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Member Since 30 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2016 12:13 AM

#61849 uScoober - the filament for NETMF

Posted by EddieGarmon on 12 March 2015 - 12:37 AM

The conference is supposed to be recorded and put online, so when that happens, I will copy the links here.

#61793 Netduino Outlaw Derby - in progress

Posted by EddieGarmon on 06 March 2015 - 03:37 PM

The code is now up on GitHub:


And the libraries are at

#61792 uScoober - the filament for NETMF

Posted by EddieGarmon on 06 March 2015 - 03:34 PM

I have open sourced my NETMF core utility libraries, build tools, and test framework.


Way too many features to list here but:

- core interfaces that are testable

- an implementation of Tasks (think TPL)

- an xunit inspired test framework; with native, emulator, and build test runners

- features and drivers delivered as source

- packages on



#61668 Netduino Outlaw Derby - in progress

Posted by EddieGarmon on 20 February 2015 - 03:17 AM

And here is the code that went live... First production use of NETMF Tasks. 

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using uScoober.Extensions;
using uScoober.Hardware;
using uScoober.Hardware.Boards;
using uScoober.Hardware.Light;
using uScoober.Hardware.Motors;
using uScoober.IO;
using uScoober.IO.Native;
using uScoober.Threading;
using SL = SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus;

namespace Outlaw.Derby
    public class Program
        public static void Main() {
            //TaskScheduler.UnobservedExceptionHandler += exception => Debug.Print(exception.ToString());

            // warmup task engine
            Task.Run(() => { })

            //wow, an IoT Pinewood Derby car? add some sensors...
            var car = new Car();

    public class Car
        private readonly Task _lightsManager;
        private readonly DigitalInput _modeSwitch;
        private readonly NetduinoPlus2 _netduino;
        private readonly BrushlessElectronicSpeedController _speedController;
        private readonly DigitalInput _triggerLock;
        private CancellationSource _cancelRace;
        private Modes _mode;
        private int _wantedPower;

        public Car() {
            _netduino = new NetduinoPlus2();
            _speedController = new BrushlessElectronicSpeedController(_netduino.PwmOut.D5);

            //initialize input listeners
            _modeSwitch = new DigitalInput(SL.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D1, "mode switch", ResistorMode.PullUp, InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeBoth, 50);
            _modeSwitch.InvertReading = true;
            _modeSwitch.OnInterupt += (source, state, time) => {
                                          _mode = _modeSwitch.Read() ? Modes.Staging : Modes.LightShow;

            _triggerLock = new DigitalInput(SL.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D2, "trigger-lock/e-stop", ResistorMode.PullUp, InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeBoth, 100);
            _triggerLock.InvertReading = true;
            _triggerLock.OnInterupt += (source, state, time) => {
                                           //fire on button down, coud use InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeLow
                                           if (!_triggerLock.Read()) {

                                           switch (_mode) {
                                               case Modes.LightShow:
                                               case Modes.Celebrate:
                                               case Modes.Arming:

                                               case Modes.Staging:
                                                   if (!StartingPinFound()) {
                                                   _mode = Modes.Arming;
                                                   if (!StartingPinFound()) {
                                                       _mode = Modes.Staging;
                                                   _cancelRace = new CancellationSource();
                                                   Task.Run(token => {
                                                                while (StartingPinFound()) {
                                                                    _mode = Modes.Armed;
                                                                    //wait for the pin to drop, or cancellation
                                                                //Go Baby Go: fire all engines!
                                                                _mode = Modes.Race;
                                                                // todo: how long should we run?
                                                                int counter = 0;
                                                                while (counter < 2500) {
                                                                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested) {
                                                       .ContinueWith(previous => {
                                                                         _mode = (previous.IsCanceled) ? Modes.LightShow : Modes.Celebrate;
                                                                         _cancelRace = null;

                                               case Modes.Armed:
                                               case Modes.Race:

                                                   throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            _lightsManager = Task.New(() => {
                                          var leftFrontLed = new DigitalLed(new DigitalOutput(SL.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D13, false, "Left Front"));
                                          var rightFrontLed = new DigitalLed(new DigitalOutput(SL.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D12, false, "Right Front"));
                                          var leftRearLed = new DigitalLed(new DigitalOutput(SL.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D11, false, "Left Rear"));
                                          var rightRearLed = new DigitalLed(new DigitalOutput(SL.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10, false, "Right Rear"));
                                          var random = new Random();
                                          int counter1 = 0;

                                          while (true) {
                                              bool flag;
                                              switch (_mode) {
                                                  case Modes.LightShow:
                                                      counter1 = (counter1 + 1) % 50;
                                                      if (counter1 == 1 || counter1 == 26) {
                                                          leftFrontLed.IsOn = random.NextBool();
                                                          leftRearLed.IsOn = random.NextBool();
                                                          rightFrontLed.IsOn = random.NextBool();
                                                          rightRearLed.IsOn = random.NextBool();
                                                      _netduino.OnboardLed.TurnOn(counter1 / 50.0);
                                                  case Modes.Staging:
                                                      // blink left and right, front and back together
                                                      counter1 = (counter1 + 1) % 50;
                                                      flag = counter1 < 25;
                                                      leftFrontLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                      leftRearLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                      rightFrontLed.IsOn = !flag;
                                                      rightRearLed.IsOn = !flag;
                                                      _netduino.OnboardLed.IsOn = counter1 < 5;
                                                  case Modes.Arming:
                                                      counter1 = (counter1 + 1) % 10;
                                                      flag = counter1 < 5;
                                                      leftFrontLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                      leftRearLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                      rightFrontLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                      rightRearLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                      _netduino.OnboardLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                  case Modes.Armed:
                                                      // blink left and right front, rears on
                                                      counter1 = (counter1 + 1) % 50;
                                                      flag = counter1 < 25;
                                                      leftFrontLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                      leftRearLed.IsOn = true;
                                                      rightFrontLed.IsOn = !flag;
                                                      rightRearLed.IsOn = true;
                                                  case Modes.Race:
                                                      // fronts on, rears off
                                                      leftFrontLed.IsOn = true;
                                                      leftRearLed.IsOn = false;
                                                      rightFrontLed.IsOn = true;
                                                      rightRearLed.IsOn = false;
                                                  case Modes.Celebrate:
                                                      // fronts fast random, rears blink together
                                                      counter1 = (counter1 + 1) % 50;
                                                      flag = counter1 < 25;
                                                      if (counter1 == 1 || counter1 == 26) {
                                                          leftFrontLed.IsOn = random.NextBool();
                                                          rightFrontLed.IsOn = random.NextBool();
                                                      leftRearLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                      rightRearLed.IsOn = flag;
                                                      _netduino.OnboardLed.TurnOn((50 - counter1) / 50.0);
                                                      throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

        public void Start() {
            _mode = Modes.LightShow;
            _modeSwitch.InteruptEnabled = true;
            _triggerLock.InteruptEnabled = true;

        private void SnapshotWantedPower() {
            // 2 part scale
            // 0v to 1.6v => 0% to 50%
            // 1.6v to 2.15v => 50% to 100%

            var reading = _netduino.AnalogIn[2].Read();
            if (reading < 1.6) {
                _wantedPower = (int)((reading * 50) / 1.6);
            else {
                _wantedPower = 50 + (int)(((reading - 1.6) * 50) / 0.55);

            Debug.Print("Wanted Power:" + _wantedPower);

        private bool StartingPinFound() {
            double light = _netduino.AnalogIn.A0.Read();
            Debug.Print("Start Light:" + light);
            return light >= 1.6;

        private enum Modes

#61632 Netduino Outlaw Derby - in progress

Posted by EddieGarmon on 17 February 2015 - 12:18 AM

My outlaw pinewood derby car for this year:


Netduino Plus 2 controller, 25 amp ESC, multiple batteries, ducted fan, solder, and code.


Video of the build:


This runs on a new framework which includes an implementation of TPL for NETMF. I intend to release the framework on GitHub soon.



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