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#3779 LCD Library

Posted by Szymon on 11 October 2010 - 07:13 PM in Project Showcase

Secondly the Fritzing wiring diagram on Szymon's blog page is slightly incorrect w.r.t. the SPI port:

SHCP = PIN 13 (not 12)
DS = PIN 11

Thanks for spoting this. In earlier version I sent data to shift register all in managed code, but later I switched to hardware SPI and thus had to move clock input pin to SPCK (pin 13).

Edit: I have updated the diagram in the blog post.

#3843 LCD Library

Posted by Szymon on 13 October 2010 - 03:02 PM in Project Showcase

Edit: The strange things appearing seems to be intermittent, it happened when I first turned it on this morning. Here is a picture...

Looking at the photo I can't see exactly how you connected wires to the LCD. Did you solder them directly or added header pins?

In any case make sure they are connected firmly. If any of the wires gets disconnected the LCD can't interpret the commands and thus you might get the garbage flickering on screen as you are seeing now.

#2584 LCD Library

Posted by Szymon on 21 September 2010 - 08:21 PM in Project Showcase

Hi, I have finally published the library on CodePlex. You can grab it here Basically the same code as previously published on my blog, just with few renames. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on what can be improved.

#1886 LCD Library

Posted by Szymon on 07 September 2010 - 06:05 AM in Project Showcase

I'm glad that some of you found my library useful, and posted about your results: http://forums.netdui...-seeeduino-lcd/ I was thinking to put it on CodePlex so that we can keep a better track of all code changes and extensions. What do you think? Should I keep the name MicroLiquidCrystal for the project?

#1783 LCD Library

Posted by Szymon on 05 September 2010 - 07:46 PM in Project Showcase

Or just cheat and get a SerLCD from Sparkfun. ;-)

Meh, that would be no fun. Besides I didn't wanted to wait for the order ;-)

#1216 Netduino Fritzing part

Posted by Szymon on 24 August 2010 - 10:56 AM in General Discussion

I have update schematics on my blog. It looks great! Thanks for great work. http://geekswithblog...nking_leds.aspx

#1399 Best Hobby Oscilloscope

Posted by Szymon on 27 August 2010 - 05:36 AM in General Discussion

If you can afford it, I suggest the Rigol DS1052E. It has the bandwidth and sampling rate needed for most microcontroller project.

There was some hack to double the sampling rate to 100Mhz (but it no longer works with new firmware)

I found it on

But what you think about this one?

If you are just going to look at digital signals, you can consider USB logic analyzer. There are a few companies that makes them.

I was thinking to buy this one Is it good enough?

#2008 OneWire ALPHA

Posted by Szymon on 09 September 2010 - 09:19 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Does anybody from those who downloaded the firmware and possibly tried it have any feedback? How should I interpret the silence, with regard to initial eager requests? Please let me know whether it works or not with your device, so I can fix possible problems and publish the code. Thanks in advance.

Hi CW2,
I finally got to look at this. I uploaded your firmware and tested with one DS18B20 sensor. I'm happy to report that it works fine with your demo app :-)

Did you managed to implement the search function? I think this is the only important thing missing from the native code. I compare it to arduino version

The Skip and Select methods can be implemented in managed code because it only sends a command with WriteByte. We can also compute the Crc.

I can send you my version of Micro DallasTemperature library if you want to test it.

Edit: Oh, and I would definitively move the managed OneWire class to another assembly (at least until it makes to official firmware). Having two versions of the same assembly totally messed my project references.

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