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Riaan Mastenbroek's Content

There have been 19 items by Riaan Mastenbroek (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#63220 Set Network settings during runtime?

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 24 June 2015 - 08:17 AM in Netduino 3



Just to catch up on this - I tried to follow all the posts but I am not sure where this actually ended with all the pi stuff at the end. When will the firmware update be out to include the feature of setting the wifi settings in code.


If I am completely missing the point let me know, but as far as what I can gather here it is possible and the code is currently in testing (github) before added to the next firmware release right?



#62664 System.Exception when I now run my code after upgrade to 4.3

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 14 May 2015 - 06:30 AM in Netduino 3



I think I might know what is going on. My SDK installed on my PC seems like v 4.1 as per the deployment:




Found debugger!
Found debugger!
Create TS.
 Loading start at 8065cf4, end 808ce94
Assembly: mscorlib (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Native (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Net (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security (
Assembly: System (
Assembly: System.Net.Security (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.SerialPort (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.IO (
Assembly: System.IO (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.PWM (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.Usb (
Assembly: Netduino.IP (
Assembly: Netduino.IP.Interop (
Assembly: Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100 (
Assembly: SecretLabs.NETMF.Diagnostics (
Assembly: GoBus (
Assembly: SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.OneWire (
Loading Deployment Assemblies.
Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: NetduinoApplication2 (
Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: SecretLabs.NETMF.IO (
Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: NetDuino.Domain (
Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware (
The debugging target runtime is loading the application assemblies and starting execution.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\mscorlib.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Native.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Net.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\System.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\System.Net.Security.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.SerialPort.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.IO.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\System.IO.dll', Symbols loaded.
 Invalid address 0 and range 40 Ram Start 20000000, Ram end 20030000
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.PWM.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.Usb.dll', Symbols loaded.
 Invalid address 1000fbb4 and range 4 Ram Start 20000000, Ram end 20030000
 Invalid address 0 and range 40 Ram Start 20000000, Ram end 20030000
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'Netduino.IP'
 Invalid address 1000fbb4 and range 4 Ram Start 20000000, Ram end 20030000
 Invalid address 0 and range 40 Ram Start 20000000, Ram end 20030000
 Invalid address 1000fbb4 and range 4 Ram Start 20000000, Ram end 20030000
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'Netduino.IP.Interop'
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100'
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Secret Labs\Netduino SDK\Assemblies\v4.3\le\SecretLabs.NETMF.Diagnostics.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Secret Labs\Netduino SDK\Assemblies\v4.3\le\GoBus.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Secret Labs\Netduino SDK\Assemblies\v4.3\le\SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.3\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.OneWire.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\_Dev\LiquidataFlow\trunk\Src\NetDuino\NetDuino.Domain\bin\Debug\le\NetDuino.Domain.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'D:\Temp\NetduinoApplication2\NetduinoApplication2\bin\Debug\le\NetduinoApplication2.exe', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Secret Labs\Netduino SDK\Assemblies\v4.3\le\SecretLabs.NETMF.IO.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.12.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Secret Labs\Netduino SDK\Assemblies\v4.3\le\SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.dll', Symbols loaded.
The thread '<No Name>' (0x2) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
A first chance exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll
The program '[13] Micro Framework application: Managed' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
But my device has this on:
Connecting to Netduino3_Netduino...Connected
HalSystemInfo.halVendorInfo:            Netduino 3 Wi-Fi (v4.3.2.1) by Secret Labs LLC
HalSystemInfo.oemCode:                  34
HalSystemInfo.modelCode:                177
HalSystemInfo.skuCode:                  4105
HalSystemInfo.moduleSerialNumber:       00000000000000000000000000000000
HalSystemInfo.systemSerialNumber:       0000000000000000
ClrInfo.clrVendorInfo:                  Netduino 3 Wi-Fi (v4.3.2.1) by Secret Labs LLC
SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVendorInfo: Netduino 3 Wi-Fi (v4.3.2.1) by Secret Labs LLC
SoftwareVersion.BuildDate:              May  8 2015
SoftwareVersion.CompilerVersion:        410894
FloatingPoint:                          True
SourceLevelDebugging:                   True
ThreadCreateEx:                         True
LCD.Width:                              0
LCD.Height:                             0
LCD.BitsPerPixel:                       0
AppDomains:                             True
ExceptionFilters:                       True
IncrementalDeployment:                  True
SoftReboot:                             False
Profiling:                              False
ProfilingAllocations:                   False
ProfilingCalls:                         False
IsUnknown:                              False
I uninstalled everything and then followed the download links and updated my Firmware using the tool to update.
Seems like this error occur at a fixed time interval and must be some background thread. I have only been developing for around 2 please tell me if I am doing something wrong here.
One more thing....I did exactly the same the the netduino plus 2 (upgrading) but it runs fine. Very Weird....

#62649 System.Exception when I now run my code after upgrade to 4.3

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 13 May 2015 - 10:29 PM in Netduino 3



When I run my code that worked fine in 4.2 on my Netduino Plus 2 I now get this error on my Netduino 3 :


A first chance exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll. When I continue I get this error:


An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100


It seems like this error happens in the Main method after approx 200-500 ms.


Any Ideas....I would hate to revert back.





#62685 System.Exception when I now run my code after upgrade to 4.3

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 14 May 2015 - 07:20 PM in Netduino 3



I found the place where the error happens but I dont now why it is happening. This is what i did:


1.) I have a Modem class that implements singleton pattern using static constructor. I changed it to a normal class


2.) Now the line where the error occurs became apparent and the system constantly gave the hardware error on the following line:


It seems like the static class is initialized at startup and that is why the error is thrown at startup which made it very difficult to find. Making it a normal class the instance is created later and one can see the error line :)


public OutputPort ShieldPower = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)0x012, false);


This line is used to power up my GPRS Shield V2


3.) I removed the declaration and power up routine and then it works 100%


What is strange is that the code worked on Netduino Plus 2 and not on Netduino 3 with exactly the same firmware on both.


Any ideas?



#62696 System.Exception when I now run my code after upgrade to 4.3

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 15 May 2015 - 08:19 AM in Netduino 3

Hi Chris,


Makes sense, I do not have any need to power the board up/down so I will remove that part of my code - I thought that it was a necessity to do... Thanks for all the help and support!!! We can close this issue.


Again, great product!!!



#62669 System.Exception when I now run my code after upgrade to 4.3

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 14 May 2015 - 08:02 AM in Netduino 3

Hi Chris,


Looking at this, indeed! I have a singleton class and it seems like the error happens when I have a singleton (static constructor) used. Just running a normal application seems fine until I add that code. It works in met Netduino 2 though.



I can only confirm this tonight - I am at work currently and the netduino project is a part time project in my spare time.


Just like to say though, I really really really LOVE this product. Where I previously had to run a pc and connect to moxa GSM devices which is expensive and really over designed for what I want to do I can now simply use my netduino and do everything in one little box.



#62673 System.Exception when I now run my code after upgrade to 4.3

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 14 May 2015 - 08:25 AM in Netduino 3

Hi Chris,


I will do that tonight but what I could see last night was that the exception seems to be thrown in when the debugger starts (in the trace above) and then it brings that popup box during execution of code - but it happens in the code at various places. If I put a breakpoint at the beginning it happens at the breakpoint but when I put a breakpoint later in the code it happens there. That being said, if I put the breakpoint too late then I dont catch the exception and get the popup thrown - what leads met to believe it is a timing issue - it wil run the code up to a point in time then break, adding a breakpoint earlier just gives an exception earlier because time is used to break...if that makes sense. So I can get this in the first line of code or the 50th but up to eg the 70th it will never pass that if I remove all break points.


I could not step into the exception though - it seems like it happens in the c++ unmanaged code.


I will remove my singleton instance and test again tonight to confirm though.



#63068 Watchdog

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 07 June 2015 - 06:21 AM in Netduino 3



Thanks for that. I also found this module - Have you used it / seen it before?





#63219 Watchdog

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 24 June 2015 - 08:04 AM in Netduino 3



I looked at ordering but sitting in South Africa :( this is an expensive option for now. I looked at this thread:


Is there no way I can get the watchdog chip that is on the netduino to work? My netduino's will be running on a farm in a silo and difficult to come by - so I must somehow ensure it keeps running.


During testing it ran for 6 days straight but this morning I had to manually hit the reset button and then it worked again.


This is my last hurdle and I am stuck. Any help please...




#63055 Watchdog

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 05 June 2015 - 07:00 AM in Netduino 3



I have a strange problem when running my Netduino. For some reason it seems like a thread to read smsses from my GPRS shield just hangs the board at any interval. It might run 2 hours or 30 mins but then it seems like all the threads just stops.


I have read some posts on watchdogs and more specifically the hardware watchdog.


Are there any available in the market to buy or what would you recommend. I would not like to put this at a client and have to reset the device every now and then.



#63069 GPRS Shield V2 Power Down

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 07 June 2015 - 06:44 AM in Netduino 3



I have a GPRS Shield V2 and need some assistance with the power down - perhaps someone can help. For some reason the GPRS Shield freezes and I want to power it down and up again. 


Here is what I did:


1. ) If I push the reset button on the netduino it does not reset the GPRS Shield.

2.) I soldered the JP pads on the GPRS Shield together in order to allow me to power up / down via Pin 9

3.) I add the following code to my project:


var gprsPwr = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D9, false);
4.) Nothing happens when the code executes?
5.) When I push Reset on the GPRS shield using the push button - nothing happens and the shield does not seem to power down?
What am I doing wrong - Any Ideas?


#63218 GPRS Shield V2 Power Down

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 24 June 2015 - 07:45 AM in Netduino 3

Hi Chris,


I would like to park this for now. This only happened once and it might have been a power spike causing a brown out.



#63086 GPRS Shield V2 Power Down

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 09 June 2015 - 07:39 AM in Netduino 3

Hi Chris,


Here is the wiki page for the GPRS Shield that I get from Seeestudio. I could not find a schematic for it except for what is on that wiki page.





#62937 SerialPort BytesToRead only ever returns 256

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 27 May 2015 - 07:24 PM in Netduino 3



I am re-opening this post out of pure desperation. I am only getting back 256 bytes from either the GPRS or the SMS and cannot for the life of me get more bytes to stream. My data stream is incomplete and no matter what I try I only get back 256 bytes.


Any suggestions please??


I have tried the DataReceived event and I have done a ReadBytes...but both only give back NO MORE than 256.



#62943 SerialPort BytesToRead only ever returns 256

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 27 May 2015 - 09:32 PM in Netduino 3



After 4 days I figured that one has to send multiple AT+HTTPREAD requests to get the entire buffer.


The first HTTPREAD returns the full buffer length and then one has to loop to get the rest using AT+HTTPREAD=" + pos + "," + count; where pos is the last query and count typically 256 up until you read the entire buffers lenght each time adjusting the pos by +count.


Phew...this one had me running around! Getting there....



#62870 SerialPort BytesToRead only ever returns 256

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 25 May 2015 - 07:25 PM in Netduino 3



For some reason my serialport only ever returns no more than 256 bytes if I run this code after I did a write:


while (_modemConnection.BytesToRead > 0)
                    response += (char)_modemConnection.ReadByte();
                return response;
How can I get the next 256 and so on...I know there is way more to come and I can see only a part of the expected string.

#62872 SerialPort BytesToRead only ever returns 256

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 25 May 2015 - 08:38 PM in Netduino 3



Please just take note of this post for future reference. It seems like the Sim900 module of the GPRS Shield can only return up to 256 bytes. When you request to read all messages it will only return up to 256 you have to delete the messages read and get the next lot. And...the last message are usually incomplete.


The GPRS module returns correctly.

#64899 Support for Micro SD Card > 2 GB

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 19 February 2016 - 08:19 AM in General Discussion



I am having the same issues and I cannot get any more 2GB SD cards in south africa. The only 2GB's that I can get is very expensive and have to import many to secure an order.


I tried a 4 and 8 but it just does not read. What is the status of this issue, can anybody recommend a work around to perhaps get the 4 or 8 Gb working?


Please, I am desperate. My company is growing and I now have 15 units running in production at various places in SA. I now need to deploy an additional 10 and only have 7 cards left....


Just as a note or comment, I LOVE this little product and it is working really really well under adverse conditions such as high temperatures.



#62708 Cellular For Netduino 2 Plus

Posted by Riaan Mastenbroek on 15 May 2015 - 07:18 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)


I use the gprs shield V2. Here is the link

Also look at this thread.

Let me know if i can help with modem commands, i wrote a library that can sms and post and get.


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