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Member Since 14 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2013 07:03 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: A Tiny TinyCLR web server

08 April 2013 - 07:05 PM

In Topic: Noisy Netduino Plus Analogue inputs

04 July 2012 - 12:53 PM

Depends on viewpoints: if you mean "cool" as "nice", then I guess so.
Instead, if you mean "cool" as "fresh climate", unfortunately not: currently the climate is worse than a sauna.

LOL :) Cool as in fantastic global city

In Topic: Noisy Netduino Plus Analogue inputs

04 July 2012 - 12:03 PM

This could help:

Thank you Mario,

Venezia still cool? haven't been there for years

In Topic: Noisy Netduino Plus Analogue inputs

04 July 2012 - 09:50 AM

Ok so 1023 bits is nominally 3.3 volts? Opps :rolleyes: don't think its damaged the duino Actually thinking about it the pot does top out a long way before the end of its track. I need an oscilloscope are any of those USB scopes any good do you know?

In Topic: Quad.Net Quadrocopter for .NETMF

15 June 2012 - 01:15 AM

I too have a tricopter hovering with TinyCLR

Hover Test 1

public void DoStability()

                TimeSpan elapsedSpan = new TimeSpan((DateTime.Now.Ticks - LastTicks));
                LastTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;


                int[] ServerValue = Telemetery.ServerValues;

                TricopterSettings.LeftPivotDatum = ServerValue[1];
                TricopterSettings.RightPivotDatum = ServerValue[2];

                //Some debug stuff
                PitchPID.Pgain = ServerValue[4];
                RollPID.Pgain = ServerValue[5];
                YawPID.Pgain = ServerValue[6];

                X_PID.Pgain = ServerValue[9];
                Y_PID.Pgain = ServerValue[10];
                Z_PID.Pgain = ServerValue[11];

                int StationHold = ServerValue[12];

                //Set demands
                Throttle.ThrottleDemand = ((double)ServerValue[3] / 10.0);

                Throttle.PitchRate_degSec = 0;// (double)Telemetery.ServerValue(0);
                Throttle.RollRate_degSec = 0;
                Throttle.YawRate_degSec = 0;

                //X Y Z Rotate in yaw command rates
                int X_Transalate = 0;
                int Y_Transalate = 0;
                int Z_Transalate = 0;

                //Get the throttle demand in % and pitch,roll,yaw rates in deg/Sec
                int throttle = (int)(Throttle.ThrottleDemand * ((double)TricopterSettings.ThrottleScaler / 1000.0));

                //Get pich,roll,yaw rates requested
                int pitchrate = (int)(Throttle.PitchRate_degSec * ((double)TricopterSettings.PitchRateScaler / 1000.0));
                int rollrate = (int)(Throttle.RollRate_degSec * ((double)TricopterSettings.RollRateScaler / 1000.0));
                int yawrate = (int)(Throttle.YawRate_degSec * ((double)TricopterSettings.YawRateScaler / 1000.0));

                //Control PID enables
                if (Throttle.ThrottleDemand < (double)TricopterSettings.ThrottleMin)

                    Pitch_PID.Enable = false;
                    Roll_PID.Enable = false;
                    Yaw_PID.Enable = false;

                    X_PID.Enable = false;
                    Y_PID.Enable = false;
                    Z_PID.Enable = false;
                    Pitch_PID.Enable = true;
                    Roll_PID.Enable = true;
                    Yaw_PID.Enable = true;

                    X_PID.Enable = true;
                    Y_PID.Enable = true;
                    Z_PID.Enable = true;

                //X Y Z Accel sensors
                int X_Input = (Analog.AnIn(Analog.AN_IN.Accel_X) - m_X_AccelWOZ);
                int Y_Input = (Analog.AnIn(Analog.AN_IN.Accel_Y) - m_Y_AccelWOZ);
                int Z_Input = (Analog.AnIn(Analog.AN_IN.Accel_Z) - m_Z_AccelWOZ);

                //Do rolling average
                X_AccelAccumulator[c] = (Int16)X_Input;
                Y_AccelAccumulator[c] = (Int16)Y_Input;
                Z_AccelAccumulator[c] = (Int16)Z_Input;

                X_AccelMean = 0;
                Y_AccelMean = 0;
                Z_AccelMean = 0;

                const int NumPoints = 10;

                for (int i = 0; i < NumPoints; i++)
                    X_AccelMean += (int)X_AccelAccumulator[i];
                    Y_AccelMean += (int)Y_AccelAccumulator[i];
                    Z_AccelMean += (int)Z_AccelAccumulator[i];

                X_AccelMean /= NumPoints;
                Y_AccelMean /= NumPoints;
                Z_AccelMean /= NumPoints;

                if ((++c) > 50)
                    c = 0;

                //Get the Gyro inputs
                int Pitch_Input = (Analog.AnIn(Analog.AN_IN.Gyro_X) - m_PitchGyroWOZ);
                int Roll_Input = (Analog.AnIn(Analog.AN_IN.Gyro_Y) - m_RollGyroWOZ);
                int Yaw_Input = (Analog.AnIn(Analog.AN_IN.Gyro_Z) - m_YawGyroWOZ);

                //Calculate X Y Z rate PID inputs
                X_PID.Input = (X_Input - X_Transalate);// + X_AccelMean;
                Y_PID.Input = (Y_Input + Y_Transalate);// + Y_AccelMean;
                Z_PID.Input = (Z_Input + Z_Transalate);// + Z_AccelMean; 

                //Debug.Print("inputs X:" + X_Input.ToString() + " Y:" + Y_Input.ToString() + " Z:" + Z_Input.ToString());

                //Sync update the Accel PID's

                int x_AccelTrim = X_PID.Output;
                int y_AccelTrim = Y_PID.Output;
                int z_AccelTrim = Z_PID.Output;//Note Z not used currently

                //Debug.Print("Trims X:" + x_trim.ToString() + " Y:" + y_trim.ToString() + " Z:" + z_trim.ToString());

                //Calculate inputs for Rotation PID's
                Pitch_PID.Input = (Pitch_Input - pitchrate);
                Roll_PID.Input = (Roll_Input - rollrate);
                Yaw_PID.Input = (Yaw_Input - yawrate);

                //Sync update the Gyro PID's

                //Get the PID Outputs
                int pitch_trim = Pitch_PID.Output;
                int roll_trim = Roll_PID.Output;
                int yaw_trim = Yaw_PID.Output;

                //Debug.Print("P:" + pitch_trim.ToString() + " R:" + roll_trim.ToString() + " Y:" + yaw_trim.ToString());
                //Debug.Print("Trims X:" + x_trim.ToString() + " Y:" + y_trim.ToString() + " Z:" + z_trim.ToString());

                if ((c % 50) == 0)
                    Debug.Print("Tick " + elapsedSpan.Milliseconds.ToString());
                    Debug.Print("StationHold " + StationHold.ToString());
                    //Debug.Print("woz\t" + m_X_AccelWOZ.ToString() + "\t" + m_Y_AccelWOZ.ToString() + "\t" + m_Z_AccelWOZ.ToString());
                    Debug.Print("Gyro\t" + pitch_trim.ToString() + "\t" + roll_trim.ToString() + "\t" + yaw_trim.ToString());
                    Debug.Print("Accel\t" + x_AccelTrim.ToString() + "\t" + y_AccelTrim.ToString() + "\t" + z_AccelTrim.ToString());
                    //Debug.Print("Mean\t" + X_AccelMean.ToString() + "\t" + Y_AccelMean.ToString() + "\t" + Z_AccelMean.ToString());

                int RollBias = ServerValue[7];//Left Right Bias
                int PitchBias = ServerValue[0];//Pitch Bias                
                int YawBias = ServerValue[8];//Yaw Bias

                //Calculate the target speeds for the rotorsx_trim
                //Goes - then +
                int LeftRPM = throttle - roll_trim - RollBias + y_AccelTrim;
                int RightRPM = throttle + roll_trim + RollBias - y_AccelTrim;

                //Pitch acts on the tail rotor only
                int TailRPM = throttle + pitch_trim + PitchBias - x_AccelTrim; 

                //Calculate pivot positions for yaw 
                //remember the servos face away from each other hense - on left and right
                int LeftPivot = TricopterSettings.LeftPivotDatum + yaw_trim + YawBias;// -x_AccelTrim;
                int RightPivot = TricopterSettings.RightPivotDatum + yaw_trim + YawBias;// +x_AccelTrim;

                if (LeftPivot < 650) LeftPivot = 650; else if (LeftPivot > 980) LeftPivot = 980;
                if (RightPivot < 650) RightPivot = 650; else if (RightPivot > 980) RightPivot = 980;
                //Set the pivot targets
                Servos.SetServo(Servos.eServo.LeftPivot, LeftPivot);
                Servos.SetServo(Servos.eServo.RightPivot, RightPivot);

                //Set the ESC targets
                Servos.SetServo(Servos.eServo.LeftRPM, LeftRPM);
                Servos.SetServo(Servos.eServo.RightRPM, RightRPM);
                Servos.SetServo(Servos.eServo.TailRPM, TailRPM);
            while (m_Threaded);

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