfully flashed a Netduino's .NET Micro Framework runtime using a Mac this afternoon. Not with Parallels or VMWare, but with native Mac OS X 10.6.4 and Mono 2.6.7 (and a serial cable/serial shield).


Very early prototype. More to come.


Cool! I don't have a Mac... but I know many who do... and that this is a big step in the right direction!

#5940 In the Beginning....

Posted by Eric Burdo on 09 December 2010 - 02:13 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Maybe we should put together a Netduino get-together at CES?

It would be fun to meet the makers in person. And I could maybe share some of the history behind why the Netduino project got started... And talk about some of the other projects that Secret Labs has built.


That would be cool.

When is CES?

#5620 Where to start - radio controller to Netduino communication

Posted by Eric Burdo on 02 December 2010 - 02:32 AM in General Discussion

I have a couple of these (bought them for like.. $10 each, brand new).

Posted Image


I'd like to interface that with my Netduino...

Any suggestions on where to begin?

#5637 Where to start - radio controller to Netduino communication

Posted by Eric Burdo on 02 December 2010 - 01:48 PM in General Discussion

NICE CATCH! :lol: Like really, how did you get those for $10? they look awesome :o
Anyways have you looked at this? - http://content.vexro...ol-06272008.pdf

Also this guy that I learned Charlieplexing from... he did a video on RF links, not exactly the same but you might find some useful info...

The local Radio Shack (3 of them within driving distance) were closing... so I got all sorts of things on clearance.

You used to be able to buy the controllers via eBay for cheap too... but, I just checked and didn't see any. However, you might be able to find either a full VEX kit on eBay... or maybe buy the controllers elsewhere.

Thanks for that YT clip. I'll check it out. Maybe I can work on this after I get a few other things (aka, a job) settled. :)

#2562 Netduino bag conductivity

Posted by Eric Burdo on 20 September 2010 - 11:53 PM in General Discussion

You can however use it as a stylus on your iPhone if you'd like :)

Hmm... now I just need a iPhone... (rofl)

#3190 Transfer data in usb

Posted by Eric Burdo on 29 September 2010 - 12:57 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi, This thread here might help: Basically, the only USB communication right now, is via the Debug.Print command from your code... so no, not really. You currently can't talk back and forth with the Netduino and USB.

#2452 Search improvements

Posted by Eric Burdo on 19 September 2010 - 12:33 AM in General Discussion

WOOHOO! Thanks!

#2419 Application always in running

Posted by Eric Burdo on 18 September 2010 - 11:34 AM in General Discussion

And for fun (I do this on some of my test apps), I code for the integrated switch (SW1). If you press that... the application ends. I only do this on my test apps... but it lets me end the app on the Netduino, so it's not always running anymore.

#3234 Suggestion: Blink on-board LED to during deploy

Posted by Eric Burdo on 30 September 2010 - 01:49 AM in General Discussion

I have a tiny bit of code I throw into each project I do. It just flashes the LED a couple times when the program starts. Kinda gives me a half-second "hey you" so I know the app is starting. But the flashing lid to signify activity... that would be kinda neat.

#2668 An interesting talk with Colin Miller about .NET Micro Framework

Posted by Eric Burdo on 23 September 2010 - 12:30 PM in General Discussion

Listening now... thanks!

#1756 Community question ...

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 September 2010 - 12:55 PM in General Discussion

Personally... I wouldn't. I don't use FaceBook, rarely touch Twitter... and have never heard of "SocialEngine"... I like the forums :)

#5439 Getting Weather Data for your zip-code.

Posted by Eric Burdo on 28 November 2010 - 02:39 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Thanks for both of you for this... I was looking for a project to use on my Netduino Plus. :)

#5727 Pre-Assembled Kits

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 December 2010 - 02:01 PM in General Discussion

I soldered up two of them just this evening - took less than 15 minutes each, and only that long because I was running around doing other stuff too. If you have a soldering iron, these are a good starter project to start building your chops - if you intend on tinkering with electronics, developing good soldering skills will be pretty important...

+1 for learning the soldering skills... it's very handy.

There are "learn to solder" kits you can buy too. Inexpensive, and they teach you how to solder, de-solder, do the "thru hole" and more.

I actually picked up a few mini light kits from SparkFun to learn to solder on. Since then, I've done a handful of other projects... pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

#3297 Netduino vs Plus

Posted by Eric Burdo on 30 September 2010 - 07:37 PM in General Discussion

P.S. Unless someone knows where I can nab a public beta, I'd grab it right now. :)

I don't know of any. I had to hunt around to get mine.

Outside of the SD card and network port... they are the same. Same pins, same .net MF, etc.

If you want to get started now.... then expand later, buy a Netduino now, and get a Plus when they are released to the public. You can take everything you've done on the Netduino, and run it on the Plus.

#2107 User Rights Needed ??

Posted by Eric Burdo on 10 September 2010 - 08:39 PM in General Discussion

Running Windows XP (SP3).. We have a student that needs to use the program.. His account is a standard User account.. The teacher has a administrator account on the machine>> It runs fine with her account but not his... My Question is what folders/rights need to be changed for the "standard" user account in XP.. Below is her email to me.. Thanks in advance

We downloaded and installed the Netduino Development requirements ( for Omar's AT project.
When you open Visual C# 2010 click on new project and select the .NET Micro Framework it should have "Netduino Application" as an option on the right. When logged into my teacher account it works but when he tries it on his account it doesn't show that option. Is there anyway to get around this?

I don't have a solution... but I do have a similar problem.

For whatever reason, when I installed the Netduino bits... they installed the templates and such to my USB drive.

So... if I have my USB drive connected, I can do the Netduino Application projects... if I don't, the Netduino stuff doesn't show up.

You might be able to find where the Netduino template installed, and either give the student rights to that, or move it so he can see it?

#2116 User Rights Needed ??

Posted by Eric Burdo on 11 September 2010 - 04:14 AM in General Discussion

thanks - I doubt there was a USB drive attached when it was installed but i will check next week..Do you happen to know where most/all of the application is installed at in a default install ?? (ie program files ...)

Could also be that the Netduino installer goes into a folder that the regular user account can't see... But I don't know where.. :(

#3421 Problem with Analog input on Shield

Posted by Eric Burdo on 03 October 2010 - 06:25 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Here's what you're looking for:

They had those at the local Radio Shack last week. So likely you can find them in your rShack...

They do come in handy. I have a set of those for my multimeter too... handy there also.

#13632 Help please!! Possible brick!

Posted by Eric Burdo on 26 May 2011 - 02:52 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Jamie,

If you put a jumper between the 3.3V pad and the ERASE pad then you have erased your Netduino's firmware completely.

When the Netduino Plus has been erased completed, its power (white), user (blue), and ethernet activity (green) LEDs will all come on and stay on--consistent with what you're seeing.

You'll need to reflash your Netduino Plus (first the bootloader using Atmel SAM-BA, possibly on a 32-bit Windows machine...and then the .NET MF firmware).

What version of Windows are you running? 32-bit or 64-bit?


If you did erase the netduino, then you'll need to use SAM-BA like Chris said.

Here is a good post to check out: http://forums.netdui...p__347#entry347

#3527 Unary Simon

Posted by Eric Burdo on 05 October 2010 - 12:52 PM in Project Showcase

Corey... That's pretty neat. I'm going to have to load that up for the kids to play with a bit... and learn about some of the events more. :)

#5398 Simple Logic Probe

Posted by Eric Burdo on 27 November 2010 - 01:18 PM in General Discussion

This recently came up in my RSS feeds... and I thought I'd pass it along here.

It's nothing to do with the Netduino directly... but it's quite handy for your electronics tools collection. :)

There is a link in the article of Prof Mason's, going to another view and explanation of the Logic Probe.

Posted Image

#3233 Works in Droid docking station

Posted by Eric Burdo on 30 September 2010 - 01:47 AM in General Discussion

NetDroidO? :) That's kinda cool. Be a neat form-factor for a project.

#5465 MakerShield for the Netduino

Posted by Eric Burdo on 28 November 2010 - 07:16 PM in General Discussion

Just found this in my email...

Posted Image

(click the image to go to MakerShed)

Introducing the MakerShield kit - The ultimate open source prototyping shield for Arduino & Netduino micro-controllers

I might pick on up after Christmas. They take a mini-breadboard, so you can then do solderless breadboard work, right on the shield.

#3399 A moment of silence for the fallen electronics...

Posted by Eric Burdo on 03 October 2010 - 12:57 AM in General Discussion

I havent found any! Can you help me?

I'm not real good at finding stuff like this... but...

How many pins is on that ribbon?

You might be able to find a generic one that will work... or, you can sometimes snip the ribbon very carefully, and solder your own ends to it.

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