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#31721 If you were to get two netduinos to talk to each other, what would you use?

Posted by skyjumper on 08 July 2012 - 04:16 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Is it too late to say AYE to SPI slave mode? For what its worth, I think an Arduino, Netduino or anything similar is much more useful if it can act as an I2C or SPI slave device. As someone pointed out, UARTs are a limited and precious resource, while I2C and SPI are much better for collecting data from sensors.

#31687 Netduino speed vs native 48Mhz Atmel code

Posted by skyjumper on 07 July 2012 - 02:38 AM in General Discussion

Along these lines, although maybe a bit off topic, I am wondering if the NetDuino can be programmed with AVR Studio?

#31769 Netduino speed vs native 48Mhz Atmel code

Posted by skyjumper on 09 July 2012 - 05:22 PM in General Discussion

Netduino does not expose the JTAG pins of the CPU but as you can upload new firmware via serial, it would surprise me if you cannot do this via AVR, especially since AVR is an Atmel development tool.

Found this howto on programming using AVR and serial programmers are mentioned but could be they are merely serial interfaces for JTAG headers:

If I'm not mistaken Secret Labs used/use AVR when porting tinyCLR.

See also this thread discussing toolchains for native programming of the Netduino:

Thanks very much! That thread is very interesting. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is overwhelmed by all this ARM stuff.

AVR Studio 6 seems to support Atmel's Mega, XMega and Cortex M offerings. That last part I'm not so sure about, "Cortex M." I think that means the SAM7x is not supported since its not listed. Back to Wikipedia I guess... I gotta learn more about the ARM variations.

#32084 Netduino speed vs native 48Mhz Atmel code

Posted by skyjumper on 17 July 2012 - 01:44 AM in General Discussion

In my own tests a while ago, I determined that the C# code runs roughly 100 to 1000 TIMES slower than the equivalent C++ code. The bottom line is that it is very slow but you get an excellent development environment and a managed language that makes coding up complex tasks much easier and faster, as long as you don't need super fast execution.

Not sure whether that helps or not.

I guess I could always throw more hardware at it! What's nice about .NET is the threading. It would be very easy to code up my custom web server. If I want to do this as native I probably need a threaded RTOS.

#31685 I2C communication with GainSpan GS1011

Posted by skyjumper on 07 July 2012 - 02:20 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I'm a big fan of I2C, maybe I can persuade you to try again. Your problem is probably in your code. Its difficult to debug I2C when you don't know what's actually being sent on the bus. If you get a logic analyzer, you'll be able to see what you're actually sending on the bus and what the slave is returning. Another option is SPI, which the GainSpan module supports and which is also a great option. You can use a logic analyzer for this as well. I'm planning to do exactly the same thing you're doing. But I have no option to use a UART, so I'll be digging in soon.

#32094 Netduino Plus / AT91SAM7X-EK compatibility

Posted by skyjumper on 17 July 2012 - 07:16 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Good evening, can you please tell me how you did to configure NUT/OS to be compatible with netduino.

Best Regards,

I would love to know this as well. I know its an old thread, but I just figured I would bump it ;-)

#31683 40% discount on Netduino Plus e-book (O'Reilly / MAKE)

Posted by skyjumper on 07 July 2012 - 02:07 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I just bought the ebook for my Nook, and the discount code still works, thanks!

#31393 Analog Pins Without SecretLabs Library

Posted by skyjumper on 01 July 2012 - 02:29 AM in General Discussion

Chris, is there a road map for NET MF 4.2 and 4.3?

#31240 Very basic questions...

Posted by skyjumper on 27 June 2012 - 05:08 AM in General Discussion

Hi All... I have done a lot with Arduino, and I have many years experience with CC/C++, Java and other language development. But, I have no experience with .NET. In Arduino, everything is done with libraries. There is no RTOS of any type. Is it correct that with Netduino there is also no OS? Also, does the .NET framework provide libraries or APIs for things like SPI, I2C, Serial/UART, EEPROM access and so on? Or do I need to find various libraries for these features? Finally, what's the difference between Netduino, Plus and Go? I see the Plus has enet and an SD card socket. But what's the Go? Thanks very much...

#31257 Very basic questions...

Posted by skyjumper on 27 June 2012 - 04:31 PM in General Discussion

Hi Mark, that was a great help, thank you! I have been doing more reading. Too bad there is not a board with the same form factor as the Plus but with the higher end uC of the Go. But perhaps I can build one. If I write an app like a web server and other custom code and run it on say a Netduino Plus, should I then expect that it would run on the Go, or the FEZ Panda? It seems that .NET abstracts hardware differences, but I don't know if the higher level APIs change. For example, if I write code to use ethernet ont he Plus can it easily be ported to run on another board with a ethernet module? Also, I am a bit concerned about performance. I realize the Plus has a 45MHz clock and an ARM7 uC, but the code is interpreted. How does performance running.NET compare to bare metal like an Arduino? Thanks again...

#31711 SPI Slave

Posted by skyjumper on 07 July 2012 - 08:02 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

The biggest reason that .NET MF probably doesn't have support for SPI Slave natively is that most SPI slaves seem to need to respond to an incoming request within the same SPI transaction and typically within 1 SPI clock cycle...and .NET MF is not real time. If you're just wanting to send data to the Netduino, that should totally be possible.

Chris, about the real time constraint, is it possible to write an ISR to handle the incoming data from SPI? Your earlier note seems to imply that the code would have to poll the SPI registers for incoming data. I'm okay with code and micro processors, but I know nothing at all about .NET.

#28332 Porting Arduino code to Netduino

Posted by skyjumper on 30 April 2012 - 09:57 AM in General Discussion

Hi All... I just ran across this project and its very, very cool! I have an "Arduino" project running on a custom board with a 1284p processor. I'm about at the limit of what I can make it do and am looking to move it to a 32 bit platform. I noticed that Netduino uses a 32 bit Atmel processor. I googled on this, but no luck... Is there any reason the AVR-GCC toolchain could not be used to target this processor, thereby enabling Arduino code to compile and run on this processor? People here have said that the "Arduino language" is a simple C or something to that effect, but in fact its a full implementation of C++. And while C++ can be ported to C#, given the libraries I used (I2C, A serial communications library, an SD FAT card library) it seems like that would be quite a bit of work... Of course there would need to be changes related to 8 bit vs 32 bit and such, but if AVG-GCC could target this processor, wouldn't that be easier?

#31390 Netduino as I2C slave?

Posted by skyjumper on 01 July 2012 - 02:14 AM in General Discussion

Hi All... I was reading the data sheet for the uC used on the Netduino and I saw that it has 1 I2C port, and the data sheet says it is master only. Does that mean that it is not possible to use a Netduino as an I2C slave device? If it is possible, how is it done? Thanks...

#31395 Netduino as I2C slave?

Posted by skyjumper on 01 July 2012 - 03:23 AM in General Discussion

Never mind, someone showed me the post that said it can not be an I2C slave, and can only be an SPI slave with difficulty. http://forums.netdui...3145#entry13145

#31239 Embedded web server hardware

Posted by skyjumper on 27 June 2012 - 04:58 AM in Project Showcase

Hi All... I am investigating how to do a project that seems very similar to what is being built here: http://forums.netdui...ost&f=15&t=3649 I need to build a circuit that will accept data from a host system via I2C/TWI, then publish it with a web server via wifi and blue tooth. Clients are cell phones and tablets. The web site must be AJAX capable, ideally compatible with M-GWT or a similar toolkit. I was originally thinking of doing this based on Atmel UC3, perhaps with FreeRTOS, but it seems I could use the Netduino board design as a good starting point and have a nice powerful ARM uC. I would then add a wifi module and a bluetooth module, and perhaps some SPI accessible flash to hold the web content. Does this seem to make sense?

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