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Using MFDeploy for loading my code


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#1 PhilG


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 03:49 PM

Can I use MFDeploy to load my code into the Neduino Plus?  How would I do that? I ahve a prototype of a product at another location that needs a update to my code.

#2 ziggurat29


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Posted 09 May 2013 - 04:35 AM

supposed to be able to do it, but I have yet to completely succeed.  I can tell you what I do know:


*  you first deploy to a device out of devstudio as per usual

*  next, you use MFDeploy to extract that deployment to a hex file.  This is done

*  via Target, Application Deployment, Create Application Deployment

*  select a filename.  it will have the default extension of .hex  (this is a little misleading because it is actually a motorola srec file, rather than an intel hex file, and srec files typically have an extension .s19)

*  you can pick a key to sign it with if you want to but you aren't supposed to need to do that.  if you do sign it you'll get a separate .sig file

*  clicking 'OK' will make a valid file pop out.  looks sane when viewed in the editor


OK that made a deployment file which you /should/ be able to burn on your device with MFDeploy.  This is the part that has never worked for me.  Here's how its supposed to go:


*  connect target as per usual

*  right on the front screen, in the 'Image File' section, you use the Browse... button to pick your file

*  once loaded you'll see the the deployment information listed.  looks valid

*  then you're meant to click Deploy and be happy.  but you probably won't be, you'll get a complaint about signatures not matching.

And that's as far as I got with using MFDeploy


What did work for /me/, but I suspect is not what /you/ want to do, is I converted the .hex file to a .dfu file and burned it on the board in DFU mode.  That works perfectly fine.  So I know the first half of the mfdeploy process works correctly (generation of the 'deployment' file), but theres something awry in the second (burning it on the board).  The goog served only to introduce me to fellow seekers, but no bearers of fruitful knowledge, alas...

#3 PhilG


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 08:49 PM

If I hold the reset button while powering up my Netduino + it sometimes works.  Very flakey though.  You know when it's going to work if you do a Ping and it returns info on the bootloader rather than the TinyCLR.

#4 ziggurat29


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:06 AM

fascinating!  you can deploy your app successfully from tiny booter, but not from tinyclr.  hmm!  I'll have to try it out.

well  most functionality is taken over by tinyclr once it comes up (except some stuff like config of network), and otherwise tinybooter becomes  a redundant, masked-off, implementation at that point.  so maybe that otherwise masked impl works (or maybe it doesn't do whatever checking is causing tiyclr to reject).

thanks for the info, food for thought!

#5 JoopC


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Posted 07 June 2013 - 07:37 AM

mfDeploy is a big disaster. For our Solar Logging program we produce HEX files for the Netduino users who have no experience with programming, or to make life more simple.


But also when we know for 100% sure that the steps of deploying are well done, most of the time mfDeploy create the error signature check failed. Unintended mfDeploy give the Netduino a bad name but it is mfDeploy that's sucks.


mfDeploy is a program good for the trashcan.


#6 Chris Walker

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Posted 08 June 2013 - 05:34 AM

Hi ziggurat29, If you're using the new WinUSB drivers with the gen1 boards (i.e. the latest 4.2 firmware), you do need to go into TinyBooter mode to save or flash firmware--or to change network settings. Otherwise the board can get stuck in permanent TinyBooter mode. This has to do with WinUSB and software rebooting and esoteric things about WinUSB :) Chris

#7 ziggurat29


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 03:54 PM

... If you're using the new WinUSB drivers with the gen1 boards (i.e. the latest 4.2 firmware), you do need to go into TinyBooter mode to save or flash firmware--or to change network settings....

'gen 1'?  I assume not, since I am using NP2, and I am assuming gen1/2 approximately means Atmel/STM

'WinUSB'?  unknown; but probably I guess, since I am using what is installed with 4.2x SDK?


But how /does/ one go into TinyBooter mode?  Explicitly.  I can only get there if my TinyCLR is damaged (accidentally or deliberately).

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