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untitled's Content

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#56918 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by untitled on 19 March 2014 - 05:55 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

I posted a project to communicate with netMF boards via USB from a PC a while ago (  My solution uses a driver, but ignore that difference.  I had the same USB debugging problem to work around.


Basically I Stop the USBController from debugging and use it when I want it.  By default I have my device always boot into USB debug mode. See my USB.Init() method in the code I posted for the details.  This may not be a great solution for everyone, but this works for me.

#57325 Microsoft Build 2014 (and Netduino SDK for Azure)

Posted by untitled on 03 April 2014 - 03:31 PM in General Discussion

I'm anxiously waiting for news from Microsoft about the future of netMF.  I just learned that C# is now open-source.  Hopefully embracing open-source means more love for netMF.

#57284 SimpleNGen 1.4

Posted by untitled on 01 April 2014 - 10:04 PM in Project Showcase

I feel like this project is incredibly important.  Users NEED to be able to bitbang, etc. so they can re-use code from other platforms.  Currently it seems like I'm modifying my firmware more and more because netMF can't keep up with my performance requirements.  


Please crowd source this into a real thing.  Where do I send my money?


#52779 StreamReader.ReadLine cannot read larger files

Posted by untitled on 16 September 2013 - 10:34 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I modified my StreamReader as directed, but that did NOT solve the problem for me.  Looking at the code Peek was only called when rn was encountered.  Since I'm writing the files I needed to read, I changed my write code to use n instead of rn.  Seems like that solved the problem for me.  ...But I'd love to know why my StreamReader is broken.



Also, I noticed my files are being modified.  I use the LastModifiedDate to sort my data on-screen.  Apparently there's some code in the StreamReader class that does this.  Maybe this bcl bug is related...




Any idea how I can avoid this?

#48345 How do you recompile the IDE/Client DLLs using the PK?

Posted by untitled on 13 April 2013 - 12:12 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

I've been compiling my own STM32F4 firmware for some time.  Recently I implemented the SPI BusyPin logic and watchdog functionality.  To do this I ended up changing the constructor for Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.SPI.Configuration.  To take advantage of my new constructor I need to compile the DLLs for use in Windows with the Visual Studio IDE.


I'm a member of the project now.  Once I figure out how to compile and test these changes I'll formally submit them.


Currently I have tested my code using odd quirky hacks.  Like, for the watchdog I'm using the setter method for the Timeout to kick the watchdog.  And for the SPI BusyPin I did something equally hackish.


I see folders like...






So I tried running msbuild build.dirproj in the Framework folder, but that didn't produce any new DLLs... :(


No errors thought :)

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