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There have been 8 items by MaYHeM (Search limited from 18-June 23)

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#37812 Out of Memory - Debug.GC(true) says I'm not?!

Posted by MaYHeM on 22 October 2012 - 10:18 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I'm having a problem, where in the Netduino begins first with failed allocations, culminating to out of memory exceptions.
However, I'm checking Debug.GC(true) before each request/response and it reports between 14k-7k.

The Netduino accepts a socket connection and parses the request.
The request contains arguments of duration and recurrence.

psuedo code
int x = 0
Sleep [duration]
Sleep [duration]

}while x < recurrence

With each toggle of the LED, the Netduino connects to a socket and sends a small string indicating the LED status has changed.

After a short interval of toggling the LED and sending the status, the Netduino begins to run out of memory. It is however reporting that it still has memory to work with.

Any ideas?
1.) Why is it running out of memory
2.) Why does it report runtime memory remains yet throws out of memory exceptions

#37888 Out of Memory - Debug.GC(true) says I'm not?!

Posted by MaYHeM on 23 October 2012 - 10:27 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Thanks to both of you for your responses.
I am using 4.2 yes.

I will attempt to isolate the behavior and post it in a zip this weekend.
I suspect that you are correct about the socket handle. I am sending a whole lot of rapid streams over a socket.

I'd also note, that once this occurs, I have to clear the Netduino (hold button and boot), then recycle one more time, before I can deploy again and attach the debugger. I sometimes have to do this several times before it will run the Program. It sticks "The debugging target runtime is loading the application assemblies and starting execution.

#37894 Out of Memory - Debug.GC(true) says I'm not?!

Posted by MaYHeM on 24 October 2012 - 12:15 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

It must have been as Chris described. I was using a Queue collection. Each request would generate a response object which was placed in the queue to be sent over the socket. It would be dequeued and sent. The queue was monitored with a while loop on it's own thread. Apparently the Queue Collection and the short lived queued objects where the culprit. Instead I decided to wrap the send logic in a lock. No more queue, no more object to hold the request, no more out of memory problems. The reported available memory is now doubled. Not only that, but the logic is far more responsive. I'm new to the gadget world. Managing memory this closely has never been a concern. I'm learning to be thrifty. Thanks for your help.

#38667 DPWS Substitute

Posted by MaYHeM on 07 November 2012 - 01:54 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Ultimately, I wish to have two Netduino Plus that communicate to each other with Streams over Sockets and both also communicate with a Desktop application in the same manner. What I'm struggling with is discovery. I would like the Netdiunos and the Desktop app to be able to find each other on the network without manual configuration of IP addresses at runtime. Any suggestion on how I could achieve that?

#38761 DPWS Substitute

Posted by MaYHeM on 08 November 2012 - 04:56 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Thanks for the ideas.

#40336 Windows 8

Posted by MaYHeM on 27 November 2012 - 09:43 PM in General Discussion

I say "decent" because it's clearly *less* stable than VS2010, especially when working with XAML sources. Often the IDE hangs, and you must close a service via Task Manager.

Nonsense. I now use VS2012 almost exclusively where possible. The stability and performance is leaps and bounds over 2010.
2010 Designer would hang on XAML plenty, it's the toolbox. I suggest if patience was applied the toolbox would complete it's load after a few minutes, with no need to kill the process. I also suggest that it would be worthwhile effort to investigate your currently installed extensions to ensure one of them is not the culprit.

The only thing holding me back going 100% VS2012 in my personal work, is .NET MF with Netduino.

Any further word on that SDK for 4.3 beta? Perhaps I should ask in the 4.3beta thread. ;)

#40362 Windows 8

Posted by MaYHeM on 28 November 2012 - 01:00 PM in General Discussion

I do not doubt you've experienced what you say. What I'm driving at is the claim 2012 is less stable than 2010 is inaccurate. 2010 experiences similar issues and many many more.

#40381 Windows 8

Posted by MaYHeM on 28 November 2012 - 05:30 PM in General Discussion

We'll just have to disagree. 2010 has many bugs, as does any application of the size and scope of Visual Studio. One such bug includes similar behavior to what you have reported experiencing in VS2012 (which btw is the toolbox and designer, regardless of the fact you are writing raw XAML, the designer still updates in the background). However, 2012 includes many bug *fixes*, resolving open issues within 2010. Enjoy the rest of your week!

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