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Member Since 08 Sep 2010
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#2082 BitConverter

Posted by Ravenheart on 10 September 2010 - 11:58 AM

I was in need of the BitConverter class in one of my projects, but alas NETMF does not have it :rolleyes: so here is my implementation, despite all references you CAN USE unsafe code in NETMF, just not the "fixed" keyword.
In order to use this open your project's Properties and tick the "Allow unsafe code" checkbox under the Build tab.

You are free to use the code in any type of project(commercial, open-source etc.), you can modify and distribute the code as you wish.

Note that using unsafe code is not documented, so even though it works fine under test conditions, we can't be sure just yet that it doesn't have side effects.

public static class BitConverter
        public static unsafe long DoubleToInt64Bits(double value)
            return *(((long*)&value));
        public static unsafe double Int64BitsToDouble(long value)
            return *(((double*)&value));

        public static byte[] GetBytes(bool value)
            return new byte[] { (value ? ((byte)1) : ((byte)0)) };
        public static byte[] GetBytes(char value)
            return new byte[2] { (byte)(value & 0xFF), (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF) };
        public static byte[] GetBytes(short value)
            return new byte[2] { (byte)(value & 0xFF), (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF) };
        public static byte[] GetBytes(ushort value)
            return new byte[2] { (byte)(value & 0xFF), (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF) };
        public static byte[] GetBytes(int value)
            return new byte[4] { 
                    (byte)(value & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF) };
        public static byte[] GetBytes(uint value)
            return new byte[4] { 
                    (byte)(value & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF) };
        public static byte[] GetBytes(long value)
            return new byte[8] { 
                    (byte)(value & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((value >> 32) & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((value >> 40) & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((value >> 48) & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((value >> 56) & 0xFF)};
        public static byte[] GetBytes(ulong value)
            return new byte[8] { 
                    (byte)(value & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF), 
                    (byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((value >> 32) & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((value >> 40) & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((value >> 48) & 0xFF),
                    (byte)((value >> 56) & 0xFF)};
        public static unsafe byte[] GetBytes(float value)
            int val =*((int*)&value);
            return GetBytes(val);
        public static unsafe byte[] GetBytes(double value)
            long val = *((long*)&value);
            return GetBytes(val);

        public static bool ToBoolean(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            return value[index] != 0;
        public static char ToChar(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            return (char)(value[0 + index] << 0 | value[1 + index] << 8);
        public static short ToInt16(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            return (short)(
                value[0 + index] << 0 |
                value[1 + index] << 8);
        public static int ToInt32(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            return (
                value[0 + index] << 0 |
                value[1 + index] << 8 |
                value[2 + index] << 16 |
                value[3 + index] << 24);
        public static long ToInt64(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            return (
                value[0 + index] << 0 |
                value[1 + index] << 8 |
                value[2 + index] << 16 |
                value[3 + index] << 24 |
                value[4 + index] << 32 |
                value[5 + index] << 40 |
                value[6 + index] << 48 |
                value[7 + index] << 56);
        public static ushort ToUInt16(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            return (ushort)(
                value[0 + index] << 0 |
                value[1 + index] << 8);
        public static uint ToUInt32(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            return (uint)(
                value[0 + index] << 0 |
                value[1 + index] << 8 |
                value[2 + index] << 16 |
                value[3 + index] << 24);
        public static ulong ToUInt64(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            return (ulong)(
                value[0 + index] << 0 |
                value[1 + index] << 8 |
                value[2 + index] << 16 |
                value[3 + index] << 24 |
                value[4 + index] << 32 |
                value[5 + index] << 40 |
                value[6 + index] << 48 |
                value[7 + index] << 56);

        public static unsafe float ToSingle(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            int i = ToInt32(value);
            return *(((float*)&i));
        public static unsafe double ToDouble(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            long l = ToInt64(value);
            return *(((double*)&l));

        public static string ToString(byte[] value, int index = 0)
            return ToString(value, index, value.Length - index);
        public static string ToString(byte[] value, int index, int length)
            char[] c = new char[length * 3];
            byte b;

            for (int y = 0, x = 0; y < length; ++y, ++x)
                b = (byte)(value[index + y] >> 4);
                c[x] = (char)(b > 9 ? b + 0x37 : b + 0x30);
                b = (byte)(value[index + y] & 0xF);
                c[++x] = (char)(b > 9 ? b + 0x37 : b + 0x30);
                c[++x] = '-';
            return new string(c, 0, c.Length - 1);

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