Pin to pin via Resistor, Safe? - Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1) - Netduino Forums
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Pin to pin via Resistor, Safe?

pin resistor safe

Best Answer Mario Vernari, 25 August 2013 - 05:33 AM

Michael, that's not surprising at all!

Any Netduino (Plus) 2 input does not require any current, or -better- that's unreadable with a normal multimeter. Now, since the Ohm's law says that V=R*I, a "zero" current yields a "zero" voltage drop, even when the resistance is high.


A resistor across two pins is always a good bet, not just because -as explained- an input will suck current, but you may wrongly set the pin as an output, and that could lead to an improper working state and a lot of stress for the outputs.

To be clear, I'd say that a 180 Ohms resistor is the *minimum*, but I would avoid to consider a borderline point.

Go to the shop and buy a couple dozen of 10k Ohms resistors: that's a midrange value which adapts to a lot of contexts. You'll never feel to have trashed your money!


BTW, when you switch a multimeter for current measurements, it does expose a pretty low resistance across its leads: it could span from some Ohms to some hundreds/thousand, depending on the actual range displayed/switched. The lower is the full-scale range, the higher is the resistor. If you use the "special" 10A current loop, the resistor is probably below 1 Ohm.

So, no wonder on the equivalent effect of the multimeter in place of a "real" resistor: you probably wired an equivalent resistor lower than 180 Ohms!


Bear in mind that, yes, a resistor will protect the circuit/chip from erroneous settings/wiring, but even in case of short the chip should be designed to resist for a indefinite time. In other words, your errors hardly kill the Netduino, but won't lead it happy as well.


Finally, a word about the inputs.

It's a very good practice avoiding leaving inputs floating, that is without any "strong reference". That's because an input without some "hook" require a very little energy to swing high-and-low, keeps strange levels (between low and high), and excessive current consumption as well.

When an input is not used (I mean wired), you should choose among one of these:

  • activate the internal pull-up, if that's an available feature;
  • place your own pull-up externally, by using a "famous" 10k Ohms resistor (of course, one resistor for each pin);
  • set the pin as an output, and leave it open.

Note that the options are ordered by preference, whereas the latest is the most undesirable.


Hope it helps.


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#1 Michael E

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 01:38 AM

This is a newbie question but I want to be careful not to overload any of my pins, I want to feed D5 to D6 where D5 is on PWM and D5 an interrupt, such that I can count pulses.  I know the pins can handle no more then 25mA max so I figure a resistor of 180 should yield about 18 to 19 mA at max.  Does the following circuit diagram look safe?


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#2 Michael E

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 03:29 AM

I figured this has to be safe so to be sure I wired it up but with the wire from D6 disconnected.  Then I used my multimeter to connect D6 to the resistor trying to measure its current value.  What I got was a suprise, it was reading 0 but however with the meter disconnected, and thus D6 dangling, I was getting triggers on my OnInterrupt rutine.  My led would randomly flash which means the interrupt while not conected was picking up something so I enabled the glitch filter and it did the same.  If i disconnect the wire completely, it stops.

        public App()        {            count = 0;            Led = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);            BLANK = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D8, false);            GSCLK = new PWM(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D5);            GSCLK.SetDutyCycle(50);            counter = new InterruptPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D6, true, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeHigh);            counter.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(counter_OnInterrupt);        }        void counter_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)        {            // Only reset BLANK when nessisary            if (BLANK.Read() == true) BLANK.Write(false);            if (count == 4096) // Every 4096th pulse, send BLANK            {                count = 0;                BLANK.Write(true);#if DEBUG                Led.Write(true);                Thread.Sleep(1000); // So we can visualy see count 4096 was reached                Led.Write(false);  #endif                          }            count++; // Count pulses        }

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#3 Mario Vernari

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 05:33 AM   Best Answer

Michael, that's not surprising at all!

Any Netduino (Plus) 2 input does not require any current, or -better- that's unreadable with a normal multimeter. Now, since the Ohm's law says that V=R*I, a "zero" current yields a "zero" voltage drop, even when the resistance is high.


A resistor across two pins is always a good bet, not just because -as explained- an input will suck current, but you may wrongly set the pin as an output, and that could lead to an improper working state and a lot of stress for the outputs.

To be clear, I'd say that a 180 Ohms resistor is the *minimum*, but I would avoid to consider a borderline point.

Go to the shop and buy a couple dozen of 10k Ohms resistors: that's a midrange value which adapts to a lot of contexts. You'll never feel to have trashed your money!


BTW, when you switch a multimeter for current measurements, it does expose a pretty low resistance across its leads: it could span from some Ohms to some hundreds/thousand, depending on the actual range displayed/switched. The lower is the full-scale range, the higher is the resistor. If you use the "special" 10A current loop, the resistor is probably below 1 Ohm.

So, no wonder on the equivalent effect of the multimeter in place of a "real" resistor: you probably wired an equivalent resistor lower than 180 Ohms!


Bear in mind that, yes, a resistor will protect the circuit/chip from erroneous settings/wiring, but even in case of short the chip should be designed to resist for a indefinite time. In other words, your errors hardly kill the Netduino, but won't lead it happy as well.


Finally, a word about the inputs.

It's a very good practice avoiding leaving inputs floating, that is without any "strong reference". That's because an input without some "hook" require a very little energy to swing high-and-low, keeps strange levels (between low and high), and excessive current consumption as well.

When an input is not used (I mean wired), you should choose among one of these:

  • activate the internal pull-up, if that's an available feature;
  • place your own pull-up externally, by using a "famous" 10k Ohms resistor (of course, one resistor for each pin);
  • set the pin as an output, and leave it open.

Note that the options are ordered by preference, whereas the latest is the most undesirable.


Hope it helps.


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#4 Michael E

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 07:30 PM

Hi, Thank you for your help with this problem.  Since last night I had done some research as well before bed where I learned also about the pullup/down resistors you mentioned to use on open pins.  I had no idea how that worked but now I do.  I added a 1K pulldown from D6 to GND this was before reading your post just now about the recommended 10k.  I was unable to get any even trigger afterwards even after disabling glitch filter.  I did some more reading about interrupts on this site and found an experiment that was done with the speed capabilities.  In short I have decided the Interrupt is probably being triggered too quickly by the PWM that this might not be my best option to use for a counter.  I have found an ExtendedTimer class in the NETMF Microsoft.SPOT namespace that might lead me better results.  In addition I have ordered 2 SN74HC4060N 14-STAGE BINARY COUNTER with Oscillator chips that I saw being used in a TLC5940 application elsewhere on this site.  I am still waiting for my hardware and this counter test was in preparation for receiving the TLC5941 chips I ordered.  While the test was unsuccessful I learned about floating pins, pullup/down resistors and interrupts.  And the reasons why I was reading 0mA.  Thank you for helping me better understand.

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