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John West's Content

There have been 6 items by John West (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#59503 New: Netduino Update application

Posted by John West on 01 August 2014 - 12:53 PM in General Discussion

Chris, I saw this after I made the post below (arg on not being able to copy and paste in IE!!!)... this is a great tool, but is there any way to update an app via a packaged exe, as wished for in this post?  Thx!


#59502 Friendly way of deploying ND app updates?

Posted by John West on 01 August 2014 - 12:46 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I've built a device a few people might use.  My hang-up to having it out in the wild, though, is that I don't know if there's a way to have them deploy updates easily.  In an ideal world, here's what would happen:


I'd write a ND app

Click a button that says "Package as EXE" and make it available to users

Have the user plug the ND into the usb port of their computer

The user runs the EXE and the ND is updated!


So my question is, what does the real world look like?  What's the state of affairs for deploying an app update to a user?


Thanks for any help!

#59436 VB & AGENT

Posted by John West on 29 July 2014 - 05:07 PM in Visual Basic Support

Chris, where are the AGENT forums?

#59409 IE support with this forum software - copy and paste doesn't work

Posted by John West on 27 July 2014 - 03:36 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Whoever manages this forum software, note that you can't copy and paste to a message you're composing from Internet Explorer 11.  This is very frustrating when you're trying to include links or any other pasted info.

#59408 Visual Studio 2013 official support yet?

Posted by John West on 27 July 2014 - 03:34 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

When will there be official support for Visual Studio 2013?  In that regard, can someone clean up the stickies here regarding obsolete firmware?  Thx.

#59407 Serial Issues

Posted by John West on 27 July 2014 - 03:12 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

You need an rs232 shield.  You can't directly plug into the serial port due to voltages or some such.  I tried something similar, and went through the same pain of not understanding why.  Fortunately, the shield is only $12, so it's not a killer.  And you don't have to change any code at all.


I would paste a url to the shield, but this forum software won't let copy and paste work in Internet Explorer.  I've posted about this before but nothing has been done to fix it.  Just search for cutedigi rs232 shield for arduino.  Either v1 or v2 will work for you.


Hope this helps.

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