Best Answer Dracarnion, 16 March 2014 - 05:08 PM
I'm trying to flash the device using these instructions:
I'm unable to complete the step where it checks for the version as I get a "not supported" message. So I'm assuming something wrong somewhere along the way with trying to update the firmware.
I download 4.2.1 and I'm trying to install it using DFuse Demo. During the process of upgrading the device in boot mode, the program crashes. I don't know if the assembly code does you any good, but this is the line where it failed:
0036075A rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi]
3/17/2013 edit:
I was able to get my Netduino Go back up to working condition by skipping the verify step when using DFuse Demo. Now i'm trying to flash the shield base, but I get an error when running the STM32ReflashApp. At this point, I don't know if I have a dead shield base or what. This is the line it stops:
_socketLeds[0] = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)0x16, false);
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll
>stack trace: