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#47933 Current state of the Go

Posted by fradav on 02 April 2013 - 05:59 PM in Netduino Go



I understand perfectly your timeline and the way you put it and I'm not worried about it. GoBus 1.5/2.0 will be an absolute killer, and will have a major impact in MCU world, IF it comes out to fruition.


What I am worried is more about mid and long term future of the project. The GoBus project, and whatever is related to it (hardware, firmware, maintenance and updates and so on), is an ambitious one. Such project usually siphons a lot of human resources for a while, and if insufficiently funded, it could lead to two possibilities :


- cancelation


- switching business model from "free" open sources to closed (or charged access to) sources (ala Premium Library from GHI), I'm pretty sure it is even viable from an economical point of view, the need for GoBus features could alone exceeds the need of free sources in many cases.


What is your stand on this? How many people are working on GoBus enabled STM32 firmware for example ?



#48060 Netduino Go Ethernet

Posted by fradav on 05 April 2013 - 06:54 AM in Netduino Go

Fradav you are a new member and you really don't know how eager we are :lol:

You're taking forum member subscription date a llittle too seriously for such a deduction. I've played with a netduino plus since two years, and I got a NGo + SB since their avalaibility. I didn't have anything to say in netduino's forums, until now. I can easily imagine how "eager" are people, as I awaited myself the completion of the platform. Recently I got three ongoing netmf based projects (interactive artistry) and I hoped to use NGo ecosystem. But I accepted that it wouldn't be ready in my timeline so I found myself buying a lot of gadgeteer stuff with GHI's cerberus mainboards (they got exactly the same cpu than NP2 and NGo). Of course, it is still a long shot from the Gobus virtualized IO and its neat features; but it is as close I could find to the Ngo ecosystem. I take comfort in the fact most of the modules I bought will be compatible with the gadgeteer-go bridge. I would gladly switch to Ngo for real if it matures enough for my future projects. Regards, -- PS : my opinion about GHI's stuff ? They're good and support is awesome. BUT, there is a but, I find that their "low priced" (cerberus and cerb-family) mainboards are a little neglected from a software quality point of view, implicitly encouraging their customers to switch to their much priced/speced options, something I do not appreciate at all.

#48014 Netduino Go Ethernet

Posted by fradav on 04 April 2013 - 12:45 PM in Netduino Go

Could I suggest to all people "eagerly" awaiting module X or Y release to carefully read chris's answer about the timeline there :http://forums.netdui...the-go/?p=47809


In short, original protocol design from gobus 1.0 snowballed in a much more ambitious 1.5, even 2.0, packed with a load of features. The main side-effect (and it was understanbly an inpredictable one) is that it stretched the timeline from the "the soon-to-be-released next month" to the "next-year" scale (notwithstanding the temporary focus shift to Netduino 2 boards).


So, there is no point in asking for ETA or lamenting delays. Let's Secret Labs handle this themselves (and who do you think is the most negatively impacted by this postponing business ?)



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