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Member Since 14 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2013 01:49 PM

Topics I've Started

P1 & S0 Port monitoring with Netduino Plus

03 November 2012 - 04:06 PM

Hello to All, As a member of the Tweaker forum club (I do the coffee for my father and my friend who do.....nothing) i want to inform you that there is quality software available on Codeplex for monitoring PV power and home boards. It is all in Beta status but I think (as student VB) from a high quality. Here is the link: Thank you and enjoy.

Converting Single to String with 2 decimals

17 October 2012 - 07:56 PM

Hello to all,
I have a litte problem and I have a workaround, but I am wondering howto solve this with Globalisation? I suppose?

Sub Main()

        Dim sngExampleA As Single = 1234.5678
        Dim sngExampleB As Single = 1234.5678

        'result 1234.56775    '

        'result 1,234.57      '

    End Sub

I want the 2 decimals but I do not want the comma in the result so 1234.57
But how program this in VB?
Thank you Ellen

Socket exception

04 October 2012 - 09:50 AM

Hello You all,
I have copy and paste a code snippet example of a N+ server and change it a bit for own use.

We use portForwarding in the router.

When I execute this code and use the browser with a intern address then the code works perfect.

But when I execute the code and use the browser with my extern ip address [IPADDRESS]:66777/ledon then I must 2 times enter the browser, the code will then execute but after I get a error exception in the code: Using socketConnection As Socket = socketServer.Accept()

When I change .Poll(-1, ... In .Poll(50000,... then it works perfect.

Now my question:
I do not know why I get an error and what's the difference between, Is there any difference in handling local and external calls?
Thank You Ellen.

Using socketServer = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)    
   socketServer.Bind(New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, intPort))

   While True

         Using socketConnection As Socket = socketServer.Accept()

            If socketConnection.Poll(-1, SelectMode.SelectRead) Then

memory Var with global scope

02 October 2012 - 07:16 AM

hello you all, How do I get a memory var so that I can "see" it everywhere in the program I want intThis_Var in class a and class b It's so basic but without the results i want. of course i have a workaround with a public function but example: imports ........ intTHIS_Var as integer = 0 sub main() ....prog code end sub class a end class class b end class

Bit shifting

09 September 2012 - 08:19 AM

How do I write this in VB, it's from a arduino site. In Arduino ReadByte &= ~(1 << 7); thank you, Ellen

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