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Eric Burdo's Content

There have been 130 items by Eric Burdo (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#1754 Power Converter? What are those things called?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 September 2010 - 12:49 PM in General Discussion

That's on my wish list... maybe for Christmas... :)

#1755 5mm Color Cycling LED

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 September 2010 - 12:54 PM in General Discussion

Websteria, What shield is that you have attached to your Netduino?

#1756 Community question ...

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 September 2010 - 12:55 PM in General Discussion

Personally... I wouldn't. I don't use FaceBook, rarely touch Twitter... and have never heard of "SocialEngine"... I like the forums :)

#1757 Default device

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 September 2010 - 12:59 PM in Visual Studio

It might be possible to write an extensibility item to do this (formally called add-ins)?

#1766 Sparkfun LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 September 2010 - 09:21 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I have the same LCD as mentioned by Derek... anyone had any luck getting this to work yet?

If I connect to the 2nd bus on the shield, and use the following code... I get the LCD to blank... but that's it.

//Setup the ports
      OutputPort LCD_RS = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10, false);
      OutputPort LCD_RW = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D11, false);
      OutputPort LCD_E = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D12, false);    //enable

      OutputPort LCD_D4 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D13, false);
      OutputPort LCD_D5 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A0, false);
      OutputPort LCD_D6 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A1, false);
      OutputPort LCD_D7 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A2, false);

      //Send 0x28, function set: 4 bits, 1 line, 5x8 dots
      LCD_D7.Write(false); // 0
      LCD_D6.Write(false); // 0
      LCD_D5.Write(true); // 1
      LCD_D4.Write(false); // 0


      LCD_D7.Write(true); // 1
      LCD_D6.Write(false); // 0
      LCD_D5.Write(false); // 0
      LCD_D4.Write(false); // 0


      //Send 0x0C 0000 1100// display control: turn display on, cursor off, no blinking
      LCD_D7.Write(false); //0
      LCD_D6.Write(false); //0
      LCD_D5.Write(false); //0
      LCD_D4.Write(false); //0


      LCD_D7.Write(true); //1
      LCD_D6.Write(true); //1
      LCD_D5.Write(false); //0
      LCD_D4.Write(false); //0


#1767 Sparkfun LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 04 September 2010 - 09:26 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Derek, in that code you posted... What do you declare LCD as?

#1844 Where to buy?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 12:53 PM in General Discussion


I'm trying to buy at leaste one Netduino from Germany. Is it currently out of stock?


Hi... I live in the US, so I bought mine from MakerShed... but, I stumbled across this site while looking.


It's UK based, and seems to have a fair price.

#1849 Sparkfun LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 05:57 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

So I purchased the Electronic Brick Start Kit (http://www.seeedstud...tml?cPath=48_69 ) along with my netduino.

Manual here: http://www.seeedstud...icks Vol1.1.pdf

There seems to be a library for controlling this display for the arduino, is there an equivalent for the netduino?

HURRAH! I finally got a version working.

First, go here, and download the file. You can find it at the bottom of this post (from a forum member here... Thanks!)


Then, load up your project. Use the GpioLiquidCrystalTransferProvider as your provider.

Finally, setup your provider code as follows:

GpioLiquidCrystalTransferProvider lcdProvider = new GpioLiquidCrystalTransferProvider(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10,

      LiquidCrystal lcd = new LiquidCrystal(lcdProvider);

And, you'll end up with a screen like this...

Posted Image


#1864 Seeeduino LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 08:10 PM in Project Showcase

Took me awhile, but I finally found the right combination to make the Netduino control the Seeeduino 16x2 LCD panel..

Full details are here:

Brick Labs - Netduino and a 16x2 LCD

Posted Image

#1865 Sparkfun LCD

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 08:11 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

You may want to post a link to this in the "Project Showcase" forum, Eric (and including it in the "compatible shields and accessories" sticky post. Congrats on getting it up and running!


Thanks Chris... I posted it in the Project Showcase. I think it's already in the Compatible Shield thread... if not, I'll post it there...

#1866 Compatible Shields and Accessories

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 08:13 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

The shield from Seeeduino works (as stated above)... I finally figured out how to make the LCD work too... http://forums.netdui...-seeeduino-lcd/

#1869 First light for native Mac tools

Posted by Eric Burdo on 06 September 2010 - 09:08 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

We successfully flashed a Netduino's .NET Micro Framework runtime using a Mac this afternoon. Not with Parallels or VMWare, but with native Mac OS X 10.6.4 and Mono 2.6.7 (and a serial cable/serial shield).


Very early prototype. More to come.


Cool! I don't have a Mac... but I know many who do... and that this is a big step in the right direction!

#1897 LCD Library

Posted by Eric Burdo on 07 September 2010 - 02:10 PM in Project Showcase

I'm glad that some of you found my library useful, and posted about your results:

I was thinking to put it on CodePlex so that we can keep a better track of all code changes and extensions. What do you think?

Should I keep the name MicroLiquidCrystal for the project?

When I did mine... I actually changed the name of a few things... for unknown reasons (not sure why I did)... :)

I think the name works... Micro Framework - Micro Liquid Crystal library...

#1901 5mm Color Cycling LED

Posted by Eric Burdo on 07 September 2010 - 06:23 PM in General Discussion

That's the arduino protoshield from sparkfun, with a little half length breadboard on it... Easy to assemble and useful! :-)

Thanks... I'll have to pick one up. :)

#1906 Arduino or Netduino

Posted by Eric Burdo on 08 September 2010 - 12:53 AM in General Discussion

Well, the Netduino hasn't been around as long... but it's off to a good start. The majority of the Arduino shields and components are compatible with the Netduino... and if you can read C# code, you can usually read the Arduino code, and port it to C#. That being said... I have never used an Arduino... I just started into the Netduino myself. I'm a programmer by trade (mostly .NET stuff) and the fact that I can finally use C# is great.

#1948 Power Converter? What are those things called?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 08 September 2010 - 05:31 PM in General Discussion

Your basically looking at lab power supplies. Just saying "power supply" can be quite generic.

For hobby use, pretty much anything from a reputable dealer will work. If you need a super basic 3.3V - 5V linear regulator board: http://www.sparkfun....products_id=114

I have one of those I use for very small quick and dirty stuff.

I have one of those from SparkFun... just haven't put it together yet... :)

#1963 Power Converter? What are those things called?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 08 September 2010 - 08:31 PM in General Discussion

Yeah, it's a fun little kit if you want a quick time killer. Took me about 10 minutes to put it together. That includes warming the iron up ;-)

My soldering skills aren't that good yet... so I've been hesitant to "practice" on this item.. :)

#1982 Power Converter? What are those things called?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 09 September 2010 - 03:14 AM in General Discussion

This is a great item to practice on! Plenty of different styles of components and nothing is extremely heat sensitive.

If you are still weary, get a proto board and a bunch of headers, then just go down the line soldering.

I think one of the most beginner mistakes I see are people who remove the iron right after they melt the solder. Don't do that! hold the iron on the joint for a second to let the solder flow before pulling it off.

I bought one of those "learn to solder" kits from SparkFun too. Or maybe from MakerShed... can't remember which. I've desoldered many components from old boards... and done some basic stuff... just minimal on a circuit board before.

I'm a software guy, who likes to dabble in hardware... which is why I like the netduino so much... so easy to program!

#1983 Netduino Course Materials?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 09 September 2010 - 03:16 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Cool video. Great job again, Harford Hackerspace team... I really enjoyed the class too.

BTW, I showed the cube we made at MakerFaire Rhode Island--lots of people loved the blinking cube lights.


I'm planning on a doing a mini-intro to the Netduino for our local .NET user group here in the Bangor Maine area. Probably for October... :)

#2011 Flat, light buttons

Posted by Eric Burdo on 09 September 2010 - 12:28 PM in General Discussion

Sometimes they are referred to as "momentary contact switches". I think if you contact places like and (and probably you can check out their online/offline catalogs. Being that flat... you might get stuck with a surface mount... which is harder soldering.

#2012 Netduino Course Materials?

Posted by Eric Burdo on 09 September 2010 - 12:36 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Pretty awesome! Can you take photos or at least post about it online when it happens?


Sure... I'll see what I can do. We might possible be videoing it... it's something we are looking into.

#2107 User Rights Needed ??

Posted by Eric Burdo on 10 September 2010 - 08:39 PM in General Discussion

Running Windows XP (SP3).. We have a student that needs to use the program.. His account is a standard User account.. The teacher has a administrator account on the machine>> It runs fine with her account but not his... My Question is what folders/rights need to be changed for the "standard" user account in XP.. Below is her email to me.. Thanks in advance

We downloaded and installed the Netduino Development requirements ( for Omar's AT project.
When you open Visual C# 2010 click on new project and select the .NET Micro Framework it should have "Netduino Application" as an option on the right. When logged into my teacher account it works but when he tries it on his account it doesn't show that option. Is there anyway to get around this?

I don't have a solution... but I do have a similar problem.

For whatever reason, when I installed the Netduino bits... they installed the templates and such to my USB drive.

So... if I have my USB drive connected, I can do the Netduino Application projects... if I don't, the Netduino stuff doesn't show up.

You might be able to find where the Netduino template installed, and either give the student rights to that, or move it so he can see it?

#2108 I need some enlightment - AREF = ???

Posted by Eric Burdo on 10 September 2010 - 08:50 PM in General Discussion

I'm playing with some breadboarding projects.

(some history of them for fun)

I bought a Experimenters Kit from HiTechnic awhile ago. It lets you connect a LEGO NXT to a breadboard.

So, now I'm redoing those same projects, but using the Netduino instead. Rather fun, since I have my circuits and components all laid out... I just need to learn the Netduino side.

So... one of the projects has a potentiometer that you use to control a bank of LEDs. Depending the value, one of 6 LED's turn on.

At first, the pot reading was all over the place. When turned all the way down, it read from 0 to 1023. In the loop, it kept bouncing. When you turn it up the slightest bit, it reads 1023 all the time.

So I came to the forum to figure out what I was doing wrong. First thing I did, was a search on "analog"... and I found a post talking about the AREF needing to be connected to 3.3v

Ahhh... thanks so much. Wiring the 3.3V header to the AREF header works. I still have so much to learn about hardware. Thanks for the lesson!

I did that, and now it works fine.

My question is... what is AREF, and why does it need to be connected to 3.3v. And in what cases do I need to connect that?

#2116 User Rights Needed ??

Posted by Eric Burdo on 11 September 2010 - 04:14 AM in General Discussion

thanks - I doubt there was a USB drive attached when it was installed but i will check next week..Do you happen to know where most/all of the application is installed at in a default install ?? (ie program files ...)

Could also be that the Netduino installer goes into a folder that the regular user account can't see... But I don't know where.. :(

#2149 I need some enlightment - AREF = ???

Posted by Eric Burdo on 12 September 2010 - 02:42 AM in General Discussion

Thanks everyone! That gets me going in the right direction. I'm a software guy... so I'm learning all the hardware as I go. :)

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