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John Feeney's Content

There have been 5 items by John Feeney (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#50259 Netduino Plus 2 Firmware v4.3.0 (beta 1)

Posted by John Feeney on 04 June 2013 - 07:43 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Thanks JoopC for your reply.


I went ahead and redownloaded .Net MicroFramework 4.3 and Netduino 4.3


I found MFDeploy was a little stuborn ... get lots of "unsupported" and I chose different menu items. However, I did find that by hitting Device Info and then Device Capablities I was able to get it to display. It says that my version was


When I go into STDFUTester (v3.0.1) their are no devices showing.



1. On NetduinoPlus I hold down the pushbutton and plug usb into my computer

2. then I start STDFUTester

Nothing displays


I unplugged my NetduinoPlus and then replugged (with STDFUTester still running)....still nothing displays under devices


Can someone help with how to "Wake up my device" in STDFUTester?


Thanks, John

#50232 Netduino Plus 2 Firmware v4.3.0 (beta 1)

Posted by John Feeney on 04 June 2013 - 01:30 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Hi Chris, I have VS 2012 installed. I installed .Net Micro Framework 4.3 and Netudino Both of these installed ok.


I have an Original Netduino Plus. I don't remember upgrading my firmware before (possibility I did shortly after I got it but that would be a good 2 years ago).


When I go into .Net Micro Framework Deploy, it says that Target->Device Capabilities is not supported. However, in the listing of items that are displayed when I hit this menu item I believe that I have running .Net MF 4.1.2821.0 Build date Nov 7, 2010


When I go into STDFUTester my device is not displayed.


Do I need to go up to 4.2 before trying to go to 4.3?


Thanks, John

#36220 Trying to get VS2012 Pro working

Posted by John Feeney on 29 September 2012 - 01:15 AM in Visual Studio

Go into your VS2010 folder (by default My Documents\Visual Studio 2010) and then go into \Templates\ProjectTemplates\C# copy the "Micro Framework" directory to the same directory in your My Documents\Visual Studio 2012 directory.

You should be then good to go. :) I'm not 100% sure about the location of the VS2012 'My Documents' directory, since I haven't upgraded mine yet (work requirements) but it's extremely likely that VS2012 doesn't use the same templates directory as VS2010, so you'll have to copy them over manually.


Hi Coytti

If you look at my original questiona at the top .... that is what I did. I copied the templates from VS2010 to VS2012. So I can select the NetduinoPlus template. But when it goes to open then I get the error.

Either a registery issue or .Net Micro 4.1/4.2 want work with 2012.....I now think it is the latter of those two.


#36169 Trying to get VS2012 Pro working

Posted by John Feeney on 28 September 2012 - 02:02 PM in Visual Studio

So I guess the final answer is to leave VS 2010 installed and wait until later this year for Micro 4.3 and Netudino install update to be able to run on VS 2012. John

#36102 Trying to get VS2012 Pro working

Posted by John Feeney on 28 September 2012 - 02:35 AM in Visual Studio

I have VS2010 Professional and I have had the NetduinoPlus template working for some time. Today I installed VS2012 Professional without taking VS2010 off my computer (both are on my machine). When I first opened VS2012 there is no Micro Net Framework templates under the Visual C# New projects templates. I tried rerunning the NetduinoPlus sdk but nothing happeded. I then found that under MyDocuments there is a folder called Visaul Studio 2010 and another folder called Visual Studio 2012. A subfolder of these is another folder called templates. Inside Visual Studio 2010 templates was a folder called Micro Framework and had a NetduinoPlus template in it. I copied the folder from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2012. When I opened a new project in Visual Studio 2012 from the (copied) NetduinoPlus template I got the error message that is: The project file 'c:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\bcwvmcqi.3zi\Temp\NetduinoPlusApplication1.csproj' canot be opened. There is a missing project subtype. Subtype: '{b69e3092-b931-443c-abe7-7e7b65fa37f} is unsupported by this installation Can anyone help with how to install the NetduinoPlus templates into the Visual 2012 without having to take Visual Studio 2010 off my machine. Thanks John

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