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#5521 Serial Graphic Display from Sparkfun - set of classes

Posted by Marius on 30 November 2010 - 07:54 AM

I put together the classes to drive a Sparkfun serial garphic display - with a lot of help from this forum.

You use the WindowLibrary to gather a collection of windows type objects on a page. You can call up and display the pages at any time while you update the data contents of the fields in the background.

It is my first go at a C# project so it is not perfect but useable. Please comment and advise.

This class is to drive the Sparkfun with.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;
using System.IO.Ports;

namespace MC.Hardware.SerialGraphicLcd
    public sealed class SGLcd

        public enum DisplayType { H12864, H240320 } // will expand later

        public enum Status { On, Off }

        private readonly SerialPort _serialPort;

        private readonly DisplayType _displayType;

        public SGLcd(string portName)
            : this(portName, DisplayType.H12864)
        { }

        public SGLcd(string portName, DisplayType displayType)
            // Defaults for SerialPort are the same as the settings for the LCD, but I'll set them explicitly
            _serialPort = new SerialPort(portName, 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);

            _displayType = displayType;

        public void DemoDisplay()
            Write(new byte[] { 0x7C, 0x04 });

        public void ClearDisplay()
            Write(new byte[] { 0x7C, 0x00 });

        // Reverse Mode
        public void Reverse()
            Write(new byte[] { 0x7C, 0x12 });

        //Splash Screen
        public void SplashScreen()
            Write(new byte[] { 0x7C, 0x13 });

        //Set Backlight Duty Cycle
        public void BackLightDutyCycle(byte dutycycle)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[3];
            buffer[0] = 0x7c;
            buffer[1] = 0x02;
            buffer[2] = dutycycle;

        //Change Baud Rate
        “1” = 4800bps
        “2” = 9600bps
        “3” = 19,200bps
        “4” = 38,400bps
        “5” = 57,600bps
        “6” = 115,200bps
        public void NewBaudRate(string baud)
            byte[] temp = new byte[3];
            temp[0] = 0x7c;
            temp[1] = 0x07;
            temp[2] = (byte)baud[0];

        //Set X or Y Coordinates
        public void GotoXY(byte x, byte y)
            //set x first
            byte[] temp = new byte[3];
            temp[0] = 0x7c;
            temp[1] = 0x18;
            temp[2] = x;
            //set y
            temp[0] = 0x7c;
            temp[1] = 0x19;
            temp[2] = y;

        //Set/Reset Pixel - x =0 to xmax, y = 0 to ymax, state = 0 or 1
        public void SetPixel(byte x, byte y, byte state)
            byte[] temp = new byte[5];
            temp[0] = 0x7c;
            temp[1] = 0x10;
            temp[2] = x;
            temp[3] = y;
            temp[4] = state;

        //Draw Line x1 y1 first coords, x2 y2 second coords, state 0 = erase 1 = draw
        public void DrawLine(byte x1, byte y1, byte x2, byte y2, byte state)
            byte[] temp = new byte[7];
            temp[0] = 0x7c;
            temp[1] = 0x0c;
            temp[2] = x1;
            temp[3] = y1;
            temp[4] = x2;
            temp[5] = y2;
            temp[6] = state;

        //Draw Circle
        public void DrawCircle(byte x, byte y, byte r, byte state)
            byte[] temp = new byte[6];
            temp[0] = 0x7c;
            temp[1] = 0x03;
            temp[2] = x;
            temp[3] = y;
            temp[4] = r;
            temp[5] = state;

        //Draw Box
        public void DrawBox(byte x1, byte y1, byte x2, byte y2, byte state)
            byte[] temp = new byte[7];
            temp[0] = 0x7c;
            temp[1] = 0x0f;
            temp[2] = x1;
            temp[3] = y1;
            temp[4] = x2;
            temp[5] = y2;
            temp[6] = state;

        //Erase Block
        public void EraseBlock(byte x1, byte y1, byte x2, byte y2)
            byte[] temp = new byte[6];
            temp[0] = 0x7c;
            temp[1] = 0x05;
            temp[2] = x1;
            temp[3] = y1;
            temp[4] = x2;
            temp[5] = y2;



        public void Open()
            if (!_serialPort.IsOpen)

        public void Write(byte buffer)
            Write(new[] { buffer });

        public void Write(byte[] buffer)

            _serialPort.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

        public void Write(char character)

        public void Write(string text)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[text.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                buffer[i] = (byte)text[i];


        public void WriteXY(byte x, byte y, string text)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[text.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                buffer[i] = (byte)text[i];
            this.GotoXY(x, y);

And this one is used to create and use the screen objects on pages.

using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using MC.Hardware.SerialGraphicLcd;
using System.Collections;

namespace MC.Hardware.WindowLibrary
    public class Window
        private readonly ArrayList widgets = new ArrayList();
        private SGLcd lcd;

        public Window(SGLcd Lcd)
            lcd = Lcd;

        public void Add(Widget widget)

        public void Delete(string name)
            foreach (Widget widget in widgets)
                if (widget != null && widget.Name == name)

        public void DrawAll()
            this.ForEach(w => w.Draw(lcd));

        public Widget Search(string id)
            Widget wid = null;
            foreach (Widget widget in widgets)
                if (widget != null && widget.Name == id)
                    wid = widget;
            return (wid);

        public delegate void WidgetAction(Widget widget);

        public void ForEach(WidgetAction action)
            foreach (Widget widget in widgets)

    public abstract class Widget
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public byte X { get; set; }
        public byte Y { get; set; }
        public byte D { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }

        protected Widget(string name, byte x, byte y, byte d, byte state, string text)
            Name = name;
            X = x;
            Y = y;
            D = d;
            Text = text;

        public abstract void Draw(SGLcd lcd);

    public sealed class Circle : Widget
        public byte Radius { get; set; }

        public Circle(string name, byte x, byte y, byte radius, byte state, string text)
            : base(name, x, y, radius, state, text)
            Radius = radius;

        public override void Draw(SGLcd lcd)
            lcd.DrawCircle(X, Y, Radius, 1);

    public sealed class Rectangle : Widget
        public byte Width { get; set; }
        public byte Height { get; set; }

        public Rectangle(string name, byte x, byte y, byte width, byte height, string state)
            : base(name, x, y, width, height, state)
            Width = width;
            Height = height;

        public override void Draw(SGLcd lcd)
            lcd.DrawBox(X, Y, Width, Height, 1);

    public sealed class TextArea : Widget
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public TextArea(string name, byte x, byte y, byte d1, byte d2, string text)
            : base(name, x, y, d1, d2, text)
            Text = text;

        public override void Draw(SGLcd lcd)
            lcd.GotoXY(X, Y);


And this is some silly test code.
using System.Collections;
using MC.Hardware.WindowLibrary;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using MC.Hardware.SerialGraphicLcd;
using System.Threading;

namespace DisplayTest
    public class Program

         public static void Main()
            SGLcd Screen = new SGLcd("COM1", 0);
            var display = new Window(Screen);
            display.Add(new Circle("circle1", 10, 10, 10,1,"text"));
            display.Add(new Rectangle("rect1", 30, 40, 50, 60,"text"));
            display.Add(new TextArea("text", 22, 33,0,0, "hello World"));

            var pageOne = new Window(Screen);
            pageOne.Add(new TextArea("heading",10,10,0,0,"Page One"));

            var pageTwo = new Window(Screen);
            pageTwo.Add(new TextArea("heading", 10, 56, 0, 0, "Page TWO"));
             // Calling the display driver class directly to do some tricks
            Screen.WriteXY(1, 8, pageOne.Search("heading").Text.ToString());
            // retreiving some of the object information and using it to write some data from another object
            var p = display.Search("rect1");
            Screen.WriteXY(p.X , p.Y , pageOne.Search("heading").Text.ToString());

            //advanced section I: move every widget by (20,20)
            display.ForEach(w =>
                w.X += 5;
                w.Y += 5;
            //advanced section II: find all circles and double their radius
            display.ForEach(w =>
                var c = w as Circle;
                if (c != null && c.Name == "circle1")
                    c.Radius += 5;


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